

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 59 av 65

Finska immigranter i Katrineholm : Politiska hegemoniers och sociala relationers betydelse för immigranters politiska integration och aktörskap i ett svenskt lokalsamhälle 1944-1991

The present memorandum outlines the structure, theoretical starting points and disposition of a thesis about the activities of Finnish immigrants in a Swedish local community, more specifically their political integration. The intention is to study the municipality of Katrineholm in the years 1944 to 1991.Previous research about the actorship of immigrants in spheres such as politics, labour unions, immigrant associations, educational associations and mass-education, as well as churches and religion, is presented to give an overview of possible areas connected to political integration that can be studied. The overview of previous research also covers local immigrant politics.The intended theoretical starting points for the proposed thesis are political economy and hegemony. The latter is intended to be investigated through its expression in the social relations class, gender, ethnicity, nationality and generation. It is suggested in this memorandum that hegemonies and social relations within a local political economy can be operationalised fruitfully in a study of political integration.

"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens

The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not something which is easily and swiftly achieved.Swedish youth education is based on problem based learning in which the students are expected to research for material, evaluate their finds and use their skills to produce a good written or oral presentation.

Retention : Varför stanna när möjligheterna är oändliga

Bachelor thesis, Degree of master in Science and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 2FE01E, Spring Semester 2013Author: Johanna Björklund, Sarah Gustafsson and Sofia NicklassonMentor: Anders HytterTitle: Retention: Why stay when your options are unlimited? Background: Employee turnover is a problem today, and companies face increasing challenges when it comes to retain employees within the organization, so called employee retention. This is a present concept and theory holds that more organizations realize that they need to put more focus on retention as one of their business goals to remain competitive. It?s important that organizations understand individuals' different needs and the factors that make them satisfied in their professional life.

Fanan, förrädarna och friheten : Musiktexter med ideologiska teman från Tredje Riket till Vit Makt-rörelsen ? en komparativ textanalys

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Distribuerad öppenhet : En studie av konceptualiseringen av öppenhet inom open access-rörelsen

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Den komplexa styrningen : En studie om styrning vid Linköpings Universitet

Bakgrund och problem: Det finns mycket litteratur skrivet kring styrning i privat verksamhet, dock glöms den offentliga sektorn ofta bort, trots att styrning krävs även i dessa verksamheter. I denna studie kommer att fokuseras kring styrning i den offentliga sektorn och närmare bestämt i den akademiska världen. Anställda inom akademin värderar ofta friheten att själva kunna organisera sitt arbete högt, vilken kan hämmas av de finansiella begränsningar som dessa organisationer innehar. Här har strategin en viktig uppgift i att visa för de anställda i vilken riktning de ska sträva och få dem att fokusera på rätt saker. Vi ser att de finansiella begränsningarna kan hämma de anställdas frihet och på så vis påverka motivationen negativt.

Tjänster av allmänt ekonomiskt intresse i EU-rätten : Om balansen mellan konkurrensintresset och andra samhällsintressen samt hur balansen påverkas av positiv och negativ integration

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Sound and Play

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Röster ur den Islamska Rörelsen i Israel

16,5 procent eller 1,2 millioner av Israels medborgare är muslimer. Detta utgör 83 procent av den totala arabiska befolkningen i Israel. Därmed är Israel det enda landet i Mellanöstern där muslimer lever som minoritet. Samtidigt är Israel en regional minoritet huvudsakligen av två skäl. För det första består landet av en judisk majoritet och ser sig som en judisk demokrati.

Inflammatory cytokines induced by Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) subsets

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is the causative agent of a complex of disease syndromes in cattle with high economical and welfare impacts. BVDV occurs as two biotypes; cytopathic (BVDVcp) and noncytopathic (BVDVncp) determined by differential effects on cultured cells and can also be divided into two genotypes (BVDV1 and BVDV2) on the basis of genomic diversity. The interaction between BVDV and the host?s immune system is regarded a key aspect in the sequel of BVDV infection. Infection with BVDV normally causes an acute transient infection, with mild to subclinical signs, but occasionally results in severe and even fatal disease.

Polyarki och demokrati. En idéhistorisk studie av Robert Dahls demokratiteori

Since the nineteen-fifties, the American political scientist Robert Dahl (born in 1915) has been one of the most prominent democracy theorists in the world. In the book Politics, Economics, and Welfare, he and his colleague Charles E. Lindblom in 1953 introduced the notion of polyarchy as a denomination for the incomplete democracies of the Western world. Linguistically speaking, this notion was formed in connection with the ones already existing in the philosopher Aristotle's (384-322 B.C.) comparative teachings on government. Later, it has become apparent that the notion of polyarchy has already been in use by other authors, such as Johannes Althusius (1614) and Sir Ernest Barker (1947).Robert Dahl has been active at Yale University (in New Haven, Connecticut, USA), and is regarded as one of the foremost representatives of the political-science discipline known as pluralism.

Tankar kring scatsång och röstimprovisation - en studie av erfarna jazzsångares uppfattningar om scatsång och röstimprovisation

Scatsång och röstimprovisation är speciella kännetecken som skiljer jazzsång från andra sångstilar. Men det betyder inte att alla jazzsångare gillar att sjunga scatsång eller göra ordlösa improvisationer med sin röst. Vilka tankar finns hos jazzsångare om scatsång och röstimprovisation? Det är en fråga som har inspirerat mig till att göra denna studie. Syftet med denna studie är alltså att undersöka hur scatsången och röstimprovisation uppfattas av erfarna jazzsångare idag.

Ska vi leka med musik? : Om förutsättningar för barns eget kreativa musikutforskande inom ramen för förskolans verksamhet och tillsammans med vuxna

Uppsatsen strävar efter att utveckla kunskap om sambandet mellan förskollärares didaktiska ingripanden och förskolebarns möjligheter till att kreativt utforska och uttrycka musik. Undersökningen utgår från ett kulturpsykologiskt perspektiv som betonar interaktionen och det individuella kreativa prövandets betydelse för det musikaliska lärandet. Förskolebarns musikaliska utveckling påverkas av förskollärares musikaliska kompetens och didaktiska förmåga att uppfatta och stödja barns egna musikaliska uttryck. För att kunna observera barn och pedagogers förhållningssätt till spontant kreativt musikskapande, erbjöd jag tre pedagoger och deras barngrupper en överraskning, en resväska fylld med ordinära och hemgjorda rytminstrument som jag kallat den hemliga lådan. Metoden gav mig också möjligheter att utforska musikdidaktiska alternativ till förskolans traditionella musikverksamhet, de gemensamma och vuxenstyrda sångsamlingarna.

Digitala julhälsningar : De virala kommunikatörerna, offentligheten och demokratin

Title: Digital christmas greetings - the viral communicators, public sphere and democracy(Digitala julhälsningar - de virala kommuniktörerna, offentligheten och demokratin)Number of pages: 41Author : Anna-Sara TorgnysdotterTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse : Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring, semester 2010University: Devision of Media and Communications, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study is to see if social media could be an arena for the usersto increase democracy and the public sphere. Studying the role and possibilitys of the individual.Is there a space for any one to act and debate?Method: A qualitative analysis based on interviews with ten users of social media - viralcommunicators. They were discussing public and private sphere, democracy, norms andbehavior in social media.Theoretical platform: The theoretical basis has its roots in sociology: Ervin Goffman´sidea on self-presentation and social interaction, Manuel Castels´ theories of the networksociety and Jürgen Habermas idea of the public spehere.Main result: The viral communicators are ambivalent in their use of socialmedia. They are users because they want to be but also because they feel forced to - professionalor private.

Röster ur den Islamska Rörelsen i Israel

16,5 procent eller 1,2 millioner av Israels medborgare är muslimer. Detta utgör 83 procent av den totala arabiska befolkningen i Israel. Därmed är Israel det enda landet i Mellanöstern där muslimer lever som minoritet. Samtidigt är Israel en regional minoritet huvudsakligen av två skäl. För det första består landet av en judisk majoritet och ser sig som en judisk demokrati.

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