

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 56 av 65

Klarsynthet : om den filosofiska innebörden av "det närvarande och verkliga" i Clara - or, On Nature's Connection to the Spirit World av F. W. J. Schelling

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

EU:s Fiskeripolitik : På väg mot en rättighetsbaserad förvaltning?

Most of the sea areas within the European Union are overfished and the catches are estimated to be up to five times lager then the amount to achieve a sustainable fishery. In doing so, the management of EU's marine resources comes to be questioned. The purpose of this study was to analyze EU's administration of marine fisheries and to explore which steps that can be undertaken to counteract the negative trend. The questions of the study were: How does the EU administrate today?s marine fishery recourses? And: How can the problem whit overfishing be discouraged? To answer these questions a comparative analyses were used to compare and evaluate administrative systems.

Friskrivningsklausuler i kommersiella standardavtal : En detaljstudie angående harmoniseringen av avtalsrätten inom EU

During the later half of the 20th century standard form contracts began to be used more frequently in contract situations. This trend has been consistent and in today?s world numerous commercial parties employ such contracts in their business transactions. The reasons for the extended use of standard form contracts are the benefits that can be obtained for the parties such as time efficiency, effectiveness and price advantages. Standardised contracts often regulate certain issues of the contract for example the way of delivery, remedies and complaints.

Fräsch och strukturerad med attityd : Ett examensprojekt om tidningslayout

AbstractPresentation of the problem: The goal with this graduation project is to produce a new visual concept for the student newspaper Campus, this will be expressed in the form of page templates. The page templates will have a visual concept that appears through graphical elements. The client's wishes were that the student newspaper should be audience appropriate, attractive, inviting, reliable, modern and functional to work with.Theory: In order to implement the wishes and in a good way produce a consistent visual concept, we took a starting point in theory of graphic design. This theory has taken many of its principles from aesthetic theory, and therefore have we also used aesthetics to provide a deeper theoretical aspect. The principles we used in graphic design is; how to create a unity in the layout by using basic elements such as text, images, and white space.

Möjliga av världar  idén om kvinnan i två kvinnors feministiska utopier : en idéhistorisk studie av Christine de Pizans The City of the Ladies och Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland

This thesis highlights starting points underlying the notions of two feminist utopians, Christine de Pizan and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In approaching their texts, it focuses on the notions central to understand their writings. These would be historical, social, and cultural contexts. Defining concepts as utopian in its varying forms and feminism has been of significance. A feministic approach grounded in Simone de Beauvoirs philosophical phenomenology in the study of feministic utopia's visibility, has contributed to the understanding of the power structures to which women are tethered. In order to understand the way women are presented, it has become obvious that The Book of the City of Ladies and Herland are literary works that are related not only by their authors? background and personality but by the society in which they lived. Through their engagement in the contemporary intellectual debate on all social planes, both authors contributed to shifting the focus of their own contemporary notions of a woman to the notion of a woman equal to men. Woman, in Christine de Pizans utopia, is given specific properties and through themes of issues given meaning. She is not free in the sense that Simone de Beauvoir says.  She has a broader repertoire than was historically assigned, but her freedom is not arbitrary, contingent, and temporary and judged by her actions.

Zakrisdal : Område i förvandling

Zakrisdal and the west coast region of Karlstad was at one time a protected area where the ammunition factory AmF Zakrisdal 1941-1994 was situated. This factory manufactured explosives for the Swedish armed forces and for export. In this context it is an interesting paradox that the production of ammunition, mines and armorpiercing grenades for more than 50 years has preserved the environment surrounding the factory.The factory is now gone and the production is moved to Karlskoga. Plans are being made to build housing for 3-4000 residents and other enterprises within the area. The area now stands before yet another change, most likely the most profound to date.The inspiration for this work comes from the economic historic Jan Jörnmark.

Näthat : I gråzonen mellan straffrättsligt ansvar och yttrandefriheten

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Vad skriver de? Hur tänker de? : En undersökning av högstadieungdomars skrivvanor och skrivintresse

In the discourse of teaching it?s often mentioned that the pupil?s previous knowledge and experience plays an important part in the process of learning. For the teachers it?s in general crucial to be familiar with their pupils abilities and skills, talents and shortcomings in order to successfully teach them. Knowledge and an understanding of their pupils, also helps the teacher to organize and customize a successful teaching for each individual.

Strålande tider, härliga tider? Konsumtion av pilsnerfilmer och äldre svenska komiska filmer i en nutida kontext

In Sweden there has been a surge of interest in the films classified as pilsnerfilms, i.e. comicalfilms produced for little money in the 1930's and containing a more working class and/or ruralsetting then the so called "champagne comedies" from the same era. The concept"pilsnerfilm" is how ever a little vague and although the main focus of this paper ispilsnerfilms, it will also cover other types of comical films made in Sweden between the1930's and 1940's.This paper examines the now-existing network of people interested in these types of movies.It will do so by interviewing seven of the most prominent fans of movies made during the1930's and 1940's. Most of them are living in Stockholm. The paper discuss how through theconsumption of these types of films, a nostalgic gaze is created.

Den offentliga dagboken : Vilka uttrycksmedel använder sig gymnasieungdomar av på dagboksbloggar?

 Internet har sedan starten öppnat nya portar för kommunikation. En av de allra populäraste just nu är att blogga. Att uttrycka sig språkligt har kommit att bli så mycket mer än bara att använda sig av ord. På bloggen ges möjlighet att tillföra bild, film, färg och att använda olika typografiska medel, såsom att kursivera eller göra text fetstilt. Element som alla bidrar till hur text tolkas.Utifrån fjorton dagboksbloggar och totalt 289 blogginlägg har min uppsats syftat till att undersöka hur framställning på dessa bloggar, tillhörande gymnasieelever, skett.Mina frågeställningar jag utgått ifrån lyder:Hur använder sig gymnasieungdomar av olika uttrycksmedel för att estetiskt och kreativt skapa ett blogginlägg på så kallade dagboksbloggar?-          Hur används rubriksättning, bild, film, färg och olika stilformat på texten för att skapa kommunikation och olika uttryck på blogginläggen?Hur förhåller sig gymnasieungdomars dagboksblogg till den traditionella dagboken vad det gäller utformning och kommunikationsmöjligheter?Genom en strukturalistisk analys, med utgångspunkt hos Jurij Lotman, har jag gripit mig an blogginläggen på olika plan där jag både undersökt detaljer i texten och övergripande utformning.

Etableringsfrihet- Rättfärdigade inskränkningar på skatterättens och bolagsrättens område : I förhållande till svensk CFC-lagstiftning

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda konsekvensen av att det finns distinktioner i de rättfärdigade inskränkningarna inom etableringsfriheten mellan bolagsrätt och skatterätt samt att undersöka hur de svenska CFC-reglerna kan anses utgöra en rättfärdigad inskränkning i den grundläggande principen om rätten till fri etablering. Etableringsfriheten stadgar medborgare och bolags rätt att fritt etablera sig och bilda bolag inom Europeiska unionen. För att en medlemsstats nationella regler ska kunna inskränka den grundläggande etableringsfriheten krävs att inskränkningen kan rättfärdigas.De rättfärdigade inskränkningarna ser olika ut beroende på inom vilket rättsområde de tilllämpas. Etableringsfriheten är mer långtgående på bolagsrättens område som enbart innefattar en rättfärdigad inskränkning. Inskränkningen kan motiveras av bristen på en unionsrättslig reglering på området.

Musik i fritidshemmet

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Framtidens begravningsplatser : en historisk tillbakablick, dagssituationen och visioner för framtidens gestaltningsuttryck

The purpose of this article is partly to find out how the burial grounds are used today and the needs of its visitors, but also to develop the character and expression of future burial grounds. My suggestions focus on burial grounds without religious attributes; something that, according to the burial law (Begravningslagen, 1990:1144), the manager of the burial ground is ordered to obey. In my design I aim to fulfill any requests regarding the place of burial that have been raised during my study. I have chosen the history of burial grounds as my starting point and will subsequently discuss their significance in today's society. I describe what distinguishes the burial ground throughout history from medieval times and onwards. Tradition and religion are closely linked regarding burial rituals.

Illustrationsplaneförslag för Trönningebjär, Varberg

When the purpose is to create an illustration plan for a new neighbourhood there arelots of things to think about. In this report follows a description of the three differentplan modells SCAFT/TRÅD, garden city and ekological planning. SCAFT is aplanning model that were used in the 1970s. It contains proposals how to make thetraffic enviorment safer. TRÅD replaced SCAFT in 1982 and it contains also adviceshow to make the traffic enviorment safer.

The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics

The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ?You should do to others what you want them to do to you?. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world?s religions and is also reflected in secular society.

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