

3 Uppsatser om Freakshow - Sida 1 av 1

Nördarna Kommer! : En remedieringsstudie om framställningen av avvikelser och maskulinitet i populärkulturen

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och diskutera samtidens porträttering av maskulinitet och avvikelser inom populärkulturen. För att genomföra denna studie analyseras två olika teveserier varav den ena är en dokusåpa och den andra en dramaserie. Båda serierna uppstod vid en och samma tidpunkt på olika delar av världen. Den likhet som fanns mellan dem var att de porträtterade framväxten av en och samma fenomen, nördar som ny manlighet. Analysen genomförs utifrån teoretiska verktyg med grund inom remedering samt teorier om immersivitet och manlighet men även en återkoppling till begreppet Freakshow.


This thesis discusses the representation of bodies in todays non-fiction television in Sweden. I have chosen to focus on deviant bodies (sexual, deformed or unhealthy) on display in reality-shows and documentaries on SVT, TV4 but especially on the commercial channels TV3 and Kanal5. Also discussed are the viewers emotional and bodily reactions. Altough these shows are different from one another in many respects, I argue that there is also a common thread between them. From a sociological and cultural perspective, and with help of some historical examples, I try to illustrate how we view these shows and what their function is.

?En ja?vla freakshow? : Representationer av maskulinitet i svensk wrestling

The aim of this thesis is to examine representations of masculinity in the activities of a local professional wrestling promotion. After briefly outlining what professional wrestling is, the study draws on a body on feminist and intersectional theory which critiques the notion of gender as a binary and essential category. The material comprises 10 recorded shows and oth- er material published on Sthlm Wrestling?s website between 2010 and 2013, and is analyzed using a qualitative methodology derived from cultural studies. The thesis argues that there are many different types of masculinities in the narrative, which are constructed in relation to different power hierarchies such as ethnicity, class, sex and sexuality.