

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 61 av 80

Faktorer för framgång - En studie av grundskolebibliotek och hur de kan integreras i undervisningen

TitleFactors for success : a study of school libraries at compulsory schools and how to integrate them in the educationAbstractThis Master's thesis aims to identify success factors for the integration of school libraries in the education. The search for factors are concentrated to three areas: control documents for the school and school library, the Principal and organisation and the collaboration of librarians and teachers.The method consists of three parts: a documetary study, a questionnaire survey and interviews. The documentary study aimed to reveal how concrete control documents for schools and school libraries are concerning pupils' information literacy and school libraries. The questionnaire survey gave a general view of the situation of school libraries in Skåne and to help identify two suitable objects for closer examination. Gunnesboskolan and Rönnowskolan were chosen, and the principals, the school librarians and teachers representing different subjects were interviewed.Our results indicate that there are important factors in all three areas examined.

Religionsämnets utveckling inom den svenska skolan : En studie av läroplanerna i religion 1919-2011

AbstractIn this essay I examine the exegetical problems concerning the interpretation of the metaphor ???????????????? in 2 Corinthians 2:14.The regular idea of the metaphor is that the apostle Paul is using the picture of a Roman triumph to describe the apostle?s and his co-worker?s service for God. This includes that God is leading them into many sufferings finished off with a martyr death as the triumph was very painful for its prisoners and mostly ended with an execution. But since A.D 300 such an interpretation has been questioned. Scholars react primarily to the cruelty of it and ask if that really was Paul?s meaning.

Försvarad eller försvagad demokrati? : En intervjustudie om hur globaliseringen har påverkat demokratin i Kenya.

The main purpose of the examination research project is to analyze and describe how democracy and globalization is understood when they are integrated in the developing country of Kenya. This has been reflected by interviewing Kenyan teachers in history and government, to receive their view on globalization and its affects on democracy. Another purpose is to discuss this in didactic terms as a way to see how it can be practically used for upper-secondary schoolteachers in the subjects of civics and social studies. The procedure of the project and the method of use are interviews that have been analyzed in all with theoretical perspectives. My queries to be answered for the research are:1.

Paul Tillich och Verkligheten : Är Bibelberättelserna "bara" symboler

In this essay I have aimed to examine how the theology of Paul Tillich relate to modern views of reality, both the way it was expressed in his contemporary time and the way I see it today. Reality I have defined as an entirety of the physic- and metaphysic reality. A so called panentism where God is reality and the world is a part of this reality.With Tillichs Systematic Theology as my principal material, I have first made a brief presentation of his theology, of its construction and main concepts. Then I have chosen to further examine the way he describes being, reason and revelation to see how this particular concepts of Tillich agree with my definition of reality. In this I have consulted the books Tillich in Dialogue by Mackenzie-Brown and Natural Theology Versus Theology of Nature, a book edited after the forth international Tillich symposium 1992, which had "Tillichs thinking as impetus for a discourse among theology, philosophy and natural sciences" as a theme.I have tried to point out the possibilities opened up by the ontology and epistemology of Tillich for the dialogue between theology and natural sciences.

Hennes & Mauritz : En fallstudie av deras CSR arbete och samarbeten med NGO:s

Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Jenny Senemgen, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Michele Micheletti. ?Hennes & Mauritz ? a case study of their CSR work and collaborations with NGOs.?The purpose of this essay is to examine if and how the transnational corporation Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) collaborates with NGOs in it?s work with human rights for workers and increased corporate social responsibility. I have looked at H&Ms CSR report from 2006, the Swedish network Clean Clothes Campaigns report about Swedish corporations in the textile industry and if their CSR work during the past ten years have given any results and I have also done two interviews with two NGOs.The examination is thereby a case study where I?m examining H&Ms CSR work and its collaborations with NGOs and the NGO?s opinions about H&Ms CSR work.My delimitation lies in the fact that I only have examined one corporation and what two NGOs thinks about the corporation.

Mötet mellan lärare och föräldrar - En undersökning av lärares och föräldrars upplevelser av de informella samtalen med varandra

Adler, Ann-Christiné (2009). Mötet mellan lärare och föräldrar ? en undersökning av lärares och föräldrars upplevelser av de informella samtalen med varandra. (The meeting between teachers and parents - An examination of teachers and parents experiences of the informal talks with each other). Lärare har ett stort uppdrag som innefattar många olika former av arbetsuppgifter. En uppgift är att samarbeta med föräldrar.

Lärarnas synpunkter på genus och jämställdhet i skolan : Hur lärarkåren inom skolväsendet arbetar med könsfrågor såsom genus och jämställdhet i skolan

The aim of this study was to examine how the interviewed teachers in one school observe their view of gender and equality regarding the educational system.  Accordingly, I would like to present my intention with this study, also be to analyze how the interviewed teachers way of working with matters of gender and equality, carry out as a portrait of their values considering the distribution in terms of gender. The research questions are the following: What is the teachers view on the concepts of equality and gender in school?How do different teachers talk about their way of working in relation to gender and equality in school?How is boys and girls images presented in the teachers descriptions in their discussion about gender and equality?This study is based on a fundamental qualitative method, where a handful number of teacher?s from one school were interviewed in order to obtain information and data for the examination. The interviews were analyzed and discussed in association to earlier research in aspiration to study different writer?s theories about the conception of gender and equality.


Discussion about the connection between severe mental disorders and criminal acts is constantly ongoing. Violent crimes committed by persons with severe men-tal disorders get a lot of media attention in today´s society. This arise general questions regarding the penalties that these offenders are sentenced to. It is known that the responsibility for these people lies on the forensic psychiatry, however, the media does not draw attention to what is happening in this organization. The purpose of this study is to describe the forensic psychiatric organization from a staff perspective and from a legal perspective.

Det finns en hel karta av påverkansmetoder : Gymnasieelevers påtryckningar i betygssättningsprocessen

The setting of pupils' final grades in the Swedish upper secondary school system is the responsibility of their teachers and once grades are set, they are not open to appeal. This can be compared with the British system where an external, central examination board sets the final grades based on the result of externally marked examinations (A-levels). These grades are then open to appeal if it is felt that an injustice has been made.This research paper has been an investigation into how pupils in one Swedish upper secondary school attempt to influence their teachers in the grade-setting process and how these teachers are affected by these different methods. Five teachers in total were interviewed in a qualitative case study. The study has also taken up the controversial issue of how grades, which are set individually by thousands of teachers across the country, can be deemed to be fair and equivalent.The study revealed that pupils employ many different methods when trying to influence their teachers in the grade-setting process e.g.

Kvinnors attityd till självundersökning av brösten (BSE)

Bakgrund: Då bröstcancer drabbar kvinnor med stigande statistik finns det ett stort utbud av information om ämnet. Många kvinnor i världen rekommenderas att själva undersöka sina bröst, Breast Self Examination (BSE), i kampen mot cancer. Internationella intresseorganisationer och i vissa länder även sjukvården rekommenderar kvinnor att utföra BSE för att upptäcka bröstcancer så tidigt som möjligt. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors attityd till självundersökning av bröst (BSE). Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes.

ELLE & CAFÉ : ? en studie av modemagasins omslag

ABSTRACTTitle: Elle & Café ? a study of fashion magazines cover pages.Number of pages: 38Author: Greta SimonssonTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The purpose of this essay is to:? Analyze the cover images from the 2007 editions of the magazines Elles and Café, using semiotic analysis.? Analyzes eventual resemblances or differences between the two magazine's cover images based upon the result of the semiotic analysis.Material and methods: The study of Elles's and Café's cover pages has been done using a model built upon semiotic analysis, developed with the purpose of suiting observation and examination of cover pages of fashion magazines. The cover pages were analyzed from the categories character, context, and environment.Main results: The main results include the observation that both Elles and Café chooses well-known figures from women's fashion industry as prime characters on their covers. In Elles, all main characters are famous women emerging from the music, television and fashion industries. The women in Café are known for similar professions.

En resa i betygsskalan : en studie av hur medieelever beskriver att bli betygssatta i de medie-estetiska ämnena

Min tanke bakom undersökningen är att betygsättning och olika former av bedömningssätt är frågor lärare måste ta ställning till i utövandet av sin yrkesroll, från ett makt- och elevperspektiv. Som lärare har man makten att öppna respektive stänga dörrar för elever, då betyg blir avgörande för elevernas vidare utbildning. Mina frågeställningar är: Vad berättar medieelever om sina upplevelser av att bli betygsatta i media- estetiska ämnen? Hur beskriver medieelever att betygsättning inverkar på deras självbild? Mina informanter går i årskurs 3 på en medieinriktning, på ett estetiskt gymnasieprogram. Med dem gör jag intervjuer där de reflekterar kring att få betyg i media-estetiska ämnen.

Kvinnan i historien?

Bedömning av estetiska ämnen har varit ifrågasatt gällande dess kvalité, rättvisa, funktion och hur det påverkar ämnet och individen. Studien syftar till att beskriva bedömning av det estetiska ämnet Visual Arts vid en lärarutbildning i Sydafrika presenterat ur ett lärarperspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna utgår från ämnesdidaktikens teori gällande Vad bedöms, Hur kommuniseras bedömningen och Varför görs bedömningen. Metoden som använts är ett två månaders fältarbete vid en bildlärarutbildning där jag följt tre lärare och deras arbete genom deltagande observation, samtal, intervjuer och insamling av vissa dokument.Det empiriska materialet har analyserat från de tre didaktiska frågorna. Resultatet visar att lärarna, som var utbildade konstnärer lade ned mycket tid och engagemang på bedömning.

Navigering i Habermas världsdimensioner : en fallstudie i bedömnings- och betygsförfarande inom praktisk idrottsundervisning

Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the assessment and grading is designed and practiced in the practical courses of physical education at GIH - the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, along with how it could affect newly graduated physical education teachers? ability to assess and grade students. The study was based on Habermas?s system and life-world theory.What view occurs concerning proficiencies, basis for assessment and marking among teachers who are responsible for examinations within physical education at GIH?How is the examination structured within physical education at GIH?How are skills and proficiencies among assessment and marking further mediated to students in the teacher education at GIH?Method: The case study was realized by performing qualitative interviews with a total of four teachers at physical education at GIH. Additionally, syllabi were text-analyzed to improve the validity of the study.Results: From the results we found that the teachers experience marking as a complicated assignment, where particularly the didactic ability but also the practical ability form a formative and summative assessment.

???????????? ???? ??som?leder oss i triumf??   En exegetisk studie gällande vad Paulus avser för betydelse och funktion med sin metafor i 2 Korintierbrevet 2:14a.

AbstractIn this essay I examine the exegetical problems concerning the interpretation of the metaphor ???????????????? in 2 Corinthians 2:14.The regular idea of the metaphor is that the apostle Paul is using the picture of a Roman triumph to describe the apostle?s and his co-worker?s service for God. This includes that God is leading them into many sufferings finished off with a martyr death as the triumph was very painful for its prisoners and mostly ended with an execution. But since A.D 300 such an interpretation has been questioned. Scholars react primarily to the cruelty of it and ask if that really was Paul?s meaning.

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