

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 5 av 2323

'Hen i lådan' : Ett arbete om genusperspektivet på förpackningsdesign

'Hir in the box' is a study about the gender perspective in packaging design and how it is today. The study deals with the product category razors, for both women and men, to examine and compare products with the same function but with different designs. Based on an analysis of how packages are designed for different sexes, information should be given on how gender-neutral packaging can be designed and used in the future to reach the market. The purpose of the study is also to contribute to future research on the subject. To fulfill the purpose of this study, nuanced and in-depth data is collected by means of a small-N-study and a qualitative study in the form of open group interviews where the survey units are reviewed and discussed.

Hållbar Utveckling 2010 : Hur uppfattar lärare begreppet idag?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Statusbedömning av dricksvattennätet i Hästskoområdet i Järfälla

Chlamydophila psittaci is a common cause of diseases in parrots ranging from being less serious to more serious. It is also a zoonotic disease which poses serious health problems to humans. The disease is highly under diagnosed. The symptoms in birds are nonspecific and may be indicative of many different diseases which make it harder to diagnose and treat. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of C.

Meningen med aktiekapitalet : ? Är aktiekapitalet en gammal förlegad tradition som har bevarats?

Introduction: There was a reduction in Sweden of the share capital in 2010, in which the share capital was reduced from 100 000 SEK to 50 000 SEK. The reason behind the reduction of the share capital was to enable more people to start limited liability companies in Sweden. Meanwhile in Europe, they questioned the function of the share capital, and as a result of this discussion a number of European countries have abolished the requirement for the share capital in limited liability companies.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what meaning the share capital has to entrepreneurs based on their own businesses, and to see what function the share capital have for the creditors.Problem: What are the meaning of the share capital for today´s entrepreneurs and its creditors?Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative research method in which a cross-sectional study was done with four small limited liability companies and four creditors.Conclusions: The share capital functions and meaning has lost its intended meaning as creditor protection and the help to facilitate the raising of capital. The share capitals intention has to some extent been eroded.

Kan kväve bevaras i dräneringsvatten från åkermarksom lagras i dammar? : ett laboratorieförsök

The aim of this thesis was to examine if it is possible to keep nitrogen in the form of nitrate(NO3-) in ponds from one season to another by keeping a high concentration of oxygen in thepond water. This hypothesis was tested by doing a lab experiment where two systems werecompared according to nitrate concentration. One system had high concentration of oxygen inthe water and one had low concentration of oxygen. Before the main experiment wasconducted I did a pilot study to test the system setup and included parameters. The result fromthis study and the main study did not show the same result.

Passivhuset i ett ekologiskt moderniseringsperspektiv

 AbstractThis study is performed by studying seven livestock businesses in the agricultural sector. The focus of the essay has been put on the structures that limit and enable the lives of the farmers in this study. One of these major structures that affect everyday life is the gender structure and to this day the housewife role exists where the women are responsible for the home, family and domestic pets while the men are responsible for the production, machinery and the heavier tasks on the farm. This is grounded in the history and the development that agriculture has gone through, but also in the strong patriarchal power structure that exists in this industry. In this essay I also show how the life form analysis of Liselotte Jakobsen and the independent life form can not be fully applied to the farmer as he is not completely independent in his work.

I ?Like? it. Jag ?Gillar? det : En studie av hur användares beteende och upplevelser påverkas av en "like-funktion", vid bildpublicering i sociala medier

The purpose of this paper has been to study how users experiences and behaviors are influenced by a "like" function, when publication of images in social media with the photo app Instagram as the selected base. In this study respondents has been part of a study regarding their experiences and behavior related to "like" function in Instagram. The results of the question form have then been analyzed to find patterns in their behavior and to exemplify/reinforce different type of user-behavior found in related scientific articles.The study has shown that the behavior of Instagram users is affected by the "like" function, when they believes that the function is a status marker that raises the interest for certain users by the number of likes. Through my results, I have been able to amplify and illustrate several theories of Goffman, Buckingham and Gripsrud which are presented in the report..

Systemförvaltningsmodeller ? verklighetsbeskrivning eller idealiserad bild?

This study will shed light on the subject of system management and system management models. It is important that everyone within an administrative organization understand business objectives and needs of the users who work with the systems. It is vital for the activity to form a structured approach for its management, which includes a system management model. Every company has its individual system management model that is tailored to support their management of a business IT systems. According to Brandt (2000), a system management system model is defined as "an idealized image of how you want the system management work is conducted".

Aktiebolag utan revisor : ett bolag utan extern finansiering?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Finns det skillnader mellan de öppna och de laparoskopiskt utförda appendektomierna gällande operationstid, vårdtid och komplikationer i form av ytliga och djupa infektioner? En analys av appendektomier utförda på Universitetssjukhuset i Örebro 2012.

A lot of young athletes have great dreams but only a few reaches the stars. Which ways make it possible for the dreams to come true?This study has made a small research on the Swedish NHL professionals have made their way to the NHL by looking at data about their choices during his career, and tried to see if there is any connection between their paths to every hockey player's dream, the NHL. Results of the study show that there is a anatla different ways to go, but some are more common than others..

Prevalens av Chlamydophila psittaci hos papegojor i fångenskap

Chlamydophila psittaci is a common cause of diseases in parrots ranging from being less serious to more serious. It is also a zoonotic disease which poses serious health problems to humans. The disease is highly under diagnosed. The symptoms in birds are nonspecific and may be indicative of many different diseases which make it harder to diagnose and treat. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of C.

Social musiksmak?: Social påverkan på musiksmak via anonyma räkneverk

The purpose with this paper is to examine whether other peoples opinions of a song and an artist influences an individuals own opinions of the song and artist. Through a quantitative study we seek to study whether such an influence exists and if it does, how strong that influence is. The study began with a pretest to examine whether differences existed when we manipulated our independent variable, how many times the song has been played at Myspace.com. Subsequently we performed a quantitative study by handing out surveys to students at Stockholm School of Economics on two different occasions. Our results show no significant differences in attitude or intentions when the amount of times the song has been played at Myspace.com is manipulated.

Ungas psykiska hälsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations.

Unga vuxna inför samhällets dubbla budskap : Studenters uppfattningar om hälsa, övervikt, dieter, skönhetsideal i relation tillidentitet och självkänsla.

The purpose of this study is to compare students (both male and female), from the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, about their perceptions with a particular focus on identity and self-esteem. In regards to the current societal problem concerning obesity and beauty ideals, this paper aimed to study the student?s opinions concerning health and diets in order to fully answer the purpose of the study. The theory used in this paper is in particular regards to identity and self-esteem. In order to answer the study questions, a qualitative approach was conducted in the form of various focus groups.

Lek på förskolan : En observationsstudie om barns lek och vuxnas deltagande i lek på två förskolor

The study which has been made is a qualitative observational study where play forms and participation of adults were observed in two preschools. The word play is defined in the study with an ?as-if? ?nature based on Knutsdotters definition which differs play and activities from each other. The observed play form has been analyzed according to the concept of imitation and imagination play. To get a complete base of the study a few children on some occasions drew what they played or would like to play.Through photographs of these drawings and how the children described and explained what they drew a connection could be made with the children?s play forms.

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