

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 38 av 2323

Organisationskultur i en processorganistion

At the beginning of the nineties, a new form of organisation, the process organisation, was about to be born. The features of the process organisation were a flexible organisational that works in a world where the pace of development is increasing all the time. Today there are many organisations that have mapped their processes, but in order to truly become a process organisation, the processes among other things have to be in harmony with e.g. organisational culture. Which effects the organisational culture has on the process organisation is yet unexplored, but however quite crucial.

Undersökning av ögats brytningsförmåga i ett svenskt hästmaterial :

Skiascopy, also called retinoscopy, is a method for determining the refractive power of the eye. There are only a few, old studies made on equine refraction. The aim of this study was to investigate the refractive power in a population of Swedish horses. The study consists of a review of relevant studies done on animals and an experimental part where the refractive power of 93 horses of different age, breed and usage was examined. A pilot study of 12 horses was performed regarding the importance of cycloplegia when doing skiascopy on horses. The results of the pilot study show no significant difference in the skiascopy results between the group before and after cycloplegia were induced. Consequently, there is no need of inducing cycloplegia before doing skiascopy in adult horses. The study shows that horses usually were emmetropic (normally sighted) with minor deviations toward myopia or hyperopia.

Gemensamma värderingar : en jämförande studie om gemensamma värderingar och hur de påverkar organisationskultur

The objective with the study was to evaluate what key persons at LFV Group (Luftfartsverket) think about-presented core values and their implementation within the company. Another objective of the study was to describe and compare the process of implementation of core values and how this affects organization culture at two selected reference companies. A qualitative method was applied in the form of semi-structured interviews with key persons at Luftfartsverket and the other reference companies.As the result a four-step program is proposed to describe the implementation process of core values: presentation, introduction, realization and follow-up. Within the implementation process it is possible to distinguish another process, which is based on core values, - introduction of new employees. The implementation of core values has contributed towards the development of the organizational culture as well as creating a successful company governed by core values..

Betydelsen av närmiljöns definition : En sambandsanalys av befolkningssammansättning, valdeltagande och röstande på demokraterna i New York

The main purpose of a logotype is to harmonize with a company?s business concept and culture. This study is based on the receiver?s attitudes about three different logotypes - Volvo, Telia and Mcdonald's. It informs the reader about the importance of a logotype as a mean of communication and if the perceptions of the logotype harmonize with the profile of the company.

ATT SKAPA EN BIBLIOTEKSANVÄNDARE: En studie av hur barn i tidig skolålder utvecklas till biblioteksanvändare i biblioteksmiljö

The public library is an institution that throughout history has been associated with anumber of social codes, that seem to be deeply rooted in the minds of the public. Thesecodes regulates how users act and interact in the library environment and as a library useryou have to obtain knowledge about these social codes.This master's thesis aims at studying how these codes are transferred to children in the earlyschool-age, how children react to the social codes and what effects they have on thechildren's development into library users.The empirical material used in this study consists of observations and interviews. Theobservations are conducted during two school classes visits to a public library and focuseson the interaction between librarians, the children and their teachers, and the interviewswere conducted with the two librarians responsible for the library visits.The theories used in this master's thesis consists of symbolic interactionism, in the form oftheories by George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman, Peter L. Berger and ThomasLuckmanns theories regarding the concept of institutions. Another theory that's used in thismaster's thesis is the one concerning the social aspects of information literacy focusing onthe concept of epistemic communities as presented by Kimmo Tuominen, Reijo Savolainenand Sanna Talja.The result of this study is that the social codes are communicated to the children primarilyby the teachers rather than the librarians.

Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?

Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.

"Jag vill bara gråta" : En studie av fyra krisdrabbade individers emotioner och upplevelser av en kris

En traumatisk kris är en reaktion på en yttre händelse och omständighet. Krisen har fyra faser som de drabbade går igenom, där chockfasen är den första och slutar med nyorienteringsfasen. Studien syftar till att utifrån ett emotionssociologiskt perspektiv studera fyra kvinnliga informanters upple-velser och känslor under och efter en traumatisk kris, som består av kata-strof, dödsfall och sjukdomsdiagnos. Studien söker även svar på hur infor-manternas omgivning, i form av familj och vänner, har agerat i samband med krisen. Genom kvalitativ metod med intervjuer berättar fyra krisdrab-bade informanter om den händelse som utlöste krisen och hur de hanterade detta.

Ekosemiotik i Torgny Lindgrens estetik : Platsen, orden, impotensen och modernitetens makt, i Merabs skönhet.

The purpose of this study is to examine political crimes in and women?s political activity in 18th century Sweden. The cases of political crimes which has been used range from 1700- 1789 and they form an outline of the patterns of political crime in this century. These cases contain different types of political crimes, but most common ar defamation of the royal family, defamatory writings, rumor-spreading and treason. To study women?s political activity, seven cases ranging from 1749 to 1758 have been more closely studied.

Jobbkontroll, stress och prestationsbaserad lön inom callcenterbranschen

The application of performance-based pay system among enterprises is becoming more frequent. Performance-based pay systems is used by organizations in hope of increasing productivity and have become more flexible. Employees may perceive the performance-based salary as a motivator or a threat depending on lifesituation and personality. At a perceived threat, the employee may become stressed. Work-related stress has become a serious social problem that can have consequences for both companies and individuals.

Språkstimulans som en röd tråd : Sanning eller utopi

The purpose with this essay is to study if the exhibition, Maria-Drömmen om kvinnan has a gender perspective and if it contributes to the history of art. The study shows what kind of women the exhibition illustrates and what kind of perspective it has. By telling about the black Madonna I also show that there is another representation of the middle age women in the Roman Catholic Church at this time that the exhibition not have included. The study is also going to illustrate the difference between a genderperspektiv in art and a women?s perspective.

Lärares initiativ till kommunikation med elever i klassrummet- Genusperspektiv på gymnasiet- Vem frågar vem?

This report presents the initaitvies made by teachers in form of questions during four lessons in a highschool class. A class in senior highschool was filmed during six hours with four different teachers. The number of questions and other initiatives were counted. The dialogue was transcribed with CA regarding examples from questioning and dialogue. The study examined how many closed(open and rhetorical questions the teacher initiate.

Frihängande kylbaffel för Swegon : Freely suspended chilled beam for Swegon

This study aims to highlight and analyze eight secondary teachers' views and thoughts on mathematics. Hopefully this study will provide a deeper understanding of how teachers think and reason about their subject and how this affects their teaching. The study was conducted using a qualitative interview method, based on interviews with eight middle school teachers who teach in school mathematics for grades 6 - 9. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed. After the interview analysis one can conclude that the teachers? thoughts concern three main themes: the importance of mathematics, children?s lack of basic knowledge and the teachers? lack of time.In discussion and analysis the teachers conceptions of the own subject is being analyzed, and that is the foundation of this study.

Utveckling av ett skogsbolags kontaktstrategi : en kvalitativ intervjustudie bland större privata virkesleverantörer

The supply of raw materials has always been an important issue in the Swedish Forest industry. Buying timber from local suppliers is important. To ensure raw materials to their industries the forest company must offer good prices and good business deals to their suppliers. The aims with this work are to find out how the contact between private suppliers of raw materials and how the forest company can be developed. To be able to do a complete study of the problems connecting with this subject a quality interview study has been done.

Kandidatuppsats om bibehållande av kunder genom lojalitetsskapande aktiviteter

Companies of today are facing a development where it is more significant to focus on existing customers since the approach constitute a more cost reducing way, compared to finding new customers. During the last decades the marketing has therefore moved towards a relationship based marketing. Companies emphasize creating long-term relationships with customers, instead of consider the sale as a non-recurrent phenomenon. To engender customer loyalty has been an essential objective in the creation of long-term relationships.In this essay the authors have chosen to do a study which enlighten how companies in the ready-made apparel business produce added value to their brand and through this generate customer loyalty. Through a case study we analyze how Filippa K, Tiger of Sweden and Gant do to maintain value in their brand, in both a business- and customer perspective.

Ideella drivkrafter, en studie av Rädda Barnen och Hungerprojektet

Civil society is facing many challenges in modern society and there is a lot of debate about where it is heading - is volunteer work declining or just taking a new form Whichever hypothesis will prove correct in the future, organizations that are dependent on volunteers will need to adapt to the new circumstances. This study aims to examine what forces drive voluntary work at Rädda Barnen (Save the Children Sweden) and Hungerprojektet (The Hunger Project Sweden). Through interviews with employees and volunteers at the two organizations, this study finds that volunteers at Rädda Barnen are primarily driven by values and understanding, and that the volunteers at Hungerprojektet are primarily driven by career and to some extent by values, enhancement and social factors. Understanding these driving forces allow the organizations to adapt to the new circumstances by matching the volunteers interests with the organizations' needs..

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