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This social psychological qualitative study demonstrate how the children?s play begin and what significant important it has in the child?s identity progress. The main subject in this social- psychological study is the child?s self and how through imagination, creativity and spontaneity the human?s personal identity is discovered. However the study is based upon the children?s plays in day- care, the children whom are being objects for the study are from 3-6 years old.

Metadata i publikationsdatabaser Hur används DSpace?

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how libraries handle metadata in institutional repositories. The methodology of the study is semi-structured interviews with librarians from all Swedish libraries that currently use the institutional repository system DSpace. Metadata schemes from the different libraries have also been studied. As analytical tools the study uses the user tasks presented in Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records, as well as a study of metadata quality made by Jung-Ran Park. The study shows a rather big difference between the ways the libraries use institutional repositories.

Flerspråkighet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om pedagogernas arbetssätt när det gäller språkligt heterogena grupper i förskolan

The purpose of my study was to visualize how teachers works with multilingual children in pre-school, the methods used to stimulate and develop primary and secondary language and how teachers does see second languages development with the help of the primary language. The study consists of qualitative methods in form of interviews which are made with four teachers who work within the pre-school. The findings during the collection of data (interviews) are going to be connected to the relevant literature on the subject I have chosen.The result showed that the concrete materials are used to stimulate and develop primary- as the secondary language and that the teachers have different opinions on secondary languages development with the help of primary language even if the primary language seems to be an important asset of all teachers that I interviewed..

Barnets bästa : en studie i hur domstolen avgör frågor om umgänge när det har förekommit våld i familjen

In many of the disputes concerning custody, residence and visitation determined by the court, some form of violence has been performed. The consequence of a child who has witnessed violence in their homes is a problem that is sometimes overlooked. It is not unusual that the violence will continue even after a separation. The law shows that the child´s need of both parents is to be met. This has according to previous studies resulted in the fact that courts do not always see visitation with a violent parent as a risk for the child.

Icke utövande Kvinnors relation till styrketräning : Om Kunskap, Fördomar, Arbetsgivaruppmuntran och Manslukt

In this study it has been investigated what is missing in non-strength training women to begin exercise regular strength training. It has also examined the level of knowledge about the health benefits and the employer's encouragement to maintain good health. The study was designed in a qualitative methodology and data collection was designed in form of semi-structured interviews. Six women were interviewed between the ages 22-51år. The results showed that women possessed a very low level of knowledge about strength training and also fears and prejudices existed among them.

Att öppna texten för det främmande : en studie av litteraturens gränser och möjligheter vid gestaltningen av det främmande och annorlunda, den andre och av lidande.

The aim of this study is to examine ways of writing experiences of the strange and different, experiences of the other in his or her otherness and experiences of suffering. The study focuses possibilities and limits for the writing of these experiences and aims at finding a tangible way of writing literature. Part of the aim of this study is to elaborate a proposal for a way of writing experiences of the strange and different, experiences of the other in his or her otherness and experiences of suffering.    The material for the study consists of three different approaches to literature, in which theories on literature or analyses of literary works are presented. This material is initially analysed in separate analyses in which conceptions, strategies and methods for writing experiences of the strange and different, the other and suffering are identified. Secondly, the material is analysed in a comparative analysis, aimed at finding similarities and differences between the approaches but above all to let the approaches supplement and challenge each other.

Klientbemötande i socialt arbete : Metoder, tekniker och reflektioner kring makt som syns i de sju nyexaminerade socionomernas utsagor om klientarbete under den teoretiska och verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about how a group of newly graduated social workers reflect on the practical daily work and their positions working with clients who are in need of social and/or economic resources. More precisely the purpose is to find out how these seven newly graduated social workers viewed working with clients during theoretical and practical studies. The aim is to analyze which techniques and methods could be seen in these narratives. Furthermore the aim was to find out if and how these seven social workers reflected on the power relation between social worker and client.The material of this study consists of seven semi-structured interviews. Throughout gathering the data and analyzing it, the qualitative method in form of narrative approach was used.

Skolråd, bidrag och inspektion : Den fortsatta etableringen av ett statligt skolväsende mellan åren 1871 - 1882

This study investigated a local aspect of theSwedish elementary school modernization process between the years 1871-1882.Previous studies have been drawn from the school inspectors own reports andshow that the schoolboards housed a negative and resentful attitude towardsreforms and the school inspectors often felt that the parish priests were moreinclined to changes than the schoolboards themselves.  Other research on elementary schoolmodernization has stressed the matching grants as a major cause of developmentand further establishment. In this study, however, a schoolboards own notes inthe form of meeting protocols during an eleven year period as well as a letterby a priest Erik Lundberg, Redogörelseför skolhusfrågan i Tierp dated 6 October 1880 were analyzed to see if theprevious explanation of school modernization, in particular with regard to thereluctance to change by the schoolboards goes to demonstrate and confirm. Theresults of this study have shown that even if the schoolboards do notimmediately follow the school inspectors instructions, it seems not primarilybeen due to resentment. Reforms within the school world are well known forbeing time-consuming but for the current period, as this study concerns andwithin this specific parish there were conflicts of interest which are notshown when only the inspector?s accounts and reports are examined.

Consumers? Perceptions of Variety ? the Impact of Private Brands

This study aims to investigate how consumers perceive variety in grocery stores and further how private brands have affected consumers? perceptions of variety in grocery stores.The study focuses on the perceptions and attitudes towards variety and the impact of private brands on perceived variety. Hence, a qualitative rather than quantitative study has been used. Photo elicitation has been used in both focus groups and in-depth interviews, which have been the empirical data collection of the study. Scientific articles and books have also been used in the process.

IT och flerspråkighet i gymnasieskolan

The purpose of the study is to examine the multilingual student?s use of IT in school.The study also highlights the teacher?s view of development and how they use IT in their own teaching.A qualitative approach study was conducted to acquire a deeper understanding of students' language learning by using IT. In the study, it was assumed socio-cultural perspective in which learning takes place through interaction with others.The result shows that multilingual students have difficulty understanding information available on the internet and they are either waiting to meet a teacher to get a clearer picture of what to do or doing tasks even though in some cases misunderstand the task. Language teachers also confirm student?s impression and at the same time express the concern that students are reading less.This study shows that there may be correlation between students' learning motivation and an understanding of instructions online.

I bilderboken är allt möjligt : bilderboksillustration ur en kommunikativ synvinkel

The general purpose of this dissertation is to study picture communication in picture books and it addresses the following questions:What is the illustrator?s role in the process of making a picture book? What communicative qualities do pictures have in picture books and how do pictures interact with texts? What methods do illustrators use to visualize the meaning of stories in picture books?A genre analysis, a literature study and an interview of a professional illustrator has been conducted to answer the questions. I found that all objects that make up pictures, the arrangement, colours and shapes contribute to the meaning in diverse ways. Pictures also communicate in a different way than texts. An important difference between pictures and texts in the context of picture books is that pictures are more open for interpretation.

"Så att få ungarna att förstå att dom är guld, det tycker jag är, det är våran uppgift" : En kvalitativ studie av relationerna mellan ungdomar och behandlare på behandlingskollektivet Hassela i Klintehamn, Gotland.

The purpose of my study was to see what kind of relationships there were between the youth and the social workers in the treatment home Hassela in Klintehamn, Gotland. The social workers work for six weeks day and night by living together with the youth. I also wanted to examine what happens when there were conflicts between them as signs of tensions in the relationships. In addition to this I wanted to study the relations between power and influence in their relationships where Hassela strives for democracy. My questions were the following; How do the youth and the staff describe the relationships between them? How do conflicts work between them at Hassela? What does the relationship between power and influence look like?The study is based on qualitative interviews with four clients and four social workers.

Svepande Mediehantering : En studie om förtroendekriser som konsekvens av medioker mediehantering

On October 17, 2012, TV4 broadcasted an episode of the documentary series Kalla fakta. The episode received a lot of attention when it revealed that Parken Zoo, a very popular destination for families, was not as well maintained beneath the surface as it gave the impression of being. The case attracted attention in all possible media for a long time, which led to a beginning of an extensive investigation of the Zoo.The purpose of this study is to examine how Parken Zoo handled the media after the examination of TV4?s Kalla fakta, and how it affected people?s confidence in the Zoo. This paper consists of an overall case study of Parken Zoo that can be divided into two different methods.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning av elektronisk dokumentation avseende tidsåtgång, teknik och vårdkvalitet

Documentation in electronic journals is perceived as time consuming and sometimes technically difficult to handle, but also leads to an improved quality of care. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses' perceptions of documentation with a focus on timing, technique and quality of care and whether any differences in these perceptions were dependent on age. Method: Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study in the survey form, 28 nurses at a university hospital in central Sweden participated in the study. Regression analysis was performed with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results: Electronic documentation takes 30 to 60 minutes for most nurses and half of them considered it a reasonable time.

Släktöverlåtelser av skog och jord i två byar i Sverige

The way to acquire forest in Sweden from parents has been unequal, men were prioritized over women, which was the traditional inheritance pattern. Research has made this clearer by using gender, which ?values? our stereotypes of sexes and can help us understand inheritance patterns. The gender determined who would inherit but also the form of ownership, praxis, property rights, regulations, power and work invested made by a sibling could influence. The purpose with my study was to find what conditions governed inheritance of forest on the properties I investigated and what influence gender had.

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