

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 26 av 2323

Referensvåtmarker för uppföljning av växtnäringsretention i anlagda våtmarker

One of the environmental problems today in seas, lakes and streams is eutrophication. This is often caused by nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) that leak from agricultural areas. A measure to partly prevent the nutrient discharge is to construct or restore wetlands.In order to control the efficiency of nutrient reduction of existing wetlands in the county, the administrative board in Västra Götaland wants to find different criterias for reference wetlands. These reference wetlands should represent other wetlands and be used in future evaluations of reduction of nutrients and design of constructed wetlands. According to the administrative board in Västra Götaland the reference wetlands should have a catchment area of about 50 hectare consisting of at least 70 % arable land, to represent wetlands created to remove nutrients.

Nedläggningen av Bahco-fabriken : En lokalstudie av tre aktörers argument och agerande

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how individuals with reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia handle their information need in the workplace. The method that has been used is a qualitative study made with interviews with individuals who have these problems, to see how they think and feel about the flow of information on their everyday basis. The study?s respondents are working women between the ages of 27 and 47 years old and they have reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia. The most interesting results of this study are that the respondents are avoiding jobs where they need to read and write much and where they also do not like changes in their job situation.

Algoritmer, flödesscheman & logik; kan de lära ut sociala färdigheter till människor med någon form av autism?

Syftet med denna studie var att lokalisera, värdera och sammanfatta befintlig litteratur som besvarar på den centrala frågeställningen. De två centrala frågorna för studien är om tv- och datorspel kan användas för att hjälpa underlätta problematiken som människor med någon form av autism kan uppleva, och hur bra denna metods effektivitet är gentemot mer traditionella metoder som terapi. Den teoretiska tolkningsramen som ligger till grund för denna studie är The Social Model of Disability, en modell som menar att samhället exkluderar människor med funktionsnedsättning via fördomar och okunskap på hur man bör inkludera människor med funktionsnedsättning. Data har samlats in via en form av litteraturstudie som kallas för Scoping Study och har därefter analyserats via analys genom uppräkning och tematisk analys. Resultatet visar på att datorspel kan användas för att lära ut språkliga kunskaper, igenkänning av ansiktsuttryck och emotioner, sociala erfarenheter, samt living skills (levnadsfärdigheter).

Där man tar ut svängarna : En analys av språk och stil i tolv kolumner i gratistidningen Metro

I denna uppsats undersöks språk och stil i tolv kolumner i gratistidningen Metro. Min hypotes är att språket och stilen i kolumnerna är vardagligt, talspråksnära, inte så strikt och subjektivt. I uppsatsen undersöker jag därför LIX, syntaktisk nivå i form av meningslängd, sats- och meningsbyggnad, lexikal nivå i form av ordens längd, bruklighet, form, stilvalörer samt förekomsten av anglicismer, textnivån i form av konjunktionella adverb och slutligen retoriska grepp i form av lyssnaraktivering.Resultatet visar att kolumnen som texttyp ligger nära skönlitteraturens språk och stil, men också har gemensamma drag med tidningsspråket. Men det förekommer en del variationer eftersom kolumnerna är skrivna av skribenter med olika bakgrund. Kolumnerna kan knappast sägas vara talspråkliga och språket är till skillnad mot min hypotes tämligen strikt.

Kommers utav konceptuell höjd - varför finns ett svenskt modeunder men ingen som håller koll på tiden

The purpose of this study was to examine two relatively similar product industries, of which one is successful in its commercialization and the other one is not successful. The two industries observed in this paper are both Swedish industries, and both of them produce slow moving consumer goods for the luxury consumer. The successful industry is represented by the Swedish fashion industry, more precisely The Swedish Fashion Wonder (TSFW) - a term describing the success of a specific coalition of fashion designers from Sweden. The unsuccessful industry is represented by the luxury watch industry in Sweden (LWIS). The method used to examine the two industries' inequalities is based on a qualitative study, consisting of in-depth interviews with industry expertise from both of the industries.

Pionjärer inom Golfen : En Marknadsundersökning av Vreta Kloster Golfklubb

The purpose of this study was to conduct a market survey in order to form a marketing plan to enhance and communicate the image of Vreta Kloster Golf Club. To accomplish this, the authors conducted a situation analysis on the mentioned club. Data was collected through interviews as well as secondary sources. A qualitative content analysis was used to process the interviews. The secondary sources? credibility was scrutinized before their data was used.

Användbarheten av Tekla i Betongkonstruktioner : En jämförelsestudie mellan två modelleringsprogram

This thesis has examined the Tekla Structures modeling software and answered the question of whether it could act as a suitable modeling program for the design department at Bjerking AB in Uppsala. The method used in this work is a case study of a previous project with existing basis to work form. The demarcation of the study was to examine only the usability of the foundations of in situ concrete. The work examined three main areas within the design process. The first was to model the concrete elements then to model the reinforcing and ultimately production of the drawings. Because Autodesk Revit was the existing modeling program in the Department conducted the evaluation as a comparison between the two programs.

Tabloidiseringstendenser - i det redaktionella innehållet

The daily newspaper market in Sweden has been a mighty strong media market, except for major market crisis which occurred in the 1990s in Sweden, that led to several newspapers came into an economic crisis. One of the actions that many Swedish newspapers did was to reduce the physical size of the newspaper from broadsheet to tabloid. After studying several academical studies from scientists and students who claim and show in their results that the tabloid tendencies has spread out in the editorial content I discovered that the common thing for these studies where firstly, that there were not many studies that showed the tabloid tendencies of the editorial content in a longer historical perspective, secondly that the studies jointly studied tabloidization tendencies (how the editorial content changed from writing about hard news to write about soft news) in the editorial content of newspapers that have changed the physical format size. The material that was analysed was tabloid tendencies in news articles in two daily Swedish newspapers, Jönköping-Posten (broadsheet) and Aftonbladet (tabloid) in the years 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The goal was to see if or how much of the editorial content of news articles that changed over time by tabloid tendencies in individual daily newspaper as well as a comparison of the various newspaper formats.This lead to the purpose of this master study:To investigate if it exists tabloid tendencies in the editorial content of news articles in the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Jönköping-Posten between the 1950s to 1990s.In addition this purpose was operationalized from theories of tabloidization, the main theories that are used in this master study is developed by the researchers Shelly McLachlan and Peter Golding and their definition for tabloidization range, form and style.The best tool to analyse the material that have been gathered was to use of quantitative content analysis.

Global form av reklam och dess vetenskapliga debatt : En kvalitativ studie av fyra globala kampanjer

I?ve chosen primary to analyze commercial form of advertising by world leading companies; McDonald?s, Coca-Cola and HP due to their implementation of global advertising. The fourth campaign that?s being analyzed is not of commercial type instead it?s characterized as an informative campaign that the ideal organization Amnesty is carring out.  The study has been successful in gathering data that could be presented in correlation with already established theories and then comparing the results. The goal of the research is to create an understanding regarding global advertising as well as the scientific debate that?s going on within the subject.

Det obligatoriska skolväsendets pedagogiska strategier i arbetet med elever som har AD/HD. : Pedagoger i en integrerad respektive segregerad undervisningsform berättar och beskriver

The survey aims to highlight and describe how the schools' teaching strategies look like in the work of pupils from the neuropsychiatric disability AD/HD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). The pedagogical strategies have been investigated in an integrated and segregated teaching method. The study is qualitative in nature where the interviews conducted, first with a student who has been diagnosed AD/HD but also with teachers from each school who is well versed in student teaching and work. The results of the study show that knowledge and commitment about AD/HD is crucial to students' role and function in school. If knowledge and commitment is sufficient for the student teaching tailored to student needs and the risk of misunderstandings occur decreases. Security is a key factor for students who have been diagnosed AD/HD and learning form in itself is no guarantee that students will feel safe. Students have in the two teaching methods stressed that they feel safe at school and with their education and therefore has no teaching method preferred.

Arkitekturhistorisk terminologi. Antikvariskt behov av kunskapsstöd

This study you are about to read have two investigated areas concerning the need ofsources in terms of architectural historys terminology. The investigation is based on aquestionnaire study.The first aim of this study is to describe the intergrated conservations professionalqualifications in the subject. In what condition are the knowledge of them who recentlypassed the examination, what needs do the professionals have, what kind of sources duthey use in fields and are they satisfied with the amount of sources?The second aim of the study is to find out if there are any place for developing a newsource at the market? If it is, how can a new source include the informed needs?The study came up with several needs pointed out by the professionals in the field.These needs are the groundwork of a new source that the study introduce, aarchitectural glossary of terms, made of illustrations! The point is that the new idea ofglossary will meet the needs of today, rationalise the work and improve the knowledge inthe subject..

Runstenarna i Kronobergs län : en studie i språk och utförande

AbstractThe aim of this study is to describe similarities and differences in the inscriptions of runestones intoday's county of Kronoberg, the former county of Värend and, in addition, a part of the formercounty of Sunnerbo. The study is based on 27 remaining runestones which are analysed throughchoice of words and runes, orthography and decorations.The section of choice of words and runes are categorised and based on the choice of choosingone particular word over another and of choosing one particular rune over another. Orthography isbased on the spelling of five particular words; efter, sten, reste, hjälpe and och. Monophtongisationis discussed and analysed. The section of decorations has two subsections; 1) crucifixes and?suns?, and 2) other forms of decoration.The study showed that the runestones had some significant numbers of similarities anddifferences.

"Sjukvårdare på heltid" : -en kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara anhörig till en äldre person med psykisk ohälsa

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and anxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

För att vara den bibliotekarie som krävs : En undersökning av bibliotekariers läsvanor

The aim of this thesis is to study the reading habits of Swedish librarians visualized by librarians from Götabiblioteken ? a collaboration of 14 public libraries in mid-Sweden ? focusing on the reading done on their spare time, even if work-related. We started with a survey sent out to 74 librarians in October 2013, answered by 56, and followed up by interviewing 7 of them in November.We tried to answer these questions:To what extent does the working librarians read on their spare time compared to before they started working?What literature do they read, now compared to before they started working?To what extent does their perception of what they should have read affect their private reading?In what way does a librarian in the beginning of their career differ in reading habits from the reading habits of a librarian with many years in the profession?The result of our study shows that most of the librarians read as much or more than before they started to work. They are more selective in their choice of literature and are affected by their work in it in different ways.

Silversurfarna med hela världen i en låda Användarundervisning i internet för sju ålderspensionärer

Today, librarians tasks may sometimes take on an educational aspect, e.g. when designing educational courses. Our aim with this paper has been to extend our knowledge of peoples learning and learning processes in order to better adapt our educational courses for different user groups. We have investigated what eight senior citizens wanted to learn about the Internet, and followed seven of them during their course. We have examined how the group experienced a course about Internet use, and how they described their learning and learning processes.

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