

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 23 av 2323

Är Stockholmsbörsen predicerbar?

I den här uppsatsen testas huruvida Stockholmsbörsen är predicerbar, i motsats till den icke-predicerbara teorin ? Random Walk theory. Till skillnad från majoriteten av tidigare studier, undersöker jag predicerbarhet för enskilda aktier, och inte bara som ett aggregerat fenomen i form av ett index. Resultatet av studien visar att Stochholmsbörsen som en homogen grupp inte gå att predicera. Däremot, då varje aktie undersökts i isolerad form, uppvisar majoriteten av aktierna ett predicerbarat beteende ? i form av Mean Reversion, alternativt Mean Aversion..

Konstruktiv utformning av vikplog

This project is about investigation and improvement of a V-plow for the company Swekip. A V- plow is used for snow removal but this product has been found to have deficiencies in its construction, breaking down and not living up to the desired objectives. This is because the product is ordered from a company in China where they have some problems with understanding the purpose of the plow.Initially the existing plow is investigated, all the shortcomings set out and examined, what is wrong and what needs improvement?When the solutions were done they were evaluated and examined that they actually live up to the desired requirements.This assignment is a pure construction project where the majority is implemented in CAD, where models are developed and FE analyses are carried out. But the project also includes a feasibility study, idea study and hydraulic design.The results are presented in the form of a CAD model and associated drawings that will serve as the manufacturing basis for the new V-plow.

Differentiering i skolan - om elitskolor och nivågruppering

Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar som finns med ett differentierat skolväsende i form av elitskolor eller nivågrupperingar. Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer med sju personer från fyra olika yrkeskategorier. Kategorierna är politiker, företagare, akademiker (i form av universitetsmatematiker) och lärare (i form av en lärare och en lärarstudent). De resonemang som framkommer i intervjuerna analyseras och listas för att ge svar på frågeställningen. De vägs också emot varandra i en slutlig diskussion om vad de sammantaget säger om differentiering..

?Man får inte vatten i stövlarna på en gång? : En undersökning om miljöbevakningen i Rapport och Dagens Nyheter i samband med IPCC:s klimatrapporter

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Bild och form - ett redskap för utveckling och lärande

Detta arbete grundar sig på fyra klasslärares tankar och erfarenhet av att integrera bild och form i undervisningen, hur de ser på bild och form som ämne och vilket pedagogiskt värde de menar att bild och form har för elevernas utveckling och lärande. Vi har intervjuat dessa fyra lärare och genom deras exempel får vi ta del av hur de använder bild och form samt varför de använder det den ämnesteoretiska undervisningen. Vårt syfte med detta arbete är att ta reda på om bild och form som ett praktiskt/estetiskt ämne har ett pedagogiskt värde som redskap för barns utveckling och lärande. Teorier, forskning och LpO94 pekar på att undervisningen måste anpassas efter elevernas behov och förutsättningar så den ska bli mångsidig och stimulerande för dem. Forskning har visat att det behövs mer än ett sätt att ta till sig och uttrycka sina kunskaper på eftersom vi människor är olika och inte enbart lär oss genom det skrivna och verbala ordet.

Att köra eller inte köra : En studie av miljömedvetna bilisters dissonansreducerande- och identitetsupprätthållande strategier

Att köra eller inte köra is a qualitative study aiming to show how environmentally conscious people who utilizes cars deal with their dissonant behavior, but at the sametime maintain an identity as environmentally conscious. The study is based on the fact that a third of those who drive cars in the municipality of Växjö would like to decrease their use of cars while at the same time having the infrastructural conditions to utilize other means of transportation. The study investigates inner obstacles in the form of habits and lifestyle, but also the different strategies the motorists use to reduce their cognitive dissonance and maintain a green identity. The indicators show that the reason the majority of the motorists continue to utilize cars is part due to inner obstacles (it's adeeply rooted habit, but also a big part of their lifestyles), part due to that the individuals have defenses for their use of their cars, defenses designed to have a dissonance reducing effect. The indicators also show that the motorists value their family higher than the environment, and in this way they can legitimize many of their car uses.

Den tryckta annonsens förlängda arm : En studie i hur ett utvidgat kommunikationsutrymme skapas genom den tryckta annonsen

The foundation of our study is five strategically selected printed advertisements which all contains signs that refer to digital medias. Through a quality content analysis, we are studying how advertisers may use a room with extended communication too enlarge the space given in a printed advertisement. The potential in these rooms are proposing a social connection and a flexible interaction by providing content that is not possible to create in a printed advertisement. The form of communication is changing and there is a two-way communication created in an obvious way. The different kinds of roles in the communication process are here partially integrated with each other.

Att bryta nacken av skammen : En studie om kvinnliga alkoholister och skam

The purpose of this study is to explain how shame can be experienced by women with the stigmatizing illness of alcoholism. Another aim is to illustrate how this shame can be affected in social interaction with others and by other circumstances. The following questions will be highlighted in this essay: How can shame be experienced by female alcoholics? What can affect shame in interaction with other people, from the view of female alcoholics? What other circumstances can affect the shame, from the view of female alcoholics?This study features interviews with women who have successfully gone through the process of rehabilitation from the illness of alcoholism, have a long going and stable sobriety and arecurrently part of the work force. The study also features interviews with therapists specializing in the field of addiction recovery and have considerable experience in their fieldof working with women suffering from alcoholism.The subject matters shame and stigma form the theoretical/analytical tools for this research.

Livförsäkringsbolag: En studie av intressekonflikter mellan aktieägare och försäkringstagare

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the conflict of interest between shareholders, life insurance companies and insurers in stock life insurance companies operated on a mutual basis from an agency-theoretic perspective. Further, this thesis aims to explore from an ownership-theoretical perspective, why this conflict of interest exist. A qualitative research has been performed and the empirical data is foremost based on interviews with persons from the life insurance industry and public prints. The study concludes that the stock life insurance company operated on a mutual basis has two principals whose interests are in conflict. History has shown that stockowners? interests have been prioritized on the expense of the insurers.

Transportörens hantering av slaktsvin och slaktsvinens beteende vid avlastning på slakteri :

The study concerns the unloading of pigs at the slaughter house, both from the pigs view and from the transporters view. The study has been carried out at the slaughter house (SLP) in Helsingborg, Sweden. It includes a questionnaire to all transporters (65 % response) and a direct observation of the unloading. The transporters handling of the pigs, their use of different equipment and the response of the pigs has been studied. The pigs behaviour at unloading and their reactions to environmental factors has also been studied.

När känslor inte får vara avgörande : - en kvalitativ studie om ett svenskt företags rekryteringsstrategier

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the recruitment process and its complexity. The study also aims to examine whether there are any problem areas with a recruitment process which is emotionally based and if so, how these can be resolved. Four issues have been presented, in regard to solving the study?s purpose and problem definition.Theoretical framework: The chapter begins by briefly illustrate the concept of employee turnover and the economic aspects a staff turnover can bring. Thereafter, the importance of a formal preparatory work for recruitment is presented.

Genuskommunikation genom design : - En studie av form, färg och typsnitt på parfymflaskor

Uppsala Universitet Sophie DicksenMedie- och kommunikationsvetenskap C-uppsatsAbstractTitle: Communication of gender through design -A study of shapes and colors of perfumebottles and of the fonts on their labels.(Genuskommunikation genom design -En studie av form, färg och typsnitt på parfymflaskor)Number of pages: 39 (82 including enclosures)Author: Sophie DicksenTutor: Mats LindCourse: Media- and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To study whether gender is communicated through design, and if so is the case, the aim is also to see by which aspects gender is communicated.Material/Method: 40 perfumebottles, 20 for women and 20 for men has been studied, and attributes such as their shapes, colors as well as the fonts on their labels has been analyzed in search of gender differences. An art director has also been interwiewed to receive information about genderdesign from a practical wiew.Main results: There is no difference out of a gender perspective between the colors on the bottles in aspect of lightness but colors on ladieperfumes are generally more saturated and they are also more often located among yellow, orange and red shades on the color chart while perfumesbottles for men tend to consist of yellow, green and blue colors in more unsaturated versions. The results of the study of shapes showes that there are more cubes among the male perfumes than there are in the group of womensperfumes. Concidering the study of fonts does results prove that fonts on labels of male perfumes mostly belong to the most common group of fontfamilies. This compared toperfumes for ladies where the the fonts varied between the two current fontgroups of the study, and therefore are bort rare and common.

Utvecklingen av samverkansregler mellan hälso- och sjukvården och näringslivet : Samverkan och krishantering i fält av legitimitet

Collaboration is a form of organization on the rise in Sweden. For health care, it is ofinterest to collaborate with industry to ensure that needs for specialist education andtraining are met and that products developed meet the relevant requirements.Conversely, industry actors have an interest to have a close collaboration with healthcare in order to gain insight into customer needs, provide information about theirproducts and to test products in development.The starting point of this study is an agreement and regulatory framework for formsof collaboration between public health care in Sweden in general and thepharmaceutical industry, the medical device industry and the laboratory technologyindustry. The research questions concerns how this agreement has evolved and theprocess surrounding its emergence may contribute to knowledge about collaborationas a form of organization and the relationship to concepts such as legitimacy,corruption and institutional theory.By tracking the emergence of the current regulatory framework genealogicalthroughout history, the study uncovers how the agreements have played a role in andcontributed to the legitimization and institutionalization of collaboration practices andhow crises have changed the shape of the practices. A theoretical treatment ofrelevant concepts such as legitimacy, institutionalization of practices, corruption andstigmatization of organizations form the basis for an interpretation and analysis of theprocess.The conclusions of the examination of the historical process that led to the currentagreements contribute to empirical knowledge of how crises and stigma affect thelegitimacy of collaboration practices and how the repair of legitimacy can be donesuccessfully after a crisis. The treatment of the empirical material is also a historicalsource for the development of ethics agreements between public health care andpharmaceutical industry and the medical industry in Sweden..

Banktjänstemän och representanter från Skatteverkets upplevda nytta med att företag revideras av revisorer

Despite the fact that mandatory financial auditing has been abolished for small private public companies in Sweden we still see this service being used by these firms. Earlier research, papers and published articles tend to focus on the abolishment of the mandatory audits seen from the accountant?s point of view. There has however been less emphasis on the fact that 85 percept of the companies relived from the mandatory audits still utilises this service. We think that we have found a new and until now unexplored angel on this subject, and the purpose of our study has been to explore what the Swedish bank officials and what the Swedish Tax Agency?s officials think that they have to gain from a mandatory financial audit.The scientific method used in the study is deduction due to the fact that existing theories has been used to form the hypothesis.

Har storleken någon betydelse? : En studie av den svenska aktiemarknadens reaktion på varsel om uppsägning av personal

Background: The reasons why this study is conducted is because of the latest recession in the global economy. The current recession has made a lot of companies more aware of its cost, and in order to fit the new harsher economic climate the companies has to be more cost efficient. In order to do so many companies choose to reduce their amount of employees. When this happens in a recession, most of the layoffs are an effect of reactive causes, such as lower incoming orders, and fewer customers. This leads to a problem for the companies that don?t know how these kinds of layoffs will affect the value of the company?s stock.

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