

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 66 av 86

C16 - utveckling och metod

Intresset för bioenergi bara ökar. 2008 var den totala energianvändningen i Sverige 497 terawatt timmar (TWh), varav 125 TWh (25 %) kom från biobränslen (Elofson, 2009). Under de sista åren har utbudet av och intresset för biobränslen ökat och också möjligheterna att tillvarata och använda dem. Arbetet har som syfte att: 1) Presentera resultaten i Sverige från användare av C16, 2) Presentera resultaten för olika användningsområden, 3) Beskriva marknaderna i England, 4) Presentera resultaten gällande maskinkostnader och tidsstudie. Detta visar en bild av C16 och de kunskaper och erfarenheter som finns av aggregatet. Maskintillverkaren Bracke Forest som etablerades 1922 och har flera produkter anpassade för aktiviteter i skogen. Företaget investerar mycket pengar på forskning och produktutveckling. Skogsvårds och bioenergiaggregatet, C16, används idag till många olika arbetsuppgifter och i många olika länder.

Teori och Praktik :  En studie beträffande svensk forskning om internationalisering i svenska företag och dess relevans för praktiker utifrån Handelskammaren, Exportrådet och forskare

Title: Theory and Practice: A study of Swedish Research on the Internationalization in Swedish Business and its Relevance to Practice´s, according to The Camber of Commers, Swedish Trade Council and researchers.Main issue: Within marketing science, there is an general ongoing discussion about the gap between researchers and practitioners, this leads to the thesis main issue on whether the Swedish marketing research conducted in the internationalization of Swedish companies, is relevant to practitioners and provides essential tools for practitioners to applicable in real business situations.Purpose: The purpose is to answer the problems of theory and practice, what it looks like and what the underlying factors and impact difference between internationalization theory and practice are.Method: The thesis has a qualitative methodology mainly based on theory, as well as empirical findings from researchers and organizations working with Swedish company's internationalization.Results: The result shows that there is a difference between theory and practice and that there are several factors underpinning this. Theories primary purpose is not to be practical but to explore an unanswered need to create an understanding to the researcher?s audience, which is other researchers, thereby are theories based on knowledge not demands from the practitioners. The result also shows that the internationalization theories can be applied in practice´s reality on the internationalization of companies. Research degree of generality has a sense of reality given by the empirical studies which therefore reflects the reality of the theory which gives theory a content of truth.Conclusion: The gap that exists between theory and practice has both positive and negative effects.

Drivkrafter och barriärer för FSC-certifiering inom försörjningskedjan till miljöcertifierade byggnader

Miljöcertifieringar av byggnader blir allt vanligare i Sverige. En av dessa är certifieringssystemet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) som administreras av Sweden Green Building Council. En certifiering av ett projekt genom LEED grundar sig i ett poängsystem där antal poäng avgör vilken nivå certifieringen kommer att ske efter. Användningen av minst 50 procent FSC-certifierade träprodukter ger poäng enligt LEED. Dock är tillgången på FSC-certifierade träprodukter begränsad vilket försvårar arbetet med LEED-certifierade projekt.

Hunter demography, trends and correlates of hunting participation in Sweden

The concerning issue of declining number of hunters in North America is also apparent in Europe and Sweden. When the bulk of research found on human dimensions and hunting participation has almost exclusively been done in the United States, this report seeks to add to the needed knowledge on a national level focusing on the causes of hunter declines related to social factors within Sweden. Using hunter data reaching from commune, county to National level, this report describes the correlation between a number of variables and the hunting participation in Sweden.The typical Swedish hunter lives in an area with low population density, the person usually has higher education, the living situation is stable with no recent moving and there is relatively good access to forest land. Persons with weaker connection to the Swedish culture such as foreign citizens, people with foreign background and people born outside ?the Nordic countries? are less likely to start hunt or participate in hunting.A strong relationship was found between the favorite game, moose (Alces alces), and the amount of hunters participating in the hunting.

Det kulturella tomrummet : En diskursanalys av kulturprojekt bland elever på särskilda ungdomshem

This essay deals with the rationale and aims for doing cultural or aesthetic activities and projects in schools, and gives special focus to a specific group of students, attending schools provided at special residential homes for young people (sa?rskilda ungdomshem). These homes receive young people with psychosocial and substance misuse problems and who show tendencies towards criminal behavior. The essay investigates how working with a cultural project in schools at these residential homes is justified and also elucidates how this specific group of students and their problems are constructed in the documents surrounding the project. The essay will further ponder over possible educational and pedagogical consequences of these constructions.The investigation has its theoretical frame work in curriculum theory.

Central and Eastern Europe

An increasing number of automotive supplier companies are investing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in order to gain cost advantages. This has happened in a rapid pace since many of these countries did not have any foreign direct investments (FDI) at the turn of the century. The problem now is for how long these countries will be able to maintain the low costs. One purpose was to create a model of country advantages for automotive supplier companies when relocating further production to CEE. This dissertation was written in cooperation with the Trelleborg Group.

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Reglering av visstidsanställningar och dess konsekvenser : En kandidatuppsats om visstidsanställningar i samhället

I dagens samhälle finns det ett antal arbetstagare som har anställning på begränsad tid. Denna uppsats utreder regleringarna kring visstidsanställningar samt vilket förhållande som finns mellan visstidsanställningar och samhället. Fokus i detta arbete är att undersöka hur visstidsanställningar regleras och hur dessa inverkar på individer i Sverige. För att få full förståelse behandlar uppsatsen vidare EU:s syn på Sveriges reglering av visstidsanställda. Samhällets utveckling behandlas kort för att nå en djupare kännedom om behovet av visstidsanställningar i Sverige.

Föräldrasamverkan i skolan. Ur ett elevperspektiv

Sedan folkskolan införande (och troligtvis ännu tidigare) har föräldrar haft synpunkter på deras barns undervisning i skolan. Politiker och andra styrande inom skolan har också förstått vitsen med föräldraengagemang i de egna barnens lärande som en tillgång för skolan. Sällan eller aldrig har eleverna frågats vad de tycker om föräldraengagemang i slan. I samarbete med en lokal skolstyrelse med föräldramajoritet är detta arbete gjort under vårterminen 2003. Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på vad eleverna tycker om föräldrarnas engagemang i skolan och i klassrummet.

Mittens Rike : etableringsmöjligheter och framtidstrender

China has the world?s largest population and during the last thirty years the country has implemented political and economical changes that have affected China to move towards a more western market economic direction. At first this development was going slow but during the last five years it has increased which today has made China the world?s greatest growing economy. China?s improved cooperation with the world is one reason for this growth which has led to a cumulative of the consumer market.

Teknik för egen foderberedning :

There is an uncertainty in the market for grain forcing the meat/milk producers to review alternative feeds to a larger extent, in order to get control over the feed costs. This has led to that the meat/milk producers need to have a good knowledge regarding how the different feeds influences the animals and which technical equipment to use for handling. For those that produce their own feedmix, there is a need to put interest in new crops and their characteristics to be able to get the knowledge of what is required for their own production. It is beneficial to keep an open dialogue with advisors to be updated in new crops and new technology for feeding. When mixing feed at farm level, the legislation is not very clear since it the target group is large scale mixing plants. We have brought up the most important rules and regulations from the EU parliament Council as well as the ones from the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV), regarding feed mixing on farm and factory level. We have studied beans and pea at two different moisture levels, in order to evaluate how the moisture level affects the distribution of particles when milling with a plaitmill and a hammermill.

Hövdingen och hans äreminne : En idéhistorisk studie av Brantingmonumentet på Norra Bantorget

This subject of interest in this paper is the ideas expressed and formulated in the making andinauguration of the Branting-monument at Norra Bantorget in Stockholm. The initiative for a monument honoring the late Social Democratic leader Hjalmar Brantingwas taken at the Swedish Social Democratic Party Congress in 1928. In 1935 the party board decided to give the task of designing the monument to the much renowned artist Carl Eldh. A national fund-raising campaign for the monument was also initiated. In1942 the model of the monument was completed, but because of the war it was stored in a shelter.

Hållbarhet och integrerad rapportering : i den Svenska gruvbranschen

Samhället blir mer medvetna om påverkan konsumtionssamhället har på miljön, människan och vår planet. Denna medvetenhet har resulterat i att högre krav ställs på att företag driver sin verksamhet på ett ansvarsfullt sätt med hänsyn till hållbarhet. Med utvecklad medvetenhet utvecklas nya sätt att hållbarhetsredovisa vilket har lett till att International Integrated Reporting Council år 2013 lanserade ett ramverk för integrerad rapportering. Ramverket ska vara ett helt nytt sätt att tänka. Driften av verksamheten och hållbarhetsarbetet ska vara integrerade med varandra för att kunna se samband mellan de ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala aspekterna.

Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Simulation of rattan harvests in Indonesia : different harvesting pressures and the resulting patterns

The objectives of this research were to determine whether the natural rattan resources in Sulawesi, Indonesia can cope with the strongly increased harvesting pressure that has occurred over the last centuries. I was furthermore looking for patterns in the rattan population dynamics that might give a hint on how the harvesting system could be improved to ensure a maximum sustainable yield. To answer these questions, I developed an individual-based model to analyse the dynamics of rattan growth in connection with rattan harvests by locals to identify sustainable levels of rattan harvests around villages in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Scenarios with different harvesting intensities were run to compare the change in harvest amount. For a given harvesting pressure, scenarios with a high number of harvesters and a low harvesting frequency had the same effect as scenarios with high harvesting frequencies and a low number of harvesters.

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