

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 23 av 86

Ett slott i romantikens lövsal : skogsutveckling på Château du Grand Val - att utveckla en integrerad gestaltande skogsbruksplan

The work presented here aims to give the owners ofChâteau du Grand Val, Roland and Marie Nilssond?Aubigné an integrated creative forest management planin which their goals with the property is heeded, andwhere the plan is so clear that they can follow it withoutmuch difficulty.This work has come about through the normal processesof forest management plans, landscape architecturalproposals as well as through field trips, field andliterature studies, and our combined experience fromour studies. The study visits, both on location in Brittany,France, but also in other places, as for instance Högestad,has provided the background information that formedthe basis of our analysis and the proposal that is derived thereof. Some suggestions, which we consider importantto the overall impression of the property, is provided amore focused and detailed solution, while other parts,which are important but can either benefit from havingdynamics in the design process or will be adapted toadjacent sites, are developed using a more generalapproach. In some cases several possible developmentprinciples are presented.The proposal presents a detailed plan for themanagement of the forest from the experience, wildlifeand forestry economic standpoint.

I Europas hjärta; Det brittiska ordförandeskapet under förhandlingarna om EU:s långtidsbudget 2007-2013

This thesis analyses the 2005 UK presidency of the Council, and more particularly the negotiations on the future financing of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to discuss whether the holding of the presidency implies political influence for the member state. To analyse the power of the country holding the chair the thesis focuses on the presidency functions of brokering and leadership. The theory suggests that the influence of the presidency is derived from informational and procedural power resources, as well as some leadership resources, such as coercion and reward. A case study was used to analyse whether these power resources were used by the British presidency.

Avel för hållbar produktion

This essay intends to provide an understanding of the developments in the right of public access and recreational activities in the forests of Sweden, and which factors and prerequisites that have affected this development. The forest and its history, along with recreational development has in many ways shaped today?s rights of public access, but there is also an age-old tradition of public access that has affected how we have used the forest, and that also has enabled the development of outdoor recreation. Many are unaware of this, which causes misunderstanding to appear around the rights of public access and how it is supposed to be used.The essay opens with historical descriptions of public access, the Swedish forest and outdoor recreation, to thereby provide a picture of how these three fields have influenced each other over the centuries. This is followed by a description of the current access rights and the problems associated with those, and a description of other countries' equivalent of the right of public access.

Dubbel problematik : socialtjänstens, psykiatrins och beroendevårdens föreställningar om samverkan kring dubbeldiagnostiserade

The essay's aim was to see which attitudes county council's and municipality representatives had about themes like: collaboration and competence in the work around double diagnosed persons. Its objective was to zero in on the attitudes of the representatives regarding a coallocated collaboration project in Stockholm. Also, it sought to find out what attitudes the representatives had about the other representatives attitudes concerning the above mentioned themes. A number of attitudes were presented during the qualitative interviews with the representatives, highlighting which attitudes seemed strongest. Then the interviews were analyzed using meaning condensation and then set against the theory of social representations.The analysis showed that before work with the target group starts, there?s a need for synchronization of the different representatives involved in the collaboration project.

Energieffektivisering av aerbo reningsprocess : Tillsats av biprodukter i skogsindustriellt avloppsvatten

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

En undersökning av Bergvik skogs och Skogsstyrelsens gallringsmallar mot en gallringsoptimering på simulerade typbestånd

The purpose of this study was to analyze the two thinning models: Bergvik Skog´s thinning model, which is based on total stems and dominant height, And Swedish forest agency´s thinning model which is based on basal area, habitat index, dominant height and recommended number of stems at final felling in Heureka´s StandWise and PlanWise. The data we chosen for our study were taken from the Swedish National Forest Inventory and we were creating a simulated stand based on a great number of sample plots in Region three from The Swedish National Forest Inventory. We had chosen to create one stand with low habitat index (T20) and one with high habitat index (T24). Our purpose were to come as close as possible to a natural stand in central Sweden. We performed the thinning in StandWise and analyzed the data I Excel files. Our thinning optimizing´s were performed and analyzed in PlanWise. There wasn´t any big differences between the thinning on the lower habitat index.

Spillningsinventering för bestämning av älgbetesbelastning på ungskog

In the 1980?s the moose population in Sweden grew explosively due to big changes in the silviculture with clear cuttings instead of single-tree selection. Clear cuttings brought big areas of young forest and therefore a lot of fodder in one place. Since this change, the discussion about how to manage the moose population has grown into a very big problem. Forest owners think that the population needs to be strongly reduced because of all the damage that is done to the young forest when the moose seeks its food, and the economic losses because of that.

Landsting möter landsting i gränsöverskridande samverkan. Om förändring och beslutsfattande i offentlig verksamhet.

A current debate is going on in Sweden about the health-care organization, how it is structured today and how it should be structured in the future. Despite major changes in the county council structures, they still got problems with for instance economy and the providing of staff. As an answer to these problems new solutions are being developed.In this thesis I examine such a solution consisting of cooperation between county councils. The aim of the thesis is to examine how and why the county councils in Sörmland and Västmanland have made a decision regarding cooperation over the administrative border.My contribution is to construct a model over change and decision processes that can be used in other cases as well. The conclusion is partly that the decision to cooperate is built on changing structural factors, such as economy, demography and medical development.

Lost World : Home of the seven and a half legged tree

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

En fallstudie om effektivisering av kosthanteringen inom Nybro kommun

In December 2008 the municipal council in Nybro, decided that the municipality shouldreduce the budget for food service. The budget should be reduced by 2 100 000 SEK.They decided that the children- and education committee, and the care committee would haveto lower their budget with 1 264 000 SEK respectively 636 000 SEK. The change have to bedone under two years, 60 % should be done under 2009 and 40 % under 2010.As a result of the decision, many kitchens have to become kitchens that only serve food, notcook it. This will result in preschool staff and nursing staff take over some of the tasks fromthe kitchen staff. The municipal council also decided that entrepreneurs could take over one(later two) cooking areas.A kitchen that serves food means that there isn?t any cooking involved.

Att leda ideella - en studie på gruppledare i Stockholms län

Over the past thirty years the political parties in Sweden have lost five out of six members. In order to retain existing members leadership in these organizations has become increasingly important. The aim of this paper is to identify what group leaders for party groups within the municipal council believe are the driving forces that underlie the councillors' voluntary commitment, identify the group leaders' leadership style and identify whether there exist a relationship between these driving forces and the leadership style. The approach applied is qualitative consisting of twelve interviews with twelve group leaders from six different municipalities in Stockholm county. The theoretical framework of this paper includes the Volunteer Functions Inventory and the Full Range Leadership Theory.

Derivativ talan och Corporate Governance. En komparativ studie ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of international conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of international law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community?The conclusion of the thesis is that international law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the nation, but also as a responsibility.

Lönsamhet i att avverka virkesrik fastighet innan försäljning

The purpose of this study is to find out the viability in performing final felling in stands with high timber volume or if it´s more profitable to leave these stands to the next owner. Will he or she pay more for the standing stock then the industry? The prices of forest-land have increased significantly over the last couple of years in Sweden and some properties seem to go higher than others. Is this because of higher standing stock volume or can a certain volume/hectare bring a higher price? Maybe a combination of both? This study is based on the the sale-statistics for 2012 from real-estate agency Areal.

Markägare i Stockholms län och deras inställning till biodiversitet och skydd av mark :

This report investigates what attitude private forest owners in the County of Stockholm, Sweden have towards biodiversity landconservation. Private landowners were asked to answer a questionnaire containing questions about there property and there attitude towards biodiversity. The results show that private landowners attitude towards biodiversity is affected by, amongst other things, the size of their property; a larger property have a more negative owner than a smaller property. A landowner that lives on his property has a more negative attitude towards biodiversity than a landowner that?s not living on his property.

Drömmen om Sverige: En studie av Exportrådets informationsfilmer "Världens möjligheter"

Within the fields of business as well as the academic, there is a growing interest for the role images play in an organized conception of the world. This paper acknowledges the relevance of such images and ideas, and its purpose is to examine the fixed ideas and conceptions of the world as they appear in a Swedish organizational context. The Swedish Trade Council is a hybrid organization between the state and private sector with an outspoken purpose of defining an image of the outside world for small and medium size enterprises in Sweden. The underlying question in focus for this study is: What central conceptions of the world appear in the Swedish Trade Council?s information films ?Världens möjligheter?? Within organizational studies, a postcolonial theory has to a large extent been overlooked.

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