

7067 Uppsatser om Forest development - Sida 24 av 472

Hur påverkas bentiska funktionella födogrupper av kalavverkning? : Effekt på abundans, samt återhämning, av funktionella födogrupper efter kalavverkning kring små vattendrag.

Forestry affects most of the forest-covered land in Sweden. In the landscape, the most common stream type is headwaters, which are important sites for many processes and organisms in both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate how the abundance of benthic invertebrate functional feeding groups in headwater streams develops after clear-cutting and if it also is possible to detect a change in the composition of feeding groups. The study also attempts to determine what factors have an effect on temporal changes in abundance of these groups. For the study, 11 sites in northern Sweden were sampled for benthic invertebrates using a Surber-sampler, and for each site canopy-cover and pH was obtained.

Scenografi till Batboy - the musical

This is the project of making a stage design for Batboy ? the musical, a cooporation with a network of musical artists. The aim of the project was to create a space on stage that strengthens and expands the experience of the story told, and find design solutions that give an extra dimension to the story. The prerequisites for my work were partly defined from the produc¬tion, as were my limitations. In the cast of ten artists some were to play more than one role, often one of the opposite sex.

Kunddriven tjänsteutveckling? - en kvalitativ studie av Scandinavian Airlines.

The deregulation during the last decade within the airline businesses have called upon a more fierce competition among airlines. This fact forces airlines to continuously focus on service development in order to offer attractive solutions to satisfy customers changing needs and stay competitive. This paper focuses on service development at Scandinavian Airlines. The aim of this case study is to examine the sources of information used in service development and new service development at Scandinavian Airlines. Further the aim is to examine whether information derived from customers can be shown to play a more important role in either service development or new service development.

Produktutveckling av EMV och LMV ? en jämförande studie

Existing studies concerning private labels are unclear as to whether private label manufacturers carry out product development themselves. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies comparing product development processes in private label companies and national brand manufacturers. This study highlights a set of critical product development factors and assesses their prevalence in four different companies in the Swedish retail business. The study is based on a number of qualitative interviews with key personnel responsible for various table fats. Findings indicate two levels of involvement in the product development process on the private label side.

Evaluation of an ectomycorrhizal macrofungi as an indicator species of high conservation value pine-heath forests in northern Sweden

Since the 1950s, the development of modern rotation forestry in boreal Fennoscandia has resulted in a severe reduction of older forests, and a high degree of fragmentation among the small patches that remains of old forest. In Sweden, when performing conservation value assessments in order to identify and preserve the remaining forest habitats, the government authorities use to a significant extent a set of indicator species that indicate habitats of high biological conservation value. One species considered to indicate high conservation values in pine-heath forests is the red-listed ectomycorrhizal (EM) macrofungi Sarcodon scabrosus (Fr.) P. Karst. In the present study, the validity of using S.

Användarcentrerad utveckling av mobilt IT-stöd

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and SYSteam Utvecklingspartner in Huskvarna. The assignment was about finding a need for a mobile application, making a requirement specification document with design documents and parallel to this constructing a prototype. The assignment is summarized in the following questions:? How can companies in the forest industry benefit from mobile information technology?? How can a user centered perspective be used in the process of making the requirement specification document and the design documents?? How do guidelines for usability apply to a mobile application?Three visits to companies in the forest industry were made to find a need for mobile information technology solutions. After a small analysis of the different companies? problems and conditions the decision was to use Tenhults Impregneringsverk AB in the case study.We used the FA/SIM method in our job of finding the organization needs for change and the principles of User Centered Design in the work of constructing a prototype.The result of our work is a requirement specification with design documents and a prototype.

Från ett nödvändigt ont, till en naturtyp värd att bevara - en studie av ljungheden i Sandsjöbacka och Grönabur/From a necessary evil to a nature type worth protect - a studie of the Calluna heath of Sandsjöbacka & Grönabur

In the middle of the 19th century was Calluna heath the major nature type in Halland, but the remaining parts today is only 1 500 hectares which is a 99 % decrease of the Calluna heath mainly due to an increase in forest plantations and arable fields. I have made a quantitative study how the Calluna heath of Grönabur & Sandsjöbacka has changed between 1841 and 2005 and why it didn?t disappear in the same manner, as it did in other parts of Halland. The studying of original sources as historical maps, literature and by doing field visits has been significant for the final result. The main reason for the different development of the Calluna heath in the investigation area (69 % decrease), compare to elsewhere in Halland, is the establishment and management of a nature reserve..

I stundens hetta : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Va?stmanland sommaren 2014

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

Tillämpning av kNN-Sverige i Södra Skogs verksamhet : behovsinventering, databearbetning och förberedelse för praktisk implementering

The digital map product kNN-Sweden contains nationwide data of the country?s forest land. The estimated forest variables are mean age, mean tree height, volume per tree species and total volume. Today Södra Skog?s assessments of timber potentials are mainly based on experience rate and subjective assumptions.

Skånes gröna guld : anläggning, odling & mossarter i mossträdgården

This is a 15 hp (10 p) thesis in biology at the programme for Horticulture Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp. In this literature study we have processed, reviewed and arranged facts and research, to make it more available for those who want to know more about establishment or cultivation of mosses. Our client is Fredriksdal?s Museums and Gardens in Helsingborg who are planning to establish a moss garden. The information is meant to be used by Fredriksdal and other similar facilities.

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

Naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkningar : En jämförelse mellan certifierade och o-certifierade hyggen

A growing number of Swedish forest owners are choosing to certify their forestry. However, there appears to be a lack of field surveys which describe differences between certified and non-certified forests concerning the degree of completed environmental considerations. In order to know to what extent certified forests contribute towards improved environmental consideration, we need studies on how large the difference is in relation to non-certified forests.Differences between certified and non-certified forest clearings were quantified through an inventory of the number of retention trees, dead trees and snags. The result showed that the retained number of the investigated parameters varied greatly between individual clearings, regardless of certification status. However, the results suggested that the certified clearings had an average higher incidence ofthe investigated parameters.

Betesskador på lärkplantor

The purpose of this study was to show how the Hybrid Larch (Larix eurolepis x) are used by large herbivores in terms of grazing and fraying. More specifically I studied how impact on the seedlings was affected by forest stand area, tree height and stem density (stems/ha).The survey was done in Jönköpings county in southern Sweden. About 50 % of all stems that are measured are damaged by grazing and 5,8 % was damaged from fraying. The conclusion of the study is that the biggest influencing factor is the height of the seedlings. The size of the stands and number off seedlings per hectare have almost no impact on the injuries on the seedlings. Fraying are common on trees smaller than 3 meters, and doesn?t occur on trees above that height.

Lövskogens förändring i eklandskapet söder om Linköping : 1927 jämfört med 2013

The forests of Sweden are constantly changing. Map studies indicate that the amount of deciduous trees in Sweden has decreased in recent years in favor of the coniferous trees. The National Forest Inventory has since the early 1920s monitored the Swedish forests and in recent years has made the old data digitally available. In the present project, we have investigated how the numbers of stems in different diameter classes have changed for birch and other deciduous trees. The inventory was conducted in the same manner as in the first forest inventory.

Implementering av centralt fattade beslut i ett regionalt samverkanskomplex : en studie om implementeringen av de sociala hållbarhetsaspekterna i Kronobergs regionala tillväxtprogram

AbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the implementation process and the implementation steering of the social development aspects, gender equality and integration, in the program for regional development of the region Kronoberg in the period of 2004-2007.The study asks three questions: 1) How have the social development aspects, gender equality and integration, been implemented in the program for regional development of the region Kronoberg? 2) What has facilitated or hindered the implementation of the two social development aspects? 3) What possibilities to steer the implementation process of the two social development aspects exist at the governmental and at the regional level?In order to answer these questions a qualitative method has been used. To be able to analyse the empirical material, which consists of documents and interviews, the theoretical framework comprehends the policy process and implementation steering. The conclusion is that the incorporation of the social development aspects in the regional development program does not fully correspond with the central intentions, and that is due to circumstances at the regional level..

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