

7067 Uppsatser om Forest development - Sida 13 av 472

Local forest governance and benefit sharing from reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) : case study from Burkina Faso

Africa is one of the regions most affected by climate change. However its forests are important carbon sinks for the whole world, and if recognised as a global public good, could be conserved and contribute to green house gas emission reductions. A global mechanism, Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation(REDD+) aims to help developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancement of carbon stocks. REDD+ strategies may, however exclude local forest dependent communities from forests in order to conserve and maximise carbon stocks, thus having a severe impact on local livelihoods. Therefore, how local communities can participate and share benefits from REDD+ is a key concern.This study investigates how three forest dependent communities in the Nazinon forest, in Southwest Burkina Faso could financially benefit from a REDD+ project.

Analys av linjetaxering i samband med gallringsinventering med avseende på kvalitet, tillförlitlighet och framtida utformning

Modern forest owners are very familiar with forest management and forest economics. Therefore they have high demands for quality in forest operations. Guarantee of quality in the shape of self-checking activities is an important tool to guarantee a well managed forestry operation. To meet the forest owners? demands on guarantee of quality and the entrepreneurs wish of an easy method for self-checking, the forest owners association, Södra skogsägarna, has developed a new method for thinning inventory. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the method that is used for self-checking and to find ways to develop and improve of the method. The data has been collected by inventory in a number of stands with circle-area survey and with strip survey, which is method that is used for self-checking. The results show that the strip survey does not diverge more than ±10 % in measuring values of basal area, number of stems, roads share, thinning quotient, outtake of basal area and total volume compared to circle-area survey.

Skogsvård hos privata skogsägare : vilka åtgärder utförs och av vem?

Many participants in the Swedish timber market procure raw material from private forest owners. They often also offer forest services to ensure reforestation after final felling. Selling silviculture services can be a part of creating a long term relationship with the landowner for future timber purchases. The Swedish Forest Agency monitors forest rejuvenation results in the entire country. In the latest survey (2006 - 2008) the proportion of approved regeneration area was 78%.

Koldioxidlagring - realitet eller utopi? : En komparativ fallstudie med syfte att undersöka potentialen för koldioxidlagring i geologiska formationer och biologiska sänkor och dess förmåga att bidra till hållbar utveckling

To curb greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change is one of the biggest challenges human society face today. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has accumulated rapidly in the atmosphere as a consequence of burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The aim of this study is to explore two methods to store carbon dioxide in geological formations and biological sinks. The aim is also to discuss the two mitigation options from a sustainable perspective and whether it can lead to a better environment and benefits for local and global societies. The research questions are: Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, is the most effective? Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, has the greatest potential to promote sustainable development for local communities?The method used is a comparative case study and presents four case studies that explore the potential for CO2 storage offshore in Norway and Brazil; and in tropical forests in Mexico and Brazil.

Lekens betydelse för barns utveckling : En studie om hur skolgårdsmiljöns utformning påverkar barns leklust

The purpose of this study is to illustrate the impact on children's development around playing and how significance the formation of the schoolyards is focusing on how it inspire and calls to play within the children's. The study will also show how the youth workers experience the schoolyards and how they can incorporate the playground in their work to inspire the children's play and activities. The methods used in this study is based on both real conversations and by mail with educated youth workers and observations. The results shows that the schoolyard environment is very important for the children's play and development. The study reveals the importance of having nature like forest nearby and that the environment should be suited for everyone.

Prestation i traktplanering

This study was an assignment for the company Holmen which is located in the region of Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The study was focusing on the responsibilities of a forestry planner during the planning season. The study was investigating about how much time the planner spent in the office, in the car and out in the forest. Any other issues that would cause delays were also identified. To be more effective and to increase the number of objects to a district bank, a better preparation in the planning stage (for thinning?s or clear cuts) is needed as well as faster transition on to the next area.

FN:s Milleniemål och deras påverkan på den svenska biståndspolitiken

The purpose of this thesis is to study to what extent the UN millennium development goals have influenced Sweden?s development policy. The research method that I have used is a qualitative text analysis and I have studied the ideas in governmental texts and millennium development goals reports from 1995-2008.My hypothesis is that the basic ideas that has symbolized Sweden?s development policy has not changed much since the adoption of the millennium development goals in year 2000. This hypothesis is based on different ideas that the basic perspectives in international development policy are rather constant.My conclusion is that many of the areas that are affected by the millennium development goals already are prioritized areas within Swedish development policy, for example poverty reduction and gender equality.

Trädslagsinverkan på markvegetationens utveckling i odlingsförsök med tall och contorta :

In the 1970?s it was predicted that in the beginning of the 21st century there would be a timber shortage in Sweden and a large scale introduction of the exotic tree species lodgepole pine started. An introduction of a foreign tree species means a risk of a negative influence on the forests ecosystem. Today, the stands that were established in the 70?s are middle-aged and the effect on the forest floor vegetation can be studied.

Hybridmodeller för prediktiv modellering skapade med genetisk programmering.

Det finns idag ett stort behov av att kunna klassificera stora mängder data på ett effektivt sätt. Prediktiv modellering är ett område inom data mining där prediktioner kan utföras baserat på tidigare erfarenheter. Dessa prediktioner presenteras sedan i en modell. Avvägningen mellan tolkningsbarhet och träffsäkerhet är ett begrepp som beskriver hur träffsäkra modeller ofta är ogenomskinliga, medan genomskinliga modeller ofta har lägre träffsäkerhet. Detta är ett problem eftersom det finns ett behov av modeller som är både träffsäkra och tolkningsbara.I denna studie visas hur man kan gå till väga för att skapa en modell som har en träffsäkerhet i klass med en ogenomskinlig modell, men samtidigt har en högre tolkningsbarhet.

Samband mellan virulensgener och VTEC-infektioner : Riskklassificeringssystem för VTEC

To curb greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change is one of the biggest challenges human society face today. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has accumulated rapidly in the atmosphere as a consequence of burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The aim of this study is to explore two methods to store carbon dioxide in geological formations and biological sinks. The aim is also to discuss the two mitigation options from a sustainable perspective and whether it can lead to a better environment and benefits for local and global societies. The research questions are: Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, is the most effective? Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, has the greatest potential to promote sustainable development for local communities?The method used is a comparative case study and presents four case studies that explore the potential for CO2 storage offshore in Norway and Brazil; and in tropical forests in Mexico and Brazil.

Södras gröna skogsbruksplaner ur ett landskapsperspektiv :

The aim of the "Green forest management plans" is to help forest owners to reach the environmental goal of the forestry act. But are they able to do that? Is it possible to plan preservation of species on single estates? How do single-estate-plans differ from a landscape analysis and how can the landscape approach be used in operative planning? This work was initiated to give an answer to these questions. This study was made in a landscape of 4200 ha in Östergötland county, south-eastern Sweden. A lanscape analysis was made and then compared to the Green forest management plans in the same area. The nature conservation areas (areas that were set aside to be managed with environmenatl goals) differed quite a lot between the two alternatives.

Epixylic, forest-interior bryophytes in young stands : importance of local environmental variables, propagule sources, and distance to bordering woodland key habitats

The reduction of coarse, dead wood is considered to be the biggest threat to flora and faunain boreal forests. Extensive harvest of logging residues would increase this reduction evenmore. However, the role of dead wood created at final felling for boreal, epixylic species isstill largely unclear. It is therefore of interest to examine whether epixylic species inhabit thedead wood in young, boreal stands, especially species considered to be confined to forests inlate successional stages.The aim of this study was to investigate whether forest-interior species in fact can inhabitearly-successional forests arisen after logging. The study was conducted in young standsbordering dead wood rich woodland key habitats.

Nyckelbiotoper - urskogsrester eller kulturprodukter? : beståndshistorik i tolv nyckelbiotoper i Lycksele kommun

Since 1993 the Swedish Forestry Administration conducts a nation-wide inventory of wood-land key habitats covering all forest land in Sweden. The inventory aims at mapping and describing habitats where redlisted species occur or can be expected to occur. According to the inventory stand history is crucial to the presence of red-listed species. However, the current knowledge of stand history in woodland key habitats is very limited. The purpose of this work is to describe stand history in woodland key habitats, i.e. fire history, human activities - mainly cuttings - and structural changes.

Greklands offentliga förvaltning.

The story of the forest - A folded textile wall for flexible rooms in public spacesIn the story of the forest the dragonfly is spinning yarn shiny as the sun. In the story of the forest almost everything can happen and almost everything is also happen there.Inspiration from Lennart HellsingThe goal in this exam work was to create a calm, playful space for children in public spaces. A place where children can hide and relax without being disrupted by the surrounding, a place where their imagination can grow and take place. The goal was also to make a flexible space for public spaces that could be used in different ways. Today many libraries want to be more than a library, they will work as a meeting place and you can find several activities to join in.

Strategic forest planning using AHP and TOPSIS in participatory environments : a case study conducted in Vilhelmina, Sweden

When a decision is to be made on what long term strategic forest management plan to use, consideration must often be taken to multiple objectives. Such decisions are very complex and a promising approach to handle them is by Multiple Criteria Decision Analyses (MCDA). The study is based on the problem that the MCDA that have been implemented into forest management planning have only had capacity to compare and evaluate a limited number of management plans; which means that there is a risk the most suitable plan is missed. The aim with this study was to test the applicability of combining the MCDA tools: the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for including consideration to multi-objectives into strategic forest management planning. The study was based on the process of creating and selecting a management plan, using Heureka PlanWise, suitable for all the major objectives found in the forest holdings of a municipality in northern Sweden.

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