

988 Uppsatser om Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act - Sida 2 av 66

Europeiseringens inverkan på svensk deklarerad utrikespolitik

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine if the Swedish policy of foreign affairs has been changed due to the Swedish enter as members in the European Union. The research method used for this essay has been a comparative case study between the Swedish and Norwegian declared policy of foreign affairs and it strives to answer the research question, which is if the Swedish declared policy of foreign affairs has been changed in character due to the Europeanization. The theoretical framework of this study consists of Europeanization as a comprehensive theoretical perspective. I order to answer the research question a classification schedule has been elaborated to examine the objectives of the Swedish and Norwegian declared policy of foreign affairs. The analytical method of this part has been a quantitative and qualitative approach.

?Jag gör det jag tror är bäst? ? Faktorer bakom bristande compliance till läkemedelsordination hos kroniskt sjuka patienter

Bristande compliance till läkemedelsordinationer vid kronisk sjukdom är idag ett vanligt förekommande problem inom sjukvården. Detta bidrar till ökade kostnader för sjukvården men hindrar också effektiv behandling, vilket kan utgöra hinder för patienters upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån patientens perspektiv beskriva faktorer bakom bristande compliance vid kronisk sjukdom. Uppsatsen är utförd genom en litteraturöversikt där både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier jämförts och sammanställts. I resultatet framkommer sju teman vilka samtliga beskriver bakomliggande orsaker till bristande compliance.

Styrreglage för hållbarhetsstyrning - En fallstudie av hur företags interna styrning aktiverar Levers of Control för att uppfylla hållbarhetskrav

The connection between management control systems for controlling sustainability and a firm's motivation for engaging in sustainability is not completely understood (Arjaliès & Mundy, 2013). The aim of this thesis is to develop a more profound understanding for management control in achieving sustainable companies. To do this, we raise the question: How and to what extent do companies use management control systems to achieve sustainability compliance Simons's Levers of Control (1995) are applied to this question in order to get a consistent and thorough insight of management control systems. Hence, a case study of ABB:s work to achieve material compliance in accordance with EU-regulation was conducted. The findings of the case study reveal that ABB uses the regulations as explicit goals and implement them in sustainability procedures.

Djurägare och djurhälsopersonals upplevelse av djurägarcompliance vid tandvårdsråd - likheter, skillnader och möjliga lösningar

The extent by which pet owners follow health care instructions falls within the confines of ?compliance?. The success of any given treatment is in part due to the way in which the owner complies with the instructions received from the advising veterinary professional. Studies abroad have found that the preventative dental care sphere suffers from a low compliance rate. Together with the fact that veterinary staff commonly issue advice on preventative dental care, this provided the impetus for undertaking the current research.

En jämförelse av compliance mellan de kontaktlinsbärare som köper kontaktlinserpå Internet och de som köper i butik

Introduktion: Begreppet compliance används i optiker- världen för att benämna hur väl en kontaktlinspatient följer instruktioner för linsbärande.En debatt pågår om hur e-handel av kontaktlinser ska kunna skötas för att inte riskera patientsäkerheten. Motståndare till e-handel av kontaktlinser hävdar att det största hotet mot patientsäkerheten är icke-compliance.Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka om linsbärare som köper sina kontaktlinser på Internet skiljer sig i compliance gentemot de som köper kontaktlinser i butikMetod: En enkät med 27 frågor som berörde linsskötsel samt hur de medverkande såg på sitt linsbärande delades ut till 53 personer på bland annat kontor och offentliga platser. Enkätsvaren sammanställdes i ett poängsystem, där höga poäng betyder god compliance.Resultat: Totalt blev det 19 stycken Internetköpare och 28 stycken butiksköpare. Medelpoängen blev 23,68 för Internetköparna och 21,07 för butiksköparna. Alltså är de som köper sina kontaktlinser på Internet mer compliant än de som köper i optikerbutik enligt den här studien.Diskussion: Resultatet är mycket intressant och kan tyda på att det kanske är så att Internetköpare tar större ansvar för sitt linsbärande eftersom de känner av ett större ansvar..

Framtidens lagefterlevnadsverktyg hos små och medelstora företag : en behovsanalys

This thesis aims to investigate what requirements companies have in order to achieve a successful legislative compliance control. The implementation of an environmental management system can help the company to structure their business and succeed with their environmental legislative compliance.Both small and medium sized businesses perceive that it is difficult and time consuming because the legislation can be difficult to interpret if you do not have the required knowledge. There are many companies that hire help in the form of consultants who audit their compliance, but this leads to a risk that the company will be exposed when the knowledge does not remain in the company if the consultant would cancel the cooperation. There are not so many tools today for businesses to obtain good legal compliance. The methods used are usually checklists included in the control program, and it costs a lot of resources to do everything needed.This study strives to deliver the expressed needs of the businesses.

Nordisk compliance - En studie av de nordiska EU-medlemmarnas implementeringsnivå

The following thesis is examining compliance with EU-law from a member state perspective. The variation in the compliance level between the member states from 1995 to 2005 is analyzed to prove the fact that the Nordic member countries during the measured time period experienced a low number of infringements. The infringements that did occur were resolved faster and more efficient in the Nordic countries then in the other member states. The theory used to explain the Nordic compliance rate is divided between external and internal pressure in a pull and push model. The external pressure is illustrated with argumentative persuasion from the EU-commission to the individual member states; how the state responds to the persuasion in order to act compliant.

Intryck som ger avtryck i en krympande värld : En kvantitativ undersökning om utrikesnyheternas fokus de senaste 30 åren

We have inquired into how the amount of foreign news has changed over the last 30 years in two major Swedish newspapers, which subjects and regions has dominated the content of the foreign news and what subjects dominate the reporting from certain regions. This was done with a quantitative analysis of subjects and regions written about in 1100 news texts during a week in each year of 1978, 1988, 1998 and 2008. To further broaden our study, we also charted with the analysis how the newspapers domesticate foreign news and how they use international news agencies. As a basis for our discussion we use Van Ginnekens theories of world news centres, Westerståhl & Johanssons and Galtung & Ruges theories of foreign news selection as well as the theories of Hjarvard and Biltereyst about the domestication of foreign news due to commercial pressures and objectives on the newspapers. Our result of the amount of foreign news in the two newspapers is also compared to several similar empirical studies by different researchers.

Från samförstånd till konfrontation i den svenska utrikespolitiken? : En studie om svensk utrikespolitik mellan åren 1989-2000

This thesis aims at investigating the conflict development of Swedish foreign policy debates during 1989-2000. It is rather assumed that the Swedish foreign policy debates have been highly characterized by a large consensus. Despite that, there have been certain occurrences where the political parties have flushed into party struggle and shown disagreements over the party frontiers. This has raised questions about the range of conflict and consensus in such debates where I have studied the political parties' backchats. I have studied situations where the political parties replicate each other in order to investigate the range of consensus and controversy that exists within different foreign policy areas.

"Varför gör dom inte som vi säger"?

Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar compliance vid diabetes typ2. Vår frågeställning är: Vad är viktigt för sjuksköterskor att tänka på vid information / utbildning av patienter med diabetes typ 2? Modell: Vi använder oss av Carnevalis (1999) modell för krav och resurser som referensram. Metoden är en systematisk litteratursökning via databaser. Artikelgranskning och kvalitetsbedömning är gjort enligt Polit, Hungler et al ( 2001).

En sjuksköterskas följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner : En studie utifrån Theory of Planned Behaviour

Background: Nosocomial infections pose a big threat to patient safety and increased costs for society. An effective way of preventing cross-infections is to apply hygiene routines. Studies show that compliance to hygiene routines is low while there's a lack of knowledge about the best way of improving it. Aim: To investigate whether a conversation based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) could influence a nurse's compliance to hygiene routines and whether it could benefit the understanding of a nurse's compliance. Method: A quantitative and qualitative method was used in the study and included one nurse.

Läsning för Folket : En studie av utländskt material i en svensk tidskrift

The society of spreading useful knowledge started to sell its magazine Reading for the People (RFP) in 1834. The idea with the society was to, through the magazine that contained useful knowledge, enlighten the Swedish peasantry. RFP contained articles about agricultural and economy for example.My goal with this essay is to investigate how the use of foreign articles in RFP changed over time. I?m also going to present a field and language categorization of the foreign articles and study the articles from Benjamin Franklin and Charles Dickens and investigate what kind of articles they wrote.

Klassificering av utländska dotterföretag

Background: Companies often invest in foreign subsidiaries and that gives rise to translation exposure. Translation exposure arises with the consolidation of the foreign subsidiary and depends on the rate of exchange that are used for translation of the foreign subsidiary. In time several different methods of translation and recommendations has been developed. Companies listed on OM Stockholmsbörsen shall follow RR8. According to RR8 a classification of foreign subsidiaries as indipendent or integral to the parent company determines which method of translation that should be used.

Investeringssparkontot : För schablonbeskattning ? i tiden

Title: The Investment Savings Account ? Standard Taxation ? Right in TimeAuthors: Gustav Mårtensson and Erica Nordström LöfSupervisor: Göran HäggBackground: In order to facilitate and stimulate financial investments among privateinvestors the organization Aktiespararna made a proposal for a standard-taxed account. As aresult of this, the Swedish government decided to implement the Investment Savings Accountin January of 2012. The introduction of the Investment Savings Account implies that there arenow three different types of accounts for financial investments that are differently taxed onthe Swedish Market. Private investors can improve their after-tax results by combining AssetAllocation and Asset Location, according to earlier studies.

"Alla Ryssars Putin?" : En studie om nationalism, ideologi och pragmatism i Putins retorik.

This essay seeks, by applying to theories of nationalism, to explain the reasoning behind the Russian annexation of Crimea and to understand the ideology and nationalistic influences in Russian foreign policy in the case of the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea. The argumental analysis exemplifies the nationalistic tendencies of Vladimir Vladimirovitj Putin and the Russian foreign actions and attempts to specify a nationalistic motif in the case of Crimea and in Russian foreign policy. The study seeks to illustrate tendencies in Russian foreign policy and to show what can be expected of Russia in the near future..

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