

3733 Uppsatser om Food experiences - Sida 18 av 249

Sit, Eat, Drink, Talk, Laugh ? Dining and Mixed Media

Sit, Eat, Drink, Talk, Laugh ? Dining and Mixed Media, is an exploratory study of qualities in everyday life and challenges people to enjoy the qualities of mundanity. Seeking inspiration in ethnographic studies, field work was conducted in domestic settings, returning an extensive body of material to work from. The study challenges people to absorb the moment, reflect and enjoy, rather than pacing through a lifetime, with a constant focus on the future instead of the present. This work takes a starting point in food and dining as a social activity, where interactive sound and a reference to online social media is explored through two interventions.

Övervikt hos hund: fysisk aktivitet, nutrition och djuromvårdnad i hemmiljön

Overweight and obesity is currently a major health problem in our dogs all around the world and it is becoming more common each year. There are few studies on the proportion of overweight dogs in Sweden, but it was estimated to be 33% in 2005. Studies in other countries report that between 25-40% of all dogs are overweight. The aim of this study was to survey the animal care for an overweight dog. It was also important to develop a scientifically based advice.

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.

Attityder hos lastbilsförare gällande mat i samband med långa, korta -respektive blandade transportsträckor

Martinez, A (2011). Attityder hos lastbilsförare gällande mat i samband med långa -respektive korta transportsträckor. Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv, Högskolan i Gävle. AbstractBackground: The profession as a lorry driver is in many aspects very risky. Factors such as time directive, poor diet and shift work characterize the profession and puts drivers' health at risk. Current research shows that the vast majority of lorry drivers are overweight, suffer from high stress related to work and have on average a very low consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Att vara lärare i en mångkulturell skola

This thesis will discuss teachers handling of the background, experience and earlier acquired knowledge of students. Our aim is to study the teachers? use of the cultural knowledge that of which the students already possess and the consideration the teachers have for the students own parental tongue. From this we want to see if there are any obstacles or pits with the work of gathering up experiences. The study is based on interviews with seven different teachers at a multi cultural elementary school in one the suburbs of Stockholm.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till individer med hjärtsvikt vid vätske- och saltrestriktion. -en integrerad litteraturstudie.

Karin Holmkvist (2014) Sleep, meals and physical activity among professional drivers during the day with work and spare time. Master?s thesis in health at work. University of Gävle. Night work and irregular work hours affects social and biological rhythms in activity, eating, sleep and metabolism. Researchshows how theworking conditions andworking hours affect professional drivers´ lifestyle and there is a negative impact on their health.

Hela kroppen behövs för att lära! : En studie om pedagogers levda erfarenheter av att stimulera barns motoriska utveckling

The study aims to demonstrate the significance of educators lived experiences of stimulating children's physical development. It has been noted that children are occupying themselves with more and more sedentary activities, which may lead to that they do not develop motor skills at the pace expected. To understand educators lived experiences from a phenomenological hermeneutic perspective empirical relevance has been collected through narrative interviews. The results shows that educators find it difficult to understand the Curriculum goals for motor activity and that the desire to stimulate motor development is great, but the realization is conspicuous by its absence. The discussion highlights educator?s commitment and motivation and the importance of being a reflecting practitioner..

?Kryddan i maten? : Redesign av en kokbok

The purpose of this project has been to redesign an already existing cook-book. The title of the book (directly translated), ?Season in food ? the year around with herbs and spices?, contains what the headline imposes: spices, herbs and food. But when the author tries to entwine these parts and communicate it to the reader it is not working all to well due to a poor and inconsistent graphic design.I have followed the theories and values of information design when I redesigned the book layout with the intent to simplify the communication between author and reader. In the progress to make a complete dummie of the book I did multiple literature studies, book analysis, tests and a vast number of drafts.In this report I will describe the whole process from start to finish.

Vakna lokalbedövade patienters upplevelser

Patients who undergo surgery receive general anaesthesia or any form of conduction anaesthesia during the operation. For most people it is strange, unexpected and for many something completely new to be a patient and undergo surgery. Awake conduction anaesthetic patients? experiences from the intraoperative period were little studied. The purpose of this study was to examine awake conduction anaesthesia patients? experiences.

Döden är livsviktig : fem kuratorers bemötande av obotligt sjuka och deras bild av de sjukas upplevelser

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to explore how the welfare officers at palliative units in Stockholm respond to the patients? thoughts and experiences during the last phase of life, as well as exploring their picture of the patients experiences. The research questions of the study were:? How do the welfare officers relate to the patients? experience of their death? ? In what way do the welfare officers respond to the dying patient and his or her experiences?? What knowledge/experience do the welfare officers have and what knowledge/experience do they consider is needed in their profession?To answer the research questions a qualitative method was used where five welfare officers in three different palliative units were interviewed. The empirical material was analysed through meaning concentration and are presented using exact quotations.

Organizing for value creation : a corporate perspective on urban farming

In the year 1800, about 5 % of the world population lived in cities (World Wide Fund for Nature, 2012, 3). Today that number is about 70 % in Europe and North America, and in 2050 it is expected to be 86 % in the developed world and 67 % in the developing world (www, UN, 2009). In addition, the global population is expected to increase with 2.2 billion people until 2050. As a result of the population increase more food has to be produced which requires more transport from the countryside to the cities. However, this flow of resources faces some difficulties.

Tvång som vård : Patienters upplevelser av tvångsvård och tvångsåtgärder ? en litteraturöversikt

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

Upplevelser av stroke. En litteraturstudie om patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av följder, rehabilitering och hemgång.

Stroke is one of the most common disabiliting diseases. A greater knowledge of the personal experiences after a stroke could improve the rehabilitation and the relations during the rehabilitation. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how strokepatients and their relatives experienced the consequences, rehabilitation and discharge after a stroke. This study is based on nine scientific articles and the results points out that patients and their relatives experiences can be positively influenced by participation and information..

Har avslöjandet om fusket med köttfärshanteringen lett till ändrade rutiner inom livsmedelsbranschen

My bachelor thesis deals with how food stores have changed their handling of minced meat after ICA?s cheating with minced meat packaging was revealed..

The major food trees of the Angola black-andwhitecolobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus)in Diani Forest, Kenya

The Angola black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is a subspecies of Colobus angolensis inhabiting fragmented forests in coastal Kenya and Tanzania. C. angolensis is regarded as Least Concern in the red list of IUCN because its populations are abundant. However, the populations of C. a.

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