

3733 Uppsatser om Food experiences - Sida 11 av 249

Inköpsstrategier för ökad konkurrenskraft inom dagligvarubranschen

Term: Spring term 2007Study objects: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna, ICA Sverige ABPurpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse how procurement is used as a strategy to achieve better competitive strength, within the retail food industry.Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates different procurement organisations, multiple and single sourcing, brand equity, consumer behaviour and involvement, Efficient Consumer Response including supply chain and category management and finally Demand Chain Management.Method: For the case studies, three food retail companies have been interviewed: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna and ICA AB. To illustrate how consumer behaviour influences retail food market, several secondary consumer research studies have been analysed.Conclusions: The results indicate that the procurement organisation can achieve a better competitive strength by a centralised organisation, which make it possible to improve conditions of terms when ordering higher purchase volumes. The sourcing strategies can improve a company?s power within the supply chain. All companies within the study had a very good knowledge about consumer behaviour.

Lindsberg : en kvalitativ undersökning av platsbunden entitetkontinuitet

This essay is an analysis of a three-day participant observation with sensitive people in a house with entity continuity. The purpose was to investigate the possible experiences participants had during their stay. The method used was modified based theory with Jungian application. The investigation showed that the core category was a peculiar atmosphere which the participants related to a different world than the physical. The place? atmosphere influenced the participants and led to transcendent experiences related to a spirit realm.

Entitetkontinuitet : en religionspsykologisk tolkning

?Entity continuity? refers to recurrent transcendent experiences related to certain places (?hauntings?). The experiences are often interpreted to be due to discarnate spirits or folklore entities. Although the entity continuity experience can be regarded as religious experience, they have yet to be fully explored in science of religion.The purpose of this paper was to describe entity continuity experiences and map out the scientific discussion in order to provide a psychology of religion that provides an understanding of the phenomena. For this purpose a literature study of theories of jungian psychology, parapsychology, and described experiences was undertaken.

Måltiden; näring för gemenskap : En kvalitativ studie kring den äldres upplevelser av måltidssituationen på ett särskilt boende.

The aim of our study was to examine how the elderly experience their meal situation in a sheltered housing. We have used a qualitative approach. We conducted individual interviews with six elderly in a sheltered housing to collect our empirical material. To reach the purpose of this study we tried to answer the questions: which factors affect the elderly person?s experience of the meal and which significance does the meal have for the elderly? To reach deeper understanding for our collected material we used Maslow?s theory of human motivation, the two concepts of Tönnies; gemeinschaft and gesellschaft, disengagement theory and the concept of Bourdieu, called habitus.

Kvalitetsupplevelse och Motivation vid konsumtion av en Functional Food

Abstract Denna uppsats behandlar frågeställningar kring konsumenters motivation och kvalitetsupplevelse i samband med köp och konsumtion av Functional Food. Vi har genomgående i uppsatsen haft ett konsument- och ett producentperspektiv för att kunna identifiera skillnader som kan föreligga mellan dessa två. På så sätt utröner vi om konsumentens kvalitetsupplevelse stämmer överens med de mervärden som producenten vill förmedla. Vi har även kartlagt vilka faktorer som motiverar konsumenter till köp av en Functional Food. Till vår hjälp i den empiriska del som grundar sig på kvalitativa djupintervjuer med ladderingteknik har vi haft tillgång till ProViva Active.


The purpose of this essay is to explore the significance for former drug addicts who, during their treatment against drug abuse, have had a therapist with a drug addiction in his or her past. A qualitative case study has been used as method in which four former drug users have been interviewed. We have compiled the results based on five key themes in order to get a comprehensive picture of the relevance of common experiences regarding drug abuse, based on former addicts? experiences. This has been done in connection with a review of different theoretical perspectives that we have found relevant to the investigation. Our findings have then been compared with previous research in the field.

Driving forces of land use : underlying factors in peri-urban land use

Swedish agriculture faces future challenges regarding food production and land use. Increased competition for agricultural land creates complex situations, where conflicts may arise when productive crop land is in demand not only for food production but also energy- and fodder production. On top of that there is an obvious conflict of goals between agricultural production and non-agricultural exploitation of agricultural land. In several emerging economic regions it is noticeable how agricultural land is being expropriated for development of urban settlement and infrastructure, carrying potentially significant long-term effects. During the last decade the exploitation of agricultural land in activities other than food production has increased in Sweden and is expected to continue in the same manor. Approximately 700 hectare of land in Sweden is diverted from food production, annually, and in 2013, the Uppsala Municipality showed the greatest change in land use of all municipalities (SCB, 2013).

Arbetssätt och ätande vid ett kommunalt äldreboende

According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, about 200 000 elderly persons get some help or support with eating or nutrition problems. This was approximately 2 percent of the population. Older people in sheltered accommodation in community care were not able to manage their own nutrition. The older people were dependent on the food that was offered to them, when and how the food was served. This was a specific responsibility for the nursing staff.

Avståndets blå : En visuell gestaltning av avståndets betydelse i ett erfarenhetsperspektiv

In my degree project, I explore the importance of distance and how our perception of distance is affected by our experiences.During my investigatory work I studied the relation between distance and experiences. Among other things I concluded that distance can refer to several different kinds of distances (for example spatial, temporal or social distances) and that experiences are what you?ve learnt of these distances. The importance of distance can be illustrated by highlighting the effects of the distance, i.e. experiences.My degree project resulted in a pair of interactive binoculars which are used for looking at an virtual world of illustrations in 360°; a world of illustrations where distance and the importance of distance is shown..

Dödsgott med käk i kistan : En GCMS- och FTIR-analys av kermik från ett vikingatida gravfält i Alsike hage, Alsike sn, Uppland

This paper deals with the connection between food and burial habits during the late Iron Age in present-day Sweden. The archaeological material used in the study consists of 16 potsherds from a burial site at Alsike hage, Alsike parish, in the province of Uppland in east-central Sweden. On these potsherds have been conducted FTIR- and GCMS-analyses, in order to see what types of food have been deposited in the burials. Furthermore, the result of the GCMS-analyses has been compared to contemporary material from both burial sites and settlement sites, in order to establish whether differences between the compared materials exist. The analyses show that there are differences between the material from burial sites compared with the material from settlement sites, but not any particular differences between the material from different burial sites.

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' experiences of having needle phobias.

Psykologers gränser till gränssituationers psykologi : En fenomenologisk studie av hur psykologer kan handskas med livsåskådningsfrågor i samtalsbehandling

This qualitative studie discusses how psychologists can integrate clients' secular or religious philosophies into counseling and psychotherapy, as themes that are psychologically meaningful. The studie also discusses how psychologists can understand and respond to the psychological aspects of clients' existential and religious experiences. Eight psychologists were interviewed and their experiences were analysed using a phenomenological method.The results of the interviews suggested that the eight psychologists could handle the psychological aspects of clients' philosophies, by investigating their own personal philosophies and scientific ontologies. It was also discussed how an awareness of the psychologists' professional boundaries and personal experiences of existential and religious phenomenons, could facilitate an integration of clients' existential and religious experiences..

Tritordeum : evaluation of a new food cereal

Tritordeum is the result of a cross between a wild barley (Hordeum chilense) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum). Tritordeum have high viscosity and a nice yellow colour. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate Tritordeum lines HT 354, HT 361, HT 437, HT 2218 (JB3) and HT 1608 (JB1) for use as a new raw material within the food industry. Analyses made were on dietary fibre, fructan, ash, water content and colour. Compilation of data from analyses made for Agrasys an Agri-Food company in Barcelona having the commercial rights to Tritordeum, included Lutein and rheological properties.

Följ upp målarbetet hellre än målen

Background: The Swedish population is aging [1] and malnutrition is a common problem among elderly people [2]. A method called food registration is used to monitor the patients? nutritional intake, with the purpose of reducing the risk of patients deteriorating in nutritional status during hospitalisation. However, the current method is not satisfactory and many food registration lists are incomplete. [3-6] Thus, patients do not receive a qualitative nutritional care since the assessment of the patients? nutritional status is based on incomplete documentation.Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to increase the quality in the nutrition monitoring process in the geriatric units B72 and B74 at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge, Sweden.

Uteservering för Hotell & Restaurang Villa Anna : urban odling i uteserveringsmiljö med storytelling som gestaltningsverktyg

In this paper, I design a new concept for a patio at Hotel and Restaurant Villa Anna in Odinslund, Uppsala, Sweden. Through this design, I examine how urban farming can thrive in a restaurant-context. The purpose of the design is to give the visitor a sense of the core values of the cuisine and to strengthen the sense of place by storytelling. My methods are comprised of a literature study on urban farming and storytelling as well as a discussion with the res-taurateur Rafael Löfstedt. I create a story of the place by examining its historical background and connect it to the current philosophy of the Villa Anna restaurant.

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