1382 Uppsatser om Fluency of ideas - Sida 52 av 93
Att kommunicera hållbarhet : en undersökning av hållbarhetsdebatten via internet
This master thesis is about sustainable city planning and its debate. It is also concerned with networking, communication and web-based communication. Theories of sustainable development are discussed, along with the importance of communication for sustainable development. The report is directed towards landscape architects, architects, town planners, other designers and other interested readers.MotivationI believe that there is a need for an increased discussion concerning sustainability. Sustainable development is an important issue for city planners.
Medias gestaltning av Uppsala Reggaefestival : ett problemfyllt evenemang?
Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to describe in what way different newspapers framed Uppsala Reggaefestival, which is a music festival in Uppsala, Sweden. Not only the local press, but also the framing by national press will be analyzed. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss what causes different frames.Material/Method: The material consist of 96 articles from 4 different newspapers which are being analyzed through a quantitative content analysis method inspired by Melin and Lange, and their ideas of identifying the main message of a text. The media framing of Uppsala Reggaefestival are compared to another similar music festival in Sweden, Arvikafestivalen. By using theories about media framing and media logic the results can, if not explained, at least be discussed.Main results: The study shows that Uppsala Reggaefestival is framed in a way that is focused on the problems within the festival, for example drug abuse.
Är det mänskligt att fela? Synen på misstag och disciplinpåföljder i militär flygverksamhet och i hälso- och sjukvårdens verksamhet.
In the essay, the view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions within the military aviation and health and medical service, are compared. The comparison shows that military aviation and health and medical service could have several points in common on how mistakes may occur, but that the present view of mistakes is different betwen the sectors. The view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions is explicit within military aviation, and is based on a clear ideology on how mistakes occur, which is characterised of a systematic approach. Within health and medical service, an explicit and unequivocal ideology on how mistakes occur is missing, but, however, there are implicit ideas about infallibility and perfection. The comparison indicates that the view of mistakes is also, possibly directed by a bureaucratic model (instead of an ideology on mistakes), which aims to legitimacy, but that this may happen on the expense of not taking surrounding circumstances into consideration.
I integrationspolitikens utkant : Invandrarorganisationers deltagande i det svenska Equalprogrammet
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the participation of immigrant organizations to the partnerships in the Equal program in Sweden. The focus of the study was on the significance of the participation for the organizations and its impact on them. The point of view of the participant organizations has been object of study through interviews with the persons who, on behalf of the organizations, have been in charge for the work with Equal. Interviews have been conducted with people representing 10 of the 21 immigrant organizations that have been identified among the Swedish Equal partners. Many organizations have experienced that the participation has strengthen the awareness of target groups about their needs and their possibilities.
Pär Lagerkvist, tidningarna och kritiken. Mottagandet av Bödeln och Dvärgen i svensk dagspress.
The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how two novels written by the Swedish author Pär Lagerkvist have been received by the critics in the Swedish daily press concerning their contemporary anchorage. During the time these novels were published, Pär Lagerkvist, through his authorship, expressed a conception of and an attitude towards contemporary political directions. The first of the two novels, The Hangman, was published in 1933, and the second, The Dwarf, in 1944. A second aim is to examine how the two novels contemporary anchorage is reflected in the reviews. The final aim is to examine whether the criticism differs depending on the ideological view of the newspapers.
Dialog, maktrelationer och våld : En kvalitativ studie om maktrelationer i klassrummet och våld som uttryck för motstånd
Violence against teachers in Swedish schools, according to recent reports has increased and there have been many studies to investigate the situation for teachers. The surveys show that teachers are especially vulnerable to students. This study aims to examine the relationship between a number of teachers and their students to study the power relations that exist in the classroom. This is to see what violence is an expression of and also how violence is perceived by the teachers. The issues that are central in this study are:What is the importance of dialogue in the relationship between these teachers and their students?Is there power relations between teachers and their students?What is the violence against teachers and expression of?Is there any connection between dialogue, power relations and violence?The theories of the materials in this study was analyzed using power relations theories of the historian of ideas Michel Foucault and Philosophy Doctor Anders Persson, who to some extent has his theoretical basis in Foucault?s power relations.
...alltså vad menar du egentligen med informationssökning?... : En undersökning av lärarstudenters utbildning i informationssökning och skolbibliotek
The purpose of this Master's thesis was to examine how and what trainee teachers are being taught about information seeking and school libraries related to problem-based teaching method in compulsory school. The questions at issue were: How have trainee teachers learned about information seeking? How have trainee teachers learned about using school libraries? We also wanted to know which education they have got in information seeking and school libraries. We examined this through both literature and empirical studies. We used a qualitative method in order to answer the questions at issue.
"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället
This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.
Skönlitteraturens budbärare: folkbibliotekariers syn på det litteraturförmedlande arbetet
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study how public librarians? view mediation of fiction: the knowledge needed, the thoughts expressed about their own and other adults reading of fiction and how the informants define their roles as mediators of fiction. The method used was qualitative interviews with six librarians at main libraries in Swedish cities of different sizes. The theoretical starting points are Louise M. Rosenblatt?s reader-response theory, Michail Bachtin?s theory of speech genres and Åse Tveit?s and Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theories about mediation of fiction.
Gör om, gör rätt! Om judikalisering och migrationsdomstolens tillkomst
This thesis examines the reasons behind the Swedish migration policy reform which led to a replacement of the Aliens Appeal Board by the Migration Court. This introduced a two-party procedure, oral hearings and enhanced transparency. It was designed to guarantee the rule of law and to thwart political arbitrariness.The transfer of power from representative institutions to judiciaries is referred to as judicialization, and the Migration Courts may be considered a typical example of this phenomenon. However, this can be questioned. The straggling nature of the term implies everything and anything unless cautiously defined.
Att skriva (på) staden : En studie om graffiti- och gatukonstutövares praktik och meningskapande i det offentliga rummet
The purpose with this essay is to examine and create an understanding for what meaning graffiti and street art has for those who practice it. Furthermore, the practice of graffiti and street art is seen in relation to how urban space is produced. Five semi-structured interviews and one group interview has been made to answer the questions "What meaning does graffiti and street art has for those who practice it? Can it be seen as a way to construct identity?" "How do the artists relate to existing ideals about public space?" and "Does the artists see graffiti and street art as a resistance against the normative representation of the city, in that case, how?" The theoretical framework consists of Mitchell's ideas about public space, Tonkiss' definition of social order, Lefebvre's spatial triad, de Certeau's concept of strategy and tactics, the concept of appropriation and Castell's theory about collective identity. The results showed that the practice of graffiti and street art can be understood as a more complex practice than earlier research has shown.
"Ett plus ett blir mer än två om man samarbetar" : Användarnas perspektiv på biblioteks- och informationsservice i Skåne Nordost
Eight libraries, seven public libraries and one college library, in the northeast of Skåne serve as foundation in a collaboration where students and adult learners are placed in the center of attention. The aim of this Master's thesis in library and information science was to study how the students and adult learners in the northeast of Skåne perceive the library services that are developed with their needs in mind.Our method for this thesis was a quantitative interview study. We aimed to conduct interviews with users at the public libraries within the cooperation and thereby find out whether or not users within the target group were aware of the services that are developed and established within the northeast Skåne collaboration.The results showed that only a few respondents in the key target group did in fact know about certain parts of the library services especially developed for the northeast of Skåne-collaboration. The majority of the key target group also thought that study-related literature and reading rooms were the most important means that the libraries have to offer them in their studies. The northeast of Skåne-collaboration had many ideas concerning library services.
Bibliotekarier och användare i sociala medier: en diskursanalys
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians talk about users in social media. Using a method of discourse analysis based on Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theoretical concepts it seeks to answer the following questions: How do librarians describe and comment on users in social media? In which contexts do librarians talk about users in social media? Which ideas of the relationship between the librarians and the users do the user discourses present?The study focuses on a Facebook page called ?Arga Bibliotekstanten? (The Angry Library Lady) and all its posts and comments during the period of January to June 2013. This is an ?open? page available for anyone to follow; at the time of the study it had approximately 1800 ?followers? and 4000 ?friends?, both librarians and users.The results show that librarians talk about the users in a variety of ways, but mainly concerning money, behavior and task.
Vad har Gandhi med familjeterapi att göra?
Introduction: In this study an innovative and multimodal method in family therapy called NVR, Non-Violent Resistence, is examined. NVR is an approach developed by Haim Omer, professor in psychology at the University of Tel Aviv. This approach is described as coming from the ancient ideological roots used by Gandhi in the Nonviolent resistence of oppressive regimes. NVR advocates that the parents give up the desire to control their children. Instead parents should take control of their own lives by actively resisting any behaviors of the child that are damaging.
"Alla kära feminister" : En diskursteoretisk analys av de feministiska antologierna Det heter feminism och F-ordet.
This thesis is a discourse theory analysis of two feminist anthologies - Det heter feminism! and F- ordet. By analyzing these texts through the three categories feminism & feminists, gender equality & equality and sex/gender & sexuality I have raised questions about the feminist debate in Sweden in the 21st century.The discourse theory?s ideas of descriptions of reality and fixation of meaning lies as a foundation for this thesis. The concepts of social constructionism, post structuralism and essentialism/anti essentialism are central for the analysis as well as concepts connected to the three previously mentioned categories.The intention of this thesis is to describe and analyze a fraction of the Swedish feminist debate in the 21st century and discuss its meaning in a societal context. A number of conclusions were reached in the final discussion.