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Ska jag placera aktivt eller passivt? : En studie om premiepensionsvalet

Intention: The purpose of this thesis is to see if an active investment decision in the Swedish Premium Pension System would result in a higher return than a non-active investment decision. A non-active investment decision is equivalent to leaving the money in AP7 Premium Savings Fund.Method: This thesis is a statistical analysis and has a descriptive character in which the calculations are based on secondary data, thus the thesis has a quantitative character. Furthermore three active portfolios in different risk categories have been chosen. These portfolios are compared with the AP7 Premium Savings Fund?s returns.

En empirisk studie av Value-at-Risk-prediktering med hjälp av GARCH-modeller

This paper describes a study examining four different GARCH models AR(1)-GARCH(1,1), AR(1)-EGARCH(1,1), AR(1)-APGARCH(1,1) and AR(1)-GJR-GARCH(1,1), and their ability to predict future volatility and thereby providing more reliable estimates for Value-at-Risk. The study is based on daily observations for the return of the OMX Stockholm 30 Index, during the time period 31st December 1996 to 29th December 2006. The coefficients for these GARCH models have been estimated using a five-year rolling estimation window, with one-year lags, for five different in-sample-periods. These five in-sample-periods, and the coefficients given by them, have been used to generate five out-of-sample predictions for the volatility in each year. Using these volatility predictions, the daily Value-at-Risk has been calculated for confidence intervals of 90 percent, 95 percent, and 99 percent, respectively, during the time period between 1st January 2001 and 29th December 2006.

Fonders avkastning -en variabelanalys av fonders avkastning under ekonomisk upp- och nedgång

Vårt syfte är att ta reda på mer om vad som påverkar fonders avkastning och om detta skiljer sig åt i ekonomisk uppgångs- respektive nedgångsperiod. För att uppfylla vårt syfte har vi använt oss av regressionsanalyser med avkastning som beroendevariabel och variablerna: standardavvikelse, beta, storlek, TKA och omsättningshastighet som förklarande variabler. Vi har använt portföljvalsteori med dess ingående variabler avkastning och risk. Även begrepp som CAPM och beta gås igenom. Detta följs av det aktuella forskningsläget inom ämnet.

Samtiden och framtiden: En studie av mottagandet av två svenska dystopier och deras samtidsförankring

The aim of this Masters thesis is to deepen the understanding of how society affects literary criticism by studying the reception of two Swedish dystopian novels and their contemporary anchorage. The questions that we answer here are concerned with how critics have drawn parallels between the novels and events occurring in the contemporary society, and how the critics outlook on the future are connected to ideas about the future in the novels. The first novel, Kallocain 1940 by Karin Boye has been interpreted as a critical statement directed towards totalitarian ideologies. The second novel, After the Flood 1982 by P C Jersild, has been seen as a warning against nuclear warfare. This qualitative study is based on 41 reviews from Swedish daily press.

Hållbar avkastning : En studie av hur finansiella institutioner engagerar sig i företags arbete med CSR

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the perception of value and risk in CSR as well as analyzing how financial institutions influence responsible behavior in business in order to create sustainable economic growth.Methodology: The study has a qualitative research method used by an abductive process. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with respondents from three venture capital companies and three banks. The sample of respondents was done through a convenience sample with respect to access and expertise in the research area.Conclusion: The most important meanings of the research results have shown that CSR holds an intrinsic value concerning contributing value as its conceptual meaning in terms of sustainable development. CSR can also be regarded as a dimension of risk management to reduce the risk of negative externalities on corporate activities. Investors and financiers contribute to sustainable companies through active ownership and improvements in the CSR dimensions.

Greklandskrisens påverkan på bankernas interna risker : En studie om svenska storbankers kreditrisk

Background: 2009 it has occurred a crisis in some of the member states of the European Union: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Greece. Despite, some major banks in the world had begun to recover from the financial crisis that occurred from 2007 until 2009, there were still banks who found it difficult to survive. Greece is one of the countries that suffered from the financial crisis. The high budget deficit and the unsustainable debt are underlying the crisis.Banks as financial intermediaries have important function in a nation?s economy.

Ger Hedgefonder högre riskjusterad avkastning än Traditionella fonder? : En jämförelsestudie mellan Hedgefonder och Traditionella fonder

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether hedge funds generate higher risk-adjusted returns than traditional managed funds in Sweden.Methodology: This study was based on quantitative data about the funds historical returns. The funds historical returns were taken from the database Morningstar and the risk-free rate from the Swedish central bank. Random samples of 36 funds have been divided into three portfolios in the form of a hedge fund portfolio, stock portfolio and mix fund portfolio.Result & Conclusion: The study concluded that the stock portfolio has shown the highest average yield for the study period where all portfolios below market index. Hedge fund portfolio has achieved the highest risk-adjusted return calculated by the portfolios Sharpe Ratio. Of all hedge strategies, arbitrage had the highest average return and risk-adjusted returns..

En jämförelsestudie av AP-fonderna och bankernas Sverigefonder 2003-2010

Background: In 1999 the Swedish pension system was reformed with an aim to create a stable and high return on pension assets. First, Second, Third and Fourth general pension funds, hereby referred to as AP1-AP4, had an important part in the reform. AP1-AP4, also called the buffer funds, was assigned to secure long-term, big parts of the pension capital. The funds objective is by law, to manage the fund's assets in a manner that provides maximum benefit for the state pension. The funds will also invest pension assets with an overall low level of risk while achieving a sustainable high return.Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the First-Fourth AP-Funds is meeting its objectives regarding risk and return according to Swedish law.

Stick- och skärskador inom hälso- och sjukvård. En litteraturstudie.

Studien handlar om stickskador och skador med vassa föremål inom hälso- och sjukvård. Dessa skador är en risk som hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal utsätter sig för i sitt dagliga arbete. Stick- och skärskador är direkt förenade med risk för blodburen smitta såsom HIV, HCV och HBV. Litteraturstudien baserades på befintlig kvantitativ forskning och syftet med studien var att i vetenskaplig litteratur undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverka sjukvårdspersonals hantering av stickande/skärande föremål. De faktorer som identifierades var; personrelaterade orsaker, materiella orsaker samt organisatoriska orsaker.

Belåning av aktier : har riskerna underskattats?

Investors? use borrowing as a way to profit from leverage advantages in their portfolios.When investors borrow with their securities as safety for the loan and the value of thesecurities decrease the investor can get a portfolio with more credit than what is covered bythe value of the securities and risk huge losses. To what extent an investor is allowed toborrow with his portfolio as safety depends on the bank or broker and varies between theproviders. By studying available material and in addition to that making an empirical study Iattempt to find out the reason for the varying degrees of leverage possibilities between thebrokers and how the degree of maximum borrowing on the securities are decided. Thefindings show that decision of leverage degree on a security is made after first making aquantitative analysis of the stocks volatility and liquidity and thereafter make a qualitativeanalysis of the company.

Riktvärden för förorenad mark : En undersökning av hur riktvärden för förorenad mark har förändrats gentemot tidigare riktvärden samt hur de påverkas av variationer i geologiska och hydrogeologiska parametrar

Risk assessment is made to determine risks with contaminated areas and to determine which treatment the area requires. In Sweden, risk assessment is divided into three levels: risk analysis, facilitated risk assessment and detailed risk assessment. In detailed risk assessment site-specific guideline values are developed to compare with values of contaminants that are measured in the area.Site-specific guideline values vary with geological and hydrogeological parameters. The purpose of this report is to examine which of these parameters that affect the guideline values. The examination was done using a calculating program for consideration from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency from the year of 1997.

Prevention vid risk för diagnosen Metabolt syndrom

Syftet med vår litteraturstudie är att beskriva hur en livsstilsförändring och livstilsskillnader kan påverka utvecklingen av det metabola syndromet, samt hur sjuksköterskan kan medverka med hjälp och stöd vid livsstilsförändringar. Frågeställningar är: Vad är effekten av en livsstilsförändring vid risk för metabolt syndrom? Hur kan sjuksköterskan medverka till prevention av det metabola syndromet? 10 vetenskapliga artiklar användes i litteraturstudien för att besvara ovanstående frågeställningar. Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie visar att en livsstilsförändring har en stor och avgörande betydelse vid risk för utvecklande av metabolt syndrom. Denna studie visar även på att sjuksköterskan, genom att ge individuell rådgivning och stöd i form av kontakt via telefon, Internet samt sedvanliga mottagningsbesök har en betydande roll i preventionsarbetet vid detta tillstånd.

Att våga tro på elevers förmågor : Lärares erfrenheter av att arbeta med elevinflytande i grundsärskolan

This study analyzes 66 Swedish actively managed mutual funds investing in the Swedish stock market during the period 2005-2014. The purpose is through pooled data regressions analyze the relationship between both the mutual fund?s annual fee and risk-adjusted return to the fund?s characteristics. The characteristics of the study are the size of the fund's assets, age, if the fund is bank managed or not, Tracking Error, and standard deviation of return.By using the performance measures of CAPM, Fama and French 3-factor model, and Carhart?s 4-factor model monthly risk-adjusted returns are created for all funds over the period.

Värdering av katastrofers miljökonsekvenser

When a disaster occurs the main focus is on the loss of human lives. Here the environmental effects have been in the centre of attention. This work has had two main purposes. The first one was to formulate attributes, variables that together present a complete picture of the consequences that an event has had on the environment. The other main purpose was to investigate how people value the impact that a disaster can have on the environment.

Modell för värdering och hantering av avbrottsrisker vid kontinuitetsplanering (BCP) : Fallet Swedwood

This master thesis presents a Model for Evaluating and Managing Interruption Risks in connection with Business Continuity Planning (BCP), developed for Swedwood International. The model consists of a template with instructions. The model should be easily understood and useful for establishing a plan for BCP. This is achieved by including the contents and procedure of BCP and the main supplychain risks in the model. The purpose of a BCP plan is to describe how an enterprise will return to business as usual after an interruption, e.g.

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