7835 Uppsatser om First-time fathers - Sida 43 av 523
Sömn, måltider och fysisk aktivitet hos yrkesförare under dygn med arbete och ledighet.
Karin Holmkvist (2014) Sleep, meals and physical activity among professional drivers during the day with work and spare time. Master?s thesis in health at work. University of Gävle. Night work and irregular work hours affects social and biological rhythms in activity, eating, sleep and metabolism. Researchshows how theworking conditions andworking hours affect professional drivers´ lifestyle and there is a negative impact on their health.
"Man är liksom mittemellan". En kvalitativ studie om 10-åringars perspektiv på sin livssituation
The purpose of this essay was to, by the ecology of human development theory, examine 10-year old childrens own experience of their lifesituation outside the time of school. The study was based on qualitative interviews with six 10-year old children from a smaller community in Sweden. The main guestions was:1. What is the experience of being 10 year?2.
Variabilitet i voice onset time : En studie av svenska femåringars initiala klusilproduktioner
Voice onset time (VOT) är en akustisk tidsparameter som återspeglar den talmotoriska samordningen. VOT betraktas även vara det mest tillförlitliga sättet att särskilja mellan tonande och tonlösa klusiler.VOT hos barn har tidigare studerats i logopediuppsatser vid Linköpings universitet (Lundeborg et al., 2012; Larsson & Wiman, 2011). I dessa arbeten har dock inga upprepade mätningar gjorts, varför det föreligger behov att fastställa hur konsistent barns VOT är. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur konsistent klusilproduktionen är hos svenska barn i femårsåldern, samt utreda förekomsten av eventuella könskillnader.I studien medverkade 31 barn, 13 flickor och 18 pojkar där medelåldern var 5:6 år. Barnen fick benämna bilder av minimala par med klusilord tre gånger.
En invändning mot McTaggarts argument för tidens overklighet
Inom den teoretiska filosofin så finns det ett antal klassiska texter och argument som de flesta förr eller senare kommer i kontakt med. En av dessa texter är den uppsats medtiteln Time som John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart fick publicerad 1908. Uppsatsen är ett försök att övertyga läsaren om tidens beskaffenhet, för att senare konstatera att det ärsjälvmotsägande att påstå att någonting skulle ha egenskapen att finnas i tiden. McTaggarts egen slutsats, att tiden inte existerar, är en ståndpunkt som är som gjord för att skapa debatt och debatt kring texten har det blivit..
Kartläggning av kapacitetsutnyttjandet och ställtider på Stålöv AB : Survey of the use of capacity and set up times at Stålöv AB
The aim of this report is to analyse the use of the capacity at the CNC (computer numerical control) cutters and show how the level of set up time for these cutters at Stålöv AB. This assignment is concrete whereas there are no subjective questions to this matter and there are only cold figures presented.Production economy is getting more important as the competition hardens and there are several different ways to increase productivity and efficiency in a company. In order to increase productivity and efficiency work studies are used to, through an analysis, find developments in methods that result in improved work methods and to establish the time that are used. Increased production of different parts and customer driven production in combination with increased demands on rationalisation of capital have led to an enlarged interest for shorter set up times in the production.To point out the use of capacity and the set up time of the cutters at Stålöv AB we used frequency studies. Frequency studies are work measure methods based on random observations on predetermined events to calculate the relative occurrence of these events.
Wilde ? Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet
The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde?s homosexuality during the years 1906 ? 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it.
Uppfyller BIM förväntningarna som arbetsmetod för broprojekt?
The purpose of this work is to design and construct a device able to measure the mechanical attrition of oxygen carrier particles. Those particles are used in chemical looping combustion and in the present situation there is a lack of knowledge in how the attrition process work and in which extension. To find already tested solutions trying to answering this problem a literature study wascarried out and the best solution found was the so called Grace-Davison Jet-Cup method. This method is supposed to emulate the attrition caused by a cyclone separator and its advantages are that it is possible to use small test amounts, 5-10 g, and a thirty minutes long test will be enough to acquire useable results. An device was designed based on the Jet-Cup method with some slight modifications.
Det Sublima
Projektet behandlar det sublima i relation till arkitektur; både som händelse, diskurs och institution. Genom ett event som dynamisk förskjuter arkitekturens parametrar och sätter dessa i kontinuerlig förändring i relation subjekt-tid och objekt-rum. Ett gränsöverskridande erfarande av arkitektur..
Optimering av monteringsavdelningen förfjädergunglekar : Med Lean mot kundorderstyrd montering
If Sweden want to be able to compete internationally with its production capacity,it is important to work actively with production development and production ofresource-and time-efficient. This report is a bachelor thesis of 15 hp conducted atthe University of Halmstad. Using the principles of continuous improvement andLean Production, the author developed a concept for HAGS Aneby AB to changeto the customer order driven assembly of spring toys.First of all, the theories of Lean Production, logistics and ergonomics are used tobuild and present a theoretical framework for further examination. Then, toachieve the target, the current assembly process is analyzed to develop some firstconceptual ideas for improvement. In order to develop the best advice, theconcepts are evaluated against the company?s requirementsThe developed action plan gives recommendations on how the company shouldrestructure their assembly process and the organization of the related departmentin order to produce spring toys in a more time efficient and lean way.
After establishment closure : Individual characteristics that determine re-employment probabilities of displaced workers in Sweden
This paper studies the relationship between individual characteristics of displaced workers and the probability of re-employment. A competing risks hazard model is used, distinguishing between exits from joblessness to self-employment and to paid-employment. All individuals between 25 and 55 years of age, at the time of displacement, that suffered from at least one year of joblessness after being displaced between 1990 and 1998 due to establishment closures that occurred between 1990 and 2001 are included. This allows for the closure procedure to be between one and three years long. Each individual is followed, from the year of displacement until the year of re-employment or at the latest, ten years after displacement.
Ett lastbilsdäck är svart och runt, eller? : En kvalitativ studie om drivkrafterna bakom en optimal däckhantering på åkerier i Mellansverige.
Individual adaption to the student´s needs is a recurring main theme in the new Swedish curriculum (Lgr11). The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers work with individual adjustment for students with reading and writing difficulties. The study was based on five questions;In what way do teachers organize their teaching in the classroom individually for students with reading and writing difficulties?What methods do they use for student´s with reading and writing difficulties?What difficulties do they encounter in their teaching?How do the teachers reason to curriculum goals regarding individual adaptions?How do they think about their own knowledge regarding reading- and writing difficulties and dyslexia?The method for my study was qualitative interviews. Five teachers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews.
Elever i eller med svårigheter : En studie om lärares förhållningssätt till elever som uppvisar beteende-eller inlärningssvårigheter
This study aims to examine how teachers in elementary school reason about and effectively implements special needs education. A qualitative study was made by interviewing four elementary teachers about their own role in dealing with pupils in difficulty. The material was then analyzed using content analysis. The result section is presented by the study's issue and then been analyzed against the background research. In the analysis it follows that the teachers believe among other things that there is too little time and resources to meet pupils in difficulty, the time and resources in schools is essential when it comes to meet students' needs.
Göt, Göte, Gös eller Geter? : Bro-stenen under 400 år
A school is a social area in which children and adults meet each other. The school is were friendship, love and also enmity arise. The process to establish, maintain, split up and end relationships is constantly continuously. A Childs way of creating relationships is complex. Bullying and similar offending treatment occur and has always been a huge problem in school.
Varför Storbritannien? : Svenska uppslagsverk och det historiska förklaringsperspektivet (1907-1998)
Title: Why Great Britain? ? Swedish Encyclopaedias and the Explanatory Perspective of History, Essay in History AbstractIn my essay I describe how Swedish 20th century encyclopaedias interpret the coming about of the British Empire, the overall purpose being to establish a pattern of evolution in terms of historical understanding on the part of the encyclopaedic literature. Firstly, I have tried to determine whether the presentations at all constitute explanatory efforts. In those cases where they do, I have sought to ascertain whether the reasons put forward are to be understood as structural and stable, or as matters of less permanence. I have also tried to link these interpretations to significant ?constructions? of history ? i.
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In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.