

401 Uppsatser om First North - Sida 2 av 27

Strategier för nyligen listade bolag på First North - Vad är det som styr?

First North är en alternativ handelsplats för aktier, som är till för att små bolag med stor tillväxtspotential ska kunna plocka in externt kapital för att möjliggöra en snabbare expansion än om de varit privatägda aktiebolag. First North ställer dock inte samma formella krav på de listade bolagen som det ställs på företag som är noterade på Stockholmsbörsen då dessa är betydligt mycket större.Under år 2007 har de växt fram en stark förtroendekritik mot bolag som är listade på First North. Analytiker och media har framfört stark kritik och menar att bolagen är alldeles för kortsiktiga i sitt tänkande och att de blygsamma krav som ställs på bolagen inte garanterar en trovärdig förvaltning. Kritikerna menar att detta tillsammans med ledningens girighet leder till att företagen vill lura externa intressenter på kapital.För att undersöka om de finns någon sanning i dessa påståenden har vi undersökt hur strategierna ser ut för bolag som nyligen listats på First North. Detta har möjliggjorts genom fem stycken intervjuer med listade bolag på First North.

Institutions Matters - En teoriprövande studie om institutionell struktur och ekonomiskt välstånd inom transitionsländerna

This thesis analyzes and discusses the role of institutions concerning countries' abilities to create economic wealth. The countries that we are analyzing are the former members of the Warsaw pact and former Yugoslavia. These countries are referred to as transition countries. In order to analyze the transition countries institutional structure we are using Douglass C. North's theory regarding institutions and institutional building.

Härnösand och E4:an - vägen som lokaliseringsfaktor

Cities have always been founded on nodes of different roads.The city Harnosand was founded where the road along the coast of north Sweden meets the sea and the calm bay of Nattviken behind the island of Harnon. Harnosand has a big historic heritage as one of the first cities in the north part of Sweden, centre of the church and education city. The incrising centralisation of Sweden and the globalication of the world have made north of Sweden to the backside of Sweden.The coun- tryside and the smaller cities don ?t live anymore. In Harnosand is big moving out and many empty spaces. In the middle of Harnosand next to Nattviken, is one of these empty spaces. This empty space next to the road of E4, that leads out in the world and Europa.

Effektiva gränsorganisationer: en fallstudie av regionkontoret North Sweden European Office

Regional European Offices with the purpose to represent regions and municipalities in the EU-system have had a substantial expansion over the last years. One example is the North Sweden European Office for the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten, consisting of seven different headmen who are representing both the private sector as well as the public system. This diverse leadership representation makes North Sweden a very good example on a so called Quango, organisations that stand under simultaneous influence from both public and private sectors. These Quangos opens up new possibilities to solve public problems, but they also bring together two different working models which is not always easy to handle for a Quango. According to earlier surveys some characteristic Quango problems within North Sweden exist, for example the ability to prioritize and thereby be as effective as possible.

Hjältar och förebilder : en studie av äventyraren och hans inspirationskällor

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the adventure is accomplished as a project, and how this is vindicated, through science or by other means. The scientists of today are not seen as adventurers or heroes, at least not as they used to, but this image lives on as a sort of role or social institution, that can be used by anyone and in any purpose. These roles could be seen as a type of rules for the modern adventurer, and act both as a limit or a possibility. This essay compares two North Pole travelers, Ola Skinnarmo and Salomon August Andrée..

En framtida placering i Kinafond eller USA-fond? : Ett säkrare val för investeraren

To invest money in funds is increasing rapidly in popularity and one of the biggest reasons is that banks are offering a greater range of funds. Information about funds is always easy to find and it is easy to invest money in a fund because the bank takes care of all the management of the fund.The essay examines two funds from two different countries with an aim to choose the one with best potential yield. The first fund is entirely invested in North America and the second fund invests in Asia, with most of its possessions in companies from China. Both these funds invest in wellknown companies in respective region. The essay is limited to compare these funds with data from 2005 to 2009.Information was collected from Morningstar and Avanza Bank for the quantitative examination.

En terapiträdgård bortom Atlanten : en fallstudie om North Carolina Botaniska Terapiträdgård

Vad finns det för grundstenar inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin och hur används dessa i det odlingsterapeutiska programmet på North Carolinas Botaniska Trädgård? Jag ville få reda på svaren och bestämde mig för att åka över Atlanten och göra en fallstudie om NC Botaniska Terapiträdgård. Väl framme upptäckte jag genom litteraturen och människorna insatta i ämnet att det fanns ytterligare en designmetod som heter Universal Design inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin som jag inte kände till sedan tidigare. Resultatet av litteraturen och mitt platsbesök visar att det finns ett antal grundstenar inom den amerikanska odlingsterapin och Universal Design som används på det odlingsterapeutiska programmet på NC Botaniska Trädgårdar. Grundstenarna är följande: Tillgänglighet, Tydlighet, Variation och Utveckling och dessa påverkar designen av NC Botaniska Trädgårdens nya terapiträdgård. Denna resa har givit mig en inblick i vad den amerikanska odlingsterapin innebär och hur designen av NC Botaniska Trädgårds nya terapiträdgård kan se ut..

Bolagsstyrning på First North : Hur ska förtroendent stärkas gentemot investerare?

I en allt mer globaliserad värld ökar betydelsen för ett lands ekonomi att stora konkurrenskraftiga bolag växer fram. First North är en handelplats som erbjuder små och medelstora företag en möjlighet att tillgå externa investerares kapital, vilket kan möjliggöra en omfattande expansion som annars ej hade varit genomförbar. För bolag listade på en handelsplats, är investerares förtroende något avgörande för att kunna växa. Något som dock skett under de senaste åren, är att ett starkt misstroende riktats mot handelsplatsen First North från affärsmedia och investerare. Kritikerna menar att bolagen på First North handlar girigt, och den svaga reglering som omfattar bolagen, inte garanterar en trovärdig förvaltning.

Teaser trailer: konsten att väcka intresse hos en publik

Redan tidigt då jag besökte North Kingdom kom det upp förslag på studier som skulle kunna vara av intresse. Flera förslag fick man stryka direkt då de var mer programmeringsinriktade. Men det som fastna var förslaget att göra en teaser trailer. Tillsammans med Tomas Hillergren tog vi på oss den uppgiften, att skapa en teaser trailer till en fiktiv film eller ett spel. Då vi hade fria händer (det var inte kommersiellt) valde vi ett science fiction tema, inspirerat av The King In Yellow, en samling noveller av Robert W.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

"What's new from North Korea?" : Hur rapporterar media om den senaste utvecklingen i Koreakonflikten

This paper aims to find out how media in different countries in the same part of a continent portray the latest development in the Korean conflict. To achieve this, the articles published by two newspapers, The Japan Times and The Korea Times, in the last five months have been analysed. The theory used to analyse the published articles is the agenda setting theory. This paper has found that geography, in the sense of proximity to the conflict, do affect what stories the newspapers publish and how they portray the story..

Häckar för Norrland

I have observed that hedges are not as prevalent in gardens in the north of Sweden as in the south despite a number of beneficial qualities attached to their use. Consequently, the primary purpose of this essay is to examine the potential for the use of ligneous or woody plants as hedges in a cold climate. The aim of this study is to provide information about the various varieties of ligneous plants that can be used for both pruned and unclipped hedges in the north of Sweden. Because the hardiness of the ligneous plants is a vital factor here, only plants that are hardy enough to survive in the Swedish hardiness zones V to VIII are included in this study. Roses, dwarf shrubs, conifers, bushes with a final height of less than 1 metre and plants that ?bleed? have been excluded.

Inre och yttre landskap : Tre platser i norra Europa från järnåldern och dessa platsers senare betydelse

This study sets out to investigate the social significance and political use of three historical places, from the theoretical starting points of landscape, objects, society and rituals. The Teutoburger Forest in North Germany has had an international effect, being a german national icon during the reformation and through two world wars, Old Uppsala is a place of great importance for the creation and reproduction of Swedish national identity during several hundred years, and Eketorp ring fort on Öland in Sweden is of more regional importance. All these places have been used for social and political reasons through history. History can be used in a constructive or a destructive way. This study stresses the importance of a critical scientific tradition..

Breeding practices of Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities

A survey was undertaken to understand sheep management, breeding practices and selection criteria for Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado District, Kenya. Differences between North and South Kajiado District were investigated to gain knowledge about farmers having different prerequisites and how it can affect the sheep production. The reason for keeping sheep and the specific breeds show the multiple objectives of the Maasai farmers. Adaptive traits, such as resistance to diseases and droughts, and productive traits, such as increased growth and carcass weight, were both ranked highly. In addition to this, the sheep has a social and traditional value in Maasai culture.

Det blänkte som av silver i jorden : En studie av den glimmermagrade keramiken i Norrland under bronsålder och äldre järnålder

As to now, no study has been made of the mica tempered pottery found along side the asbestos tempered pottery in Norrland during the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Its occurrence has previously only briefly been noted in a few published works and the dating and geographical distribution of mica tempered pottery in the north of Sweden has to a large extent been unknown. This paper aims to compile the available information about this type of pottery and the locations where it has been discovered in order to date and explain the occurrence of mica tempered pottery in Norrland. It's also suggested that the occurrence of mica tempered pottery is connected to the spread of the early metalwork from the east to areas that today makes up the north of Norrland..

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