

2041 Uppsatser om Firm Strategies - Sida 45 av 137

Ett bortagande av revisionsplikten Vilka blir vinnare och vilka förlorare?

BackgroundA cost that lately has been discussed related to audit is the higher cost for auditing of small stock company. The question is if this cost is higher than the total utility of statutory audit and should it in that case be statutory. SRF says that the condition for small stock companies development is an abolishment of statutory audit. FAR consider that auditing is important for development and continuation.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any winners or losers among auditing firms and accounting firms in Sweden if the statutory audit for small stock companies abolish.MethodThe paper is both a qualitative and a quantitative study that is based on primary data made from an interview and a questionnaire investigation. ConclusionOur conclusion is that the big Winner is the accounting trade.

Ideella organisationers relationsskapande på sociala medier : En studie av tre miljöorganisationer och deras närvaro på Facebook

Social media seem to offer a great possibility for environmental non-profit organizations to communicate with their members and audience, if the organization aims to build and maintain a relationship to the users of social media. This essay has examined how three environmental non-profil organizations are communicating in social media. To create an understanding of the organization?s communication strategies a netnographic approach was implemented..

Revisorns roll i familjeföretaget : företagarnas perspektiv

The purpose of this study explains the relationship between corporate governance and the auditor's role in Swedish family firms with the definitions micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and how this relationship is affected by the firms strategy. The study is based on a survey sent out to 3000 Swedish SMEs, of which 280 responses from family firms could be used. Our findings showed that the auditor in the family firms didn?t have a specific role or contributed added value to the firm, and that the strategy didn?t affect the outcome. Furthermore, we found correlation between the perceptions of the auditor's role and added value depending on the family firms type of corporate governance.

The Co-Creative Network

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the co-creation process and how value is created based on a service orientation using a network perspective. The thesis is studied from a social-constructionist philosophy, using a qualitative approach of data collection and the theoretical framework includes network theories, theories of service-orientation and co-creation. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with a small firm and its network, which consists of a customer, a supplier and a partner. We found that Håkansson?s ARA framework combined with Ballantyne and Varey?s triangulation of value-creating activities help to acquire an understanding of the actors? bonds, the resources? ties and the activity links that exist in a network.

Informationspark? Informationsstrukturerna hos bioteknikföretagen på Ideon

This thesis deals with information provision to the knowledge intense biotechnology businesses of Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden. Previous research concerning the information needs of Science Park companies has been conducted from the information provider s perspective. Instead, we apply a user perspective to find out what information needs these companies have, and how they prefer to acquire information. Central terms are: information, -needs, -acquisition, -consciousness, -strategy, small and medium sized enterprises, scientists and engineers, information (resources) management, networks, tacit knowledge, knowledge transfer and innovative milieux. The companies need scientific and business information; the latter is easily obtained within Ideon.

Internet and the digitalization of products: A potent mix or recipe for disaster? A case study of the music industry

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the ongoing controversy surrounding the Internet, the phenomena of digitalization and file sharing will affect the music industry in the form of the ?big five? labels. Furthermore the thesis aims to present a recipe of strategies for the companies? survival by studying their situation through a theoretical perspective in conjunction with a comparative analysis with industries facing the digitalization challenge. The theoretical contribution lies in the strategic perspective at an industry level.

Interim Management ? The way to capture a manager´s true value

The thesis has two aims to first describe the phenomena by explaining how interim management works and what the charachteristics of an interim manger are. The second aim is to look at the value issue of interim management; What value does an interim manager provide to a company and how do interim managers try to capture and cultivate this?The qualitative method has been used. The interim management market analysed in this thesis can be stated to consist of three parts; the interim manager as a provider of knowledge, a client firm in need of a temporary manager, and an interim agency in between working as an intermediary/supplier. The characteristics of interim managers are; they are in general self-employers and rather generalists than specialists, meaning they are experienced and have great knowledge skills.

?Man ska vara nyfiken? Lärares syn på elevers frågor i den naturvetenskapliga undervisningen

Abstract Students' questions play an important role in both teaching and learning science. However, in a traditional classroom, the teacher is the center of attention and poses questions to which students answer. The students seldom ask questions to which the teacher responds. The purpose of this paper is to examine teachers' attitudes towards student questions. This paper will also explore teachers? views on the issues related to students? questions for science education.

Att arbeta språkutvecklande : En kvalitativ intervjustudie på en mångkulturell gymnasieskola i en av Stockholms förorter

This essay presents and discusses a study that was performed in a multicultural school, where the teachers, since August 2004, have obtained internal training in how to work with language development. The objective with this essay is to investigate how the connection between language development and the development of knowledge can be understood and apprehended by teachers working in this school, and furthermore, to show how a language developing way of work can be accomplished in the teachers daily work.Moreover, I have studied which objectives and strategies, the three language developers in charge of the training of the teachers, have concerning this work, furthermore I have looked into if these objectives and strategies differ from what the teachers understand and practically perform.Pauline Gibbons book, Stärk språket, stärk lärandet (2006), has become a base for this school?s work when it comes to language development. Gibbons presents theories and practical exercises which have their origin from Vygotskij, Halliday and Cummins. Their theories have also become my theoretical base in this study.I have made qualitative interviews with four teachers working in this school, and with one of the language developers.

Diskrepanser mellan förmedlad och upplevd identitet

Syfte: Syftet är att studera diskrepanser mellan den av företaget förmedlade imagen och hur de anställda upplever arbetet inom organisationen i praktiken samt även hur de upplever själva förmedlingen. Metod: Med hjälp av individuella intervjuer har vi fastställt hur den av företaget förmedlade imagen upplevs av de anställda. Teorierna i studien har till avsikt att förklara dels image och hur image kan användas för att påverka anställda. Resultat: Diskrepanserna mellan individen och organisationen kan vara väldigt stora och många aspekter av individens identitet kan vara helt eller delvis segmenterade från organisationens identitet. Trots detta kan individen ha en positiv bild av företaget så länge det finns någon aspekt hos organisationens identitet som gör intrång på någon aspekt av individens identitet..

Revisorn - granskare eller konsult? : En undersökning av tjänster från en revisor efterrevisionspliktens avskaffande

The question of the mandatory audits be or not be has been investigated thoroughly in recent years. Theresult is that the audit obligation in all likelihood will be voluntary for 96 percent of all of Sweden´slimited companies in the summer of 2010. The new draft law gives the accountant the opportunity towork both as an accountant and consultant. The investigation in this script works with the question"Which services the owner-managed companies, which in future not will be forced to audit, demandfrom an accounting firm in the suspension of the mandatory audit?" This will take the investigation outby a quantitative study through questionnaires distributed to 40 limited companies.

Förslag till reform av den upphovsrättsliga skyddstiden : En argumentsorienterad studie över skyddstidens längd

The aim of this study was to explore how young students can be taught during their first year of learning English towards the A1 level according to The European Framework of Reference for Languages, and how the students understand their own learning. The study was carried out in two different classes but with the same teacher, who is qualified to teach English to young learners. The result is based on the analysis of a total of twelve observations of English lessons in two classes in school year one and eight group interviews with the students. Recurrent ingredients through all lessons were activities such as listening to teacher talk, watching films or film clips, singing songs and doing rhymes, using drama activities, talking about the meaning of learning English, practicing guessing competence and learning new vocabulary. The teacher consistently talked about and taught different strategies for language learning.

Livet efter 60: en kvalitativ studie om åtta 40-talisters funderingar kring livet efter 60 år samt vilka strategier de har inför pensionen

The purpose behind our study was to analyze people who were born in the 1940s' reflections on life after the age of 60, as well as examining which strategies they had before retirement. The study built on the themes; leisure pursuit and social networks,retirement, life after the age of 60, the future care and the care needs and its mediums. These themes have also provided the base for our interview guide. In order to answer our aims and issues we chose to use a qualitative method. We have interviewed eight people born in the 1940s in order to provide a varied picture of their reflections and strategies for the future.

Ovisshet, ett begrepp att räkna med. En begreppsanlys

Abstract This Concept Analysis according to Walker & Avant (1995) studies the concept of uncertainty in the nursing context. It consists of four parts where uncertainty in general have been encircled in a semantic analysis (part one) and a qualitative content analysis consisting of an questionnaire, distributed to the staff members at one nursing and medicine institution, with an open question about the meaning of uncertainty (part two). The third part is a literature study of the nursing context to find out how uncertainty is described (part three). Part four is the actual concept analysis based on the three first parts. Uncertainty in the nursing context is an individual conscious experience witch is changeable and impressionable. It is chained together with its antecendents and consequences.

Kommunikationsverksamhet i ett föränderligt samhälle : En studie om hur Gällivare kommun bör kommunicera med sin befolkning under samhällsomvandlingen

The purpose of this study is to analyze which communication strategies andinformation- and communication channels that Gällivare municipality should useunder the urban transformation to communicate with the citizens. The studyconcentrates on the age-groups 16 ? 24, 25 ? 44, 45 ? 64 and people that are 65 yearsand older. This selection has been made as a segmentation of the citizens and is oneof the essay questions which refers to study the channels that each age-groups prefer.The study is a quantitative one and is based on a questionnaire survey directed to thecitizens and it?s 85 people who participated.

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