

2041 Uppsatser om Firm Strategies - Sida 25 av 137

Högskolebibliotekens synlighet i lärosätenas strategidokument: En innehållsanalys av högskolornas strategiska dokument och bibliotekens strategiska planer

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the visibility of the university libraries in the strategic documents from the actual universities to which they belong. And also, the image of themselves they send out, are examined. By examining different kinds of descriptions we want to get a clearer picture of how and in what amount the libraries are mentioned in highest level strategies. By doing this we expect to find out the libraries' strategic role in higher education and research. The research questions are: What role and function are assigned to the university libraries in strategies created by the schools' highest administrative levels? How do the libraries present themselves in their own strategies? The approach is cross sectional and the time frame is year 2008.

"..det är en väldigt stor sak egentligen" Strategier vid sexuella konsekvenser av cancerbehandling. Förväntningar på sexualitet och rehabilitering.

Magnusson, A. ??it?s a matter of great importance actually?. Coping strategies to sexual consequences due to cancer treatment. Expectations on sexuality and rehabilitation.

RUMSSTANDARDISERING : Ett projekteringsunderlag för Sandviks framtida byggnadsprojekt

The construction industry works today with a time limit, therefore it is important to have rational tools to improve the efficiency in the building process. That?s the reason for this report, where a standard for interior finishes has been developed for Sandvik. The standard for interior finishes is designed as a program for room functions and includes office space and sanitary areas. It is a proposal showing how Sandvik can design their premises in the future.

Kvinnor som tar betalt per timme: En uppsats om kvinnliga konsulter

The main purpose for this thesis is to investigate why female academics choose to work as temporary workers. Through profound interviews I look at the reasons the women gives to why the have chosen the role as a consultant but also why they choose to stay on in the position. I?m relating their answers to widely spread theories about gender and social structures. I also investigate theories about job satisfaction and how these women?s answers can be interpreted from these theories.

Förhandlingsretorik : En uppsats om hur skickliga förhandlare övertygar motparten och vilka retoriska medel de använder

This essay is about exploring the rhetorical business negotiation process. The aim has been to find out how skilled salespeople stand out, and what rhetorical means they use to convince the other party. For this study, a qualitative research interview was applied and altogether five vendors in three different industries were interviewed. The fundamental theory of the essay is based on classical rhetoric. From that I have chosen the specific parts that I have found useful to discuss negotiation and sales processes.The results show that there is not a one single rhetorical approach that is essential to convince the other party.

Obligatorisk byråtotation : påverkan på revisorns oberoende och den finansiella stabiliteten

Till följd av det senaste decenniets företagsskandaler och kriser har diskussionen kring revisorns oberoende eskalerat. I och med finanskrisen 2008/09 har det påvisats att ett antal bolag ej erhållit oberoende granskning varför revisorns agerande har ifrågasatts. Eftersom det är av stor vikt att revisorn agerar objektivt och självständigt med avseende på tillförlitligheten till reviderad information diskuteras obligatorisk byrårotation som ett verktyg för att säkerställa revisorns oberoende.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur obligatorisk byrårotation påverkar revisorns oberoende och vilka konsekvenser ett eventuellt införande av en dylik regel skulle innebära. Vidare behandlas byrårotations inverkan på den finansiella stabiliteten.Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod för att möjliggöra en djupgående förståelse för utvalda parters åsikter och synpunkter på en eventuell lagförändring. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer med stor inblick i revisionsbranschen.Studien visar att obligatorisk byrårotation skulle ha positiv inverkan på revisorns oberoende.

Ska man tro på aktie-Nostradamus? : en studie om aktierekommendationers värde för privata investerare

Intro: 80 percent of the Swedish population own shares. This makes Sweden the leading country in private investment in securities. It can be difficult for the private investor to know where, when and which security to invest in. The strategies are as ambivalent as the stock markets fluctuations. If the investor prefers to refrain from investing money himself, there are brokers who carry out these types of services.

Att twittra sig till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om tre PR-byråers strategiska kommunikationsarbete med det sociala mediet twitter

This essay focus on the social media Twitter and how three Swedish PR practitioners view and use communication strategies for this social media. Twitter was created 2006 and is kind of a new channel in the digital world. The micro blog has over these few years attracted 175 million users across the world. In Sweden there is 91 000 registered users and according to a survey, 11 000 of them are active by tweeting once a day.Twitter is highly current and all kinds of people are using the social media, for example, artists, companies and individuals. Twitter is with its highly number of users building a new market for organizations to find their stakeholders.

Den närståendes upplevelse av kommunikationen - förändring och strategianvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

The aim of the study was to investigate how a significant other of threepersons with Parkinson?s disease experienced the communication in conversation. Astructured interview and analysis of a video recorded conversation was performed.The questions in the interview were aimed at mapping the significant others?experience of communicative problems, their frequency, degree and conversationstrategies used by a significant other in conversation. The result showed that thesignificant others? experienced problems in communication related to the disease inseveral different areas for two of three participants with Parkinson?s disease.

Konflikthantering i skolans värld : En kvalitativ undersökning om konflikter och strategier

My thesis is based on a qualitative study in which I have selected six professional teachers in a school in Greater Stockholm, and their views on the phenomenon of conflict management. My questions were the following.How teachers perceive the phenomenon of conflict in the world of school?What strategies do teachers use to resolve conflicts with students?In order to analyze my informants, I have chosen different books that deal with conflict man-agement, policy documents and books on the teaching profession meaning. Through my investigation I found that some teachers used tools and strategies through expe-rience and reflections, and resolve conflicts together or individually. My informants described that there are some teachers how choose to hide and pretend not to see the problem.

Elever med Dyslexi : Hur elever med dyslexi har upplevt sin skolgång och datorprogrammet ViTal

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was incorporated into the Swedish legislation in 2004 through the ordinance Förordningen om förvaltningenav kvaliteten på vattenmiljön (SFS 2004:660). The objective is that all water bodies shall reach a good status by the year 2015. In Sweden the comprehensive plans of the municipalities can play a large role in reaching these goals. A comprehensive plan deals with the long term water and land use of the municipality, which can facilitate an early consideration of water management in the planning process of the municipality. In Sweden five river basin districts have been established in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.

The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance

Title: The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance Seminar date: 5 June, 2008 Course: Masters thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Cheng Hsun Chiang and Márton Pap Advisor: Dan Kärreman Key words: Internationalization, Performance, Multinationality, Degree of Internationalization (DOI), Country of Origin Purpose: To illuminate various crucial aspects of internationalization by systematically contrasting the different models of the multinationality-performance relationship and searching for underlying reasons. Methodology: Meta-analysis on previous theoretical and empirical research. Our emphasis in this paper has been put on the qualitative aspects of the previous research unlike many other conventional meta-analyses that focus on the comparison of the empirical data. Theoretical perspectives: Five main models have been developed by earlier studies to describe the relationship between internationalization and performance: positive linear, no or ambiguous relation, inverted U-shaped, standard U-shaped and S-shaped curve.

Strategi, syften och visioner för intranät : av intranät i samband med uppgradering.

Intranets can streamline workflow processes, improve communication and add value to the employees of an organization. Companies that don?t take advantage of the potential in their intranet is a common phenomenon. In connection with a migration project dealing with a switch of content management system it turned out that SAS Technical Services lacked clear objectives and strategies for the use of their intranet. Thereby they didn?t make the most of the possibilities an intranet brings.The work with this thesis began with collecting the experiences the company could take with them from the migration project.

Varfo?r finns det sa? lite svensk ekologisk frukt? : probleminventering av den svenska ekologiska fruktbranschen

Out of totally 1862 hectares of the Swedish fruitacerage, only 142 hectares are cultivated according to the EU-standards for organic farming. Only 73 hectares are connected to the Swedish control organisation KRAV. Therefore only fruit from this acreage can be sold as organic. The aim of the study was to further investigate the organic fruit production regarding cultivation, market and firm strategy. Through interviews with 36 fruitproducers the situation for organic fruit and the companies were examined.

"Don?t tell what she did" : en adaptionsanalys av Mildred Pierce

This essay investigates the relationship between Mildred and her daughter Veda in James M. Cains novel Mildred Pierce (1941). The purpose of the investigation is to point out how the relationship is portrayed in the film from 1945, and the TV-series from 2011. To facilitate the analysis I apply adaptation theorist Thomas Leicht?s list of ten different adaptation strategies to conclude the possible effects these strategies may have had on the relationship portrait and the themes of the novel.

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