

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 47 av 56

Bättre utnyttjande av nya och befintliga förrådslokaler på SSAB Tunnplåt

The purpose of this assignment at SSAB Tunnplåt in Borlänge was mainly to investigate and describe the circumstances for the spare parts stored in storage facilities within the area of operation. Even new facilities which could serve as storage rooms and their opportunities for storing spare parts were an important part of the investigation. This because of the need for improved storing of spare parts. Furthermore, market offers where reviewed for storage of spare parts in more tailored designs. The work will culminate in proposals for improvement which is of importance for the development surrounding the storage and handling of spare parts.

Studier av mjölkbarhet automatiskt mätt i mjölkningsanläggningar :

Milkability or ease of milking, has higher importance today for Swedish dairy cattle producers after the introduction of milking parlours and automatic milking systems. Milkability is the cow?s ability to quickly milk out and be completely milked. There are several measures of milkability available. Today the farmer measures the traits subjectively in relation to the conformation scoring of the cow 30-270 days after her first calving.

VIBRATIONSSKADOR - FÖREKOMST OCH FÖREBYGGANDE : Analys av ett strukturerat arbetssätt inom bostadsproduktion

Ask any constructional worker and there is a high probability that this person knows a colleague with pain or other disorders caused by working with power tools.According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority 71 percent of the Swedish constructional workers is exposed to vibrations at least 25 percent of the working hours. Despite this, the number of reported occupational sicknesses caused by vibrations is as low as 1, 4 percent.JM Ltd. is one of the largest constructional companies in Sweden. Their main business is new housing and development of residential areas. God quality and low impact on the environment is a part of great importance in the company?s long-term goals.

Ball and beam

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Uljabuouda vindkraftpark turbinmodellering och stabilitetsanalys

This master thesis has been performed at Solvina in Gothenburg for Skellefteå Kraftand Vattenfall Eldistribution. The aim of it is to investigate the consequences of theinstallation of a wind power plant on the mountain Uljabuouda in the vicinity ofArjeplog. Especially the impacts on voltage and transient stability are examined.Furthermore, the amount of extra strain on the voltage regulation equipment and theneeds for increased regulation capabilities are looked into.The wind power plant is planned to be built by Skellefteå Kraft and connected to a130 kV grid owned by Vattenfall Eldistribution. The work comprehends the followingmain parts:- Theoretical studies aimed at wind turbines and power system stability issues.- Modelling of the type of wind turbines assumed to be built on Uljabuouda.- Simulations of different operation cases and analysis of the simulation results.The results from the simulations show that, as far as voltage stability and extraworkload on tap-changers are concerned, the wind power plant does not, in anysignificant manner, worsen the present conditions. The problem of overloading theline between Arvidsjaur and Vargfors is also minor.

"Bok för bok förändras Guatemala" : En studie av förutsättningar och effekter i ett biblioteksbiståndsprojekt

The main purpose of this Master´s thesis, is to describe and discuss what constitutes the library collaboration between The Swedish Royal Library and the National Library of Guatemala, but also to analyse which effects the support has for public library work in Guatemala. The data consists of interviews and direct-observations during 2 months of fieldwork in Guatemala, Central America. The analysis is based on literature studies combined with the answers from the respondents and other results from the field work. We have found above all three factors to be of importance in the constitution of the collaboration between the National Library in Guatemala and the Swedish Royal Library: the Swedish library discourse, the Swedish aid discourse and the relationship between the people involved with the project. The library discourse in Sweden and in Guatemala emphasizes different aspects of the work.

Utredning av VPLS i stadsnät

Jönköping Energi AB (JEAB) is a local energy supplier for the county of Jönköping. JEAB also maintain the local Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). They have recently installed GPON in a portion of their network and have connected it to the MAN via an Extreme switch.However JEAB would prefer to use Cisco equipment instead of Extreme since the MAN comprises of Cisco hardware. They require a solution to connect GPON to the MAN with a recently purchased line card (Cisco 7600 ES20) which can be installed in a Cisco 6500 Catalyst switch. There is also a possible solution with an Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS-1 switch.

Hur sjuksköterskor kan bidra till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner inom kommunal vård och omsorg

Background: Basic hygiene is an important measure to prevent healthcare associated infections, save patients? lives, and reduce economic costs for health care. Healthcare associated infections are a threat to patient safety. In community care persons who are the care takers are a risk group and nurses must make sure that basic hygiene procedures are followed.Method: Literature studies with descriptive design, article search in databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results found are based on twelve chosen articles.Aim: To describe factors related to adherence to basic hygiene and how nurses in community care can help to improve compliance with these procedures.Results: In the nursing staff and leadership in health care interest in and the understanding of basic hygiene is described as being of most importance.

Autonom materialtransport med hög precision

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Förutsättningar och hinder för att minska elektronikavfall : En studie över hur WEEE-direktivet påverkar Sveriges förebyggande åtgärder mot elektronikavfall

To meet the growing amount of waste from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) EU developed, year 2002, a directive (2002/96/EG) with the objective to govern the management and reduce the amount of WEEE. The directive is based on producer responsibility which makes the producer responsible for collection and dispose of WEEE. In 2012 a new revised directive (2012/19/EU), with tougher collection targets, was developed. Both the old and the new directive states that the approach to tackle WEEE should be prioritized in order of prevention, reuse and then recycling. Hitherto the amounts of WEEE has increased every year, making it relevant to examine which type of preventive measures the directive contains and how effective they are.

Utveckling av AGV för materialtransport till produktionscell

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Design av antennsystem för hypertermibehandling av hjärntumör

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Driftkostnadsanalys i väginvesteringsprojekt

During its lifetime, a road goes through a number of different stages; pre-study,inquiry of the road, work plan, documenting stage, building stage and operatingstage. The operating stage is the one that takes the longest time and costs themost. Those have a tendency of becoming unnecessarily high because the projectengineers don?t always take the management and maintenance prerequisites intoconditions.To decrease the management and maintenance costs, the Swedish RoadAdministration SouthEast has been in need of a work procedure that makes theroaddesign engineers take the management and maintenance of the road intoconsideration. This shall be achieved by a checklist where the most commondesigns that lead to increased management- and maintenance costs are compiledand listed.Through interviews with project leaders in management, the most commonproblems have been identified, analyzed and summarized under the headlineswinter-road, vegetation, road equipment and road designs.To elucidate the problem from several points of view, interviews wereimplemented with project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers.

Visuell informationshantering i tunga fordon : Behovsanalys och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

The flow of information in road vehicles intensifies as new techniques develop. Informationsources such as cell phones, navigation equipment and radios demand the driver?s attentionwhile he or she must stay focused on the road to perform a safe driving. Today the visualinformation inside the vehicle is mostly located on the dashboard, which forces the driver tolook down when shifting attention between the environment outside and the informationinside the vehicle. One way to avoid this is to useHead-up Display (HUD), a technique thatprojects information in the visual field of the user.This master thesis has been performed in cooperation with Scania CV AB, a world leadingtruck producer.

Musikeffekter med signalprocessor - Realtidsimplementation på plattformen C6416T DSK

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

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