

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 4 av 56

Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod

The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.

Optimering av påstorkning : Från behov till färdig konstruktion

This thesis describes the redesign ofequipment designed for drying bags thatis used in Fresenius Kabis´manufacturing of their nutritionmedicine in Uppsala. The need of thistask arise during the start of thedevelopment of a new packaging line werethis equipment were meant to be used. Anevaluation of the bagdryers capacity andcapability was necessary.The work started with gathering ofinformation from suppliers of the usedcomponents and from the responsibleengineers for this equipment. Aneducation to learn how the equipmentworked and how to operate it were taken.That was followed by the creation of astudy plan were the tests were plannedto test different parameters effect onthe drying result and to see if thebagdryer managed to handle the bags ofthe correct format in the pace that theequipment should be designed for.The test results detected a need ofdesigning a unit with a function thatholds the bags in place while passingthrough the dryer in order to attainhigh quality results. The results werelater used for optimization of thedesign.

Ugnet - Provugnsstyrning med LabVIEW

This report contains a programming improvement work in a LabVIEW? fire testing furnace control system for SP Fire Technology in Borås. Here materials and products behaviour are tested and evaluated, being exposed to fire. For this task, UGNET is being used for control and surveillance of the testing furnace system. System hardware has been updated gradually through the years, while the software has been neglected.

Kategorisering av idésyften : En kvalitativ analys av idéer i Volvo Construction Equipment?s idéhanteringssystem

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att på uppdrag av Volvo Construction Equipment hitta en metod för att hantera och kategorisera idéflödet i deras idéhanteringssystem Interact. Den metod som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsatsen är att metoden gick att använda för att kategorisera idéflödet men att ett material som sträcker sig över många ämnen tenderar att sänka tillförlitligheten på resultatet. Vidare bedöms materialet som detta arbete har producerat kunna användas för att bättre ta tillvara på idéer, vilket uppskattas av Volvo Construction Equipment..

Betongpelare och brand : En utvärdering av 500 °C isotermmetoden

At the beginning of 2011, Sweden started using the European rules for structural design, the Eurocodes, instead of the previous national rules. In both the previous rules and the Eurocodes, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using tabled values. However, the required cross section measurements have increased considerably. Moreover, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using calculations, however, this is unusual.The development of a fire in a fire cell can be divided into the growth stage, the fully developed fire and the cooling phase. The duration of each phase, as well as the temperature, is dependent on a number of factors, e.g.

Det vikingatida bågskyttet i Birka : Ett exempel på en framstående stridskonst med främmande inslag

This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave. The equipment contains for example closed quivers and a bow case. This paper also contains a discussion of archery battle techniques and tactics in Viking Age Birka and the implications of the above mentioned equipment to this discussion. The analysis insinuates the importance and status of archery in 10th century Birka..

Att återställa en naturlig ordning : skogshistoria och restaureringsbränning i Långsidbergets naturreservat

During the late 1800s fire suppression became increasingly effective in northern Sweden which led to decreased areas of fire-disturbed woodland and successive changes in the structure of forests. In the long run this can pose a serious threat to fire-dependent and fire-favored species. Today some fire-prone forest reserves are burned as a nature conservation act. Often partial cuttings are made before burning, with somewhat different motives. The purpose of the study in Långsidberget nature reserve was to give a general picture of forest history and its affect on today?s forest condition, and to show how partial cuttings affect burning conditions and results. Långsidberget is located close to areas that were colonized during the Middle Ages.

Energianvändning i sjukhuslokaler. Analys baserad på verksamhetsrelaterade nyckeltal

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Geoteknisk bärförmåga hos borrade injekterade pålar i åsmaterial Fältförsök: Slussen i Stockholm

This thesis describes the redesign ofequipment designed for drying bags thatis used in Fresenius Kabis´manufacturing of their nutritionmedicine in Uppsala. The need of thistask arise during the start of thedevelopment of a new packaging line werethis equipment were meant to be used. Anevaluation of the bagdryers capacity andcapability was necessary.The work started with gathering ofinformation from suppliers of the usedcomponents and from the responsibleengineers for this equipment. Aneducation to learn how the equipmentworked and how to operate it were taken.That was followed by the creation of astudy plan were the tests were plannedto test different parameters effect onthe drying result and to see if thebagdryer managed to handle the bags ofthe correct format in the pace that theequipment should be designed for.The test results detected a need ofdesigning a unit with a function thatholds the bags in place while passingthrough the dryer in order to attainhigh quality results. The results werelater used for optimization of thedesign.

Framtagning av analysmetodik för uppslutning av kemiska produkter

The purpose of this thesis was to develop and optimize a method of analysis for combustion of organic chemical products, followed by an ion chromatographic quantitative analysis. This was to be achieved with the decomposition equipment IKA AOD 1. The aim was to receive a precise and repeatable method that would be able to be applied to the process of qualification and technical marking of chemical products at the company, OKG AB in Oskarshamn. A complete instruction for the decomposition equipment and the method of analysis was written. A number of parameters were chosen from the general method of the combustion equipment, which then was tested parallel with a simultaneous development of an appropriate ion chromatographic method.

Skogsbrandens påverkan på död ved :

Fire is an important ecological factor, but its consumption of coarse woody debris, CWD, has hardly received any attention. In this study, I investigate the consumption in relation to the time of initial flame exposure and propensity for continued combustion of standing CWD of pine (Pinus sylvestris). Two types of CWD were studied. Firstly, wood that had been dead for one to ten years. Secondly, wood that had been dead for several decades. In the burning experiments, logs of approx.

Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?

This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..

Att jämställdhetsintegrera mans- och kvinnodominerade kommunala förvaltningar : En jämförande studie mellan räddningstjänsten och vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen i Växjö kommun

This thesis aims to describe the differences and similarities between a male dominated sector and a female dominated sector based on gender mainstreaming documentation as well as through interviews with people working within the sectors. The sectors that were chosen in this study were the fire department and the nursing and care administration of Växjö municipality. Both of the administrations? genders mainstreaming documents were subjected to content analysis in order to describe differences and similarities between the administrations. The analysis found that there were differences in approaches between the administrations were the nursing and care administration had aims of achieving a specified amount of men working within the administration, which the fire department didn?t have.

Implementering av ISOBUS Virtual Terminal på fordonsdatorn CCP XS

Modern agriculture equipment are more computer based today, and many equipments use a terminal in the tractor where the driver have the opportunity to make adjustments to the equipment. This is the reason why ISO developed a new standard called ISOBUS. It is a communication standard based on CAN specially adapted for griculture equipments. The purpose of the standard is that it should be ossible to equip a tractor with a standard terminal called Virtual Terminal that can be used to control the equipment. The use of the terminal should be independent of the manufacturer of the tractor as well as of the equipment.The purpose of this report is to ?nd a solution of how to use CC Systems on-board computer, CCP XS, as a Virtual Terminal.

Risk för exponering av växtskyddsmedel i växthusmiljö

Plant Protection Products (PPP) used in the horticulture industry can be both chemical and biological. They are used for weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), and fungi (fungicides) and as growth retarders.Many horticulture workers get in touch with plants, treated with PPPs and many of these don?t use any protective equipment.The aim of this project is to illustrate the work environment hazards for staff working with greenhouse pot plants, after they have been sprayed.The method used was observations of the operations for packing plants. I studied the operations and took notes of how operations were performed and what protective equipment they used. I also took photos and asked questions.A literature study completed the observations.

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