

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 35 av 56

Identifiering av det logistiska förpackningssystemet En studie av teleutrustningsindustrin

Background: Due to outsourcing, the material flows in the telecom equipment industry have undergone major changes, which in turn has imposed new challenges for packaging supplier Nefab who delivers to the industry. In order to achieve market intelligence, Nefab wants to map the material flows, and investigate possibilities of further reusable logistical packaging systems.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the typical features of the logistical material flows in a technically based, rapidly growing industry, and analyze the driving forces and obstacles, which influence the selection of logistical packaging system. Procedure: After developing a theoretical framework consisting of general logistical theories and theories related to logistical packaging, we have interviewed companies in the logistics channel of Ericsson Radio Systems.Results: We have found the main characteristics of material flows in our investigated industry to be Variations in Demand, Focus on Time-to-Customer, and Globalization of Logistics Channels. Regarding driving forces and obstacles in the selection of logistical packaging systems, we have identified Transportation Characteristics, Customer Demands, Quality, Handling & Administration, and Current Packaging System as important factors..

A Comparison of Two Immunoturbidimetric Assay Methods for Serum Amyloid A in Cats.

The analysis of acute phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA) has recently been brought into clinical use in veterinary medicine. Some of the difficulties with incorporating the SAA method in clinical practice have been the expensive and rather large equipment required for the method. Due to these difficulties only larger clinics can afford to use the SAA analysis.The company Equinostic has recently developed a smaller instrument that costs one-tenth of a larger instrument. The instrument is named EVA1 and has so far only been used to analyze SAA in horses.The aim of this study was to investigate if the EVA1 instrument could be used to analyze SAA in cats. This study included 24 serum samples from cat, which were first analyzed twice on the EVA1 instrument and then sent to the Strömsholm Referral Animal Hospital in Sweden where they reanalyzed the samples using a validated reference method.

Trädetaljer i exteriör arkitektur : En rapport om hur arkitekturen kan tillåtas framhäva trä som byggnadsmaterial i utvalda exteriöra detaljer för ett äldreboende med massiv trästomme

Arkitektfirman Kolman X Boye Architects har fått uppdraget att upprätta bygglovshandlingar för ett äldreboende. Det är ännu ej bestämt i detalj hur byggnaden skall uppföras men beställaren önskar att byggnaden uppförs i träbyggnadsteknik. Äldreboendet projekteras för 54 stycken lägenheter fördelat på sex stycken våningsplan och en total bruttoarea på strax under 6000m2. Ingen lika hög träbyggnad med denna verksamhetsklass avseende brand har tidigare uppförts i Sverige.Vår uppgift och utmaning i detta arbete har varit att reda ut problematiken kring projekteringen av exteriöra detaljer för höga hus i trä. Utifrån kända problem avseende brand, akustik och fukt har sedan ett antal detaljer som påverkar det estetiska uttrycket projekterats.

Establishment and evaluation of a Barley starch isolation method with focus on representability

The high viscosity of barley material makes starch isolation problematical using regular methods established for cereals. An adjusted starch isolation method has been set up for barley, based on fractionation and purification. The focus is on attaining truly representative isolates of six flour samples selected for widely differing characteristics within the research program BarleyFunFood (BFF). Beside establishment of the method, this diploma work aspires to serve the BFF with isolated material of sufficient yield valid for further starch characterisation. A pre study was conducted evaluating available wet mixing equipment, experimental conditions and mode of procedure.

Säkerheten på en byggarbetsplats : Förhåller sig Skanska och dess underentreprenörer olika till arbetsmiljösäkerhet?

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Flödeskartläggning avbilflödenpå Södertälje Hamn(Car-flow mapping at the Port of Södertälje)

The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.

Servicekvalitet på Linköpings stadsbibliotek ? ur tre fokusgruppers perspektiv

The main purpose with this MA thesis is to examine how visually impaired, disabled and people with dyslexia define service quality at the public library of Linköping. The method that has been used is focus group interviews. A focus group consists of four to eight people who are joined together, without knowing each other before, to discuss a certain subject. The aim is to get a wide spread of answers. A secondary purpose is to examine how this method works.

Undersökning av sågverks effektivitet med avseende på underhåll : Vikten av en kostnadseffektiv underhållspolicy

Det finns stora förluster i sågverk som inte framkommer av deras traditionella driftsuppföljnings¬processer. Strategiskt viktigt för organisationen är frågan vad företaget behöver göra för att bli effektivt. I detta arbete diskuteras mätmetoder av effektivitet med avseende på underhåll och hur effektiviteten kan mätas med hjälp av att beräkna den totala utrustningseffektiviteten (OEE). Arbetet beskriver också olika underhållsstrategier och processen med att införa en sådan policy på sågverk. Under en period av sex dagar beräknas OEE på fem sågverk.

Cross-Laminated Timber? En fallstudie av Hyttkammaren samt en jämförelse med prefabricerat betongelement ur platsomkostnadsperspektiv

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Beslutsfattande och uppmärksamhet : Heuristikers påverkan på kognitiva resurser inom konsumentpsykologi

Every day we make numerous decisions. Some are better than others. Intuitive decisions usually results in less good decisions when we do not reason about our choices. Research has been interested about the process that is behind how we make good decisions. Decisions we face every day, such as when we shop, determined using various mental shortcuts that we use unconsciously.

"Avslagsbeslut" : En enkätundersökning om hot och våld bland anställda vid Migrationsverkets förvarsenhet

Threats and violence, or the risk of being subjected to threats and violence in the workplace, is a major health and safety problems that exists in many professions. To be exposed to threats and violence can have serious consequences for the employee's health but also for the organization in question. The aims of this study was to investigate the prevalence of threats and violence at the Swedish Migration Board detention, and to examine whether there were health problems among employees who may be exposed to threats and violence. A web-based questionnaire was answered by 29 employees (response rate = 51 percent). The results showed that more employees had been exposed to verbal threats (66 percent), compared to physical violence (10 percent), and they showed a greater tendency to report physical violence, as opposed to verbal threats.

Folkbiblioteks och släktforskarföreningars stöd i släktforskares egen forskning sett ur ett självstudieperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is, from a self directed learning perspective, to investigate the support of public libraries and genealogy associations of genealogists' own research, i.e. their search for ancestors as well as their possibilities to broaden their history outlook. Accordingly, five public librarians and five genealogy representatives in the west of Sweden have been interviewed regarding the support that can be offered to genealogists. The investigated support to genealogists in their own research is about working environment, literature and material, activities and the cooperation between public libraries and genealogy associations. In this thesis conclusions are merely drawn from a self-directed learning perspective, a perspective where also different forms of support are being recommended by scientists.

Riskmodell för uppkomst av skogsbränder: pilotstudie i Arvika

Beredskapsenheten på länsstyrelsen i Värmland driver ett projekt om risk och sårbarhetsanalyser i länet som benämns ?Säkerhet i Värmland?. Detta examensarbete studerar skogsbränder utifrån ett riskperspektiv och är ett led i projektet. Målen med studien är att åstadkomma en riskmodell för skogsbränder som kan användas vid planering på lokal- och regional nivå i samhället. Studien delas upp i två delar.

Automatisk lockmekanism : från idé till prototyp

Wavecraft AB develops medical equipment for heating of organic synthesises. The heating is done with microwaves, which improves the process in both speed and accuracy compared to the more traditional methods where heating elements are used. This report discusses the developement of an automatic lid mechanism for one of Wavecraft's product prototypes. The company assumes that the final product will be integrated by customers into fully automated systems, and the upgrade from a manually to an automatically controlled lid is therefore an important step in the product's developement process.The first stage och the project was an idea generation process. The ideas generated here were organized into five different concepts of which the best one was selected through the use of a concept matrix.

Kunskap, Färdighet och Attityd : En undersökning om grundskolebibliotekariers syn på och arbete med digital kompetens

There is little doubt that the digital technology has played a major role in reshaping the ways in which we experience the world. In a few decades the Internet has become a vast repository for knowledge and ideas. New arenas where people may meet and fraternize have emerged, and with the help of various digital tools and websites, the production of new material has increased to an almost unfathomable level.But all is not well on the digital front. As the Internet has become a crucial part of our everyday life, certain skills in handling digital media has become very important to master. A well-developed ability to navigate through this ocean of information is needed, and knowledge in managing the risky nature of the internet is critical.

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