

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 24 av 56

Gårdssmedjor i södra Gästrikland En studie av Hedesunda och Österfärnebo socknar

Poorly maintained forges are a common sight in the province of Gästrikland. Because of their changed appearance, possible move from the origin location and poor items related knowledge they will rarely qualify for the range of funds available through Länsstyrelsen. Therefore this study deals with the problems associated with the forges in southern Gästrikland, i.e. Hedesunda and Österfärnebo parishes.The aim of the study is to increase the items related knowledge of forges and perhaps form the basis for restoration projects in the area. Eleven forges have been examined and the changes they have undergone have been highlighted.A forge was erected on the farm and was used for the households needs such as producing and repairing tools.

Knacksensorplacering på lastbilsmotor

This work is an experimental study where knock sensor placements are investigated using engine tests. The aim is to studythe quality of the signal from knock sensors and how the signal for engine control is affected at different sensor locations on Scanias, engine DC13. To find out at witch position on the engine youcan get a usable signal for engine control, the engine is running while the knock sensors with advanced measurement equipment is connected to the engine. Evaluation of signals from the knock sensors are made in the computer program Matlab. The program is producing a seriesof plots, from these plots it is visually possible to draw conclusions and find connections.

ROLLIN? -public furniture with play value

The aim in this project was to spread play in the city and acrossgenerations. My way of approaching this challenge was to explore theborderland between playground equipment and street furniture. Thisopened up many possibilities to afford play in places where playgroundequipment often is excluded.The goal was to create one, or more, furniture with play value. The targetgroup was all vivasious people spending time in the public outdoorspace. Through user studies, a lot of serious playing and a lot of testing,the project resulted in a bench called Rollin´.

Marknadsundersökning av Claas Lexion tröskor : kapacitet och kundnöjdhet

LEXION is the name of the largest series of combines made by the CLAAS factory in Germany. LEXION was introduced on the Swedish market 1996 and was for sale in Sweden from 1997. LMB have sold over 400 LEXION-combines in Sweden. In cooperation with the Swedish general agency we decided to make a market research on the Swedish LEXION-market. The questionnaire was supposed to give answers about capacity and technical equipment. Before I made the questionnaire I studied manuals and combines. I got 81 answers of about 325 questionnaires. That makes 25 % reply frequency.

Interaktion med surfplatta och traditionella leksaker inom förskolan : En studie av likheter och skillnader ur ett socialt- och lärandeperspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to examine differences and similarities concerning teamwork and interactive skills among preschool children while they interact with an Ipad respective a number of selected traditional artifacts. The traditional artifacts chosen for this study are small Lego blocks, JovoToys (click and construct system) and large puzzles. The study takes its starting point on the basis of both a social- and a learning perspective when different groups of preschool children in the ages from three to five years interact in fellowship groups with respective artifact. Primarily the main focus is to examine differences and similarities that appear from without the social perspective.The overall objective is to identify what eventual differences and similarities can be found purposely on both what is happening in the social interaction between the preschool children themselves but also what is taking place in the interaction between the children and each artifact. This study will also via theoretical frameworks create an understanding why eventual differences and similarities exist.The results are based on both a literature review and a field study.

I skenet av en lampa - En studie om täljstenslampan utifrån Thulemänniskornas världsbild

Abstract? ?there is no reason?to assume that prehistorians cannot study ancient symbolism and beliefs. The question remains, however, how best to study symbolism within the material confines of archaeological research?(Fogelin 2007:63)With my essay I would like to bring up the meaning of the soapstonelamp for the Thule culture in Greenland. Humans in the arctic area, from the same in the north of Scandinavia to the inuites in Greenland, have a common way of viewing the world that stems from anemismen.

T-spår infästningssysten för takmonterade tillbehör

The project has been performed in collaboration with Thule Sweden AB, a global leader in developing safe, simple and elegant solutions for the transportation of various types of equipment. The company has developed a new T-track which is telescopically, they stand mount system to connect the roof box to the roof rack does not fit into this. Therefore, the company considered that it was necessary to have a new product that meets the requirements of the new roof rack. They wanted a new, smarter solution would be developed. The bulk of this essay has been to find a new concept to connect the roof box to the roof racks. The result is a saxkonstruktion that slides down the roof rack T-profile and protected out of a puck-like housing. The product is small, simple and elegant solution.

Visualisering av anläggningsinformation för underhåll

This project has created a web-application for the service technicians at the paper plant Gruvön. The project was outsourced to the IT-company Sogeti.The application visualizes information about reparation-work of the equipment at the paper plant. The displayed information is work-orders, the status of the work-orders and errors. It is also possible to see the costs and hours spent on reparation-work.. The work-orders and related information is stored in a relational database.The application is created mainly for web-browsers in mobile-phones and tablets.

Säkert sittande - Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt mot Innovationsslussen i Västra Götaland

A thesis directed towards Innovationsslussen in Gothenburg about securing, improving and simplifying sitting on the toilet for patients with sitting difficulties. The primary target group for the project is patients who have had a stroke and as a consequence from that suffers from various kind of bodily paralysis.An overall goal was to design an aid that was comprehensive enough that the patient could manage sitting securely on the toilet without have a nurse giving physical support during defecation.Five conceptual proposals were developed and evaluated in consultation with Innovationsslussen and one was selected to be further developed.The result was an integrated support at the toilet that facilitates a good sitting posture which minimizes the risk of falling and provides comfortable support when leaning to the side. The product is divided in two with both a redesigned carryingsystem and a new type of support surface adapted for the purpose..

Modernisering av testutrustning

Rapporten beskriver arbetet med att modernisera en testutrustning för ett robotsystem. Den nya testutrustningen skulle moderniseras till att använda USB-gränssnitt istället för RS232-gränssnitt för kommunikation mellan dator och den övriga hårdvaran. Arbetet börjar med kravspecifikation och slutar med en fungerande produkt. I det innefattas en kortare förklaring av USB-gränssnittet och dess skillnader från RS232-gränssnittet, en utredning för att finna den bästa lösningen för att förverkliga USB-kommunikationen med utrustningen och konstruktion av elektronik för att styra signaler och spänningsmatningar till robotsystemet..

Aktivt åldrande : att styrketräna som pensionär

The essay is about pensioners who are working out at a gym. My starting point is the research program "Culture of ageing? and the theory that pensioners in the post- and late modern society conquer new potential areas. I am studying the meeting between pensioners and the gym. How the pensioners conquer the gym, relate to their training and what makes them stay after the first introduction.

Alternativa verktyg, tillgänglighet och måluppfyllelse för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En fallstudie i årskurs 8 och 9

This study investigates how assistive technology tools are used in the classroom by students in reading and writing disabilities in the school years immediately prior to moving to gymnasium. Through observations and interviews with two students and two teachers this study also considers if the use of these tools can lead to increased accessibility and goal fulfilment, and whether these elements are prerequisites for success. The result shows that the students use laptops in the classroom, primarily for writing longer texts, and that in order to be successful, an early start, equipment, time and positive attitudes towards the tools are important. The students use the tools in the classroom, but they have very different feelings about how included they are in the class. The participants see a clear link between the use of assistive technology tools and increased goal fulfilment. .

Varseblivning av objekt i digital grafik : påverkan vid förändring av textur

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur förändring av material påverkar varseblivningen av objekt när formen lämnas oförändrad. Detta kan vara av intresse då spel med realistisk grafisk stil blir mer och mer högupplöst vilket samtidigt ställer högre krav på de grafiska utvecklarna att framställa verklighetstrogna material.Jag har utfört en kvalitativ undersökning med personintervjuer av sex personer. Dessa sex personer har fått se tre objekt där de fått definiera objektets syfte. Intervjupersonerna fick sedan se objekten med olika material där mina frågor haft som mål att få respondenten att motivera uppfattat material samt det uppfattade materialets egenskaper. De intervjuades motiveringar om objekt och material har jag sedan tolkat utifrån litteratur om psykologi, främst om kategorisering som George Lakoffs bok "Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things" (1990) beskriver.Min undersökning har visat att uppfattningen av textur kan förändra ett objekts syfte och funktion.

Studie av dagvattenkanalen utmed Sjöstadsparterren i Hammarby Sjöstad

In Europe, the central governments are the ones to coordinate the international standards and strategies regarding GPP; Green Public Procurement. However in Spain a GPP program was introduced late and only applied to the Central Government Institutions, (AGEA) (BOE nr. 027, 2008). These means that smaller administrations, such as, Autonomous Regions, Municipalities and Town Councils were not included in the program. The absence of a national program which excludes those governments made them introduce their own criteria for GPP, and the difference in criteria varies from one government to the other.

Informationssäkerhet inom grafiska företag

The study shows the current need for security solutions concerning work with information in different areas.Investigations will show important solutions for printers? needs to meet the increasingly harder demands forfast and safe digital communications. Important factors to be analyzed in the investigations are: access todifferent types of information, workers authority of information, access to the data base register internallyand externally, production solutions for an effective fault detection and data base solutions fororders and distribution.Planned and unplanned stops result in a standard of value in interruptions. Internal data bases areprotected by so-called ?Fire Walls?, ?Watch Dogs? and Virtual Private Networks.

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