

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 9 av 91

Har en ?Credit Crunch? Förekommit på den Svenska Kreditmarknaden? -En studie av efterfråge- och utbudsöverskott sedan 1987

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether some periods of declines in Swedish real credit can be explained by a credit crunch. Is it further possible, with these results, to do any conclusions about the banks behaviour in the on going financial crisis that has shadowed the country since 2007/2008? Method: A credit crunch is here defined as a period of supply-side restrictions on loans which doesn?t reflect the ongoing interest rates. By estimating a supply and demand function with a disequilibrium model the excess demand- and supply for credit due to different periods can be calculated. Conclusion: A credit crunch has been present during a period after the banking crisis of early 1990?s.

Att förebygga och undvika fuktskador i byggnader

Efforts to achieve a moisture proof construction process have proved to be considerably complicated, despite the knowledge and awareness that now exists within the moisture field. Materials, documents, templates and checklists are designed to be accessed but are not used anyway. This may be because such effort has not been prioritized and properly requirements have not existed from the commissioner of a building.This report illustrates how the commissioner of a building project can achieve a moisture proof building process by increasing knowledge, moisture proof planning, and implementation of security moisture routines. Proposals are given on how the commissioner of a building project can work to consistently bring a moisture proof building process in all stages. The difficulty with regular moisture proof efforts, the authors believe is mainly due to the following points:      Many different design solutions.      Lack of experience feedback.      Lack of communication.      Financial incentives.      Attitudes.The interviews in the report have conducted with the help of a qualitative analysis, while the survey has been done using a quantitative analytical method.

Beroende i leverantörsrelationer : En studie om IT-outsourcing och organisationers storleksmässiga betydelse

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Affärsänglar : En kvalitativ studie om affärsänglars förhållningssätt till risker vid investeringsbeslut

The interest for venture capital within the financial sector in Sweden has, according to earlier studies, been seen as a growing occurrence. Especially for what is known as informal venture capital. In modern times, private investors who engage themselves in small, unlisted companies, providing informal venture capital are to be known as business angels. They close equity gaps on the financial market by contribute financial capital to start-ups and are therefore an important participant on today?s market.

Kan man lite på ryska siffror? : en kritisk granskning av RAS ich IFRS

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Förvaltningsfastigheter : Den globala finans krisens påverkan på svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagens nedskrivningar

Introduction and background: The 1990s crisis and the global financial crisis year 2008 shows the same indications that the property market was affected negative. The Swedish Property companies had a difficult time on the market when the crisis led to decreased property trade and financing problems for the Property companies. The Swedish property companies became less attractive on the market and contributed to a drop in prices on investment property.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any relation between the Swedish Property companies impairments on their investment property and the global financial crisis year 2008.Method: The essay is based on a quantitative study where we examined Swedish Property companies? annual reports. We answered our questions and our purpose from the empirical data that we collected from the annual reports.Conclusions: The study resulted in that we found a correlation between the Swedish Property companies? impairments on their investment properties and the global financial crisis year 2008.

Den finansiella krisen 2008 : En studie av dess påverkan på British Airways-World Cargo och dess finansiella operationsstrategi

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

IAS/IFRS : ett regelverk för alla?

Background: In 2001 the European Commission presented legislation to require use of IASB standards named IAS/IFRS for all listed parent companies within the EU no later than 2005, to improve an internal market for financial services within the EU. This harmonisation of the accounting regulations answers to the social development of today with land-frontiers easier to cross, increased demands on an open financial market and the companies searching for risk capital outside the boundaries of the own country. International comparisons within accounting have consequently become more of current interest and necessary. When the requirement to use the IASB standards only is intended for the group accounting the remaining question is according to which regulations the parent companies will set up their annual financial reports. In Statens Offentliga Utredningar 2003:71(Swedish Government Official Reports) the parent companies are suggested to be given an opportunity to apply IAS/IFRS also in the annual financial report.

Sveriges bostadsmarknad i kris? : En kvalitativ fallstudie över Sveriges rådande situation på bostadsmarknaden och dess påverkan på finansiell stabilitet

Syfte: Att skapa förståelse för hur situationen på en marknad kan påverka den finansiella stabiliteten. Med det som grund göra en samlad bedömning om vilka risker som finns på Sveriges bostadsmarknad för att utvärdera hur och om de kan påverka finansiell stabilitet idag.Metod: För att ge oss en ökad förståelse om hur finansiell instabilitet uppstår på en marknad har vi tagit hjälp av Hyman P. Minskys teoretiska modell ?The Financial Instability Hypothesis?. Teorin har vi sedan applicerat på utvalda finansiella kriser för att studera vad som karaktäriserat dem i sin utformning.

Att motivera med belöning : En studie av attityder och beteenden på ett företag i hemelektronikbranschen

The underlying question addressed in this paper is whether or not it is possible to influence the way a company?s employees behave using monetary incentives. How efficient is money as a means to enhance work motivation? Today, the assumption that employees perform better when bribed with rewards is questioned by scholars. The previous confidence in monetary reward systems is increasingly being replaced with hope for more effective programs, where employees to a greater extent can be motivated by non-monetary incentives.

Den moderna banken : Hur ett finansiellt företag kan attrahera en yngre generation

The purpose of this study is to analyze how companies that sell financial services can reach people in the younger audience. The financial services that we refer to are regarding banking and insurance for private users, and with the younger audience we refer to people in the age of 18 to 25. We think that this is a valid and interesting issue to study because of the common thoughts that persons in this age are common users of Internet, social medias and new technology. The main question through our study has been; ?How a financial company can attract the younger generation, and support their creation of value?" Our research is based on a qualitative method.

Bankernas räntesättning och dess påverkande faktorer

Since the financial crisis of 2007, the global financial market has been characterized by instability. At the same time the banks? lending rates and its link to the reporänta have been in the spotlight in various debates in the media. The government with Anders Borg leading the charge has criticized the banks for not lowering their lending rates when the reporänta has been lowered. The banks defend themselves by saying that the reporänta does not have a direct link to their lending rates anymore.

IFRS : Hur har de svenska företagen redovisat övergången?

Background: The last few years a globalization of the capital market has occurred. This have led to that it is more important for the companies that their financial information can be compared with other companies in order to compete on same grounds. In order to fa-cilitate for the companies within EU to compete with other companies and in order to strive for an internal market EU decided that IFRS should be used by all listed companies within the union.Problem: In 2006 the first financial reports according to IFRS will be published, and then it will be interesting to investigate how the companies have chosen to communicate the transition to its stakeholders. According to IFRS some information is compulsive but the companies have chosen to disclose voluntary information to a different degree.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe to what extent the Swedish listed com-panies have reported the transition to IFRS in their consolidated financial statements.Method: In this essay a quantitative method have been chosen in order to find general re-lations. The data collection is done with help of an evaluation model that have been devel-oped for this study.

Strategies for Goodwill Allocation

Since 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). The purposes of these standards are to accomplish international harmonization of accounting rules to make financial reports more comparable. However, recent research has shown that some firms tend to use goodwill strategically in a business combination by manipulating the acquired assets and consciously allocate the intangible assets to goodwill to reduce the depreciation in the income and decrease costs. This phenomenon may reduce the comparability between financial reports and thus has an opposite effect on the purpose of IFRS and IAS.The aim of this study is to show how the companies involved in this study allocate goodwill strategically. Furthermore, the introduction of the new standards has contributed to that goodwill now is a subject for impairment test, therefore we want to show whether this affected the comparability of the companies in this study.An empirical study was conducted, based on interviews with four Swedish managers.

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

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