

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 53 av 91

Arbetstagarorganisationers inflytande vid inhyrning av personal

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie av politikers och tjänstemäns syn på idrottspolitik

This study was made in collaboration between Umeå University and Västerbotten sportsfederation. The study was aimed to find out how the municipalities are working with variousissues in the sports field. A subject of interest for this study was to see if the municipalitieswere implementing strategies in the sports field on determined goals by using policydocuments. Our study focused mostly on kids and youth that participate in organized sports inVästerbotten. Other aspects of interest in the study were economics in sports, how youthsports should be organized, and segregation in sports due to financial factors.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En studie om drivkrafterna som motiverar tandläkaraktiebolag att kvarhålla revision

This study seeks to outline the reason why public limited firms choose to bear the cost of auditing despite the annulation of legal requirements. The aim is to provide an overview and a better understanding of the decisions made by such firms. My research work focuses solely on the dentistry branch. Relevant data has been collected through interviews and adequate scientific theories are implemented to canvas and analyse the reality of auditing for public limited firms working with dental services.The background knowledge contains historical aspects and the importance of audit obligations together with the fact that the law no longer regulates these conditions. To begin with, the regulations were institutionalised in order to prevent financial and fiscal criminality and offence, in public limited companies.

Gridens svar på överlevnad : -en studie om revisorers beaktning av fortsatt drift

An auditors? job is to review the company's figures and, as an independent part, give an accurate picture of its financial situation. Auditors have to relate to ISA where ISA 570 can be found and which deals with the going concern. The standard addresses a couple of factors that may be indications that a company can have problems with their continued operation. The problem is that ISA does not evaluate the events, which is more significant than others in the assessment, but it is up to the auditor to consider.The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors, which the auditor believes is more important than others in assessing the going concern and explain why it is so.

Vattenskydd och krisberedskap hos allmän dricksvattenproduktion : Skydd av täkter, tillgång till reservvattentäkter och andra nödvattenlösningar hos svenska vattenproducenter

The objective of this report was to analyse and compare vulnerability and preparation in Swedish municipal drinking water production, in case the commonly used water sources were inoperative. Methods used were a questionnaire and a less extensive study of regulations for water protection areas. The questionnaire was answered by 41 Swedish municipalities. A handful of them were companies co-owned by a few municipalities. Only one out of four municipalities had source protection areas to all their water sources and for many sources the protection was not satisfactory.

Socialtjänstens roll i arbetet med brottsoffer : En studie ur socialsekreterares perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to explore the social services work with crime victims in Sweden, according to Chapter 5, § 11 of the Social Services Act. The study examined how social workers define the victim and assessing and prioritizing victims' needs. It has also been central to study how social workers interpret and understand the regulation of social services responsible for crime victims.Qualitative interviews with 18 social workers is the basis for the study. The analysis of the social services work with victims based in the above-mentioned interviews. The interviews analyzed using the sociology of law theory.

Ett tillgängligt och användarvänligt boende : Anpassningsmöjligheter för människor med rörelsehinder och nedsatt rörelseförmåga

In this paper we have theoretically built a house designed for people with impaired mobility. Theessay begins with an introduction in which the purpose of the work, the methodology and thedepth-research part is presented. Then the layout that explains how we intend to adapt the housefor the demands detailed in the depth-research part is presented. In the same chapter variousstructural components, such as different floors and walls, are specified.In the selection of materials we have taken into account the criteria of our specialization andadaptation to the aesthetic aspects, where we evaluate materials based upon our wishes regardingtechnique and form. There are also other aspects that are important in the selection of materials,including that these are adapted to technical traits of the construction elements and installations.In a later chapter the technical installations such as ventilation systems, heating systems,electricity and sanitation are presented, where both technical and financial aspects are describedin detail.

Inre och yttre motivation : En studie om vilka faktorer som motiverar unga medarbetare mest i fyra detaljhandelsföretag

Titel: Inre och yttre motivation ? En studie om vilka faktorer som motiverar unga medarbetare mest i fyra detaljhandelsföretag Nivå: C- uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Joel Lawrence Tribble & Abdi Fatah JimaaleHandledare: Lars EkstrandDatum: 2013 ? JuniSyfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att, med hänsyn till incitamenten som tillämpas i detaljhandelsföretag, studera huruvida det är inre eller yttre motivationsfaktorer som har störst positiv påverkan på unga medarbetares motivation. Våra forskningsfrågor är:Är det inre eller yttre motivationsfaktorer som har störst positiv påverkan på unga medarbetares motivation?Vilka incitament tillämpar företag för att motivera sina medarbetare att utföra önskade prestationer? Metod: Vi har gjort fallstudier på fyra branschledande detaljhandelsföretag, där vi utförde fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med företagens respektive chefer. Vi delade även ut 60 enkäter till de valda företagens respondenter där vi riktade oss till unga medarbetare i åldrarna 15-30 år.

Förvärv av egna aktier : Ur ett associationsrättsligt perspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Finansiell förmåga och utbildning : Hur ekonomistudier påverkar finansiell förmåga och privatekonomi. 

Finansiell förmåga är kunskap om finansiella koncept och produkter, samt förmågan att kunna applicera den i verkligheten. Många studier, såväl nationella som internationella, har visat att flertalet individer har bristande kunskaper inom området. Problemet som uppstår är den direkta påverkan det har på ekonomiskt och finansiellt beslutsfattande. I studien undersöks om ekonomiutbildning på universitetsnivå ökar den finansiella förmågan och därmed bidrar till mer välgrundade ekonomiska beslut. Vidare studeras även räknefärdighet och dess koppling till utbildning och finansiell förmåga då tidigare forskning behandlat dessa faktorer tillsammans.

Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect

Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.

The Rationale Behind Capital Structure Decisions: Does Theory Explain Practice?

The purpose of this thesis is to through the analysis of interviews with finance professionals in listed companies answer the question on what lies behind capital structure decisions, and to see how well the prevailing theories fit the answers. This article is an explorative and descriptive hypothesis creating study. We have used a qualitative method to analyse practice through theory. We have conducted telephone interviews with CFO:s and financial executives in Swedish listed companies on how they reason when they make capital structure decisions. We have then thoroughly reviewed the theory and empirical tests of the theories.

Högskolan i Halmstads miljöarbete - syndliggörande för studenterna

We must all take our responsibility to our common environment, we have to make sure that the following generation is guaranteed a healthy and good environment. Swedens universities have a significant role too achieve this. Environment questions have to integrate in the educa¬tion as a compulsory element, then more people will have an increased comprehension for the influence we have ion the environment. . My degree project have I decided to do about the environmental work at Halmstad University.

Upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress på ett tillverkningsföretag inom flygindustrin

Syftet med undersökningen är att få en ökad förståelse för hur de anställdas upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress ser ut i arbetet samt att se om finanskrisen har påverkat de anställdas upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress. Undersökningen är genomförd på Volvo Aero Corporation i Trollhättan. Uppsatsens teoretiska referensram är uppdelad i fyra huvuddelar: arbetsmotivation, stress, krav/kontroll/stöd och finanskris.Uppsatsens datainsamlingsmetod är en kvalitativ och kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med enkäter och gruppintervjuer. Totalt har två gruppintervjuer utförts, samt en enkätundersökning med 122 deltagare. Det empiriska materialet delades upp i fyra olika kategorier, samma som i teoriavsnittet.Resultatet visar att de anställda främst motiveras av arbetskamrater och varierande arbetsuppgifter.

Kan professionell skepticism användas för att förutse revisorers beteende?

Auditors have a big role in society. The question of auditor independence has been debated frequently after the financial crisis. Long auditor tenure with clients has both advantages and disadvantages so the question is hard to solve.One of the traits that are encouraged with auditors is professional skepticism. An important part of professional skepticism is the personal skepticism of the auditor. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate if a high professional skepticism can increase auditor independence by increasing profession identification and decreasing client identification.

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