

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 47 av 91

Förhållandet mellan ogiltighetsregler och konkurslagens återvinningsregler - regelhierarki, till vilket pris som helst...?

According to the Swedish Bankruptcy Act (SFS 1987:672) legal transactions can be reopened in cases of bankruptcy, if the transactions have been the cause of or were performed while the debtor was no longer solvent and thus harming the creditors. The legislations of the Bankruptcy Act chapter 4 §5 aim to protect creditors so that the debtor cannot withdraw their property in case of a forthcoming bankruptcy, as well as prevent creditors from taking measures against the debtor when the debtor is in financial difficulties. However, according to the Swedish jurisprudence there is a hierarchy as of according to which legal rules a legal transactions shall be enquired in case of bankruptcy. Firstly, a legal act must be valid, the transaction must thus be valid accordingly to either the law of contract, the law of property or according to the rules of corporate law. Each of these three legal areas have their own rules of annulment and any legal act has to be valid in accordance to any of the rules above before an action of reopening the transaction according to the Bankruptcy Act may be brought before a court.

Finansiella Illusioner : ett test av Stockholmsbörsens effektivitet

Background: Low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to market ratio and low stock prices can give the impression that a stock is ?cheap?. Is it through systematic use of these portfolio strategies possible to beat the market index ? in other words does financial illusions exist? Purpose: To examine if the Stockholm Stock Exchange is an efficient market. Limitations: The efficiency is tested solely through the chosen portfolio strategies: low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to-market ratio and low stock prices.

Managing Credit Risk: Assessing the Probability of Corporate Bankruptcy using Quantitative Risk Analysis

Managing credit risk might be the single most important business area for any commercial bank. The assessment of "good" and "bad" corporate clients is a important task for a creditor. A bad debtor is a corporate client with hardships in meeting the continous claims (interest payments) that a creditor requires. One way of evaluating or separating a "bad" client from a "good" client is to assess the propensity for the client to file for bankruptcy. This thesis examines 226 firms in the Swedsh market in the quest of predicting corporate bankruptcy.

Effektiviseringspotential inom projekt

The work is performed at Forsmark Group AB as a final step in the Bachelor ofScience program in nuclear engineering at the University of Uppsala in 2013.The work is part of an ongoing process of streamlining project system model FKA.Streamlining the project model is an important aspect that affects all largecompanies that somehow have a project governing body when there is muchfinancial resources to save. Although the quality of the projects is positivelyaffected by efficiencyThe aim is to find possible common weaknesses and strengths of the project systemby interviewing a number of project managers, and using the systems in placeexamine the model.As part of the work also includes examining what project managers have to adjust tothe newly implemented system VPMM, and other newly introduced elements thathave been added to improve the efficiency in the futureProject System is a complex system that is influenced by many different parametersand participating individuals' attitude and personality. But then small changes in themodel could have major economic consequences.The thesis has generated results that show common weaknesses among the variousprojects and their project managers' general opinions about the project model. It alsopresents some possible solutions based on own thoughts and those interviewedobjects suggestions and comments..

Skolor i förändringsarbete - en enkätstudie genomförd på två skolor med fokus på känslan av sammanhang hos de anställda

Background: Daily news reports of school violence, bullying and harassment are common. The school has developed into an arena which has been exposed into a growing unhealthyness. Paradoxically, financial resources decreases while demands on school staff increases. How does school staff and personal cope with these demands? Aim: We sought to study sense of coherence among school employees in two schools; a comparison between one health promotional school and one school in the process of working with health promotion.

Anseende - Hot or Not? : En explorativ studie i hur stora svenska företag ser på begreppet anseende

There are many views in the concept of corporate reputation and the massive research in the area tends to result in many new definitions. Research has shown that a good corporate reputation has a positive relation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, financial performance and attraction to competent employees. The many views in the concept make it especially interesting to examine the view on corporate reputation in a perspective of big Swedish corporations. Another interesting area to examine is whether the companies manage their reputation or not. The empirical findings of this essay are based on qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding in the area of reputation.

Arbetsgivares ansvar för rehabilitering : Vägen tillbaka i arbete, lång eller kort?

Aim and questions: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the responsibilities employers have for rehabilitation and to explore how it conforms to an employers' actual condi-tions. Furthermore, the intention is to increase knowledge of how employers interact with other partners in the rehabilitation process and what affects sick people to return to work. The following three questions form the basis of this paper: What are employers? responsibilities for rehabilitation under the law and how is it consistent with an employer's actual conditions? What is the role of employers in the rehabilitation co- operation with other actors? What factors influence sick people to return to work?Method: The paper has used a true scientific and a legal sociological method to examine how the regulated employer responsibility for rehabilitation relates to what is practical in re-ality. To achieve the purpose, four empirical interviews were conducted with Örebro Municipality, Insurance, occupational health Previa and a doctor, which all of them have an important role in the rehabilitation process.

Vilka behov av mertjänster har Areals fastighetsköpare?

Areal is one of the major players in the Swedish market for real estate brokerage of agricultural properties and related additional services. The purpose of this report is to give a better picture of the needs for additional services of property purchasers of Areal. Add-on services are the type of counseling you may need to achieve good economy on an agricultural property. Through a survey of property buyers of Areal information has been collected and compiled. A very good response rate was obtained and the material seemed reliable as it reflected the population in general.

Finansiell teori i praktiken : En studie om finansiell teori och dess förmåga att förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag

I denna studie testas tio hypoteser som relaterar till finansiell teori för att se hur väl teorin kan förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag. De teorier som testas är avvägningsteorin (trade-off theory), hackordningsteorin (pecking order theory) samt teorier relaterade till asymmetrisk information och agentkostnader. Testen genomförs med multipel linjär regressionsanalys och de undersökta bolagen är samtliga bolag med färre än 200 anställda på tre av de mindre börslistorna i Sverige. Resultatet visar stöd för åtta av de tio undersökta hypoteserna och är i flera avseenden tydligare än i tidigare studier som testar onoterade små bolag eller ett bredare urval av bolag..

Övergångsprocessen till IAS/IFRS i svenska dotterbolag till EU-noterade företag

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkat acceptansen hos användare, inom den kommunala verksamheten, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Med acceptans menas att användarna ska kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på ett bra och lätt sätt. Studien har gjorts utifrån användarnas perspektiv.Genom att genomföra en intervjuundersökning på ett flertal kommuner där användarna använder systemet Vabas/Duf, har undersökts hur användarnas upplevda acceptans påverkas av faktorerna delaktighet, användbarhet och lättanvändhet, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Delaktigheten vid införandet av ett system innefattar även information och utbildning.Resultatet från undersökningen visade att delaktigheten ökade användarnas acceptans. Ingen avgörande slutsats kunde däremot dras mellan acceptans och faktorerna användbarhet och lättanvändhet, då resultatet från de båda grupperna inte visade någon märkbar skillnad..

Konkursprognostisering : Tillämpning av en konkursprognosisteringsmodell på små svenska aktiebolag

Bankruptcy is a problem for the society in form of high costs for including suppliers, customers, employees, investors, banks, insurance companies etc. The purpose of this study is to confirm or dismiss a bankruptcy prediction model that has been developed in a previous Swedish study, in order to predict bankruptcy with help of specific key figures. The model has only been tested in a larger perspective where the population consisted of all small firms in Sweden, in this study the model´s reliability is tested by that it instead been applied to a minor perspective, where the population only includes Stockholm. With a quantitative approach of 12 different key figures from a total of 60 Swedish smaller registered companies in Stockholm between the years 2005-2007, has been studied. The companies are divided into two groups, companies with good financial health and companies that have ended up in bankruptcy.The results shows that the model is applicable in a smaller population, but some of the key figures do not generate essential or any type of information about bankruptcy, but the majority of the key figures in the model did.

Snabbt, säkert eller skönt? : Cyklisters preferenser i trafiken

Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.

Värderelevansen av Dirty Surplus Accounting Flows i Svenska Storbolag

Since the implementation of the revised IAS-1 in January 2009, the income statement has changed in order to include what is called dirty surplus accounting flows (DSF). Using data for the period 2005-2009 regarding large cap companies listed on the OMX Stockholm we identify DSF in Swedish accounting. First, we present some descriptive statistics on aggregated and individual DSF in Sweden. We find that aggregated DSF and individual items related to securities are significantly positive over time. Second, we perform a regression on returns to test for value relevance and find that aggregated DSF and individual items related to currency translation differences and cash flow hedges are value relevant in explaining returns.

Ska vi byta väder? -Väderderivat som riskhanteringsinstrument

Background: As a result of the financial markets ever ongoing product innovation a new derivative was introduced in the USA in 1997. A derivative that derived it's value, not from the price of an underlying asset, but instead from a climate factor. It's been known for a long time that revenue in certain industries are affected by weather conditions. The suppliers of weather derivatives claim that these weather sensitive businesses can user weather derivatives in order to lessen weather risk. Purpose: To do a critical evaluation of how weather derivatives can be used by companies as a risk management tool.

Bonus, ju mer desto bättre?

The economic climate that has been going on for the last years has more or less affected everyone. This has created a need to get more knowledge about how our banks work and also how peoples own personal financial situation looks like. When our banks over this last period have compensated their employees with even greater deals of money, reactions has gone to the roof. This discussion has made us interested in the subject, which led to the decision to write an essay about remunerations within banks.The purpose of this essay is to investigate if our banks remunerations to their employees have any effect on their profit numbers. Does the size of the compensations vary with changes in the market? Do larger compensations contribute to a greater result?The study will look at Sweden?s four largest banks, Handelsbanken, SEB, Nordea and Swedbank.

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