

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 26 av 91

Systematisk riskexponering i svenska hedgefonder: Svenska hedgefonders exponering mot riskfaktorerna i Fung & Hsieh (2004) under perioden 2006-2007

This paper aims to investigate the systematic risk exposure of Swedish hedge funds using a modified Fung & Hsieh (2004) asset-based style factor model. The results show that the average Swedish equity hedge fund and fund of funds had a significant positive exposure to the equity market portfolio and the spread between small cap and large cap stocks (SMB) during the sample period. This is consistent with our a priori expectations and previous international studies. We do not find the expected systematic fixed-income related risk exposure for the fixed-income hedge funds and fund of funds in the sample. The empirical material used in this study is taken from a publicly available fund database maintained by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).

Fem godkända elever är fler än fyra väl godkända : En statsvetenskaplig studie i skolans förvaltningspolitik

This study aims to analyze four gymnasium teachers? opinion on the values within the Swedish school system today, as well as the presence of conflicting values and goals in their role as a street level bureaucrat. A comparative aspect concerning private and state regulated schools was implemented into the study in order to compare one school system to the other. This was achieved by using semi-structured interviews with the aim to register the teachers? opinions on these matters.The study showed that the teachers perceive a high amount of discretion within their role as a street level bureaucrat concerning the educational aspect of their work.

Misslyckad finansiell rådgivning : hur stort är problemet, egentligen?

Finansiell rådgivning har blivit en allt viktigare del av värdepappersmarknaden och samhället i stort. Nya lagar och riktlinjer har kommit till för att skydda konsumenten och öka kompetenskraven hos rådgivarna. Trots detta har Finansinspektionen hittat och belyst ett flertal risker som konsumenten kan utsättas för och årligen inkommer ett stort antal anmälningar till Allmänna reklamationsnämnden från konsumenter som är missnöjda med den rådgivning de fått. Om antalet anmälningar som inkommit till ARN under åren 2008-2011 ställs i perspektiv till antalet rådgivningsmöten som hålls per år utgör denna siffra ca 0,02 % av antalet möten. Det är därför intressant titta på hur stort problemet kring misslyckad finansiell rådgivning egentligen är samt att undersöka hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på rådgivningen.Syfte: Studiens syfte består i att kartlägga och analysera de fall som skett avseende misslyckad finansiell rådgivning gentemot privatpersoner, samt att granska och analysera hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på den finansiella rådgivning de erbjuder.Genomförande: Genomförandet av studiens datainsamling har skett genom en kombination av intervjuer, granskning av dokument, empirisk forskning samt finansiell teori och rådande lagstiftning.

Från isolering mot samverkan? - En deskriptiv studie av lokalt näringslivsfrämjande i Stockholms län

The acts of promoting local business and implementing efforts to appear as an attractive location for potential business are rather new activities among Swedish municipalities. The knowledge about how these activities are organised and what strategies are perused are fairly limited. In addition the structures concerning cooperation between municipalities for economic policies contain incentives both for and against cooperation. This creates a complicated situation. Using prior research mainly done by Markus Gossas, Lennart J Lundqvist and an analytical model designed by Jon Pierre, which in this essay is completed with the works of Roger Henning, these issues are addressed.

Bonussystem : En undersökning av Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB

Incentive programs are one of the most important strategies that a corporation has in order to achieve its major policies and goals. The purpose of this paper is to identify these goals and their function, so that we later can analyze the incentive system?s effectiveness. The paper?s focus is on Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB?s incentive system, that is directed to the managers of all of its restaurants.We had interviews with the CEO, as well as the head of the Economics Department of Max H.

?Pengarna finns i systemet? : Digitalt bevarande i Sveriges nationella strategi för arbetet med digitalisering och elektroniskt bevarande av kulturarvet

The aim of this two year master thesis is to analyze how digital preservation is presented as a problem in the Swedish national strategy for the digitization and digital preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage. In order to study which assumptions about digital preservation exists within the strategy I apply the discourse oriented methodological tools presented by Carol Lee Bacchi, which focuses on discerning what problem or, rather, representation of a problem exists within a specific policy. This study is a post-structuralist discourse analysis. The main focus of the study is on what assumptions and prerequisites the dominating representation of the problem is based upon and how the representation has evolved. The main material of the study consists of public investigations conducted by the Swedish state, governmental propositions and replies as well as other public documents upon which Bacci's methodological tools are applied.Results show that digital preservation is primarily interpreted as a financial problem as the national strategy and its surrounding documents stress the need of cost-efficient solutions.

Finns det ett samband mellan börsnoterade företags resultat och dess värdering?

Background: What is a share and what determines the value of a company? This is a constant issue that many in the financial world are facing. Many argue that there has been some decoupling between stock valuation and how the company in question is developing operationally after the financial crisis that the world faced during 2008-2009.Problem: It is important to distinguish between the company and the share. A company that is good and well maintained may not be worth buying only because of it. The share is judged by other elements also.

I en värld av makroekonomisk osäkerhet - En scenarioanalys kring ränte- och inflationsförändringars inverkan på ett fastighetsbolags fria kassaflöde

Title: Valuing Real Estate FCFE and interest coverage under macroeconomic uncertainty with scenario analysisAuthors: Marcus Ewerstrand, Jakob MattssonAdvisor: Gert SandahlBackground and problem: After the collapse in the Swedish economy in the beginning of the 1990-ties, the company Secerum was launched. Securums objective was to handle unsecured credits from Nordbanken by transferring a large portfolio of properties and to setup a number of companies who would be in charge for the prospects of these assets. One company that was established during this remarkable period was Castellum, in the year of 1994. After a successful process of raising capital to its development of corporate strategies and formation of several affiliated companies which operates locally, Castellum was publish on the Stockholm stock exchange 1997/1998. Now, thirteen years later after its establishment, the credit crunch in the US.

Kapitalstrukturpåverkande faktorers inverkan på skuldsättningsgraden : - En branschjämförelse

Capital structure is without doubt one of the most frequently studied and controversial areas of modern financial theory, and will certainly continue to receive considerable attention from researchers worldwide. There is still no universal explanation of how an optimal capital structure would be designed for maximum appreciation, despite the development of several theories focusing on the subject. Equity and debt are the two main financing options that in combination explain the business's capital structure. The results of several research studies conducted in the subject has many times pointed out that there are specific factors that are directly related to the company's capital structure, and that there are clear sectoral differences in corporate debt. A study of the capital structure is considered important and interesting to implement due to the reasons above and the purpose of this study is to analyze and try to explain the similarities and differences between different industries in terms of how growth, profitability and size affect the debt level.

Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :

The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96. In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive. The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.

Efterlevnaden av internationella rekommendationer om förebyggande av penningtvätt

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) är det främsta internationella organ som verkar i kampen mot penningtvätt, i syfte att utveckla och förbättra de nationella systemen, stärka ett lands finansiella säkerhet och stärka det internationella samarbetet. FATF`s rekommendationer, liksom dess ömsesidiga utvärderingsprogram, är så kraftfullt att de anses som en "gyllene standard" beträffande penningtvätt.Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur Sverige som medlemsland uppfyller efterlevnaden av FATF?s rekommendationer i granskningschecklistan, med särskild tonvikt på kundkännedomskraven, i jämförelse med FATF?s andra medlemsländer. Undersökningen baseras på FATF?s 34 medlemsländers ömsesidiga utvärderingsrapport, som vi bearbetar genom en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod.Studiens resultat visar att medlemsländernas genomsnittliga efterlevnadsnivå av samtliga rekommendationer är 53,3 %.

Implementeringen av Basel II-regelverket i Sverige : En jämförande studie över svenska storbankers kapitaltäckning

Problem and purpose: The authors were interested in studying how large Swedish banks managed liquidity risks when facing the financial crisis of 2008 and whether the implementation of Basel II framework had an impact on the major Swedish banks' capital adequacy. Furthermore, the authors intend to examine how, based on the analysis of the implementation of Basel II, the introduction of Basel III will affect major Swedish banks' liquidity in the future.Method: The essay is written from a quantitative approach and has a deductive perspective. Data was collected from the annual reports of the selected banks to later use relevant theories to analyze the work.Theory: This part of the essay presents relevant theories, a detailed description of the Basel regulatory framework and its requirements, rules for capital adequacy and to relevant key to achieve the Basel regulatory requirements are considered. Furthermore the authors present criticism of the Basel framework and a summary of the key theoretical points to be used for analyzing empirical data.Empirical: In this chapter the data collected from selected banks is presented and processed.Conclusion: The essay authors present the deficiencies and weaknesses that make the Basel II regulatory framework inadequate for the Swedish financial market. Essay authors also present their opinions regarding how the latest form of the Basel regulations could have a more significant influence on the long-term stability of Swedish banks and how this may increase protection against potential liquidity risks..

Kommunernas dolda pensionsskuld

Background: In 1998 it was stated that Swedish municipalities would report the pension liabilities according to the mixed model where the pension liabilities before 1998 was moved from the balance sheet. The mixed model has been criticized by economists for not showing the total pension liabilities. To remove some of the liabilities in the municipalities balance sheets means that the solvency improves. Some municipalities have decided to go against the municipal accounting law and recognize all of the pension liability as a liability according to the full funding model. When two accounting models are being used the comparison of the municipalities' financial statements is much harder.Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to study the reason why some municipalities apply full funding model rather than the mixed model.

Ur led är tiden: En studie av metoder att korta ledtider inom forskning och utveckling

Product development cycles become shorter and shorter. The time from idea to market has become an important competitive factor. Despite this, methods used for making the product development process faster are surrounded with uncertainty about their efficiency. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the pros and cons of ?best practice? methods for shortening lead times and how these methods effect the lead times in research and development.

Kreditbedömningsprocessen : Jämförelse mellan de fyra storbankerna i Sverige

The financial crisis in the beginning of the 1990´s the financial crisis had a strong impact on the Swedish economy. Some of the main actors in the crisis were the largest banks of Sweden which brought a huge amount of losses on themselves. One of the main reasons for this was that the banks focused on volume increases rather than on credit losses. The credit analysis process is performed differently these days and it is the development of this process that is the focus for the authors.This thesis is about the credit analysis process in the four largest banks of Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight which factors the banks include in the credit analysis process and in how small and medium size companies are treated in this process.

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