1389 Uppsatser om Filter materials - Sida 42 av 93
Regelstyrd penningpolitik i realtid
Denna uppsats behandlar problem med regelstyrd penningpolitik då hänsyn tas till osäkerhet kring kapacitetsutnyttjandet i ekonomin. Uppsatsen baseras på Taylors teorier kring ränteregler som säger att centralbanker bör sätta räntan utifrån förändringarna i BNP-gapet och inflationen. Sådana ränteregler har visat sig avspegla den historiska utvecklingen i räntan tämligen väl och har också använts som en referens vid utvärderingar för hur effektiv den förda penningpolitiken har varit genom kontrafaktiska simuleringar. Ett problem med dessa simuleringar och utvärderingar är att de oftast har använt slutgiltiga data för BNP-gap och inflation. Detta är dock inte helt rättvisande eftersom detta inte speglar den information som finns tillgänglig för beslutsfattare.
System för minskad fimpnedskräpning
Fimpnedskräpning är ett problem ur flera aspekter. Fimparnas filter har en lång nedbrytningstid och innehåller tungmetallen kadmium, den lagras i allt organiskt. Med den största andelen av den totala mängden skräp har samhället varken råd att låta fimparna ligga kvar i naturen eller att plocka upp alla från densamma. Kemiskt och estetiskt såväl som ekonomiskt är fimpnedskräpningen ett dåtida, ett nutida och ett framtida problem. Lösningsförslag handlar ofta om restriktioner, ökade investeringar i renhållning eller tillgänglighet.
Informationshantering kring nationella prov i matematik på gymnasiet
This work studied the information flow and information handling among different parties. The study focused on how educational materials on national tests from The Swedish National Agency for Education is managed by school principals and teachers and how the information is passed on to students. The data material was based on observations and interviews at two different high schools. Six teachers and their classes and principals participated in the study. The Agency was also interviewed.
Kontaktpressningssystem : En studie av elsäkerhet
This work covers a broad analysis of the risks that could impact the achievement of electrical safety of electrical installations. The work includes both electrical equipment such as the installation of electrical equipment.The report illustrates the main technical characteristics of electrical connections greater than 10 mm2 and provides an introduction to the crimping systems for copper and aluminum conductors. In addition to that analyzes the factors that are important to assure the quality of an electrical connection throughout the value stream in terms of both materials such informations. Furthermore analyzed deeper the need for skills development of technicians and other staff.The different parts of this work are analyzed and presented, in theory to studies carried out both at Elpress AB and partly with the help of other scientific reports dealing with similar subjects. In addition, presents a survey that will help understanding the current perception of the electrical connections and cable crimping systems among end users.
Din, min eller vår islam? : En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra religionsläromedel för gymnasiets framställning av islam
This paper investigates the presentation of Islam in textbooks used in the study of religion in high schools. The papers focus on two main questions concerning the ways in which Islam is presented in the analysed textbooks, and how the new curriculum has influenced the portrayal of Islam in the materials. Here, the paper utilizes a method of critical discourse analysis with Faircloughs three-dimensional analysis. The paper then concludes that the presentation of Islam is negative in nature, with the content and view of Islam having been simplified and stereotyped. Often the textbooks studied frame Islam as being an aggressive and oppressive religion, especially in matters con-cerning women.
Bildregistrering i teorin och praktiken: Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection och Kungliga biblioteket.
This thesis presents a comparative study of image registration at two picture collection libraries. The two registration systems are analyzed as to the theoretical principles behind them and their practical application, and related to theoretical tools for subject analysis and bibliographic standards. While a growing number of picture collections now digitize their material, generally accepted standards and methods for the registration of digital images are still lacking. Many different systems coexist, often developed in-house in response to ad hoc needs and based on traditional registration tools created for textual documents, resulting in internationally incompatible mixed-format systems. The two picture collections examined here, however, have opted for similar, standardized tools for registration and subject analysis, and while there are differences in their application and focus, they have both considered issues of cross-system compatibility.
Undersökning av mätsystem för UMTS (3G) telefoner
Företaget Flextronics AB i Linköping testar moderna mobiltelefoner för tillverkares räkning. Som examensarbete har jag fått företagets uppdrag att utvärdera och förbättra deras testsystem DVT-UMTS (3G).DVT-UMTS är ett komplext system av komponenter, och man misstänker att dessa stör varandra inbördes, vilket i sin tur kan ge felaktiga mätresultat.Beträffande mottagarsidan hos en mobiltelefon tror man att DVT-UMTS p g a störningar, s k intermodulationsprodukter, uppvisar bitfelshalter i testet Rx Out of band blocking. Komponenter som kan tänkas ge störningar är continuous wave-generator och basstationssimulatorn. Antennanslutningen bortses från i undersökningen. Kontroll av CW-generatorn sker med hjälp av lågpassfilter, riktkopplare och dämpare.
Socialarbetares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM: ur ett genusperspektiv
The law (1988:870) concerning care of substance abusers is constructed in a way that gives the social workers room to interpret and apply the law individually. This may contribute to differences in treatment between female and male substance abusers. The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the client's gender had any significance to how the social worker interpret and apply the law (LVM).The specific questions we worked around were:- What significance does the client's gender have in the decision-making?- Does the social worker's opinion about the law have any significance?- What factors can effect the social worker's interpretation and application of the law?- What importance do the social workers attach to prevailing norms about men and women when they interpret and apply the law?We chose to use a qualitative method to answer the above questions. Six social workers were interviewed and 39 LVM sentences were analysed.
Sjunga och arbeta : Lärprocesser i ett sceniskt körprojekt
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka lärprocesser som sätts igång hos körsångare i ett sceniskt projekt. Vilka är de möjliga lärprocesserna? Hur skiftar de från individ till individ? Vilka faktorer anser körsångarna bidrar till upplevelse av egen utveckling?Jag har använt mig av den litteratur och de uppsatser som publicerats inom närliggande område i första hand på svenska. Det huvudsakliga materialet är de kurssvar som 30-talet körsångare i Damkören Söt Likör vid Karlstad Universitet lämnade in som tentamensuppgift vid Kursen Sceniskt körprojekt med publik inriktning i vilket merparten av körmedlemmarna deltog. Kursen bestod i att instudera det för kören specialskrivna körverket Snorvipas Saga och tillsammans iscensätta och marknadsföra detta i en timslång föreställning inför betalande publik som en del av körens 20?års jubileum hösten 2007.För att utvärdera svaren använder jag en narrativ metod där jag utgår från Judit Bells beskrivning i Introduktion till Forskningsmetodik.
Uppnå användaracceptans genom interaktionsdesign : med CRM-system som applikationsomåde
The purpose of the study was to investigate the use and losses of energy in an existing older building. Another purpose was also to look through various options for heating systems with renewable energy in the building. The aim was to reduce the use and losses of energy. The first step was to study the related electricity bills of the building and also perform measurements and calculations of the building envelope and ventilation. The next step was to find out the possible actions for energy saving by performing measurements and calculations.
Framtagning av demonstratorer
På Alfred Nobelmuseet i Karlskoga finns en avdelning som kallas Fiffiga huset. Där finns många experiment som besökare kan prova på, samt montrar som visar hur olika tekniska och maskinella apparater fungerar. Till utställningen och öppnandet sommaren 2009 ville de ha två nya demonstratorer. I rapporten kallas dem för reaktionstidsväggen och baklängesprataren. Reaktionstidsväggen skulle mäta besökarens reaktionstid genom att tryckknappar, med inbyggda dioder som slumpvis tänds, trycks ned i rätt ordning.
Går det att förebygga mobbning?
These days, schools are obliged by the law to prepare an annual plan for the prevention of bullying and degrading treatment. The purpose of my work is to investigate the 2 schools efforts to prevent bullying and abuse and how they live up to legal standards. But I have also examined how students in school are experiencing anti-bullying work in their school. I have also examined how much funding schools put on to prevent bullying I school. In this study, I have done interviews with school principals and students to have a clear picture about the school?s anti-bullying work.
Populärkultur på fritidshemmet : Hur påverkar populärkulturen innehållet i verksamheten?
This work is about popular culture in leisure. Teachers at leisure, on the basis of Education's governing documents working with developing an activity for students when applying the students' own interests. Although these councils are posted, several teachers around the country rejects certain activities or products that the students want to do or play with during their free time at the leisure time. Therefore the purpose of this study is to try to understand what teachers in leisure attitude to popular culture is and if they integrate the popular culture in there activities. To understand this, a qualitative study of interviewed teachers in various leisure was used.
Laborativ matematik : - Fem pedagogers syn på laborativ matematik
The students are usually eager to develop their mathematical learning. However, the Skolverket can see that this eagerness passes in the early years of school. A study shows that a varied mathematical education creates enthusiasm to learn, which can decrease the negative view of mathematics.The purpose of this study is to see how five pedagogues use laboratory mathematics, their approaches to laboratory mathematics as well as to find out their role in the laboratory education. The result of the study is based on interviews with the pedagogues, who are all teachers for students in year F-3. All of the pedagogues work in a laboratory way, but to different extents.The study shows that the pedagogues aim to make the mathematics as concrete and everyday as possible.
Undervisningsmetoder för elever med autism : En studie av pedagogers metoder med avsikt att utveckla lärandet för elever med autistiska syndrom
This essay talks about how teachers in schools are working with a particular focus on students with autistic syndrome. The aim is to investigate the methods used for these students, who develop their learning and achieve the goals of the school. The methods that were used in this study were two interviews in two different schools in central Sweden where teachers and professionals were interviewed. One part of the study was to compare both schools to see which methods they used and when they used them. My interest for autistic students started during my practice in a school.