

1813 Uppsatser om Film violence - Sida 3 av 121

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i en nära relation : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Domestic violence is a globally widespread problem. One in three women will at some point during their lifetime suffer from domestic violence. These women, who come from all groups of society, often seek contact with health care and therefore the nurse plays a vital role in caring for these women.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses? experiences of caring for women subjected to domestic violence.Method: Literature review based on twelve original articles.Result: The result is presented in four main themes: Lack of knowledge and education, The nurse?s approach and attitude in the encounter with women who suffered domestic violence, The nurse?s emotional challenges in the encounter with women who suffered domestic violence and The nurse?s experience of identification of domestic violence victims.Discussion: Education is important on several levels for the nurse's work with domestic violence victims. Education is required in order to efficiently identify the women, manage emotional impact and to respond to women in a professional manner..

Hot, våld och djurskydd

This thesis examines the presence of threats and violence directed towards animal welfare inspectors/ officers. The main tool is a survey regarding threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/officers. The questionnaire was distributed to animal welfare inspectors/ officers who worked on 15 of the country's 21 provincial governments. The response rate of the survey was 68.9 percent. The main conclusion of the study is that threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/ officers are common.

Western på ett nytt sätt : NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN som western?

This addresses the problems when a film doesn?t easily fit in to one specific genre. Using No Country for Old Men as an example the study analyses the film from a Western perspective. Is it possible to say that it is a western? To determine that, I compare a number of acknowledged westerns, on the basis to list a number of generic conventions.

Våld- och kvinnoskildringar i TV-spel

ABSTRACTTitle: Violence and women representation in video games (Vålds? och kvinnoskildringar i TV?spel)Number of pages: 42Author: Karolin BodlingTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Autumn 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim is to investigate how violence and women are presented in video games and in game reviews.Material/Method: The study includes theories that consider violence and gender in media and video games. The material of the essay exists of two games and five reviews. The method that is being used is a content analysis. The games that are being analysed are Jade Empire and Grand Theft Auto ? San Andreas.Main results: The video games are often connected to brutal violence but the analysis of the game Jade Empire shows that it is possible to hve control of the violence in the games and that the player has a possibility to choose the outcome of violence.

Den fula ankungen - en studie kring film i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to see how film can be used to invigorate children?s language development. There is not much research regarding this, which is why we have chosen to study this particular topic. The study consists of questionnaires, an interview and a pilot study. We have chosen to proceed from a socio-cultural perspective, language perspective and learning perspective, thus we are interested in the teacher?s views and thoughts about film as a learning tool complemented by what children can gain through film.

Slagen kvinna : Om mäns våld mot kvinnor

This thesis discusses the subject of men?s violence towards women present day Sweden. My primary information consists of a national report, including men?s violence against women. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how men?s violence towards women is argued in the above named national report.

Hedersrelaterat våld: hur beskrivs det i den politiska kontexten? En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

The concept of domestic violence pertains to different definitions of violence, one of which is the concept of honour related violence and oppression. This paper looks at honour related violence and oppression, as defined in policy documents at a central political level, and how various discourses stand in relation to social categories and power relations. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological premise of the paper has been based on discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective has been applied to gain further depth and breadth in the analysis of the material. The intersectional perspective houses various approaches to the understanding of specific phenomena based on factors of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class. The analysis concludes that the concept of honour related violence and oppression is a concept without a single scientific definition. There is, however, a general consensus in the political context that honour related violence and oppression is a collective force that can be directed at both sexes.

NÄR VÅLD FÖRSTÅS SOM LEGITIMT. : En maktanalys av polisvåldets performativitet utifrån erfarenheter hos våldsutsatta.

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Identitet, identifikation och kulturella skillnader i animerad film

This essay examines an excerpt of the wide range of animated films that our children has access to in Sweden today.It takes up questions about what kind of messages the films are delivering, if there are certain patterns that are being followed, differences between the films relating to the cultures where they?re from, but above all, what the hero is about and what kind of shape he or she assumes. The film analyses that are being made are anchored in two theoretical investigations; one about how children are influenced by-, and how they use, the stories that are being told in films to develop their own identity. The other one treats classical and traditional patterns and genres in stories..

?Att våga ställa frågan, att våga höra svaret?

The purpose of this report is to map the situation for girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence. The questions posed are: What forms of abuse have been described to staff working with females in refuges for victims of honour violence? What are the deciding factors that lead to a girl leaving her family and being placed in a refuge? What are the help needs of girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence? Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst staff from five different women?s refuges specialising in honour violence. The results were analysed using Foucault?s theories on power, victim vs actor, victim processes along with a victimisation perspective.

Jag tror att många tror att det är lite finare att läsa böcker än att se film: en studie av attityder till film i undervisningen

Syftet med min undersökning var att se hur elever och lärare förhåller sig till film i jämförelse med böcker. Dessutom ville jag veta hur lärare förhåller sig till elevers attityd till film. Frågeställningen besvarades med hjälp av två datainsamlingsmetoder, närmare bestämt intervjuer med en grupp elever och två lärare samt enkätundersökning med tre klasser. Resultatet tyder på att elever och lärare delvis har samma förhållningsätt till film. Eleverna föredrar att se film framför att läsa böcker, detta då film är lättillgängligt, roligare samt ger mer intryck.

Jobba hårt och var fokuserad : En studie om elevers upplevelse av IUP och skriftliga omdömen

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.

In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.

När musik möter film : Hur påverkar musik upplevelsen av en film?

Att filmmusiken är en viktig del i en film nog de flesta beredda att hålla med om. Men vad har musiken egentligen för betydelse för hur vi som åskådare upplever film? Med hjälp av två visuellt identiska filmer vars enda skillnad är filmmusiken undersöker jag hur olika typ av musik kan ge en annorlunda upplevelse av samma film. Ett antal personer får ta del av filmerna och svara på frågor i enkätundersökning, vars resultat sammanställs och analyseras. Med hjälp av det slutgiltiga resultatet kan jag avgöra om frågeställningen är besvarad och vad det får för betydelse för forskningen inom ämnet, och inte minst hur man kan bygga vidare på undersökningen för att få en djupare förståelse för filmmusik och hur den påverkar åskådarens upplevelse av film..

"Det är som att man trippar på någonting" : En studie om användarupplevelser och motivationskrafter inom interaktiv film

The aim of this thesis is to examine user experience and engagements in interactive cinema.A great deal of the research that is conducted today involves creating interactive films, toexplore and examine film structures. In this study, we build on this research by comparingthree different interactive film structures. To carry out our study, we have categorized threedifferent interactive films after three different models to define their narrative structureand interface. To examine the experiences of those structures we have performed anexperiment where we have collected data from the three different sources; interviews,observations and surveys.It is difficult to draw conclusions about how an interactive film should be constructed asdifferent structures apply to different narratives. Based on our research the conclusion canbe made that the combination between the narrative structure, the narrative content, theaesthetics, the implementation of interactivity and how the film?s interface is constructed ismore important than building a specific structure for an interactive film.

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