5733 Uppsatser om Film in school - Sida 21 av 383
Hypotermibehandling av nyfödda barn vid Universitetssjukhuset Örebro
AimThe compulsory school attendance in Sweden means that all children are obligated to go to school. This makes great demands on those who work in the school, especially the teachers. Schools are complex units. In school, teachers face all kinds of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The aim of the study is to enlighten how different teachers would act differently, if they were facing the same dilemma in the PE-lessons and why this knowledge is important to our profession.MethodThe data was collected through interviews to make a qualitative research.
Making ideas come to life in film/theatre/commercial production
I den här uppsatsen redogör jag för mitt arbete som C-foto på långfilmen Äta,
Sova, Dö där jag jobbade i två månader under våren 2011. Man får följa min väg
från förberedelserna jag gjorde inför filmen och mina tidigare erfarenheter i
området, till hur det gick för mig på inspelningen.
Jag beskriver även min undersökning av idéarbete och produktionsprocesser inom
långfilmen ur mitt perspektiv. Jag visar två olika sätt man kan arbeta med
idéarbete på film utifrån intervjuerna jag gjorde med regissören Gabriela
Pichler för Äta, sova, dö och filmregissören Johan Lundborg på hans film
Isolerad. Skildringar gör jag också via intervjuerna jag hade med
produktionsbolaget AFOS och teaterregissören Kent R Andersson mot hur idéarbete
fungerar under reklamproduktioner och teater.
För att lättare visa hur arbetet i de olika produktionerna kan se ut har jag
sammanställt produktionsprocesser för varje produktion steg för steg från idé
till färdig produkt..
Hur kan multimodala verktyd användas för att öka läsförståelsen? : En kvalitativ analys av Astrid Lindgrens verk i undervisningen
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att se hur filmen Emil i Lönneberga kan användas som ett multimodalt verktyg i undervisningen för att öka elevers läsförståelse. Genom en jämförande och kvalitativ analys vill vi belysa möjligheterna och svårigheterna med att använda sig av enbart bok eller film i undervisningen. Efter en grundlig analys av såväl forskningsrapporter, tidigare forskning och kurslitteratur har vi kommit fram till att både ovana och vana läsare gynnas av att se en film och läsa en bok som en kombination. .
"För barnets bästa" : Skolkuratorers samarbete med övrig skolpersonal gällande anmälningsskyldigheten i Socialtjänstlagen vid misstanke om att barn far illa
The purpose of this essay was to study how school welfare officers cooperate with other school staff, regarding children in vulnerable positions, and how the school staff apply their obligation to report to the social services if they have concerns regarding children at risk, according to the law of social service, SoL.We have especially focused on questions concerning cooperation, both between the school staff, and between the school and the social services. We also wanted to identify some of the restraining factors and dilemmas that could come up during the process of reporting children at risk to the social services. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten school welfare officers from the same municipality.Our conclusions of our study are that there exists a well-developed cooperation between several organizational levels, including the school welfare officers, other professions in the schools and the social services. There were though opinions among the school welfare officers that they wanted to increase their professional claims in relation to the school nurse, due to their larger competence in talking to children. Regarding the formal responsibility to report to the social services, a majority of the school welfare officers felt they had access to the support they needed from both their principal and the students healthcare-team, and that they were not left alone in the process..
"Att tända gnistan och få den att flamma upp" : Samverkan mellan lärare och skolbibliotekarier på låg-och mellanstadiet
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the collaboration between school librarians and teachers in primary school, in order to illustrate how the two professions can work together, how they see their own roles and how they look at the other professionals´ roles. We also discuss earlier studies in LIS concerning collaboration between teachers and librarians. The method of investigation is qualitative interviews with practicing school librarians and teachers, we interviewed three school librarians and three teachers from three different schools in the same county. As a basis of the discussion and analysis Andrew Abbott's theory of professions is used. The thesis shows that collaboration differs between the schools.
Rektorn och Musiken : En kvalitativ studie om fyra rektorers syn på musikämnets värde i den svenska grundskolan
This thesis, entitled The Headmaster and the Music, is based on interviews with four headmasters, who are all working in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they view music, both in general and as a school subject. Since the research on this topic is scarce, the study can be described as explorative.The result shows that the headmasters? personal experiences have an impact on the way they view music. Four different focus points on music in school have emerged from the material, and these represent the four very different views that each headmaster holds.
Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument
Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have qualification to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possibilities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing documents regarding education for pupils with another native language.
Delta på lika villkor? : En studie om ekonomiskt utsatta barns skolsituation sett utifrån ett lärarperspektiv.
The aim of this essay was to create an understanding of teachers strategies to respond to children in economic hardship in school and if these children can participate on equal terms in school. To examine this, we chose to do semi-structured interviews which is a qualitative method. Eight teachers were interviewed from four different elementary schools. In our interviews, we found that all the schools both had elements of inclusion and exclusion, which can result in both equal and unequal terms for participation in school. We also found that the school with the most students in economic hardship had the most inclusive strategies.
Det digitala konstverket "Crystal"
Ambitionen med mitt arbete var att skapa en vacker och intressant 3d-animation med den senaste datortekniken. Animationen bygger på redan befintliga skisser, idéer och material som jag har skapat de senaste två åren och ville avsluta i mitt kandidatarbete. Med detta arbete ville jag få mer förståelse för 3d-tekniken som ett konstverktyg och lära mig mer om hur man skapar grafik. Jag ville även öka min estetiska förmåga och kunskap. Genom att använda mig av grafikprogrammet ?Lightwave 3D? plus diverse andra applikationer som behandlar datorgrafik har jag skapat min film.
Skolans fysiska miljö och hur den påverkar elevernas skoldag : En studie från två skolor
This study aims to examine what students in two schools think of the physical environment in their school, and how this affect their studies. My main question I wanted to answer was:How does the students think that the physical environment affect their day in school?I also wanted to find out what the students think is important in the physical environment in their school. The study is based on interviews with students i two different schools. One secondary school, in which three eight-grade students were interviewed, and one high school in which two students were interviewed. The result of the interviews is that the students think that their work in school is affected by the physical environment. The most important things is to feel safe in school and to have the possibilities to do studies without limitations in the environment, for example room to do their own studies, and a flexibility and variation in the environment.
Utanförskap i skolan : Pedagogers tolkningar och strategier
As in society in general, exclusion of individuals takes place in the school system. Even though schools ? according to the curriculum ? are supposed to cherish diversity, many children are left outside of the community formed during school activities. In order to gainknowledge of how schools can prevent and inhibit exclusion, this work aims to study how the problem is interpreted and managed. The study included six pedagogues: three pre-school teachers and three 1?7th grade teachers.
Autism i skolan : Hur en skola är tillgänglig för elever med autism
My purpose of this study is to investigate whether elementary school is available for students with the disability of autism. If the school is just as accessible for students with autistic syndrome as for students with asperger syndrome, or if the school is marked by equal treatment. I think this is important to highlight since I think it´s a deficiency in the school's accessibility for certain students, and dilemmas occurs regarding students in need of support. In order to provide a validated result according to me, I decided to conduct interviews with a few employees and ask all of them the same questions. The interviews I conducted was performed anonymously.
Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm
The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ?the new school? situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ?the old school? belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other.
"Skilda världar" : skolbibliotekariers undervisning i informationssökning i gymnasieskolan
?SEPARATE WORLDS?. School librarians teaching in information seeking in high school.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how information seeking is taught in high school and how school librarians describe their experiences of teaching information seeking. Five school librarians from five different high schools (gymnasium) in Skåne participated in the study. The empirical data derives from five interviews and fourteen observations conducted over a period of three weeks.
Jämförbarhet vs. innebörd och form
The purpose of this project is to examine the development of the upper secondary school physics course and from this get a better understanding why the course is organized the way it is today. The timeless argument for studying science in school will begin this essay. After that the reader will be aware of when important discoveries in physics were made. Then school history is presented. In this part we are told when the first school started in Sweden, but the focus lies on the upper secondary school and the physics course.