

5733 Uppsatser om Film in school - Sida 15 av 383

Kontextorienterad ämnesrepresentation: abstracting av spelfilm för Internationella biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to examine how a context-specific form of abstracting of fiction film developed in relation to the cultural policy of Internationella biblioteket IB, theoretically can be motivated and practically shaped. The background of the cultural policy of IB is analysed and theoretical standpoints and problematic aspects regarding subject representation discussed. Theories which claim intersubjectivity as an ideal for subject representation and searches for objectivity in the process of subject analysis are criticised in light of the concept of interpretation as the only means to produce meaning and subjects in relation to fiction. Birger Hjørlands context-oriented theories of subject representation are used to theoretically motivate the context-specific form of abstracting. To suggest how a practical framework for abstracting can be created, film theoretical models of interpretation are examined in relation to the field of subject analysis and formal criteria of abstracting.

Våld i film : En evolutionärbiologisk förklaring till vår fascination

Denna uppsatsen undersöker varför våld i film är så utbrett och populärt. Jag använder mig av ett evolutionärbiologiskt perspektiv, som tidigare inte använts vid filmforskning i så stor utsträckning. Istället har filmforskning och andra studier på människans beteende oftast utgått ifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen är av typen ?forskningsöversikt? vilket innebär att jag inte har gjort någon klassisk analys på ett filmiskt verk eller empiriskt material, utan har sammanställt en stor mängd forskning från andra forskare.

Teknik i förskolan och grundskolan : En studie om hur pedagoger arbetar med teknik i de tidigare åldrarna

AbstractIn this study. I have compared four different schools, two preschools and two compulsory schools. My purpose has been to get a view of, to which extent they use technology in their education.I have also compared boys and girls.The result has been achieved with the aid of questionnaires.It shows that the pedagogues in the preschool, think they use technology every day. They use it in their games, experiments, food situations and even when the children are dressing them selves.The pedagogues in the compulsory schools work with technology, without reffering to the actual concept. They use the nature and experiments, to involve the children in technology.One of the schools has a film project.

Barns kunskaper om rymden : Hur iutvecklas elevers kunskaper om solsystemet från förskoleklassen till årskurs 5?

AbstractWhat do the pupils really learn in school? What do the pupils know before they begin schooland what knowledge do they have when they graduate form 5 and should have achieved thegoals? I chose to interview some pupils in the end of nursery school and some pupils in theend of form 5. To limit myself I chose the subject space, because I think most pupils thinkthat space is an interesting subject. The result of my examination was that pupils in nurseryschool have many different thoughts and previous knowledge about space, often on the basisof what they have seen themselves, and that some of the pupils in form 5 have some moredeveloped knowledge while some pupils still got the skill as a nursery school pupil. Myexamination shows that some pupils have learned surprisingly little, bearing in mind that theyhave been in school for five years..

Anonymitet och intensifierad kontinuitet : Klassisk stil och form i Hämnarens resa

The intention with this essay is to investigate how the narration of the South Korean film Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Park Chan-wook, 2002) relates to the Hollywood pictures of today. An important change which David Bordwell pays attention to is an intensifying of former stylistic paradigms in what he denominates as intensified continuity. That said, Bordwell and Kristin Thompson are in agreement on that the new films still are predominantly classical. The neoformalistic standpoint which Thompson and Bordwell use appears however to contain some problematic implications.

Värdegrundsarbete på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fritidspedagogers arbete med värdegrundsarbetet

The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer picture of how after-school-care teachers? work with fundamental values in after-school care, both practically and theoretically based on the curriculum Lgr 11. I wanted to acquire a broader understanding of the school's core values and what kinds of tools teachers used to cope with their task. I proceeded with two questions:How does after-school care proactively work with core values based on gender, ethnicity and class?How does the work on value issues at after-school care centers compare with Lgr 11?In my study, I used literature studies and a qualitative analysis of five interviews with afterschool care teachers.

Esfir Shub och kompilationsfilmen : en analys av montaget i Romanovdynastins fall

This essay is a product of the author?s interest in silent films from Soviet, especially, documentary films. Before the 1920?s documentary filmmaking had mostly been limited to newsreels and short scenes. Only occasional feature-length documentaries had been made.

Svensk film genom fönster : Åsikter om villkoren för filmdistribution i Sverige från aktörer i branschen.

Svenska filmbranschen styrs av ett filmavtal mellan staten och olika aktörer i branschen. Detta avtal skall förnyas under år 2013. Staten har i en avsiktsförklaring för det nya avtalet uttryckt en vilja till en förändring kring villkoren för att få statligt stöd för filmproduktion i Sverige. En så kallad teknikneutralitet skall införas som innebär att filmproduktioner inte längre på förhand behöver ha säkrat en biografdistribution för att få statligt ekonomiskt stöd. Detta skulle kunna innebära en förändring för den svenska filmens distribution i Sverige som i nuläget består av tämligen fast ordning på visningsfönster, där just biografdistributionen har en särställning.Vår forskning behandlar svenska filmproducenters, distributörers och biografägares tankar och åsikter kring distribution av svensk långfilm i Sverige.

Jane Austens romaner på film och i litteraturhistoria; en uppsats om nutida tolkningar av en författares verk

The purpose of this study is to examine modern constructions of Jane Austens work in films and in books on history of literature. The theoretical framework contains sociology of literature, cultural studies and film theory. I compared Jane Austens books Emma, Pride and prejudice and Sense and sensibility with three film versions from recent years. In the books on history of literature I studied, I found three different attitudes towards history of literature, which also influenced the interpretation of Austens novels. The stories in Austens books and in the films are similar.

"Folk kan ju påstå vad fan som helst" : En studie om elevers källkritiska förmåga och skolbibliotekets roll

Purpose: This thesis aims to study how students in upper secondary school evaluate sources in their everyday school work and how the role of the school library and librarian officiate in this context.Methodology: A web questionnaire was conducted and 155 students from different schools, with or without school library and school librarian, participated. We coded and aggregated the questionnaires according to the strategies that are used when evaluating sources, identified by Francke, Sundin and Limberg. Cognitive authority, a theory by Patrick Wilson, was also a part of our analysis. Conclusions: The study shows that students use different strategies, separately or combined, as a way to evaluate sources. The teacher is regarded as a cognitive authority and is the main influence concerning source evaluation. It also shows that the role of school libraries and school librarians, in this context, seem to be non-existent.

Det digitala skolbiblioteket. En möjlighet för utveckling av såväl verksamhet som yrkesroll?

The aim of this paper is to study if implementation of a school library management system called FreeLib has created favourable conditions for the school librarians to cooperate with other professions and become a more forward working place. I have studied relevant literature about school libraries, organisation, digital libraries and documents that regulate school and library activities today as well in the past. In order to fulfil my purpose I have done a qualitative survey with six school librarians from Swedish primary schools with pupils at the age of 6 -16 years old. To identify strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities I found in the material I used a method called SWOT analysis. According to this study the use of the digital FreeLib system has developed a better teamwork between school librarians at different schools.

Psykopatens karaktär : psykiatri vs. film

Denna uppsats har som mål att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, gestaltningen av psykopaten på film skiljer sig från psykiatrins beskrivning. Uppsatsen tar även upp människosynens påverkanpå dramaturgi och gestaltning.Den hermeneutiska analysen görs på tre amerikanska produktioner:American Psycho (Mary Harron, 2000), Basic Instinct (Paul Verhoeven, 1992) och Halloween(Rob Zombie, 2007). Analysen grundar sig främst på psykiatriska teorier av Robert D. Hare och filmteorier av Wayne Wilson.Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är, att filmerna baserar sina karaktärer på de karaktärsdrag psykiatrin anser vara typiska för psykopaten, men adderar faktorer till karaktären. Detta görs för att uppnå ökad underhållning och spänning.

3D-Scanning för spel och film

3D-scanning har används en del i spel- och filmindustrin men har tidigare varit för dyrt för att användas av datografiker i en större skala. Under de senaste åren har en del billigare och bättre alternativ dykt upp och jag kommer i mitt arbete berätta om de olika 3D-scanningsteknikerna och diskutera vilken teknik som passar bäst för datorgrafiker. Jag kommer även att diskutera hur man som datorgrafiker kan behandla det skannade materialet så att det kan användas i spel och film..

"Juridik och lagstiftning är inte svart eller vitt" : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolpersonal tolkar och tillämpar skollagen gällande nätkränkningar

The aim of this essay was to gain a deeper understanding about how school employees interpret and practice school law regarding cyber-bullying that occurs between pupils on the internet. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We completed eight interviews with five teachers, one headmaster, one school welfare officer and one special educationist. These eight school employees were from four different high schools. In our interviews we found that the school employees thought it was difficult to define different concepts within the school law such as in association with the occupation and offensive behaviour which prohibits them from interpreting the school law in the same way.

Skolbibliotek och kvalitet. Hur ser rektorer, skolbibliotekarier och skolinspektörer på kvalitet?

The aim of this master´s thesis is to analyse what factors have an impact on the quality of school libraries. The research questions are: How do some school principals, school librarians and school inspectors view quality in school libraries and what has an impact on quality?How do they view some existing quality criteria?How important do they think the integration of the school library into the curriculum is?The theoretical approach is derived from research about school libraries by David Loertscher and by Sharon Markless and David Streatfield. The empirical material has been collected through half structured qualitative interviews. The informants chosen are principals and school librarians from three Swedish primary schools (6-15 years).

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