1571 Uppsatser om Figure Rating Scale - Sida 32 av 105
Metoder för kartläggning och analys av nätförluster i lågspänningsnät
An important process for grid companies in order to reduce power losses in electricity distribution grids is to figure out where and how they appear. This report describes the factors that cause power losses in low voltage distribution grids and methods for how they could be measured and analyzed. Measurement data for consumed and injected energy were collected for twelve low voltage distribution grids owned by Gävle Energi AB in order to analyze the size of the power losses and how the measurement uncertainty affects the collected data. Then models of three of the grids were created in MATLAB in order to analyze the data and the power losses were calculated to be compared to the collected data. Curve fitting were also used as a method in order to analyze the power losses from collected data.The results show that the losses in the studied grids are low.
Linjeutvidningens värde : Konsumenternas utvärdering av linjeutvidgade produkter och dess relation till prissättningen
A common assumption in marketing is the wider variety of product a corporation has, the better for the consumer: more product - more choices. Companies often develop a line extension to broaden consumer range through product attributes including quality, function and design. These developed attributes within the product are not always optimal for the consumer. As a result, companies often become entangled in having a price higher than the cost and benefit of the products. This essay aims to analyze the consumer value of line extension products and how these evaluations relate to extended line product pricing.
Tvådimensionella rum
We are always surrounded by space, not just only in a room with four walls, but also when we are outdoors.Constantly we move in a flow of space that changes whenever we move. Unaware we are affectedby this threedimensional surrounding of ours, and it reacts with our perception. Many times, we chooseto translate it into something two-dimensional, for example when we take a photo, recording a movie orframing a view with a window. It helps us to catch a moment, a piece of reality and restore it in our ownway. In this project I?ve chosen to explore this process, to interpret and create my own theories about thistranslation from space to a two-dimensional surface.
Små ingrepp med stora steg mot förändring : ett utvecklingsförslag i Durban, Sydafrika
Durban, South Africa?s third-largest city is a socially segregated post apartheid society, struggling with high unemployment and AIDS. The city becomes even more complex with a changing climate, creating an influx of people to the city, putting scarce resources under further stress. Warwick Junction, an important transport hub in the centre of Durban, holds a large site of informal trading alongside the formal markets. This informal sector generates large financial flows and provides for a rapidly growing population.
The aim of this thesis is to develop an approach that is realistic and relevant to planning and design of an urban context in South Africa.
Hur påverkar ett kort intensivt rehabiliteringsprogram för smärthantering faktorerna livskvalité, self-efficacy och rörelserädsla fram till långtidsuppföljning?
Långvarig smärta är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till sjukskrivning i Sverige. Många olika typer av rehabiliteringsprogram har testats under årens lopp, med både positiva och negativa resultat. Tidigare studier utvärderar ofta rehabiliteringsperioder från en månad upp till flera månader. Det är intressant att se om en kortare rehabiliteringspeiod kan påverka viktiga faktorer som kopplas till långvarig smärta. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om en kort rehabiliteringsperiod kan ge en ökad hälsorelaterad livskvalité, en högre self-efficacy och en lägre rörelserädsla.
Balansering av en storskalig vindkraftsutbyggnad i Sverige med hjälp av den svenska vattenkraften
This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.
Gotiska verbalprefix som markörer av särdraget State or Change of State : En förberedande undersökning
Uppsatsen har undersökt de gotiska verbalprefixen med utgångspunkt i att de ingår i ett system, i vilket prefixen hör hemma på olika positioner före verbets stam. Syftet har varit att fastställa, om någon av dessa positioner har varit avsedd för prefix bärande särdraget State or Change of State, som inom det teoretiska ramverket Lexical Template Morphology antas bära tre variabler. Materialet har bestått av belagda kombinationer av preverbala element, samtliga påträffade förekomster av verb på miþ- och dis-, samt stickprov av verb på ana- och us-. Genom en i huvudsak morfologisk analys har fem preverbala positioner i en ordbildningsmall föreslagits, här från det yttersta till det innersta kallade P5?P1.
Hatbrott & nationalism i Sverige, finns det ett samband?
AbstractMedia presents hate crimes and nationalism as phenomenon that has increased both internationally and nationally in recent years. Further media largely pair these phenomenon together. The groups mostly exposed to hate and nationalism are people of different ethnic origin and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer) people. In Sweden's general election in 2010 a RHP-party, Sweden Democrats, made it in to Parliament. The purpose of this study was to examine how hate crimes and nationalism, in the form of the Sweden Democrats, has increased in Sweden and if there was any link between them.
Inblick i hur jugoslavisk kultur påverkar media i tiden : Två fallstudier som visar hur emtionella, kulturella och kunskapsmässiga perpektiv på mångfald, med bakgrund från forna Jugolsavien, präglar media i Sverige.
As we all know Sweden as a country, appears to be homogenus. At the middle of 1960?s the emigrants from ancient Jugslavia came to Sweden as an workforce. At that time it was the majority of the emigrants from ancient Jugoslavia that established their lifes in Sweden. The second period for the emigrants from ancient Jugolsavia was at the biginning of 1990?s because of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Elasticitetsmodulen i en kalkstabiliserad vägterrass : en fältstudie
Stabilization of subgrade is an internationally common technique to improve the characteristics of a soft soil. Improving the stiffness and bearing capacity of the subgrade enables the pavement to be designed with reduced depths of subbase and basecourse aggregates. This makes the stabilization technique both economically and environmentally interesting. Both natural and stabilized soils have high inherent property variability that should be considered when the characteristic value is derived. By analyzing the spatial variability in stabilized and natural subgrades it is possible get the parameters needed for reliability?based modeling of soil properties.
Knapptryckardemokrati : Om synsätt på IT-stödd demokratiförnyelse
With the increased significance of information technology (IT) in today?s society the term ?electronic democracy? (e-democracy) has gained much importance within the democracy theory. Naturally, there are several competing views on how the technology should be used for democratic purpose. One aspect of this is the somewhat revitalized claim for direct democracy in accordance with the hypothetical opportunity to finally realize it as a democratic system. The ideal of direct democracy combined with the almost total credence in the potential of technology constitute the idea of a ?push-button democracy?.
Miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad : Inverkan på utformningen av ett kontor
The use and attention given to the certification system ?Miljöbyggnad? has increasedin recent years. The system is completely Swedish and was initiated in 2005 by theBygga-Bo-Dialogen. Miljöbyggnad aims to create a healthy indoor environment, reduceenergy consumption and discourage the use of hazardous chemical substances. Thegrades that can be obtained are Classified, Brons, Silver and finally Gold.The work has been to examine three different models and conclude how the designof the models affect the grades in the certification system Miljöbyggnad.
Kvalitetsbedömning av selekterad och oselekterad hingstsperma med hjälp av flödescytometri och fluorometri, före och efter seminsäsongen :
Most Swedish Warmbloods are bred by artificial insemination (AI). Quality control of the semen consists of the subjective evaluation of motility. There is a need for a more accurate and objective method of rating the semen. In this study we compared fluorometry with flowcytometry as a method for evaluating sperm viability. Semen was collected from three stallions, stationed at Markebäcks Gård, Askersund, three times during week 15 and week 34, 2008.
LÖNSAMHETSKALKYL AV FUKTSÄKERHETSANSVARIG VID RENOVERING : En fallstudie av ett projekt där ByggaF-metoden har använts
The so called ?ByggaF-method? is a relatively new Swedish method to stop moisture from being built into a building. The method should prevent damages on buildings as a result of mould growth and moisture. The purpose of the method is to include moisture control in the entire constructionprocess, from the projecting phase and all the way to the management phase. Up until now, there is no proof if the method is profitable or not and no studies have been made on the topic.
Musik i Film : The Sound of Movies
The purpose of this study is to generate a greater understanding of the different ways in which music can be used to build an identity and create image within movies, and also to explain the different impacts this can have on the parties involved. Through the history of movies music has been used as a tool for enhancement and for expression of emotions. Through music the audience relates to personal memories or emotional states and the experience is given a deeper impact, helping to create memorable movie scenes. Certain directors have created a unique identity through the use of music in their movies, and also artists have been brought forward by starring in a soundtrack. What we find interesting, and what is also the discussion in this study, is in what ways this collaboration/artistic expression can be done and what impact it has on the parties involved.