1571 Uppsatser om Figure Rating Scale - Sida 10 av 105
Spawning site selection of brown trout in habitat restored streams
During the timber floating era, most of Sweden?s watercourses were altered. This decreased the amount of available spawning habitats for salmonids, and hence had a negative effect on the riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Reconstruction of spawning grounds is today a common measure in restoration of altered streams in Sweden. However, very little evaluation of the effectiveness of these reconstructed spawning grounds exists.
Leder storskaliga landinvesteringar i jordbruk till hållbar utveckling? En fallstudie av projektet ProSavana i Moçambique
Large-scale land investments is not a new phenomenon, but increasing prices on food and agrofuels have inflated prices on land and has led to an enhanced interest in landinvestments from a range of different actors. The ProSavana project in the Nacala corridor in the Nampula province, northern Mozambique is a large-scale land investment with the purpose of establishing intensive commercial agriculture and is planned to be implemented this year (2013). The project is financed by Brazil and Japan in collaboration with the government of Mozambique. It is not quite clear how large-scale land investments affect the areas they are implemented in and how they can affect the possibilities for sustainable development in these areas. Both opportunities and problems can be observed within the social, economic and ecological dimensions of sustainable development.
Kroppsbild och självförtroende hos manliga datorspelare och styrketränare
Syftet med studien var att undersöka självförtroende och kroppsbild hos datorspelare, styrketränare och en kontrollgrupp. En webbenkät med manliga medlemmar på dator- och idrottsrelaterade internetforum genomfördes. Kontrollgruppen var medlemmar på dessa forum som varken styrketränade eller spelade datorspel. Skalorna Social physique anxiety scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale och Drive for muscularity scale administrerades. Resultatet visar att grupperna inte var signifikant skilda åt gällande social fysisk ångest eller självförtroende.
Vem gör vad - En fallstudie om federativ samverkan
This study aims to investigate how federations manage to balance the economies of scale through collaboration and autonomy. This is done through a case study on Länsförsäkringar. The lack of modern research on federations makes the federative structure an interesting field of study. Previous research has shown a general perception that an increased pressure on efficiency and economies of scale creates a stronger common unit that eventually creates an imbalance in the federation. It is therefore interesting to look at the balance, which exists between the member units and the common unit of a federation.
Schartau och efterföljare - Personen och traditionen
Henric Schartau was the prominent figure in a Christian revivalist movement thatspread mainly in south west Sweden during the 19th century. Priesthood followers in thetradition, commonly named Schartauans, often preached from his drafts, and were generallyvery loyal to the state church. Schartau and his followers placed a strong emphasis onministry and correct biblical teaching. The movement had a great impact on the diocese ofGothenburg for a protracted time period..
Vardagliga icke-produktiva motoriska beteenden : förekomst och korrelation med sensation seeking
In everyday life we perform motor behaviours that have no apparent instrumental function. Are these correlated to sensation seeking and do they differ depending on what situations we are in? University students in Örebro (N=108), participated in the study. The participants were asked to fill out a double questionnaire containing the sensation seeking scale and another one for measuring non-productive motor behaviours. The non-productive motor behaviours were not correlated to the sensation seeking scale.
Från disk till rum : Basel II-effekter på kreditrisk och information
This study examines the effects of credit risk and information disclosure in the new bank regulating system Basel II on bank and bank customer. The effects are then discussed in a perspective of the economic man and information asymmetric theories. Furthermore is the Basel II effects on the capital adequacy of Andelsbanken för Åland examined.The approach of the study is qualitative and several interviews with individuals on different levels of the examined bank, Andelsbanken för Åland, have been carried out during the collecting of empirical facts about the effects of the regulating change from the Basel I system to Basel II.The research findings are as follows:Andelsbanken för Åland have increased its capital adequacy ratio from 12,7 percent to 14,4 percent, mostly due to lower risk weights on housing mortgages compared to Basel I. Andelsbanken för Åland have started to use a completely new credit risk and customer assessment system which classifies every customer and gives them a credit rating. The system cause a much heavier information gathering of the customers profile as well as a much better assessment of risk than the previous system, which the bank finds positive.
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att studera vilka motivationsfaktorer, passionsfaktorer samt vilken grad av självförtroende som uppvisas hos ungdomslandslagsspelare i fotboll. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan passion och självförtroende samt hur motivation var relaterat till passion och självförtroende. I studien deltog 288 manliga och kvinnliga fotbollspelare i åldrarna 15-17 år (M=16,02, Sd=1,06) från svenska ungdomslandslaget i fotboll. I studien användes Vealeys Sportconfidence Scale (VSS), Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) och The Passion Scale (PS). Resultatet visade att det fanns statistiska signifikanta samband mellan de tre variablerna passion, motivation och självförtroende.
Anaerob nedbrytning av TNT : Ett bioreaktorförsök på Vingåkersverken
A bioslurry reactor was built for the bioremediation of TNT contaminated waste from the demilitarization industry. The field test was conducted at Vingåkersverken in Vingåker, Sweden, to see if results from laboratory studies could be repeated in a full scale reactor. The goal of the project was to optimize the reactor to such a degree that it could be used to handle the waste produced at Vingåkersverken and also that this technique could be applied for remediation of contaminated soils. Unfortunately the samples taken during the full scale field test were destroyed by the shipping company and no analysis was possible. A later attempt by the Biorex research group has also been unsuccessful to reduce the amount of TNT using the bioreactor.
SharePoint som applikationsplattform
SharePoint 2010 is a very complicated platform. In the following essay we try to figure out in which way SharePoint 2010 can be used as a application framework rather than retail product. Different strengths and weaknesses are considered and we try to look into which areas SharePoint 2010 is a good choice for development.SharePoint has shown to be a compentent and useble as an application framework for interactive web applications. Though it is not suitable for all applications.I would like to thank Precio Systemutveckling AB for having the opportunity to make this essay..
Who´s who? : Kreativitet, personlighet och att arbeta kreativt
I dagens samhälle blir kreativitet och nytänkande allt viktigare för företags överlevnad och konkurrenskraft. Därmed har även behovet av kreativa personer på arbetsplatsen ökat. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om kreativitet, genom Runcos ideational scale, kunde kopplas till något personlighetsdrag i Big Five samt till hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Detta undersöktes genom en enkät med 66 frågor i 3 delar. Enkäten lämnades ut i både pappersform och som webenkät till ett stort antal företag.
Stress och högkänslighet hos studenter : En jämförande studie mellan kvinnor och män
Syftet var att undersöka högkänslighet och stress hos studenter. Metoden var en kvantitativ jämförande studie mellan grupper (kvinnor och män). Undersökningen genomfördes genom en elektronisk enkät. Urvalet var ett tillfällighetsurval av kvinnor och män i åldrarna 19 ? 56 som studerade vid ett universitet, totalt 122 stycken deltagare, 31 män och 91 kvinnor.
Syftet med den aktuella studien var att på svenska elitfotbollsgymnasier (1) undersöka samband mellan psykosociala variablerna motivation (i.e., inre och yttre former), självbestämmande och passion (i.e., harmonisk och tvångsmässig) samt (2) undersöka samband mellan passion och frekvensen träningstimmar. I studien ingick 220 ungdomsspelare från fem svenska elitfotbollsgymnasier (pojkar n =169, flickor n =51). I studien användes Passion Scale för att mäta spelarnas passion för fotboll, Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) för att se vilka motiv deltagande är byggt på samt Self-Determination Scale (SDS) för att mäta upplevt självbestämmande. Resultatet visade att inre motivation och självbestämmande förklarar 39 % av den totala variansen av harmonisk passion för fotboll samt att inre motivation har en partiell positivt medierande effekt mellan självbestämmande och harmonisk passion. Introjektionerad reglering förklarar (som ensam faktor) 28 % av den totala variansen av tvångsmässig passion för fotboll.
Utveckling av en beräkningsmodell för biogasproduktion
A growing interest for the climate and the environment has led to an increased interest forenvironmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, such as biogas. Planning new biogasplants requires a decision basis including facts about approximate amounts of biogas possibleto produce at the plant. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model that calculates theapproximate biogas and digestate production from a planned or existing biogas plant.Developing the model required a literature review and studies of calculations concerningbiogas and digestate production performed by WSP Sweden AB. As a complement to themodel development, facts about substrates for biogas production were compiled through aliterature review. In addition the methane potential from selected materials was determined bybatch experiments.
Träningsberoende och dess orsakssamband : En uppsats om orsaker till träningsberoende
Background: Exercise dependence is a behavior where some people get very strong feelings for their training. This dependency becomes a problem when it affects individuals? life in a negative way. Individuals with low self-esteem have been found to have an increased risk for exercise dependence. Self-estem is associated with Self-compassion, which is to have compassion with oneself in pain and difficult periods.