

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 7 av 199

Near Field Communication : En studie av säkerhetsaspekternas påverkan för mobila betalningar

Near Field Communication (NFC) är en teknik som möjliggjort utvecklingen av vardagliga betalningar med hjälp av mobiltelefonen. I Sverige är betalningar med NFC-tekniken i mobiltelefoner fortfarande i introduktionsfasen. För att denna teknik ska ha möjlighet att fungera som ett komplement till redan befintliga betallösningar, granskas därför möjligheten för NFC-teknik som betallösningsmetod med inriktning på säkerhetsaspekter.Syftet med uppsatsen är att granska säkerhetsaspekter för NFC-teknik som mobil betallösningsmetod samt analysera dessa aspekter för att få djupare kunskap för NFC-teknologins möjligheter. Kunskapen har erhållits genom en litteraturstudie samt kompletterande av en intervju för att få bredd i informationsbehandlingen.Resultatet av studien visar att NFC-teknologin som betallösningsmetod kan påverkas av ett antal säkerhetsaspekter. För att NFC-tekniken skall nå en bredd i marknaden måste flertalet aktörer samarbeta för en standardisering i användandet av tekniken..

Hästinventering i Degerfors kommun

Animal welfare in Sweden has gone through major changes during the later years. In 2004, Swedish Animal Welfare Agency took over the central responsibility for the animal welfare from the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and in 2007 the board again became the central authority for animal welfare in Sweden.Even the practical supervision has changed, from the 1 of January 2009 the supervision is to be performed by the county administrative boards, instead of by the individual municipalities. Since 2006 every horse in the European Union has to have an identification card, in Sweden called a ?horse passport? which describes the color and markings of the horse as well as any veterinary treatments.The ELOF-project, a collaborative project between the Swedish Board of Agriculture and the county administrative boards, intends to make the animal welfare supervision effective, standardised, fair and risk-based. Because of the takeover of the supervision and of the ELOF-project the Örebro County Administrative Board has began to make an inventory of the number of horses and horsefarms in the county. Another Ethology and Animal Welfare-student and I did, in collaboration with the county administrative board created a checklist that in connection with the inventory will lead to a risk-based animal welfare supervision.

Orienterare, framtidens naturvårdare? : Inventering av markstörningar i samband med O-Ringen i Skåne 2014

As an increasingly rationalized forestry and agriculture have human interference in the form of tradition, grazing and use declined. There is a strong link between biodiversity and disturbance of the landscape. In sandy soils many insects and plants require exposed sand to survive while the disorder may contribute to seed dispersal in the woodlands. On behalf of O-Ringen Skåne 2014, a study of the interference from orienteering in sandy soil and the forest during competitions conducted. The aim is to clarify the interference of which orienteering runners contributes, through to inventory presence before and after the competitions in the bottom and field layer in three locations.

Inlärning och öppet-fält aktivitet hos förskolebarn

The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of learning on open-field activity among pre-school children varying from 3 to 5 years old. Altogether 25 children, 13 girls and 12 boys, entered the test from three different preschools in Dalarna. Six of these children represented the control group. The children were asked to learn 2 tasks, 1 visual memory task and 1 spatial constructing-kit task. Before, between and after the tasks, the children were allowed to move freely in the open field.

Älgbetesinventering på Orsblecks viltvårdsområde

The purpose with this report is to compare moose browsing in young stands within a small game preservation, and if there are any differences between two areas. The method used in the inventory is a local damage caused by moose browsing survey. It is suitable on areas that have more than 50 hectares but less than 250 hectares of young forest. Inventory of moose browsing is best done on bare ground in the spring and should preferably be done before the flushing begins at the pine. Orsblecks game management area is divided into two different moose management areas, Noppikoski and Siljansringen. During the winter Siljansringen has a denser winter strain of moose, because of the moose seek out lower parts with less snow during the winter. This should also lead to the southernmost part should accommodate larger proportion of damages caused by browsing by moose.

Annorlundahet som kapital: Kategorin invandrarförfattare och annorlundahet på det litterära fältet.

The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of the immigrant-writer. By studying the literary criticism on four debutants, all of whom have been categorised as immigrant-writers, I have come to the conclusion that the critics tend to focus on the authors' otherness. By using postcolonial theory I've analysed the role as representatives of a supposed other reality that is imposed on these four authors by the literary critics. The theories of Pierre Bourdieu, especially his concepts of symbolic capital, literary field and position, have been used to contextualise these conclusions. Although the otherness that the critics accentuate seems to work as a negative symbolic capital in a bigger societal perspective, in the author's position within the literary field it grows their positive symbolic capital.

Fältinstruktion för skogsbruksplanering av inhemska skogar i Andinska Patagonien :

The thesis first objective was to develop field instructions for forest planning of native forests in Andean Patagonia, and the second objective was to test the plan on an actual property in the area. The thesis was limited to studies in the province of Rio Negro. Today, there are no official forest management plans for native forests in the Argentinean province of Rio Negro; thus, there is an obvious need for an official forest management plan with clear guidelines. To be granted permission to manage, i.e. through thinning, the native forests on a property it is required to have a forest management plan that is approved by the Forestry Board in the province in question (Thill, B.

Effektiv mätning av livskvalitet - Brunnsviken Brief Quality of Life Inventory (BBQ) : en psykometrisk utvärdering

Målet med Brunnsviken Brief Quality of Life Inventory (BBQ) är att skapa en kortfattad och lättadministrerad skattningsskala för självupplevd livskvalitet med goda psykometriska egenskaper vilken är gratis för alla att använda. I framtagningen av BBQ har data insamlad med Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) i tidigare studier använts för att identifiera de livsområden med störst betydelse för självupplevd livskvalitet. I aktuell studie har normvärden tagits fram för den i studien ingående undersökningsgruppen bestående av 167 psykologistudenter. Studien har visat att BBQ har utmärkt reliabilitet (test-retest), 0,89. Vidare hade BBQ lika god validitet för undersökningsgruppen som QOLI.

Utlandsstudiers påverkan på företagsekonomistudenters personliga egenskaper med koppling till kreativitet

Utbytesstudier utomlands sägs öka studenters kreativitet. Kreativitet och innovation, framför allt kreativa medarbetare är en viktig faktor för att företag ska vara framgångsrika i dagens allt hårdare konkurrens. Studenter inom företagsekonomi är framtida anställda och företagsledare, därför är det viktigt att undersöka om utlandsstudier verkligen ökar kreativiteten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka utlandsstudiernas påverkan på företagsekonomistudenters personliga egenskaper med koppling till kreativitet. Vi undersöker påverkan på kreativitet med hjälp av Big Five Inventory kategorierna noggrannhet och öppenhet då dessa personegenskaper anses påverka kreativiteten.  Resultat från genomförd internetenkät (N=111, svarsfrekvens=15,5%) visar på en ökning av noggrannhet men inte av öppenhet.

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

Vad skiljer informatören ifrån kommunikatören? : - En studie av den rådande begreppsförvirringen inom information och kommunikation

AbstractPropose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine why the view of the conceptions, within the field of professional information and communication, seem to differ within the labour market of Sweden. This paper will investigate the two main professional roles that are at the centre of the field?s confusion and disorder. These are the Information Specialist and the Communication Specialist. The main question here is to answer whether there is a significant difference between the two or not and also gain knowledge about why the two titles are not used consequently within the labour market.Material/Method: The method used for this study is of a qualitative character.

Trädslagsinverkan på markvegetationens utveckling i odlingsförsök med tall och contorta :

In the 1970?s it was predicted that in the beginning of the 21st century there would be a timber shortage in Sweden and a large scale introduction of the exotic tree species lodgepole pine started. An introduction of a foreign tree species means a risk of a negative influence on the forests ecosystem. Today, the stands that were established in the 70?s are middle-aged and the effect on the forest floor vegetation can be studied.

Förändring i färdigvarulager och utlastningen av foder efter införande av en ny produktmix : En fallstudie på Lantmännen Agroetanol

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

En analys av forskningsfronten inom medicinsk etik

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to analyze the research front within medical ethics. We wish to identify which research themes that are included in the subject field of medical ethics. The research themes can be identified by a couple of bibliometrical methods and techniques. In our case, it is bibliographic coupling combined with a cluster analysis. The analysis is accomplished by the extracted references from articles in the two journals Bioethics and Journal of medical ethics.

Near Field Communication : En studie om NFC-teknikens möjliga användningsområden och utveckling inom sociala medier

In this report we examine the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology as far as the development has come until today. We adress different use areas and explain the technical funcionality. By using data collection methods as a specialist interview and also a survery we want to detect potential risks and safety-issues in implementation of the new technology. Our main-focus in this report is to examine how NFC can play an important role in the developement of social interaction and social media. By compiling our data and research materials we will analyze and present a report conslusion.

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