

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 51 av 199

Personlighet, arbetstillfredsställelse och relationen dem emellan : En undersökning om lärare i förskola och gymnasieskola

Studiens syfte var att undersöka: 1) Personlighetsdrag hos lärare i förskola och gymnasieskola och om det fanns någon skillnad mellan dessa lärarkategorier i personlighet enligt fem faktor-modellen; 2) Skillnaden i arbetstillfredsställelse hos lärare i förskola och gymnasieskola; och 3) Om det fanns något samband mellan personlighetsfördelningen hos respektive lärarkategori och arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en enkät som delades ut till fyra förskolor och två gymnasieskolor. Totalt deltog 75 respondenter. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Job Satisfaction Survey och Ten Item Personality Inventory. Resultatet visade att gymnasielärare skattade högre än förskolelärare i samtliga personlighetsdrag.

Grönplanering i Gråbo - Förnyelse och förädling av platser och stråk

SAMMANDRAGLerums kommun har en vision om att bli Sveriges ledande miljökommun till år 2025 eller tidigare. En stor del av arbetet, som kännetecknas av hållbarhet, kreativitet och inflytande, sker i Gråbo. Det är idag en ort som känns bortglömd och är lätt att passera utan vetskap om dess placering. Samhället har såväl synliga baksidor som är i behov av förbättring och förnyelse, som outnyttjade tillgångar som bör lyftas fram.Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att ta fram förslag på hur Gråbo kan förbättras både med avseende på hållbar samhällsutveckling samt estetiska och funktionsmässiga förbättringar av samhället.Arbetet påbörjades med en faktainsamling, som sedan låg till grund för en inventering på plats i Gråbo. Detta sammanställdes till en analys där tillgångar och problem presenterades med hjälp av Adobe Illustrator till flera kartor.

Personlighetstyper och upplevelse av ett nytt arbetsstöd : undersökning gjord på Trafikverkets Intranät och anställda

In order to get a better understanding of the interaction between employees and their technical work tools one needs to know what factors influence the interaction. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a correlation between the personality traits Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), tested with Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and experience of the new Intranet among employees at The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA), and also to gather information of employees? opinions about the new Intranet. A survey, containing questions about the Intranet and a personality test (EPI), was posted on SNTA?s Intranet for eight workdays (N = 88, females = 53, males = 35).

Faktorer som påverkar Vänerns öppna sandstränder och möjligheterna för hög biologisk mångfald ? med mossor som indikatorer på igenväxning

The sandy beaches of Vänern are threatened by overgrowth and thereby the biodiversity is at high risk to decline. This study is based on an inventory of vegetation of overgrowth character and mosses. The frequency and spread of mosses is perceived as an indication of initial or present overgrowth. External factors that have been taken into consideration are wind-, wave- and ice erosion, the slope of the beach, wear and grade of exposure. The purpose of the investigation is to control the beaches grade of overgrowth and find out which external factor is of most importance for the maintenance of the biotope. The results show that the beaches environment is affected by the slope of the beach, grade of exposure, size, wear and overgrowth.

Karriärmorsor och velourpappor : Bedömning av föräldrar som karriärister och föräldralediga

Familjestrukturer och föräldraroller är i förändring. Stereotyper av föräldraskap har bidragit till rådande attityder där män och kvinnor i icke traditionella familjestrukturer bedöms mindre fördelaktigt (Brescoll & Uhlmann, 2005). Studiens syfte var att se om attityder påverkas av huruvida föräldern är karriärist eller föräldraledig samt man eller kvinna. En pilotstudie genomfördes för att generera egenskaper för föräldraskap och bestod av 30 deltagare. I huvudstudien deltog 115 personer, varav 69 kvinnor och 46 män.

Polisstudent i akademiska skriftspråksvärldar. : En studie av polisstudenters kritiska förhållningssätt i deras självständiga arbeten.

This master?s essay presents a study designed to investigate twelve police students?ability to handle academic writing conventions and to show critical-analyticalcompetence in their degree projects, which are written as part of the education atSweden?s three police academies. The education of police officers is not an academicone, and the students? main focus is therefore on writing texts in the field of policediscourse. At the same time, scientific principles and critical thinking are emphasized intheir syllabus, but the question of how students handle the encounter with academicdiscourse has so far not been investigated.

Reglerbara skovlar på pumphjul

The thesis investigates if it is possible to replace several pumpimpellers with one controllable pumpimpeller, with a economical and a manufacturing analisys aspect. The studied pumpimpeller is mounted on a midrange wastewaterpump, N3127MT.In the thesis a contemplated manufacturing process is evaluated for a concept that are supposed to act as a controllable pumpimpeller. The pumpimpeller are studied in a manufacturing and flow matter and are presented in the thesis.The manufacturing cost is also estimated, and this has been compared to the storage cost and other costs that the existing pumpimpeller generates.The thesis also shows that the concept has minor losses in cutting quality aswell as the effiency comparing to the existing pumpimpeller.The concept also raises the manufacturing cost and this increasing cost makes the presented concept to expensive to carry through.An investigation of the costs that the existing pumpimpeller produces has also been done, and this shows that there is not that much expenses to earn regarding to for example the storage cost. The storage cost includes information from Flygt?s central storagecenter in Lindas, Sweden and Metz, France, and also an inventory about the pumpimpellers located at Flygt?s different distributors worldwide.The thesis shows that a controllable pumpimpeller will generally increase the cost for the pumpimpeller and the performance of the pumpimpeller will decrease..

Motiv till motion ur ett köns- och socialpsykologiskt perspektiv

Den sociala kontexten inom idrotten är en viktig orsak till utövares motivation. Sociala skäl såsom känsla av tillhörighet, att vara del av ett lag och social status rapporteras som centrala anledningar till engagemang. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka motiv individer anger till sitt motionerande med fokus på de sociala aspekterna, med en jämförelse mellan könen. Studien utgår ifrån Deci och Ryans Self-Determination Theory (2000). Motiv till deltagande i motion mättes genom användandet av ?The Exercise Motivation Inventory-2?.

Införande av kompostering : en jämförellse mellan två bostadsområden

This thesis in social anthropology is based on a field study on the Internet exploring Tibetan identity. With a post-modern approach the thesis explores the possibility fora non-tibetan to create a Tibetan Internet identity and become a part of the Tibetan community that exist on the Internet..

Luftprovtagning samt analys av mono- och diisocyanater

When exposed to them, isocyanates can induce serious injuries in the respiratory tract and irritation on the skin and in the eyes. They are therefore interesting from the point of view of occupational health. The purpose of this thesis was to collect isocyanates in air with impinger-filter samplers and solvent free samplers. Furthermore the isocyanates were to be analyzed with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The solvent free sampler consists of a polypropylene tube and filter holder fitted with glass fiber filters impregnated with derivatization reagent, coupled with a pump.

Ny teknik för kombisådd :

The use of combi-drilling during spring tillage has become very common in southern Sweden in recent years. Combi-drilling leads to fewer passes on the field and better plant nutrient utilisation. An example of a combi-drill is the Väderstad Rapid, which is very widely used in spring tillage in southern Sweden. The Rapid has separate fertiliser and seed coulters, which means that the draught requirement is relatively high. It thus requires large, heavy tractors, which compact the soil and are comparatively expensive to buy and run. A few years ago the Finnish combi-drill Tume Nova Combi came onto the Swedish market.

Lokalisering av sågverk i Västerbotten : en jämförelse mellan två alternativ

The number of sawmills in Sweden has decreased dramatically since the 1980s and the trend looks set to continue. The sawmills that are left instead becomes larger and are situated farther apart. In northern Sweden, they are concentrated along the coastline.In our study, we compared conditions for running a sawmill in inland areas and coastal areas and looked at what factors have the greatest impact on the profitability of the sawmill in northern Sweden.We chose to compare different locals conditions for a sawmill that only sawn pine timber and had an annual raw material requirements of 300 000 m3ub per year. By analyzing the kNN-data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory we have taken out the size of the timber volume at each site and its catchment. We have also looked at possible competitors in the areas that may affect the purchase price of the commodity.

Djup icke vändande bearbetning i sockerbetsodling :

A field experiment was carried out in 2006 to investigate the effects of deep rotary cultivation on sugarbeet growth. The background to the experiment was a 2005 study showing potentially higher yield, higher cleanness and higher sugar content when primary tillage was carried out to 35 cm depth with a rotary cultivator. On four field sites in Skåne (L:a Isie, Ädelholm, Stävie and Vragerup), five different treatments were compared: mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm; mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm + rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the autumn to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; and mouldboard ploughing in the spring to 20 cm. The rotary cultivator used in the treatments is manufactured by a Dutch company, Imants. The implement cultivates the soil with spade tines fitted on arms that are mounted on a horizontal rotating PTO-driven axle. Beet plants were inspected and yield determined in the experiment, and three soil parameters were examined: penetration resistance, water infiltration and infiltration of blue dye. Root shape was also examined. The site at Stävie was not harvested due to poor beet establishment. At the other sites, the highest yield was found when the soil was rotary-cultivated in the autumn.

Hur ett industriföretag ökar kundvärdet genom

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an industrial company can increase customer value by offering added services to their core products. Theses added services can be categorized into the three different parts of the buying process. The company that was investigated is Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, a large international industrial company active on a business to business market. We have conducted a case study and made interviews with three respondents within the company. The result of the study show that the company offers value added services in each stage of the buying process.

Meditation : Effekter & Upplevelser

In this essay, the phenomenon and the concept "meditation" are treated. Meditation is a mental training technique where one develops the ability to choose where to put attention and ability to focus. Techniques for meditation is used individually of people who wants to develop themselves as persons and in therapeutic aims of professional within the field of psychology in order to help people to find solutions of problems within themselves. The aim with this essay were to do a qualitative study in order to see how possible effects of meditation influences daily life of contributory practisian's. Issue has been as follows; which effects have one regularly conducting of meditation on people and their lives? Interviews with four experienced meditators were done in India and the material were analyzed afterwards with the aid of thematic analysis, furthermore in order to link the results with clinical research and established theories about meditation.

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