

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 5 av 199

4000 sittplatser till Sandviken : Den företagsekonomiska diskursens utveckling från 1921 till 2012, sedd genom två idrottsarenor i Sandvikens kommun

   ABSTRACT  Title:  4000 seats to Sandviken - The business discourse development from 1921 to 2012 seen through two sports stadiums in Sandviken                            Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Signe Jernberg Supervisor: Lars Ekstrand Date: March 2012 Aim:  The aim of this paper is to investigate the business discourse emergence during the 1900s and to make a contribution to how a business administration discourse can be seen today. Method: The business discourse is examined through a inventory of how business theories, practices and ideas have enabled the design of two sports facilities, Göransson Arena And Nya idrottsplatsen in Sandviken Municipality. The inventory is based on material gathered from Sandviken Municipality archives and from Göransson Arenas' own archives. The archives consist of such things as board meeting protocols, annual reports, bookkeeping, drawings, photographs and more. The method is based on Foucault's discourse analysis, focusing on his archaeological period.Results & conclusion: The archives show how business ideas, theories, and expressions can be seen in the two arenas. The results show how the concepts of customer, company and association are present in the design of the two arenas in different ways.

Mätning av stamdiameter med markstående scanner :

Booth for operational planning of harvesting and for long term planning, data is today collected manually. Intensive objective field inventories are usually too expensive. To enhance optimisation of timber flow from forest to industry Moore efficient methods for measuring tree stems of standing trees are needed. The performance of terrestrial laser scanners have improved and these could possibly be used within forestry in the future. The objective of this study was to validate how a terrestrial laser scanner could be used to measure stem diameter, and to test how the errors depend on distance from the scanner and tree species. Two plots (one pine and one spruce) were used for this study.

Identifiering av konfliktbestånd med hjälp av laserskanning

The interest in harvesting wood fuel in conflict stands has grown in recent years as a consequence of the increased demand for biofuel. Conflict stands are young forests that have not been cleaned and have a large number of stems ha-1with a great height and diameter distribution. This means that traditional field measurements in conflict stands are difficult and very time consuming. Therefore, the forestry sector is in need of new, more efficient inventory methods. In this study, the Lidar data from Lantmäteriet?s (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authorities) new national height model was used in combination with plots from the Swedish national forest inventory from 2009 to create functions for; height, volume, diameter and number of stems.

Energieffektivisering i kommun

AbstractThe Municipality Council decided in 2010 to develop a comprehensive energy efficiency strategy with financial and methodological support from Energimyndigheten (The Swedish Energy Agency). The strategy should include 3 major parts: an inventory of the 2009 energy use defining the current situation, the 2014 and 2020 goals for energy use, and an action plan for goal achievements. According to Energimyndigheten, the strategy must include all municipal administration premises, vehicles, and all majority-owned companies (as Laholmshem, the municipal housing company).The report describes the inventory work in order to obtain the 2009 energy use and the sources of information used. The inventory values are used as the base year values for the 2014 and 2020 goals. The inventory showed that information about the vehicles is dispersed in the municipal administration and no clear structure exists with respect to mileage and fuels used.

Fältstudiers betydelse för stimulans, delaktighet och inflytande : En studie av hur elever och lärare i Vallentuna gymnasium värderar fältstudier

Schools inspections investigation has shown that most pedagogues are experiencing significant challenges to stimulate students and to invite students to participate and to influence the teaching structure and content. This study is based in the school inspections school questionnaire from 2013 which shows that Vallentuna high school results in two categories stimulation as well as participation and influence gets a low index value compared to all participating school units. Previous research has shown that the field studies creates greater amount of stimulation, increases students? participation and provide experience of a bigger influence. Careful preparations are also important and the right form of field studies.

Lövskogens förändring i eklandskapet söder om Linköping : 1927 jämfört med 2013

The forests of Sweden are constantly changing. Map studies indicate that the amount of deciduous trees in Sweden has decreased in recent years in favor of the coniferous trees. The National Forest Inventory has since the early 1920s monitored the Swedish forests and in recent years has made the old data digitally available. In the present project, we have investigated how the numbers of stems in different diameter classes have changed for birch and other deciduous trees. The inventory was conducted in the same manner as in the first forest inventory.

Spindeln mellan teknik och människa : En studie om hur interaktionsdesigner beskriver sitt yrke

In this bachelor thesis we have studied how interaction designers describe their profession. The research material is based on nine interviews with interaction designers. Questions cover areas such as interaction design tasks, what abilities they consider important, how they describe their relationship to the users, and cooperation with colleagues. We have analyzed the results using key terms such as habitus, field, and capital, as described by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The interviewees express humanistic views, and ask for more cooperation between interaction designers, as well as other people within the field of IT production.

Från Bomull till Byxor Livscykel Inventering och Ansvarsfullt Företagande En MFS i Södra Indien

A growing number of companies realise that to achieve their environmental goals and satisfy stakeholder expectations, they need to look beyond their own facilities and to involve their suppliers in environmental initiatives. A life cycle approach means that the production system should be optimised as whole, across national boarders and individual organisations taking part all the way from extraction to disposal. This study is a Life Cycle Inventory of resources used when producing a piece of cotton garment and the method is based on the standardisation series of ISO 14040-43. The area of study, Tamil Nadu the most southern state of India, accounts for more than 90% of India?s knitwear exports to Western Europe.

Kirurgi vid Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome ? En beskrivande litteraturstudie om audiologiska och vestibulära resultat och komplikationer

Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) is a newly described syndrome with symptoms including sound- and pressure induced vertigo, conductive hyperacusis and autophony. SCDS is caused by absence of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal and can be surgically treated. As the syndrome and surgical technique is new, it is of importance to study possible postoperative outcomes..

Vad motiverar volontärarbetare : Inom fritid och hälsa

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vad som motiverar de som volontärarbetar inom fritid och hälsa samt att se om motivationerna skiljer sig beroende på tid som volontär. En webbenkät med frågor tagna från Volunteer functions inventory (VFI) och Basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) skickades ut till 220 volontärarbetare för att få svar på frågorna: Vilka motivationsfaktorer är bäst uppfyllda hos volontärarbetarna och förändras dessa över tid? Resultatet visade enligt VFI att Värderingar, det osjälviska hos människan, Förståelse, viljan att söka nya kunskaper, och Förstärkning, egenutveckling, har högst värden hos volontärerna. Vad gäller BNS så visade resultatet att Kompetens, förståelse för och delaktighet i sin omgivning, var bäst uppfyllt följt av Samhörighet, upplevelsen att tillhöra en viss social miljö. Enligt VFI har tiden som volontärarbetare inget samband med motivationsfaktorerna medan BNS visade att alla faktorer minskade men motivationsfaktorn Samhörighet sjönk mest.

Lagerstyrning vid Frigoscandia Freezer AB

Frigoscandia Freezer AB have seen themselves as an entrepreneur company for a long time, but have lately begun to realise that they have to go against a more administrative era. With that insight they have begun to examine their enterprise in order to achieve this. The division Team Spare Parts has started a project with the intention of checking-up the inventory management, and improving it for the future. To get support for this and other point of views, they decided to let us do our exam thesis as a part of the project.The first part of the thesis deals with the appropriate inventory theory. All calculations in the other parts of the thesis have been based upon this.

Självskattning av exekutiva funktioner vid kognitiv träning : En utvärdering av The behavior rating inventory of executive functioning - self report

Traditionellt utvärderas effekter av kognitiv träning med objektiva prestationsmått. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka självskattad exekutiv funktion som ett alternativt mått för att utvärdera effekter av kognitiv träning. Som utfallsmått valdes The behavior rating inventory of executive functioning - self report (BRIEF-SR). Vidare användes blandad design med för- och eftermätning samt tre oberoende grupper. Gymnasieelever (n = 63) delades in i; aktiv träningsgrupp, aktiv placebogrupp och passiv kontrollgrupp.

Matproblem och personlighet

The purpose of this study was to examine by means of Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), the relationship between Neuroticism, and self-rated eating problems. Altogether 105 respondents, mean aged 42,3 years, including 11 men and 94 women, participated by answering an Internet-based questionnaire comprising three different sections. Neuroticism correlated with self-rated eating problems (r=,468, p.

Gallringsinventering från helikopter utrustad med profilerande laser och kamera för låghöjdsfotografering

Today Holmen Skog finds and selects suitable thinning stands using data on upper height and basal area. These figures are often based on basic forest data that has been updated with the help of growth prediction models. The problem is that these figures are not always correct. The aim of this study was to investigate if a combination of data from a profiling laser and a digital camera for low elevation photography, can be used for collecting data on number of stems per ha, tree species mixture as well as basal area weighted mean height and upper height for stands. The possibility to use these data to assess the need for thinning cutting was also investigated.Laser data and aerial photographs were collected from a helicopter operating at an approximate height of 100 meters.

Husen vid Trullbrändan : bronsålderskulthus på Gotland : en fallstudie på två husgrunder i Vallstena sn.

This essay discuss if Bronze Age cult houses were present at Gotland during the Bronze Age. Bronze Age cult houses are a well know phenomenon on mainland Sweden but because of inventory problems no Bronze Age cult houses have been found on Gotland. The main reason for the inventory problems are the Iron Age house foundations that are present in a large number on Gotland, the cult houses and the Iron Age houses have some design details that makes them difficult to separate from each other. In this essay a number of criteria are presented to help separate cult houses from the Iron Age house foundations. Three criteria?s regarding cult houses on Gotland is also presented in this essay.Two house foundations that PhD student Joakim Wehlin, University of Gothenburg and Gotland University, found in Vallstena parish, Gotland, are presented in this essay.

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