

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 44 av 199

E-böcker och bibliotek : En kritisk diskursanalys av Biblioteksbladet 2005-2011

The aim of this two years master´s thesis is to examine discourses about electronic books in relation to libraries that occur in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet by using critical discourse analysis (CDA). The thesis also aims to discuss changes in the discourse practice, and discuss the relationship between discourse practice and social practice in the field of library and information science (LIS). A main point of CDA is that language is a form of social practice that helps shape social reality. Furthermore the concept of ideology, as understood with-in CDA, brings understanding to the way discursive events help reproduce and transform social relations of pow-er. The text samples span from 2005 up to and including 2011 and were examined by using Norman Fairclough´s three-dimensional conception of discourse, which allows for interpretation of text on a linguistic, discursive and social level.The result of the analysis showed that there are several different discourses about electronic books and li-braries, none of which can be said to be particularly representative.

Kan gullstånds hålla stånd?- återinventering av Senecio paludosus i Kristianstad Vattenrike 2012

Botanist Kjell-Arne Olsson inventoried the plant fen ragwort Senecio paludosus 1983 in Scania andfound a big number of locations within Biosphere Reserve Kristianstad Vattenrike. In 2012, a reinventoryof the 1983 survey was carried out to study whether there has been any change in the fenragwort population in Kristianstad Vattenrike since the last inventory. The results show that therehas been no overall change in the number of fen ragwort in Kristianstad Vattenrike, on certainpremises they have increased in number while in others they have fallen. However, the inventoryshows that almost half of the locations with fen ragwort have disappeared during the same period.The main reason for this is that fen ragwort did not manage to competitive with other vegetation,taking in consideration this has been smaller premises with young plants. In addition to competitionother factors such as prolonged high water, grazing and caterpillars from Tyria jacobaeaecontributed to the decrease.

Ledarskapet och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro

Studiens syfte var att undersöka tränares ledarskap och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro samt om det finns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 116 elithandbollsspelare med medelåldern 21,81 år (SD=3,54) och åtta elithandbollstränare med medelåldern 41,38 år (SD=5,83) från åtta olika klubbar. Undersökningsdeltagarna besvarade enkäter bestående av instrumenten Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ) och Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) vilka avsåg att mäta utvecklande ledarskap samt tävlingsoro. Resultaten indikerade att utvecklande ledarskap har en reducerande effekt på kognitiv-, somatisk- och total tävlingsoro samt att utvecklande ledarskap har starkast effekt på kvinnliga elithandbollspelare. Resultaten indikerade även att kvinnliga spelare har högre grad av alla tre kategorier av tävlingsoro oberoende av ledarstil.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska statliga och icke-statliga företag

This study deals with sustainability reporting in three governmental and three non-governmental Swedish companies in different industries. With increasing demands from the society regarding company?s CSR - Corporate social responsibility, the perspective of accounting gets broader and covers even non-financial information to meet not only the owners? demands but also others stakeholders' requirements. Sustainability has become an important tool for creating company?s business value and a positive sustainable external image.

Butiksdemonstrationens mentala och beteendemässiga påverkan: - Ett fältexperiment som undersöker butiksdemonstrationens möjligheter att påverka konsumenten i butiksmiljön

The knowledge development regarding in-store marketing has shown that influencing a consumer in a store setting is a powerful tool to change the consumer?s buying patterns. However, the store as a marketing channel lacks, in many ways, conducted academic research and according to marketing theory investments into in-store marketing tend to be taken without advanced marketing consideration. As a consequence, we have chosen to generate new insights into the field of in-store marketing by studying in-store demonstrations both from a behavioral and a mental dimension. Furthermore, we have also chosen to study how different consumers with different degree of loyalty and buying patterns are influenced by an in-store demonstration.This study aimed to obtain a better understanding of in-store demonstrations through breaking down the demonstration into its core elements and from these elements construct different types of demonstrations.

Funktion utan hinder : fysiskt och upplevelsemässigt tillgängliga miljöer med fokus på funktionshindrade och med Heby kommun som exempel

Accessibility is today a topic of high current interest. It is a requirement for equality and a democracy question. By the year 2010, easy measured hindrances in all of Sweden's municipalities should be cleared away; this is stated in Swedish law. The physical accessibility to our public places is particularly important for functionally disabled people since it affects their possibilities to be outdoors and also their participation in society. When designing these places, it is difficult to find solutions that fit everybody, especially since good accessibility not only should fulfill all physical requirements of accessibility but also values of experience.

Appar eller ej inom Fleet Management-området

A recent trend in the technological evolution has been to increase the mobility of the end-user. A contributing factor is the fast rate of improvement in the smartphone area. This, in turn, has changed the expectations end-users have on the availability of services, which has allowed mobile applications, apps, to find their place in everyday life.This study has been conducted at Scania?s Fleet Management department that offers a web-based service where haulage contractors can administer, monitor and follow up on their vehicle fleets. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Scania?s existing web service should be extended into the mobile area, and if so, what organizational and technical challenges app development imposes.

H?RNERVMOSSANS P?VERKAN P? LJUNGHEDENS ARTM?NGFALD: En f?ltstudie fr?n Sandsj?backas naturreservat

Campylopus introflexus is a moss species that originates from the southern hemisphere and has spread worldwide during the 20th century. Today it is classified as an invasive alien species in many countries, and it has been seen during inventories that it has become widespread in Sweden as well. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to new knowledge about how this moss affects species diversity on Calluna heathlands in Sweden. The study includes both fieldwork and an analysis of scientific literature on the subject, and the question that is answered is if C. introflexus has an impact on species richness in the heather peat.

Ragnar Edenmans kulturpolitiska problematisering: styrning av estetisk bildning och estetisk miljö i statlig socialdemokratisk kulturpolitik 1957-67

This master?s thesis analyzes how cultural policy was problematized in three governmental policy areas; culturalpolicy for the free sector, education policy and popular education policy, during the social democrat Ragnar Edenman?s time (1957-67) as minister of ecclesiasticalaffairs. Earlier research has examined the policy for the free sector, concerning artist?s economic problems. This thesisadds an analysis of the other fields of policy, which were reformed in the 1960?s by the same ministry.

Kvinnor i litteraturhistorien : en undersökning av hur kvinnors skrivande och deras litterära verk beskrivs och värderas i litterära översiktsverk för gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine outlines of literary history for students at upper secondary school from a gender studies perspective. Earlier theoretical work concerning outlines of literary history is sparse. There are three dissertations, but none with an explicit gender perspective. The theoretical approach comes mainly from theories in literary historiography and gender research. Also discussed are the following concepts: canon, literary field and literary valuation.

Inventering av Hårsbäcksdalen och Örsundaåns övre dalgång ur ett geodiversitetsperspektiv

The area around the stream Orsundaan, which runs trough the valley Harsbacksdalen, is famous for its beautiful landscape. The upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen is situated just south of Heby in Uppland, Sweden. Even though the area is protected by different nature conservation acts, it is difficult to find any information about the geodiversity in the area. Geodiversity, or geological and geomorphological diversity, includes the concepts of geoprocesses and geoelements. Very high geodiversity could be seen at an inventory of the geomorphology in the upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen.

Distribution of wild boar (Sus scrofa) damage and harvest loss in crop fields

The last decades the populations of wild boar (Sus scrofa) has increased rapidly over the species? entire European range, including Sweden. This is followed by increasing human-wildlife conflicts as a result of the wild boar foraging behavior, causing damage to agricultural crop fields due to trampling and feeding. To be able to minimize damage we need more knowledge of where in the fields the risk of damage is high and what features in the landscape that affect this risk. I analyzed damage distribution in relation to the distance to six different landscape features; forest, road, ditch, building, game field and bait station, in the study area, the Island Mörkö in eastern central Sweden.

Skördemetoder av industrihampa :

Hemp is an old agricultural plant and has been used for hundreds of years for making textiles, ropes and other fibre products. In the middle of the last century the Swedish government prohibited all growing of hemp. Natural fibres were replaced by syntetic fibres instead. Today there is a newly awakened interest for using natural fibres from renewable materials. Growing of industrial hemp for fiber is allowed in Sweden again. I want in my Paper give Swedish growers an insight of which harvesting methods that have been tried in Sweden and how they worked.

Kulturellt relevant socialt arbete? : En fältstudie i en SOS-barnby, Swaziland

The purpose of this study was to examine how SOS Children's Villages as an organization in Swaziland is affected by, and takes into account, the cultural, organizational and societal context in which it acts. Material was gathered through a field study during one month in one of the three SOS Children's Villages in Swaziland. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on the result from 12 semi-structured interviews with village mothers and other representatives from the organization. The other representatives were: social worker, program director, child and youth development coordinator, board member and educational manager. Since this study is both characterized by a specific historical, cultural and organizational context, we decided to connect the postcolonial perspective with an organization theory with focus on the concepts of culture, power and a children?s right perspective.

Work-life balance : Motivation som personlighet kan predicera upplevelsen av hur arbetslivet påverkar privatlivet.

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vad som motiverar de som volontärarbetar inom fritid och hälsa samt att se om motivationerna skiljer sig beroende på tid som volontär. En webbenkät med frågor tagna från Volunteer functions inventory (VFI) och Basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) skickades ut till 220 volontärarbetare för att få svar på frågorna: Vilka motivationsfaktorer är bäst uppfyllda hos volontärarbetarna och förändras dessa över tid? Resultatet visade enligt VFI att Värderingar, det osjälviska hos människan, Förståelse, viljan att söka nya kunskaper, och Förstärkning, egenutveckling, har högst värden hos volontärerna. Vad gäller BNS så visade resultatet att Kompetens, förståelse för och delaktighet i sin omgivning, var bäst uppfyllt följt av Samhörighet, upplevelsen att tillhöra en viss social miljö. Enligt VFI har tiden som volontärarbetare inget samband med motivationsfaktorerna medan BNS visade att alla faktorer minskade men motivationsfaktorn Samhörighet sjönk mest.

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