

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 34 av 199

Gröna värden i Lidingö och Lomma : inventering av upplevelsekvaliteter i grönområden som metodi kommunal planering

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) ecology to enhance the ability to predict and also to prevent the crop damage they cause. The largest proportion of damage in Sweden has been reported at stopover sites during spring migration in February, March and April. Therefore, this study focused on an important stopover site, Lake Tysslingen, situated in south-central Sweden. Specifically, the relation between the duration and period migrating swans stage at the stopover site and mean temperature (measured at three different weather stations) for the years 2001-2010 was studied. Furthermore, the swans´ selection for certain fields in relation to field type, distance to roosting site, a supplemental feeding site and forest edge within agricultural land surrounding the lake was analyzed.

Att förebygga och undvika fuktskador i byggnader

Efforts to achieve a moisture proof construction process have proved to be considerably complicated, despite the knowledge and awareness that now exists within the moisture field. Materials, documents, templates and checklists are designed to be accessed but are not used anyway. This may be because such effort has not been prioritized and properly requirements have not existed from the commissioner of a building.This report illustrates how the commissioner of a building project can achieve a moisture proof building process by increasing knowledge, moisture proof planning, and implementation of security moisture routines. Proposals are given on how the commissioner of a building project can work to consistently bring a moisture proof building process in all stages. The difficulty with regular moisture proof efforts, the authors believe is mainly due to the following points:      Many different design solutions.      Lack of experience feedback.      Lack of communication.      Financial incentives.      Attitudes.The interviews in the report have conducted with the help of a qualitative analysis, while the survey has been done using a quantitative analytical method.

I integrationspolitikens utkant : Invandrarorganisationers deltagande i det svenska Equalprogrammet

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the participation of immigrant organizations to the partnerships in the Equal program in Sweden. The focus of the study was on the significance of the participation for the organizations and its impact on them. The point of view of the participant organizations has been object of study through interviews with the persons who, on behalf of the organizations, have been in charge for the work with Equal. Interviews have been conducted with people representing 10 of the 21 immigrant organizations that have been identified among the Swedish Equal partners. Many organizations have experienced that the participation has strengthen the awareness of target groups about their needs and their possibilities.

Lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan : minimering av lagerförings- och ordersärkostnader

SammanfattningSyfte - Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur lager kan styras när varierad efterfrågan förekommer. För att uppnå syftet är målet med studien att sammanställa processer som underlättar för lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan. Detta möjliggörs genom att besvara följande frågeställningar:1. Vilka metoder för säkerhetslagerberäkning och lagerstyrning är lämpliga när hänsyn bör tas till varierad efterfrågan?2.

Entreprenöriella team : Varför startas företag i team?

Contemporary society focuses heavily on the individual and this is also characterized by an individual thinking that many people contribute to. This is furthermore shared in the field of entrepreneur research studies where a profound deal of time has been focused on the personal qualities of specific entrepreneurs. However, in modern settings today many corporations originate in a team-based structure, which therefore leads towards a different approach rather than examining exclusively on individuality. Previous research shows that entrepreneurial teams are establishing and growing at a steady pace, yet studies within this field has not developed in an extensive fashion. Entrepreneurial teams can be defined as a group of people who share a common goal, usually consisting of two or more individuals who commenced a foundation from the early stages of that specific firm and who originated an initial idea.

Karaktärisering av Gremmeniella-skadade bestånd inom Holmen Skog AB :

Since the end of the eighteenth century forest damage caused by the pathogen Gremmeniella abietina has been observed and documented. During the latest epidemic in Sweden more than 480 000 hectares forest land have been injured and this has lead to considerable economic losses. For the pathogen to succeed with infection, spore dispersal and colonization the right environmental conditions is required. The aim of this paper is to describe the diseased stands using site and stand characteristics and to evaluate the effect of these variables on the disease incidence. Further, the thinning performed during the time for spore dispersal and its relationship to injured stands is examined.

Vendor Managed Inventory - vad får det för effekter : En jämförelsestudie mellan teorins beskrivna effekter och upplevda effekter inom tillverkningsindustrin

Bakgrund: Den logistiska kedjan från producent till konsument blir alltmer komplex på grund av att ett ständigt ökande antal artiklar tillverkas utifrån kundens behov och önskemål. För att kunna tillgodose dessa behov och önskemål har företag historiskt sett haft stora lager. VMI tar problemet med att hantera och utveckla effektiva lager till en ny nivå. Att arbeta med VMI innebär stora fördelar för många olika företag när det gäller informationsspridning, partnerskap och lagerföring. Trots de omfattande fördelar som beskrivs i de flesta teorier om VMI finns det en del framförd kritik.

Effekter av predationsrisk på sånglärkors (Alauda arvensis) habitatval på åkermark

Along with other European farmland birds, the skylark (Alauda arvensis) has declined rapidly since the 1970?s. Between 1975 and 2003, the Swedish population of skylarks declined with 64 %. In Britain, the decline is often explained by alterations in farming practices in general and the shift from spring-sown to winter-sown cereals in particular. The dense vegetation structure of winter cereals is limiting the number of breeding attempts possible, causing the entire population to decline.

Komplementära produktegenskaper i merförsäljningsförsök

The modern beauty market is concentrated with intense competition where cosmetic brands fight to stay on top. A popular method in order to gain sales and increase margins is to influence existing customers to buy more with the use of suggestive selling. The purpose of this paper, was to further examine the different effects of suggestive selling with the use of complementary versus non- complementary goods in the form of customer satisfaction, customer view of the service encounter, as well as success in sales. In addition, the influence of the customer's purchase amount on the tendency to buy an extra product in a suggestive selling situation was examined. The study was conducted through the use of a field experiment with the support of surveys in 'The Body Shop'.

Kan Urban Computing influera Sport-IT? : En studie om nästa generations coachingverktyg

The Swedish government?s objective regarding information technology is to be world-leading in using the possibilities that digitization provides. In some aspects this has already been done, but in some areas much is yet to be accomplished. Although sports and recreational fitness activities are amongst the fastest growing areas of personal and consumer-oriented cloud computing-based technologies around the globe, there are areas within the genre that?s not evolving as quickly.

Att mäta publicering av artiklar: En tillämpning av bibliometri på evidensbasering inom socialt arbete

This thesis examines the scientific publishing in the subject area of evidence based practice EBP in social work. Issues are: How has this publishing evolved, separately and compared to the publishing about evaluation in social work? What authors/countries have produced the largest numbers of articles? What journals have published the largest numbers of articles? Which are the most frequent co-occurrences of a selection of terms? 161 records for articles from 50 different journals were selected from Social Services Abstracts using subject of journal and a query as criteria. For each year, the number of articles about evaluation in social work was larger than about EBP. A decline in the publishing about evaluation coincide with a growth in EBP after the year 2000.

Trädens utveckling efter att de har lämnats som naturhänsyn : tillväxt, mortalitet och strukturell förändring 6-18 år efter avverkning

Today green tree retention, together with leaving dead wood, is a common practice with the aim to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity and environment due to clear-felling. To better understand whether this conservation practice also makes a long-term difference, it is important to know what happens to these trees after harvest. Few studies have made an assessment of what happens to retention trees over a longer time period. In this study I inventoried retention trees that were left at clear-cuts six, twelve and eighteen years ago. I carried out a re-inventory of 57 retention patches (divided into free-standing tree groups, small swamp forests and edge zones) and free standing dead trees, spread over 25 previous clear-cuts in central Sweden.

Tre Högars park - från idéer och önskemål till gestaltningsförslag ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv :

There are plenty of exciting changes being developed in Tre Högar´s Park, which is located in the district of Linero, eastern Lund. A project group representing Linero If, Lugi Tennis and Linero/Östra Torn Health centre, has been created and is responsible for managing a development project of the Park. Their main focus is to create sports, exercise, health-promotion, health-care, recreation and rehabilitation facilities. They view the park area as having great potential and will transform it into a purpose built park for Health and Exercise. There are various authorities involved with and engaged in the scheme; aside from the project group, the municipality of Lund, The sport association of the handicapped and local schools are being consulted.

Vilken är den teoretiskt optimala toppdiametern på bokmassaved vid motormanuell avverkning?

The bioenergy market has been introduced relatively late in a perspective of the Swedish forestry. Nowadays branches and tops are used more frequently as bioenergy after harvesting. Therefore, it has developed a competitive situation between pulpwood and bioenergy. This situation has even established some questions. Two examples of these are: ? At what top diameter should the final piece of pulpwood be crosscut to get the best economically result? ? Should the top diameter, at the final piece of pulpwood, be crosscut at a thicker or smaller diameter than what is done today? The purpose of this report is to answer these two questions when the harvesting is made motor manually in beech stands.

På Facebook vet ingen att jag har dålig självkänsla : En undersökning om extraversion/introversion och självkänsla i relation till känslomässigt engagemang i Facebook.

Facebook är ett socialt nätverk som gör det möjligt för medlemmar att presentera sigsjälva genom en profil som andra kan ta del av. Syftet med undersökningen var attstudera dels huruvida introverta personer är mer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebookän extraverta personer, dels huruvida personer med lägre självkänsla än genomsnittet ärmer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebook och dels huruvida introverta personer medlåg självkänsla är mer känslomässigt engagerade i Facebook än andra personer.Undersökningen omfattade 117 respondenter från utbildningar tillhörande densamhällsvetenskapliga institutionen. Undersökningen baserades på Facebook intensityscale, på NEO Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) och på Rosenbergs (1965) self-esteemscale. Resultat visade att extraverta personer med låg självkänsla är mer känslomässigtengagerade i Facebook..

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