

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 16 av 199

Pressning och hantering av halm som energiråvara

I?ve tried to find the most effective and cost effective way to harvest straw for energy recovery.You can choose between round bales and big square bales. Square bales are the cheapest way to produce straw for fuel recovery because you can optimize the length of the bales so they fit the transportation equipment.In the Malmö area the average days of harvesting hay is 55. The effectively of transportation depends mostly of the speed, the distance and density of the bales. To increase the capacity of bale transportation larger loads and higher density of the bales is necessary.

Damaged Goods : Med fokus på emotionell kommunikation

How can the object based art help us, as viewers and as makers, to access a supplanted emotional state?One way of positioning yourself within the corpus-field is to step outside the traditional borders of the field and aim for other values within the objects, such as a visible working process, a storytelling or an emotional relationship to the object.  It is a way of taking a step from the traditional silversmithing towards some kind of free undefined corpus-art.  To reach for suppressed feelings is one way to find an importance within the artistic work, to give it a purpose.By investigating the concept of the sublime and the surrealist movement I try to find examples on how you, both as a viewer and as a maker, can put yourself in an emotional/intuitive state.  Through interviews with Jewellery and corpus artists I get a maker?s perspective which I compare with my own reactions to their work.Works of art can be used as a catalyst to reach, and maybe also to process, unattended feelings. This creates a strong emotional connection to the work.  As a maker you can, for example, do this by working with it as a theme, or by using an intuitive working method.

Säkerhet till varje pris : En jämförande studie om utvecklingen av privat säkerhet från Kuwaitkriget till Irakkriget

The purpose of this essay is to examine the development of the use of private securitycontractors in Iraq. The reason is that there has been a considerable increase of the number ofprivate security firms operating in Iraq during the last couple of years. The legislation in thefield of private military and security is indistinct and my hypothesis is that the lack of nationaland/or international legislation can be connected to the increased globalization. To come toany conclusions about this I have chosen to make a comparative study between the two casesthe Gulf War and the War in Iraq which started in 2003. In this comparison, I ask thefollowing questions: 1) Are there any signs of anarchy in the field of private security duringthe Gulf War respectively the last War in Iraq? 2) In what way has the use of private securitycontractors changed from Case 1 to Case 2 ?According to my research, there were signs of anarchy in the field of private security bothduring the Gulf War and during the latest war in Iraq.

Kvotering i Polishögskolan : En rättslig studie rörande tillåtelse att kvotera vid antagning till högskola och huruvida kvotering förekommer i polisutbildningen

The purpose of this essay is primarily to investigate the possibility of and the rules concerning using quotas in the field of admission to university. Secondly, an investigation of whether the Swedish Police Academy has been conducting this method during the years of 2009 and 2010 is made. They are currently accused of having discriminated applicants due to their gender and ethnicity. In order to examine the legal arena as far as possible the laws of discrimination, both including the legislations and regulations assumed by the EU as well as the Swedish laws in this field, will be studied. The laws of discrimination will be put in relation to the legal possibilities of making exceptions from the principle of equal treatment.

Minoritetspolitik för vem?

Different reports imply that the Roma are an excluded group in numerous areas of both Sweden and Europe. Efforts have been done through the centuries without given intentional results. The past 12 years as a Swedish national minority have not diminished the gap between the Roma and the majority society. How does Sweden create and operate its minority policy especially towards the Roma? We have studied international and national minority policy to see how it is described and implemented in the municipality work.

Effektiv tillsyn av pågående verksamheter i Piteå kommun med MIFO fas 1 som verktyg : Underlag för strategival

The purpose of the study was to investigate how inventories of suspected polluted areas as a part of the planned control of existing companies cab be designed in order to achieve as great effect as possible. The study was conducted in cooperation with Piteå municipality. An analysis of regional inventory projects, local municipal strategies and a pilot study in Piteå was conducted. The experience from both the regional projects and the pilot study was that in order to achieve an effective control a number of factors were inportant: an efficient selection of companies, a good dialogue between the controlling agency and the companies, sufficient resources, education of municipal inspectors and guidance for decisionmaking. Another inportant result was that the municipal planning can prevent an efficient inventory if the control of city development projects is allowed to take time from the planned control.

Med sinne för detaljer : En domänanalytisk studie av ämnet Textilvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet med fokus på föremålsdokumentation

The aim of this two year master thesis is to study the knowledge production within the field of Textile Studies at Uppsala University, with special focus on the use of artifact documentation as a research method. With domain analysis as a theoretical framework, ontological and epistemological assumptions as well as historical and social aspects are studied in relation to the research process. Qualitative research methods are used, including interviews, observations and text analysis. In the analysis of the knowledge processes in the field, perspectives on tacit knowledge and the concept of documents, are used as a theoretical basis. In the field of Textile Studies, the artifacts are used as one of the main objects of study, along with archival and pictorial sources. The main epistemological assumptions are that artifact analysis is dependent on a knowledge base, where technical handicraft skills, contextual knowledge and practical experience of object observation are the most important qualifications.

Utvärdering av Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) som hjälpprocessor för prestandaökning

Det här arbetet är en utvärdering om huruvida det finns problem som kan få en prestandavinst då man använder en Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) som hjälpprocessor till en mikroprocessor i jämförelse men att enbart använda en mikro-processor. För att avgöra detta implementerades algoritmen gaussfiltrering dels på en mikroprocessor med språket C och dels för en FPGA med hårdvarubeskrivningsspråket Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL). Simuleringar gjordes för dessa två implementationer och resultatet visade att det var möjligt att få en prestandaökning på 25 gånger för denna speciella algoritm..

Naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkningar : En jämförelse mellan certifierade och o-certifierade hyggen

A growing number of Swedish forest owners are choosing to certify their forestry. However, there appears to be a lack of field surveys which describe differences between certified and non-certified forests concerning the degree of completed environmental considerations. In order to know to what extent certified forests contribute towards improved environmental consideration, we need studies on how large the difference is in relation to non-certified forests.Differences between certified and non-certified forest clearings were quantified through an inventory of the number of retention trees, dead trees and snags. The result showed that the retained number of the investigated parameters varied greatly between individual clearings, regardless of certification status. However, the results suggested that the certified clearings had an average higher incidence ofthe investigated parameters.

Slöserijakt i betongdjungeln : En tidseffektivisering av monteringsprocessen inom stål- och betongprefab

The different aspects of each individual construction project such as the general conditions, design and economic restrictions as well as many more factors mean it is difficult to standardize building processes or plan in detail based on past experiences. As a result operational efficiency is often reduced, and unnecessary waste is generated. To make an organization more efficient and therefore reduce waste production everybody involved needs to appreciate and understand the improvements that can increase the organization?s efficiency. To investigate these improvements a time study was performed on two different construction sites, both of which involved buildings being constructed of prefabricated steel and concrete elements.

Utredning av energieffektiviseringspotential i ett flerbostadshus : Avseende på injustering av värmedistributionssystemet och installation av värmepump

The different aspects of each individual construction project such as the general conditions, design and economic restrictions as well as many more factors mean it is difficult to standardize building processes or plan in detail based on past experiences. As a result operational efficiency is often reduced, and unnecessary waste is generated. To make an organization more efficient and therefore reduce waste production everybody involved needs to appreciate and understand the improvements that can increase the organization?s efficiency. To investigate these improvements a time study was performed on two different construction sites, both of which involved buildings being constructed of prefabricated steel and concrete elements.

Motivation. En studie av motivationsfaktorer tillämpade på volontärer

Titel: Motivation. En studie av motivationsfaktorer tillämpade på volontärer Författare:Ronny Adolfson, Patrik Gran och Axel Lindblom Handledare: Christer Eldh och Ola Thufvesson Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsat's är att undersöka vilka faktorer som motiverar volontärer och om dessa kan förklara's med klassisk motivationsteori. Vi vill få ökad kunskap om vilka drivkrafter det är som motiverar volontärer att prestera utan att få någon nämnvärd ersättning. Frågeställningar: Är klassisk motivationsteori tillämpbar på volontärer?Vad karaktäriserar volontären's motivationsfaktorer? Metod: Vi har använt os's av en kvalitativ metod och där foku's har lagt's på intervjuer och artiklar.

Ett tydligare System C2 : Användargränssnittsutveckling med stöd av användarcentrerade metoder

User friendly and usable are two words that are often mentioned in the context of marketing new products. By doing so it adds an extra sense of quality to the product. The meaning of these words is therefore something that every product wants. But what is it that makes a product usable and user friendly? What methodology exists formaking sure that a product is usable? Does it exist applicable processes to ensure user centered development? These questions together with a practical example are parts of what will be addressed in this report.The thesis was carried out for C2 Management, a company that works with supporting other companies in their work with quality and constant improvements.

Kostnadsnyttoanalys över införandet av passiv RFID inom Försvarsmaktens beklädnadsförsörjning

The Armed Forces is looking to improve control of where articles are and the monitoring of their condition within its clothing supply. That is why Försvarets Materielverk is working on a motion to tag the Armed Forces clothing with passive RFID-tags. A cost/benefit analysis has been made in this report in order to find out whether the investment is economical justifiable and what costs and benefits arose. The analysis tool that was used is based on the PENG-model. The analysis had three scenarios with the difference that each scenario included various amounts of clothing to tag.  There has also been made an analysis where only the benefits regarding decreasing amount of lost clothes and simplified inventory were included.The result of the first analysis was that none of the scenarios was profitable during the first year.

Lagerhantering i framtiden på Aero Materiel AB

In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on streamlining the supply chain. Keeping inventory and warehouses is considered to be a waste of resources. It is however difficult to completely eliminate the need for inventory and warehouses in a supply chain. The purpose of warehousing is to provide a service for the customer. By keeping what the customer demands in inventory it is possible to make a quick delivery when a need arises.

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