

272 Uppsatser om Fiber recycling - Sida 6 av 19

Drankgivans och vallfoderkvaliténs effekt på konsumtion och produktion hos mjölkkor :

The coproduct, dried distillers grains + solubles (DDGS) from ethanol production based on wheat contains much rumen degradable protein and fiber with low digestibility. To compliment this quality in an effective way a grass silage low in protein and much digestible fiber is needed. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of adjusting the crude-protein concentration and fiber quality of the silage when feeding DDGS and of varying the inclusion level of DDGS, when feeding the adjusted grass silage, on intake, milk yield and composition, faecal traits and feed efficiency. Four different total mixed rations were compared. The normal grass-clover silage had a crude protein content of 17,8 % and an NDF content of 46,2 % of dry matter. The adapted grass silage had a crude protein content of 14,6 % and an NDF content of 52,9 % of dry matter. The diets were formulated to have similar nutritional content except for A + 4 which had a higher content of rumen degradable crude protein and a lower concentration of NDF.

Broilerkyckling : Fiberrikt foder effektiviserar kycklingproduktionen

Människan har tämjt och fött upp fåglar i 4000 år för att kunna äta deras kött. Idag förtärs broilerkyckling i hela världen och den har blivit ett lättillgängligt livsmedel. Konsumtionen av kyckling ökar och broilerkycklingens kött blir ett allt mer populärare matval. Forskare och producenter försöker upprätthålla den uppåtgående trenden och har därigenom utvecklat fodret, till exempel fiberrikt foder, för att kunna öka produktionen.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om fiberrikt foder för broilerkyckling kan effektivisera dess tillväxt och därmed öka produktionen så att efterfrågan kan tillgodoses.För att undersöka hur fiberrikt foder påverkar broilerkycklingens tillväxt har en litteraturstudie gjorts. Denna studie visar att det har pågått forskning inom detta ämne sedan 1950-talet.

Användande av diffusionsspärr vid tilläggsisolering av äldre byggnader med trästomme

In the current situation a big part ofthe settlements that exist in Sweden isin need of renovation and energyefficiency in order to survive.Therefore, also many of the older houseswith a wooden structure are in a need ofenergy efficiency, which can be done ina variety of ways, including addinginsulation.This project deals with whether the useof a diffusion barrier or a vaporbarrier affects a wall structure byadding insulation to an older house witha timber frame. The insulation materialswhich are concidered in thisinvestigation are mineral wool and woodfiber insulation. Efforts are focused onthe effects of moisture on theseinsulation materials.To demonstrate the differences thatarise the moisture measurement programWUFI have been used to simulate avariety of wall designs. These designsare developed in consultation with theconstruction carers who are active inthe industry.Using WUFI graphs illustrating themoisture levels of the wall structureswere obtained and from these conclusionsvould be drawn. The work demonstratesthe differences that arise when using adiffusion barrier or vapor barrier inwall construction.

Källsortering och återvinning : upplevda problem, orsaker och tänkbara lösningar

We are soldiers, not policemen.Denna uppsats rör det vakuum som ofta uppstår när en regim faller samman på grund av krig, och dess ordningsmakt upplöses, eller av annat skäl inte förmår upprätta ordningen. Ofta inträffar plundring och upplopp i det ?polisiära? tomrum som inträffar från det att den tidigare regimens ordningsmakt drar sig undan, till dess att en ny poliskår träder in och bör-jar återupprätta lag och ordning. Av olika skäl frånsäger sig den intervenerande makten inte sällan arbetsuppgifter av mer ?polisiär? natur, alltifrån att bevaka samhällsviktiga byggnader till att dirigera trafik.I stor utsträckning följde kriget i Irak våren 2003 detta mönster från tidigare konflikter; ordningsmakten drog sig undan, plundring utbröt och koalitionen, bestående främst av USA och Storbritannien, nekade inledningsvis till att det var deras uppgift att ingripa mot laglösheten.

Rening av avloppsvatten efter skärprocess

ABB I-R Waterjet Systems combines the robotics and motion expertise of ABB Flexible Automation with high-pressure intensifier/pumping technology from Ingersoll-Rand to provide and continue to develop innovative waterjet cutting systems for global markets. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a process water purifier. The purifier should be applicable as an option to ABB I-R?s production cell Cutting-Box. At first hand the process water should be purified well enough to let out in the municipal sewage system, but the ultimate solution is purifying the process water to the range that recycling is possible.

Effektivisering av destruktionsprocess : En förstudie om hur Fresenius Kabi kan effektivisera befintlig destruktionsprocess

This thesis is a feasibility study into how Fresenius Kabi may rationalize their destruction process in regards to cost, recycling, and work environment. The two main objectives are to identify scrap flows and the possibility to improve or replace the equipment that is now carrying out the physical scrapping. The flow has been visualized by a flow chart of the material and communication. A chart of the problem established to visualize where improvements are necessary. Based on the problems proposals are presented on how to improve the flow thru the plant.During analyze of the physical scrapping equipment it was also necessary to take a deeper look at how they are carrying out there work today, how does the procedure look like, working environment and where are the weaknesses.

Rening av avloppsvatten efter skärprocess

ABB I-R Waterjet Systems combines the robotics and motion expertise of ABB Flexible Automation with high-pressure intensifier/pumping technology from Ingersoll-Rand to provide and continue to develop innovative waterjet cutting systems for global markets. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a process water purifier. The purifier should be applicable as an option to ABB I-R?s production cell Cutting-Box. At first hand the process water should be purified well enough to let out in the municipal sewage system, but the ultimate solution is purifying the process water to the range that recycling is possible. When investigating the different principle of purifying water, a research of different products and their manufactories was done. These different products were compared and the principle of filtration was the most applicable, as most of the products were designed for far larger applications. As the process water contains quite large amount of particles, it is necessary to perform the filtration in different steps. The process water purifier is therefore composed of a module of coarse filtration and one of micro filtration. In the module of coarse filtration the mainly amount of fibres and particles are eliminated. They are kept back in the container unit with the larger fragments and dumped with these when the container is emptied. In the module of micro filtration the filtration is performed in two steps. In the first step particles larger than 50?m are eliminated, in the second step the micro filter is setting the range of purifying, in this case 10?m.

Akustisk mätning av U-värde

This pre-study investigates the possibility of U-value measurements through an acoustic method. A hypothesis about an acoustic model built on acoustic theories combined with U-value theories is presented to answer the questions: ? Can U-value theory be combined with acoustic theories? ? Can the coefficient of heat be affirmed trough an acoustic measurement? The idea for this dissertation begun with a logical idea in mathematical similarity, between the coefficient of heat transmission units and sound intensity units. The U-value theory is based on assumptions such as initial resistance for inner walls and initial resistance for outer walls. The resistance in the material is interpreted through sound intensity theory. The argument is built upon mass law theory, which means if the frequency or thickness of the material layer doubles it implies an increase of sound reduction by 6 dB.

Tjänsteutbud i stadsnät : Vilka faktorer påverkar utbudet?

Under IT-boomen i början av 2000-talet släpptes regeringens IT-proposition som bland annat behandlade svenska folkets tillgång till bredband med hög överföringskapacitet. Kommunerna fick i uppdrag att bygga en infrastruktur för bredband baserad på fiber genom så kallade stadsnät. Förhållningen från staten var att näten skulle byggas enligt en öppen modell som skulle stimulera fri konkurrens och operatörsneutralitet. Detta skulle i slutändan resultera i ökad valfrihet för kunden och ett ökat tjänsteutbud.I denna magisteruppsats har vi undersökt hur affärsmodellen som stadsnät ar-betar efter inverkar på tjänsteutbudet. Vi har även identifierat andra faktorer som påverkar tjänsteutvecklingen.

Undersökningsplikt kontra upplysningsplikt vid fastighetsköp

Title: Multi channel publishing: a qualitative study on how Norrköpings Tidningen publishes news in multiple channelsAuthor: Roland AlbinssonThesis supervisor: Per-Anders ForstorpBackground: In this day and age, the media is omnipresent and a part of our daily life. The phenomenon of media convergence can be traced back to the birth of the internet, and today all of the major newspapers have a website of their own. As a result of multichannel publishing, consumers have a wide range of tv channels to choose from, but there is still uncertainty as to whether more channels automatically equates to more and better news. There is no doubt about the fact that multi channel publishing is a necessary survival skill for media conglomerates today, but effects such as news recycling and the concentration of ownership are in conflict with the consumers? availability demands.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, by means of a case study, describe how NT?s multi channel publishing is an expression of media convergence, as well as to study how the news are affected by multi channel publishing.Research procedure: This study is based on three different research methods, observations, text analyses and qualitative interviews.

Fiberoptisk nätplanering

Denna studierapport handlar om hur man kan gå tillväga för att bygga upp ett fiberoptiskt bredbandsnät i stadsdelen Ersliden utanför Umeå. Arbetet har styrts efter en kravspecifikationför vad nätet ska klara av.Rapporten innehåller två delsystem. Det ena tar upp det fasta nätets uppbyggnad och det andra tar upp vilken trådlös accesspunkt nätet ska ha.I studien tas det upp vilken typ av fiber nätet ska använda sig av, hur noder och kanalisationska planeras och vilken typ av hårdvara som passar nätets kravspecifikation..

Humanurin till åkermark och grönytor : avsättning och organisation i Göteborgsområdet

This study investigates how nutrients from source-separated human urine from Gothenburg properties can be used as fertiliser in agriculture or for parks or sports fields. The initiator is the Department of Sustainable Water and Waste Management at the City of Gothenburg. Today urine-diverting systems are installed in two apartment buildings and two public-use buildings. Urine recycling is expected to lead to less exploitation of natural resources and less eutrophicating discharges into water recipients. In the study the urine?s market potential is investigated, for which practical handling issues, business aspects and acceptance of customers, employees and visitors have proved to be important.

Metanpotential för alger och bioslam blandat med pappersfiber

In this thesis the methane gas potential of three different substrates, two algaes Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata and biosludge mixed with paper fiber was studied. This was done by batch experiments in a laboratory environment to examine the gas production and composition of the produced gas.Biogas production is a complex anaerobic digestion process in which various microorganisms decompose the substrate in steps and at the end produce biogas and a residue. Many factors affect the production of gas, for example the substrate content, temperature and pH in the digester.The analysis of methane potential were divided into two experiments. In experiment 1 substrates were digested along with inoculum from Växjö waste water treatment plant in a temperature of about 37 ?C.

Från spill till produkt

Detta arbete har sin utgångspunkt i ökad återvinning och minskning av sopberg. Ett exempel som vi har använt oss av i vår forskning är ett samarbete mellan Röda Korset och Kriminalvården. Varje år slängs 25 % av de textilier som välgörenhetsorganisationer får in och dessa sopberg skulle man kunna minska genom ökad återvinning. Kriminalvården har registrerat ett varumärke som heter Made in Jail, vilka tillverkar köksrelaterade produkter. Syftet med det här arbetet blev därför att utveckla idéer till hantverksprodukter som slukar mycket spill.Valet av metod blev kvalitativa intervjuer, som utfördes med tre personer med olika kopplingar till arbetet.


AbstractDegree thesis Solid content in Lime Mud By Andre Flodin Process operator program ? Umeå University 17/6 ? 2014 Pages: 21A thesis was made on Billerudkorsnäs production unit in Karlsborg where lime kiln in the causticising department of chemical recovery plant does not meet the required production. Causticising department is the final step in the chemical recycling unit. There, the filtered green liquor is mixed with lime to recover the cooking chemicals used in the pulp factory. The cooking liquid is called white liquor.

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