

734 Uppsatser om Feminist sexual poiltics - Sida 2 av 49

Kärlek eller plågeri? Konstruering av diskurser kring tidelagskriminalisering

This study is a discourse analyse of texts concerning the criminalizing of bestiality andonthological questions around it. This essay has been written as an qualitative analyse of three media texts: Swedish and Danish animal protection laws, interpellation of criminalizing bestiality in Swedish Parliament as well as the discussion forum, "Nordisk Zoofil Forum".The study indicates that bestiality can be understood as inacceptable through discourses about normality, naturalness, moral, sexual pleasure or discourses which comprehend sexual abnormalities as a consequence of each other. On the other side bestiality can be understood as unaccebtable through discourses about sexual needs, sexual identities, love or sexual pleasure. Also the idea about one practising bestiality seems to be gendered as a male person..

En litteraturöversikt : Att beskriva vad som påverkar kvinnors sexualitet efter behandling för äggstockscancer

Background: Ovarian cancer affects many women worldwide. Tumors that grow in the genitalia and pelvis have because of its placement a large threat to the sexual ability. Treatment for ovarian cancer may lead to the sexual possibilities inhibited. Sexual health is a state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being related to sexuality. Sexual health can be experienced in spite of disease, dysfunction or infirmity.

Sexuell Hälsa i Nationella Kvalitetsregister

The aim of the thesis was to identify whether, and if so how, aspects of sexual health (reproductive health and cohabitation) are compiled in the National Quality Register and identify reasons for this. A quantitative method has been applied to go through the registers annual reports. In the first part of the thesis, the registers annual reports was mapped with the help of a checklist designed through World Health Organizations (WHO) definition of sexual health. In the second part, a questionnaire was sent to those responsible for each register to find reasons to why and how sexual health is included in the National Quality Registers. The result shows that sexual health is not usually included in the register data, although the survey showed that most registers brought up aspects that could affect the current target group's sexual health.

"Att äta elefanten i småbitar" - Om den svenska regeringens feminism

After the last election Sweden has got a government that claims to be feminist. This thesis discusses whether the change of labels has also brought along policy formulated in a feminist way, arguing that the way policy is expressed affects how people see a certain problem. Three policy proposals are analysed, and in only one case the government seems to have been influenced by feminist ideas. The other proposals partly support claims made by new institutionalism that norms and routines in an organisation work to resist policy change, but also shows that feminist ideas are resisted more actively. The fact that so called policy entrepreneurs was present in the policy process at a certain period in time, probably counts for one explanation to the exceptional policy.

Sexuell perversion eller moralisk progresion? : En idéhistorisk studie i hur 1960-talets sexualpolitiska debatt manifesterade de sexuella avvikarnas beskaffenheter, och hur dessa perspektiv sedan avspeglade sig i SOU 1976:9.

The main purpose with this essay is to evaluate how the characters of the sexually deviated was discussed during the sexual political debate in the 1960s, and if those apprehensions were reflected in SOU 1976:9 concerning sexual abuse. Furthermore, my prime intention will be to compare the reconstructed historical context, alias the sexual political debate, with the analyzed document, with the purpose to explicate why the anticipated political action weren?t sanctioned and implemented by the parliament. The analysis is carried out through a methodology that retrieves its primal premises from Quentin Skinners theories regarding the history of ideas. My most essential conclusions would be that there in fact existed an equivalence regarding the ideological framework between the radical axioms that was conceived during the sexual political debate and the stipulations that was formulated in the document.

Obligatorisk Sexualitet och Asexuell Existens : Patologiserad olust, (a)sexuella (icke)subjekt och frånvaro av begär som (o)möjliggjord position.

Mot bakgrund av att asexualitet på senare år formulerats som en möjlig sexuell identitet, orientering eller preferens är syftet med uppsatsen att teoretisera den asexuella positionen ? här definierat som ?frånvaro av lust till sexuell praktik?. Detta görs genom en nära läsning av fyra texter som varit centrala inom feministisk och queer teoribildning, med intentionen att undersöka hur asexualitet positioneras i relation till dessa teorier. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtas från feministiska och konstruktivistiska teorier om kön, sexualitet, makt och subjektstatus, främst Michel Foucault (1976)och Judith Butler (1990). Mina läsningar visar att i Gayle Rubins sexuella värdehierarki (1984) tilldelas positioner utifrån sexuellt aktörskap, och det är således sexuella subjekt som kan emanciperas.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Sexuella funktioner hos män med förvärvad ryggmärgsskada. En studie baserad på The Nordic Spinal Cord Injury Registry under åren 2005-2010.

Sexual function in men with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is usually affected to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the type of injury and physiological prerequisites. Social contexts and psychological factors are other aspects that affect sexual function. Sexual dysfunction can lead to an impaired quality of life, depression and other illnesses. Aim: To study reported experiences of sexual function in men with SCI who have participated in The Nordic Spinal Injury Registry (NSCIR) five years follow-up. Design: Quantitative method consisting of a register study based on secondary data.

Pussy Riot - Hur teori och praktik kan förenas genom feministisk aktivism

The purpose of this essay is to examine how theory and practice intertwines through theactivism of the feminist punk performance collective Pussy Riot. I have also focussed on the political tools with which the activism is performed. Within the academic context of gender studies, I believe there is a need for research that aims to reduce the gap between scholarly and activist feminism. The theoretical framework for the analysis in this essay consists of material feminist theory and postmodern theory. The empirical material is a diversified assemblage of images, court excerpts, newspaper columns, interviews, lyrics and videos.

Hur könsroller skapas och reproduceras i läromedel : En undersökning av bilder i läroböcker för matematik för de yngre åldrarna

The purpose with this essay was to see how the mathematic books showed sexual roles in pictures and if they confirm or deny the traditional sexual roles that school shall counteract according to the curriculum, Lgr11. The questions I focused on were this:How sexual roles are introduced on the pictures in the chosen mathematic books?What are the similarities and differences between the presentations of the gender in the chosen education materials?I used a semiotic method to analyze my pictures. The central parts of my theories were how we think that gender is created using characteristics and attribute. In my analyze I found out that the pictures in one of the book series showed more stereotypic sexual roles than the other book series did..

Vem vill kalla sig feminist? : En undersökning om hur ordet feminist är laddat i bloggtexter från 2004, 2009 & 2014.

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur ordet feminist är laddat och hur ordet används. Redan nu föreslår några att ordet bör bytas ut, i korpusarna från Språkbanken använde några skribenter humanist eller jämställdist istället för ordet feminist. För att se hur ordet har ändrats över tid har jag använt mig av tre olika korpusar från Språkbankens textkorpus Korp. De tre korpusarna som har varit materialet är: Bloggmix 2004, Bloggmix 2009 samt Bloggmix 2014.Jag gjorde en innehållsanalys där jag konstruerade ett analysinstrument som användes på samtliga material. Sammanfattningen är att ordet feminist är väldigt laddat, både i positiv samt i negativ bemärkelse.

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? ? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk Jakobsson, R. Key words: diagnoses, hypersexuality, medicalization, nymphomania, sexual addiction, sexual behavior, sexual compulsivity, sexual deviation, shame, social construction. Background: Sexual addiction has been given a dominant discoursive power in Sweden which (re)inforces the idea that sexuality is essentially a dangerous and lethal force. Methods: The thesis consists of two sub studies. Firstly, a critical discourse analysis is conducted over scientifical articles of sexual addiction and sexual compulsivity. Secondly, a critical discourse analysis of the concept of sexual addiction in newspapers in Sweden?s largest newspaper, DN, and an evening paper, Aftonbladet.

Lust att föda. En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors lustfyllda och sexuella upplevelser under födandet

The aim of the present thesis is to find deeper knowledge about women?s experiences of sexuality, desire and pleasure during childbirth. In this thesis there are statements of women?s different kinds of pleasurable and sexual feelings and experiences during birth. Furthermore, factors that may influence some women?s feelings and experiences of a sexual kind are discussed in relation to the common notion that women above all feel fear and pain when giving birth.

Jämställdhet : definitioner, attityder och jämställdhetsåtgärder i praktiken

The object of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the definition of the concept of gender equality and attitudes towards gender equality and their consequences for gender equality measures. The point of departure is feminist political theory and interviews about attitudes towards gender equality at a department at the University of Linköping. The conclusions of this study is that there are a wide range of definitions and attitudes, and these conceptions are not necessarily the same as those being pointed out in the official gender equality policy at the University of Linköping. In this study the opinions of measures for gender equality among the interviewed are widely spread. Some finding Swedish men and women already being equal and therefore there is no need for measures, since this would result in discrimination of men since women would gain advantages from being women.

Rabiata rabiesfeminister, orakade gaphalsar och andra aggressiva avarter : En studie av innehåll och argumentation i fyra feministiska bloggar

The purpose of this essay is to study how feminists portray themselves and their opinions about gender issues and other political matters in popular feminist blogs. The blogs that are studied are Lady Dahmer, Fanny Åström, Hanapee and Genusfolket. The overall essay questions are: How does the feminist bloggers present themselves? Which subjects are discussed in the feminist blogs? Which rhetorical devices does the feminist bloggers use? The theories that are used to answer the essay questions are the four spheres where there are inequality between the sexes, theories about third wave feminism, the rhetorical concepts ethos, logos and pathos and the SPADER-model for writing good argumentation. A descriptive method is used to study how the bloggers present themselves, a quantitative content analysis is used to count which subjects the bloggers write about and a qualitative rhetorical text analysis is used to study the rhetorical devices the bloggers use.The result shows that the two bloggers Lady Dahmer and Fanny Åström describe themselves with provocative words while the other blogs have more neutral descriptions.

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