

1743 Uppsatser om Female managers - Sida 39 av 117

Invandrarkvinnor i Handels : Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976

Invandrade kvinnor i Handels. Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976. (Immigrant women in Handels. Conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976).The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the written conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt, a Swedish Trade Union magazine. The analyses of the conceptions are based on theoretical categories of class, gender and ethnicity.

På rakbladets kant: Unga, somaliska kvinnors syn på kvinnlig könsstympning

The aim of this study is to explore the approach and views on female genital mutilation(FGM) among young women from Somalia, and how they perceive the tradition afterimmigration to Sweden. This is structured under the following questions: What do theyknow about FGM? What are their experiences? And what do they reckon about FGMtoday? The study is based on one recorded interview with a group of young femalesfrom Somalia. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The women?sfeelings were ambivalent though they on one hand opposed FGM because of serioushealth risks, but on the other hand were conscious of the tradition?s great influence inthe social network and daily life.

Case Managements spridning i kommunala organisationer : En organisatorisk förändring inom socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to comprehend and explain the idea and function of Case Management and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. More specifically its aim was to investigate factors for the diffusion of Case Management and its differences to similar professional roles. The study was based on interviews with four managers at various levels and two case managers representing two municipalities in Sweden. Five themes were identified that were especially interesting when discussing the function of Case Management, its differences to similar professional roles and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. The themes were: shortcomings in the welfare system, the functions of Case Management, differences to similar professional roles, descriptions of Case Management and factors for the diffusion.

Information om kundval, en förutsättning för valfriheten? : en studie av hur tre kommuner arbetar med informationsspridning om kundval inom hemtjänsten

This paper studies, from a client perspective, how three Swedish municipalities work with information about a voucher system in homecare. The paper is a qualitative study using structured informant interviews and analysis of documents. The interviewees are responsible of information about the voucher system in the municipalities. The studied documents describe and clarify the voucher system of the municipality. Neo-institutional organization theory is used to analyse the result.

Oönskade Döttrar - Traditionella mönster i ett modernt samhälle

Due to traditional beliefs about biological differences between the sexes, the sex ratio is abnormally uneven in northern parts of India. There is a combination of old methods like female infanticide and new technologies, which make selective abortion possible. The strong practices of dowry transform daughters to economical burdens to their parents. They face mortal danger before, at and after birth. With rapid economical progress and advanced technology, India is a country in progress.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet efter avslutad behandling av gynekologisk cancer : En litteraturöversikt

Background; Gynecological cancer is a common term for cancer in the female genitals and 2013 there were about 2800 women in Sweden that was diagnosed. This form of cancer and the treatment that is used, affects the sexuality and also the fertility of the women.Aim; The purpose with the essay was to illustrate the experience of the sexuality after the treatment of gynecological cancer.Method; The method used in the essay was a systematic translation of different literature. Of all the articles used there were eight that was qualitative, two quantitative and one was a combination of both methods. The analytic process was accomplish with the support of the Friberg (2006) analytic method.Results; The analysis resulted in two categories; Physical changes after the treatment and the treatments impact on the sexuality of the women. The physical changes that occurred because of the treatment was recurring and it showed that it was primarily surgery that hurt the woman body.

Hur chefer på kårbolag i Göteborg arbetar med feedback i motivations och utvecklingssyfte när monetära incitament saknas

The subject of motivation and feedback is something that the literature regarding management treats as significant. Therefore we have investigated how managers work with feedback in motivational and development purposes within union companies in Gothenburg. According to the existing theory it is important that feedback is given correctly and with relevant content, and thus affect both the recipient's own development and the growth of the business. Earlier authors also discuss the complexity of feedback that it is important to consider all of the surrounding aspects, and that it is important to be aware that there is no single approach that can be directly applied on all types of organizations.To investigate how the managers within the union companies motivate their employers without access to monetary incentive, we conducted a qualitative study with in-depth interviews with four respondents. The respondents were decision makers at their respective union company with the roles as CEO or deputy CEO.

Akilleshälen som glöms bort : En kvalitativ studie av kontorsmiljöns betydelse för internkommunikationen på en arbetsplats

Employers are becoming more and more aware of that the internal communication between employees is the reason why organizations are being held alive and also what impact the office environment has on employees work performances and their communication. The aim of our study was to gain an understanding of what significance an office's spatial design has for the communication between employees and managers in the workplace. We have through qualitative interviews with managers and employees from different business cases gotten a perception of their ways of communicating with each other. The results showed that employees and leaders thought that they shared the same picture of what their communication was like in reality, how they thought their ways of marking their territory in the office was understood and respected and what their opinions and expectations of how the communication between them and their leaders should be like. These results were then analyzed in consideration with relevant theory and previous research in the disciplines of office environment and communication studies.The main conclusions that have been drawn from the analysis are that the work environment's design can be both positive and negative at the same time and that what should be focused on is the leaders' communication. The leaders and their employees have to communicate more about their communication between them so thart misunderstandings can be avoided in the office environment - and therefore become more effective..

Konstituerade kön i mytologisk allegori : En diskursiv läsning av Olof Rudbecks Atlantica

The intention of this essay is to inquire into the (re-)constitution of gendered/sexed identities in a gothicistic discourse. The used material is the work Atlantica, chapter 5, vol. 2, written by the Swedish historian/Medical professor Olof Rudbeck. I have chosen this chapter for its description of mythological characters relationship with the earth, the sun and the moon. A description based on a concept of strength and reproduction as gendered characteristics.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

Balanserat styrkort- en studie om hur införandeprocessen påverkar synen på modellen

Today`s society requires that municipalities focus must be more on effectivity and quality. Because of this it is important for municipalities to look after the controlling systems. Many municipalities choose to adopt models that reflect the efficacy. The municipality of Vellinge has chosen to implement balanced scorecard in all their efficacies. We found it interesting when it was exposed that 70 % of all implementations of balanced scorecard fails.

Några svenska virkesaktörers system för skoglig planering

The purpose of this degree project is to give an overview of the planning system of four Swedish forest companies. The involved companies are ATA TIMBER, SYDVED, BERGS SKOG and VIDA SKOG. The study is based on information from a literature study and by interviews with personals from the four companies. Each company is described to get a better insight of the companies work and what potential they have. The description of the planning process comes after that. The companies are described separate from each other and will be compared later in this essay.

Stadsodling som begrepp i Sverige - bakgrund, nulägesbeskrivning och tänkbar utveckling

The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.

Lean Utifrån tre praktikers syn på begreppet.

Lean is one of the recent years most popular methods for organizations to use in order to increase efficiency, productivity and quality. Despite Lean's increased popularity, Lean is still difficult to define and can be explained and described in different ways. Previous studies have also shown that Lean is difficult to implement and challenging to maintain successfully. Knowledge of Lean is viewed as a necessity in the implementation of Lean, which leads to that organizations often chooses to bring in this knowledge through external consultants or other experts in order to implement Lean in their organization. Thus, it is interesting to examine the consultants view on Lean and the implementation process of Lean.

Samband mellan testosteron, DHEAS, kroppskomposition och fysiska kapaciteter hos unga kvinnliga fotbollsspelare

Testosterone is a steroid and anabolic hormone found in all mammals. Previous research indicates that testosterone levels correlates with physical capacities related to physical performance. However, these studies refers only to men and boys. The aim of present study was therefore to investigate the potential relationship between body composition, strength, power and endurance capabilities in relation to blood levels of testosterone and DHEAS in young female football players. Seventeen female elite football (age: 15,4 ± 0,6, body mass: 57,2 ± 7,4kg, height 1,65 ±0,04m) players volunteered for the study.

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