

1743 Uppsatser om Female managers - Sida 33 av 117

Aktiv förvaltning av fonder på Emerging Markets

The main purpose of this Master Thesis has been to evaluate whether active fund management is profitable on Emerging Markets. The material used to examine this consists of 106 actively managed funds, with varying length during the period 1988-2006 and who uses MSCI Emerging Markets (MSCI EM) as benchmark index. The thesis has been written under the supervision of the Asset Management Department of Länsförsäkringar AB (LFAB) and the Department of Production Economics, Linköping Institute of Technology. Apart from the main purpose, the methodology used is also meant to form a template for in-depth or similar studies, preferably by the assigner of this survey, LFAB.The results shows that the median manager underperforms the MSCI EM throughout the whole period, which leads to the conclusion is that active management on Emerging Markets is not profitable. A grouping of the funds based on tracking error still shows that a majority of the managers in all of the groups underperforms against the benchmark.

Kvinnan, mannen och drogerna i filmen: en kvalitativ diskursanalys

The purpose of this essay is to identify how the drug user is portrayed in motion pictures. My main questions are: How is the drug use described? How is the male and female drug user depicted? How may the movies contribute to the construction, reproduction and change of gender? The method I use in my research is a qualitative, selective discourse- analysis of a number of movies prominently portraying drug use. A gender perspective is also applied on this paper.The main result of the study is that I have found that the great majority of the analyzed films portray drug use as means for something else. Drug use is often portrayed in the beginning as heavenly but changes to be depicted as problematic.

Dygden och dårskapen : En studie av mamsell Malmstedts översättningar från franska och latin

Anna Maria Lenngren (ne?e Malmstedt, 1754-1817) was an eminent poet in Sweden during the 18th century and she is still known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. The early stage of her career as a translator, when she was recognised as ?mamsell Malmstedt?, had a great impact on her following work, which has been largely neglected. This master?s thesis analyses her largest translations: Lucile (1776), Zemire och Azor (1778), Arse?ne (1779), and Dido til Eneas (1778), in comparison with their originals.

Hur kan ledare motivera vardagsarbetet? : En fallstudie om Clas Ohlson

This bachelor thesis discus how store managers at Clas Ohlson motivate their co-workers at their everyday work.Motivation at work is essential, since engaging co-works makes the everyday routine work more effective. Otherwise that type of work can easily lead to unhappiness at the workplace which leads to less motivated workers, poor performance, even less motivated workers and this will start a negative circle.Other studies has shown that to in order to be pleased at a workplace and to keep qualified co-workers, the leaders needs to have knowledge in how they can use different techniques to increase staff motivation, but still motivation is not considered being an economic means of control. This has made me think about how leaders can motivate their workers at their everyday work.The questions at issue are:o How can leaders motivate co-workers in everyday work,o Which preferences the leaders consider control the individual motivation ando Which methods they can use to increase the motivation in the routine work.The purpose with this thesis is to study how leaders use their leadership to motivate workers to perform everyday work with more enthusiasm. To answer the question I have interviewed store managers at Clas Ohlson.In this thesis I have used a qualitative method, and I have compared relevant theories with the interviews I have done. Thus primary data has been gained through one-to-one interviews but also through mail interviews.

Tillgängligt landskap : spänger i naturmark

The title of this thesis is ?Accessible Landscape - boardwalks in nature areas?. The main purpose of this thesis is to show how you can increase the accessibility for disabled people by constructing boardwalks in nature areas. The platform for the thesis is a study of litterature on boardwalks, accessibility and disabilities. After defining these terms I made three excursions to three different locations in the south of Sweden. During the excursions I evaluated the boardwalks situated in each of the areas through preferences such as the construction of the boardwalk, its design and the accessibility. After the excursions I interviewed managers of the areas I visited, and people working with disability questions in the municipalities where the excursions took place. To know how to make a boardwalk accessible you need to have knowledge about certain concepts, rules and recommendations. My thesis deals with aspects such as: *Accessibility *Disability *Rules and recommendations when building boardwalks *Real life - evaluation from the excursions and interviews with the managers The result shows that accessibility is a hot topic in Sweden and a lot of improvement is being done with fi nancial support from the European Union.

?Vi ringer upp dig?? : En undersökning om etnisk diskriminering bland bostadsförmedlare i Sverige

The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with thehealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.

Ur chefens synvinkel : - om ett jämställdhetsprojekt i Kalmar kommun

Kalmar Municipality has in 2008-2010 made an effort to educate managers on gender, with the goal of mainstreaming gender into public activities so that all citizens should feel safe in that treatment and services are designed and resources are distributed equally to both sexes living conditions and needs. The overall aim of this study was to examine whether the training effort has paid off, and how gender mainstreaming has been implemented in the different activities. We have used a qualitative approach, which we examined through interviews managers' approach to gender equality.Gender was generally described as an important issue of all respondents, and all were working to mainstream gender into their activities and workplaces. The results show that the operational and management needed clearer directives and strategies in their efforts to promote gender equality. Education was necessary because personal definition of gender may differ from the control contents of the documents.

Problem med lageranknytning hos en bilåterförsäljare

In this paper we have looked closer on a car-retailer in the middle of Sweden. We have chosen to dig deeper in the different problems that can occur, related to the supply. Soon we realized that that the problems weren?t related to stock management. Through studying the whole of the company, we have identified reasons to why details aren?t in the stock.

Förändring av intranät och dess inledande utmaningar

Organizations today face changes continuously as the society, the surroundings and the technology change. The information technology used in organizations has become essential, where intranets are a big part of it. Many organizations embrace social intranets, and these kind of changes has an impact on the members in the way they work, handle information and communicate. As many organizations and the members in it face new kinds of changes, they also face new kinds of challenges. This paper presents an interview study at Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, whom are about to go through a change process unlike any other change they have ever gone through before.

Rocksång - Fem sångpedagogers erfarenheter av den kvinnliga rösten

Rock singing - five vocal teachers´ experience of the female voice.The purpose of this study is to find out what different vocal teachers have to say about rock singing and the female singing voice. The method I have used to gather information is a phenomenographically inspired qualitative interview. The study begins with a few thoughts about my interest in rock singing, followed by a short overview about other research and literature that has been published on the subject. I have interviewed five vocal teachers in this study. All of them with many years experience of singing, both singing themselves and teaching professionally.

Relining ur ett beställarperspektiv

This report is focusing upon relining from a client?s point of view. Potential buyers are given a presentation of the different methods available today together with a general briefing describing the process. An important part of this report are the interviews that took place with already established customers. Property owners, managers, pipe cleaners, and project managers whom all been in contact with relining have answered the questions given along with their own thoughts and have also given recommendations of other persons to talk to.

Grupprocesser ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om polisstudenters uppfattning av mäns och kvinnors rolltagande och beteende i grupp

The purpose with this essay is to study police students perception of men?s and women?s role taking and behavior in a group. The question that is presented is if a group?s efficiency can depend on which gender the members of the group have. There are many theories about the concept male and female and the meaning of these words.

Den djupa muskelfunktionen hos kvinnliga elitvolleybollspelare : En studie om transversus abdominis funktion påverkas av stabilitetsträning.

Background and purpose: Volleyball requires a lot of the human body, andeffective core stability is necessary for the athlete. Our muscles cooperate as achain of motions and core stabilization is the base for the moving muscles.The most well-known stabilization muscle is m.transversus abdominis (TrA).The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the function of TrA inSwedish female elite volleyball players and to observe the influence of eightweeks of stabilization exercise on the TrA. Method: 10 female elitevolleyball players (mean age 24,7 years, range 18-31 years) participated inthe study. TrA was measured in supine position with a pressure biofeedbackunit. Subjects were instructed to draw in the abdominal wall without movingthe pelvis and hold for 10 seconds.

Avfall på byggarbetsplatsen : statistik som hjälper platschefen

The purpose of this report is to find a model of statistics for construction and demolition waste, which makes it useful for the local manager at the building site. The intention with the model is that it will be used as a support of the local manager, to direct his project towards reduced strain of the environment. The model will also be used to make it easier to control that the claims from authority and aims for the environment are achieved. To familiarise with the subject waste handling within the building and construction sectorI have done a literature search. I have also been studying rules and regulations regarding the waste handling.

Metadonunderhållsbehandling : en gråzon för kvinnor?

The aim of this thesis has been to investigate women's experience of the Methadone maintenance treatment and what help they believe they need to be able to recover and to improve their social life and whether the medical- and social workers share the similar view.Our method of investigation has been qualitative interviews with four women in the program, two nurses and a counsellor at the methadone clinic and two social workers, who have female clients in the program.The questions at issue were:* how did the women describe their life situation during treatment, compared to the situation they had while they were addicted to narcotics,* did the women experience that the treatment they get in the methadone maintenance program is giving them a better social life situation,* did the employees at the clinic and at the social office share the similar view about the treatments as the female patients?Main problems seemed to be; meeting new non-addictive friends and finding something to do. We could se that, in different ways, they need more support. It wasn't always clear to the people who work with them whose responsibility it was, depending on workplace and/or personality..

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