

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 8 av 72

Påverkas ledarskap i en kvinnodominerad organisation av könsrollsstereotyper - En studie av skillnader i ledarskap mellan män och kvinnor i en kvinnodominerad organisation.

Research within gender and leadership has often focused on leaders in male dominated work areas, but quite recently interest has arise for examine leadership in female dominated work areas. This thesis analyzes possible differences connected to theories about gender stereotypes that may exist among male and female leaders within a female dominated organization. Further, possible underlying reasons to why or why not differences between genders might be found are investigated. The research question is addressed through a single embedded case study design at the Swedish public organization Försäkringskassan. The primary focus is middle managers, and twenty qualitative interviews were conducted with leaders and co-workers at two local offices and at the organizations headquarter.

Kön och arbete med ekonomiskt bistånd : sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter av arbetet med ungdomar som ansöker om och uppbär ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of the study is to explore how social workers work with youths that seek financial assistance and what importance gender plays in this process. The participants were six female social workers that work with financial assistance. They were interviewed and had to reflect over a case, where the client where either male or female. The results was analyzed and compared in relation to social constructive theory and gender theory. The study shows that social workers work in two parallel processes, when they decide about financial assistance and other help benefits, the formal and the intuitive.

En ängel och en demon. En idéanalytisk studie om tendensromanen En natt vid Bullar-sjön av Emilie Flygare-Carlén.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe by a gender approach what ideas and values are expressed in the novel One Night at Bullar Lake and how they do coincide to a tendency. We also want to discuss authority and class divisions and how these can be connected to the novel and the author. Our final question is to examine in what way the voice of the female author is represented in the novel. To approach our material we use Yvonne Hirdman?s theories about the construction of sexes and Susan Sniader Lanser?s work about voices of female authors, as well as Horace Engdahl?s studies about the silent voice in literature.

Allt om kön och sex, en närläsning i queermiljö : Analys av Allt om min buske

The aim of this essay is to answer the question of how, and in what ways Martina Bigert?s and Maria Thulin?s picture Allt om min buske (literally, All about my bush) is queer. Inspired by Judith Butler?s idea of the heterosexual matrix, and Michel Foucault?s discourse I attempt to investigate how sex and sexuality are described in relation to heteronormativity, and if Allt om min buske is either norm-breaking or norm-creating in a wider perspective. This study concludes that antinormativity and queerness are evident within the framework of the picture.

Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa

Sara Stridsberg?s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming withliterary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject inbecoming highlights the enfleshed body as important. Themes such as sexuality, power andviolence can be traced in the beautiful but most disturbing narratives of Stridsberg.The purpose of this study is to show the reader how the literary female characters aretranscending the physical borders of their bodies in order to become something more than what thehuman form allows them to be. Heteronormative sexuality, sickness, closeness to water andanimaling are bound together by the way they enact the female characters to stretch beyond thesurfaces of their skins.

Det könade handledarskapet

The aim of this study is to research images of the academic world that is presented, incorporated and reproduced within the frames of the mentorship in the basic level. Can these images derive to the view upon science as a traditionally male area? Is mentorship gendered? Can the mentorship on the basic level be viewed upon as a milestone of a academic career where men and women have different opportunities to succeed?By interviewing seven mentors, working in a social sciences institution in a larger Swedish university, I have come to the conclusion that knowledge is coded male and that this affect mentors mental images of what male and female students are expected to do. The male student represent the scientist, while the female student represent what the scientist is not.Depending on the work of, among others, Kerstin Norlander, Dorothy Smith and Eva Erson I have come to view upon the university as a patriarchal organisation witch produces knowledge based upon male values, experiences and concepts. This precludes the female within this organisation from relating to the knowledge she is supposed to incorporate.

Den omedvetna organiseringen : Om etableringen av bitcoin i Sverige

Many of today?s societies are built on established financial structures that are controlled by states and central banks. These structures are built on a clear perception of economic systems as established but invisible institutionalised concepts that are operated by millions of organizations worldwide. An idea of counteracting against centralized economies by introducing a currency that no state or bank controlled was developed in the beginning of the 20th century. In 2008 the idea was realised by the introduction of Bitcoin, which is a digital currency and transaction system without any centralized emitter or controlling organ.

Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare : Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling?

2011 Praktik med examensarbete i idrottspedagogik inom Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet, 15 hpSofia Pettersson (2011). Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare ? Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling? (The environment surrounding female football players in Dalarna, Sweden ? What factors affect their opportunities to develop?) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå university, Department of EducationThe following study investigated the environment in which female football players in the district of Dalarna in Sweden operate. The aim was to identify the elements that affect the players? ability to develop according to their own potential, values and differences.

Ondskan går klädd i klänning eller kostym : En narrativ och semiotisk analys av Disneys kvinnliga och manliga skurkar ur ett genusperspektiv

Today there are several generations who have grown up watching Disney?s films. Disney has become a central storyteller in our society with children and their families as their main audience. Disney's storytelling is often with the children from an early age and they get to learn about right and wrong, good and evil through the films. A picture of how the world looks and how you should and should not behave is presented in Disney's films.

Möjligheternas land : En undersökning om vad som motiverar studenter från icke-akademiska förhållanden att själva söka utbildning på högre nivå

Women all over the world have been victims for oppression during a long period of time. One main thing they were excluded from was the possibility to educate themselves. Fortunately, the situation is different today and studies shows that there are more women applying for higher-education than men, at least in Sweden. What motivates them is unknown, but according to the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, it is always something in one?s social environment.The aim of this thesis was to examine how five female students have been motivated to apply for university and college educations, despite the fact that they are from non-academic families.

Vem är kvinnan i ELLE? : En kvantitativ studie av hur kvinnan framställs i ELLE Sverige (2013). 

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

Att välja sig ett språk : Kampen om definitioner i Stina Aronsons Feberboken

Feberboken, written by Stina Aronson and published in 1931, is a fragmentary meta literary autobiographical work told and written by the pseudonymous female author Mimmi Palm. The novel tells about a literary-erotic passion causing female subordination, fever and sick-ness. It balances between biography and fiction and consistently decontructs itself through its meta literary prespective. This essay finds that the structure of the novel and its thematical confusion of literature and erotique, fiction and reality, woman and man, derives from a struggle for definitions. Thus, the essay attempts to a close reading focusing on ambivalence and resistance and in order to determine the nature of the fever, it tries to analyze Feberboken in the light of early Swedish literary modernism.

Och kvinna : en kritisk analys av den mediala diskursen kring kvinnliga politiker

The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media’s discursive representations of female politicians in Swedish printed media. The focus of the analysis is to show if, and how these images can be understood and interpreted in terms of a socially constructed gender stereotyped suborder. The paper takes it's theoretical and methodological departure in the discourse analysis, which is combined with feminist political theory. Feminist political theory is concretised in the use of what Yvonne Hirdman calls the "gender system" which arranges the sexes into their respective genders and is based upon two rules/principles/logics: 1) the rule of distinctive separation, and 2) the male norm. Closely related to the aim of the paper lies also the critical theoretic assumption that people has to be aware of their own part in the production and reproduction of the discourse in order to change make a change.

Kvinnans och mannens behov vid förlust av ett väntat barn

Background: People are individuals who react differently when confronted with unexpected events. To miscarry is nature?s own way of sorting out the foetuses which could never become a fully grown child. The loss can without help be difficult to handle and can impact the couple negatively towards future pregnancies. The nursing staff ought to familiarize themselves with the experience, encounter their feelings and identify their needs.

Re-design av StretchFlex UF : Skapandet av en stärkande visuell profil åt StretchFlex UF

This paper presents the creation of a strengthening visual profile for StretchFlex UF. The project consists of an external as well as an internal part. The external part is on the order of the company StretchFlex. The company is created under the education concept by the name of Ung Företagsverksamhet (Young Entrepreneurship) and has passed on to the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship at the Stockholm International Fairs. Of that we have been commissioned to develop an updated logotype for the company, for the current does not keep proper quality according to the client.

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