

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 54 av 72

International Corporate Governance-A Comparison of the Corporate Governance Systems in Germany and Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much interest media has shown selected topics in the corporate governance systems in Germany and Sweden. The four selected aspects are: ownership structure, employee representation on the boards, disclosure of board members? compensation and female directors on the boards. The reasons for and consequences of the similarities and differences will also be discussed. The German and Swedish corporate governance systems construct the key basis of the study, emphasised on the four chosen aspects.

Vision om jämställdhet - en illision?? : En kvalitativ studie om jämställdhet inom samboförhållanden.

This qualitative study was conducted to investigate how subordination and superiority emerges in the interaction between heterosexual couples between 20 to 30 years old, without children. Eight semi-structured interviews with four couples have been conducted to provide insight into how subordination and superiority is made in the interaction between the cohabiting couples. All interviews were transcribed and then manually categorized along specific main themes and sub themes. The empirical data were then assayed by a hermeneutic interpretation.   Three previous studies have formed the basis for this study, Det kallas kärlek by Carin Holmberg, the anthology, Jämställdhetens pris and Familjer i tiden by Christine Roman and Helen Peterson. The theoretical framework consists symbolic interactionism, and especially the concept of asymmetrical role-taking and also doing gender.

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shedsome light on the question of whether there is any difference in the occurrence and frequency of fractures and osteoarthritis in the materials compared. The first section of the paper consists of a short historical background of Norra Nöbbelöv and Lund, a chapter on ethics, general results of the analysis and the methods used. Thissection was co-authored by Ulla Zagal-Mach and Åsa Strandh.

Syns inte - Finns inte? En kvalitativ studie om unga som valt att ej dricka alkohol.

The purpose of this study was to examine how young people who have chosen not to drink alcohol experience themselves and their surroundings. The aim was to find out what role temperance plays in their perceived identity. I also wanted to find out how they experienced the views of them, temperance and the temperance movement in their surroundings. Finally, I was interested in the question about alcohol, witch significance they believed it had for them and their surroundings. As theoretical ground, I used Howars S.

Det kommer en dag, när vi alla biter försiktigt i brödet. En studie av motivet tänder i svensk arbetarlitteratur utifrån ett intersektionellt och litteraturdidaktiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this text is to show how social class is (re)produced and created in the short stories?Draksådd? byMaria Sandel and Ivar Lo Johanssons ?Nya tänder? from Statarna I and to point out ways that the short storiesmay be useful from an Educational Perspective. Maria Sandel was the first (recognized) female author to writein the genre of Working-Class Literature in Sweden and Ivar Lo-Johansson is a recognized authorship who ismost famous for his novels portraying Statarna. The analysis focuses on how the teeth motif is portrayed in theshort stories. My analysis proves how the teeth motif is important in portraying the construction of class.

Forget Prince Charming. I want a vampire in a shiny silver Volvo. : En studie av manlig sexualitet i två moderna vampyrromaner

The popularity of vampire novels has come and gone over the years. And the romantic novels seem more popular than ever before. The male vampire have taken the stereotyperole as a sexual object. But what is it that makes the male characters desirable?The vampire genre was developed from defining female vampires as sexual freeand liberal but with a punishment awaiting them.

Jämställdhet ? en otydlig vision med svenskhet som norm : en genusvetenskaplig fallstudie och intersektionell analys av jämställdhetsarbete i en kommunal kontext

This is a case study of work for gender equality, performed by the Employment and Competence Centre (Arbets- och kompetenscenter) in the municipality of Botkyrka. The aim of the study is to explore how gender equality is understood in the context of a municipality, and what underlying assumptions this understanding is based upon. The questions raised are; How is gender equality understood by the personnel? How do they understand gender? To what extent are women and men seen as homogeneous groups and what differences are (un)visible? What other power hierarchies besides gender are seen as important when working for gender equality? The analysis show that gender equality is a blurry vision, mainly understood in terms of equal conditions and rights, equal results for male and female participants and equal amount of women and men employed. Gender is seen as a binary system and differences between the genders are highlighted.

?Vi kanske glömde ställa frågan till killarna??- Skolkurativt stöd till killar med självskadebeteende: Definition, problembild och förståelse

The main purpose for this study was to examine how boys with destructive and self-harming behaviour are perceived and comprehended by school counsellors and literature. The study assessed how boys who harm themselves are defined both in practice and in theory by using a social constructivist point of view and a gender perspective. The study was divided in two parts concerning gathering knowledge of the matter. The authors, using a method called qualitative semi-structured interviews, interviewed nine school counsellors. To acquire scientific knowledge, the authors implemented a literature review and researched books and journal articles regarding boys who self-harm.

Styrketillväxt med hjälp av vibrationsplatta

Abstract 1.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects whole body vibrations on maximal strength, power output and neuromuscular activity in m. pectoralis major during bench press.Participants consisted of 35 male and 9 female military high school students (m=23, 1 years). On the basis of initial maximal performances in bench press the participants was divided into two experiments groups and one control group. Intervention groups performed a specifically designed push up program on a vibrating plate respectively a step board during 12 weeks Initial load at 60 % of 1 RM showed an average of 46, 5 kg. All groups showed an average increase of 13 kg for each person after 12 weeks.

Rockstjärnor har inga tuttar : En innehållsanalys om genusrepresentationen i musikmagasinet MOJO

The purpose of this study is to give an insight in how music press is presented gender wise. The focus area lies in rock music and the study is made on British music magazine MOJO in the year of 2010. The study contains quantitative analyses showing how much room men are given compared to women. The study is also supplemented with image analyses of four covers spread out over the year. The main question is formulated as in, how much room do women get in music magazine MOJO 2010 and what output does this have on rock music?s gender characteristics? The main results show, amongst other things that 79% of all the articles are written with focus on one or more male musicians.

Kvinnor och ledarskap i kooperativa företag ? Kooperativa Förbundet

Trots att Sverige är ett av de mest jämställda länder i världen är kvinnor kraftigt underrepresenterade i toppositioner i näringslivet. Denna studie analyserar kvinnligt ledarskap inom kooperativa företag. Ledarskap är en process där avsikten är att en person påverkar andra genom sitt handlande oavsett om denne innehar en formell position eller inte. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och illustrera hur kvinnliga styrelseledamöter leder, genom att ge insikt i deras erfarenheter, familjesituation, karriär och deras funderingar kring kvinnligtledarskap. I undersökningen ingick fyra kvinnliga styrelseledamöter i KF.

Framgångsdrivare hos företagsekonomiska institutioner - en komparativ studie

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för vilka framgångsdrivarna är för företagsekonomiska institutioner.För att kunna uppfylla syftet har vi tagit fram BEN-modellen. Modellen består av ett antal framgångsdrivare som kan leda till konkurrensfördelar samt bestående konkurrensfördelar för en företagsekonomisk institution. Dessa leder i sin tur till framgång, något som vi själva definierat med fyra olika mätbara variabler; söktryck, genomströmning av studenter, ställning i arbetslivet samt forskningsproduktivitet.Studien har genomförts på tre olika företagsekonomiska instituitioner där intervjuer och samtal genomförts med personer i ledande befattning på respektive institution. Som komplement till intervjuerna har empiriskt material insamlats i form av statistik för att kunna utröna hur framgångsrika de är enligt BEN-modellen.Studien visar att ambition och entreprenörsskap är två viktiga framgångsdrivare. Dessa två drivare kan en institution erhålla genom finansiella resurser.

Kvinnlig Könsstympning : Litteraturstudie om praktisk handläggning och komplikationsrisker vid förlossning

Today around 28 000 women originally from countries where FGM is practised, are living in Sweden. Many of them are at childbearing age which means that knowledge about FGM and its consequences is of outmost importance during delivery. The aim of this study is to describe current research on how to manage the delivery, regarding deinfibulation and the following stitching as well as the risk of complications when the labouring woman is mutilated. This review of literature is based on 12 scientific articles published between years 1989 ? 2005.

Effekter av skendräktighet och kastration på tikens beteende

Pseudopregnancy is a condition that is estimated to affect 40 % of all female dogs. Common symptoms are decreased activity level, weight gain, mammary enlargement, milk production, nesting behavior, anorexia and maternal behavior. The symptoms are displayed during metoestrus. Prolactin is one of the causes behind pseudopregnancy, but the full process is not yet known. Due to the fact that the condition affects that many bitches and often is recurrent, it is relevant to examine how the condition affects the bitch?s behavior and performance.

Man eller kvinna - Låt myter om förövaren försvinna : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur personer som begått sexualbrott mot barn framställs i svenska dagstidningar

The aim of this study is to identify the dominating discourse in Swedish newspapers concerning perpetrators who committed sexual offence against children. The study is based on the idea that the media representation play a significant role to the public opinion and awareness of the perpetrators. The study is based upon a selection of 103 articles published between January 2003 and November 2013, taken from four of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. The methodological and theoretical approach in the study has been the one of discourse analysis through which one dominating discourse along with two subsidiary discourses could be identified. The discourse considered to be dominating is the one who presents the perpetrators through the discrepancy between the actions committed and the description of the perpetrator.

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