

1071 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 2 av 72

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Gärningskvinnan : en kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers syn på den kvinnliga brottslingen

How do probation inspectors describe their female clients and female offenders? Are there any discrepancies in treatment between male and female clients? In what way is the social interaction between female clients and inspectors constructed and described?  These are the issues we have explored in this study. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with a total of nine probation inspectors; six women and three men, were used in order to examine the probation inspectors? constructions of clients and the construction of interaction between them. By applying Foucault?s theory of power relations, Hirdman?s gender theory and Olsson?s theory of preconceptions when analyzing the results five themes were identified; descriptions of the work of the female client, descriptions of the interaction with the female client, descriptions of the female offender, descriptions of backgrounds why women commit crimes and descriptions of society's view on the female offender.

Kvinnor som är entreprenörer Bestämningsfaktorer och regional variation

The proportion of women entrepreneurs in Sweden is, as in many countries, smaller than the proportion of men entrepreneurs. Sweden has therefore created political measures with the ambition to increase women entrepreneurship. However, knowledge about the determinants of women entrepreneurship is needed in order to enable the promotion of it and, at the same time one can question the treatment of women entrepreneurs as a homogenous group. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of women entrepreneurship and whether these determinants fluctuate regionally. If this proves to be the case, a more spatial/individual approach should be used, when creating measures to promote entrepreneurship.

Kvinnorna vid makten : En fallstudie om skillnader och likheter mellan svenska och amerikanska kvinnliga ledare.

 The purpose of this case study was to view if there were any differences and similarities between Swedish and American female leaders, with focus on the Swedish female leaders. We also wanted to find out if the American female leaders had problem whit the classcelling.Our case study is a quality method, because we wanted to reach the dep't that quality methods can reach. We interviewed four Swedish female leaders and tried to get in touch whit American female leaders but whit out any success. So instead we analyzed already existing research about the American female leadership. Our result showed that there were some differences between the two countries; in the same time we also found similarities. The classcelling tends to exist more in Sweden than in the US.   .

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Sparbankernas vara eller icke vara - En kvantitativ studie av sparbankernas bidrag till attraktivitet, företagande och regional tillväxt i de kommuner de verkar i.

This thesis investigates the 200 year old phenomena of savings banks and if they increase the economic growth (GDP) in the local region they act in. That is being done by testing three hypotheses; the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the region they act in; the savings banks increase the entrepreneurship in the region they act in; and the savings banks increase the economic growth in region they act in. This quantitative cross-sectional study with data from the year 2010, finds that the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the local region, most likely through the efforts and financials they put into different local projects. A positive result is also found for increased entrepreneurship in the regions that have a local savings bank. The result is explained by the savings banks relationship lending, which increase the likeliness for a company to get the credit they need to start and develop.

Skyddar aktiekapitalet borgenärerna? : Eller utgör aktiekapitalet de facto ett legalt hinder för entreprenörerna?

The purpose with this essay is to investigate whether the legal capital can be justified as creditor protection and whether the legal capital prevent entrepreneurship.Historically the legal capital has been justified by means of creditor protection. Nowdays the development within EU rather reduces or abolish the legal capital. Sweden has recently, 1 of April 2010, reduced the legal capital from 100 000 Swedish crowns to 50 000 Swedish crowns. In the preparatory work it has been admitted that the legal capital does not in reality offer creditors much protection. Although the lawmaker decides to retain the legal capital and justifies the legal capitals existence with the argument that involuntary creditors has the need of the legal capital.

Bibeln är vårt rättesnöre : Religion, företagsamhet och entreprenörskap bland Plymouthbröderna i Småland

The aim of this study is to examine the Christian community called Plymouth Brethren and how they interpret religion in relation to their entrepreneurship and business practices. The community has a strong faith in God, uses the Bible as the guiding principle in everyday life, and also has the ambition to live together within the group in seclusion from the rest of society.Based on interviews with Plymouth Brethren in the county of Småland, the study describes how they perceive the relationship between the Christian faith and entrepreneurship and practice religion in the context of their family business. As the study illustrates the Christian faith is significantly motivating their enterprises of business and the Bible is their guiding principle even when it comes to how they should run their businesses..

Kvinnliga studenters alkoholvanor : På Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar

As the title reveals this is a study of female college students alcohol habits in Kalmar,Sweden. During the spring of 2012 a total of 118 female students at Linnaeus universityanswered a survey about their alcohol habits. The survey reveled that as many as 67%percent of the answering female students (according to Audit) have risky drinking habits.The drinking habits are explained using Albert Banduras social learning theory in contextto the Scandinavian drinking pattern. The study concludes that female alcohol habits needeven further research. Furthermore the study shows that student initiation have an impacton the female drinking habits and that expectations of that students drink are to some extentimportant to the development of hazardous drinking habits..

Montazami-lockar möter masterminds i Svenskt Näringslivs entreprenörsporträtt : En kvalitativ fallstudie av entreprenörsporträtt i tidskriften Entreprenör

This study has as its purpose to reveal whether female and male entrepreneurs are offered the same kind of conditions in their role of entrepreneurs in their respective media representation. This is studied by analyzing portrayals in the magazine Entreprenör (Br.E. ?Entrepreneur?). Methodologically the analysis will be making use of textual analysis, semiotics and discourse analysis in order to expose the underlying gender perspective(s) in Entreprenör.The entrepreneur portrayals? texts and visuals will be studied in the light of gender and entrepreneur theory, and more specifically on the basis of theories about representation, discourse and stereotypes.The main conclusion of the study is that female and male entrepreneurs are not offered the same conditions in their roles of entrepreneurs in a medium such as Entreprenör.

Alexander: det tar hundra år... : Kvinnligt ledarskap i den ryska medievärlden

The more leadership you get, the more power you will receive. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the same opportunities. This can be seen and proved on the basis of studies in media companies. Our purpose concerns attitudes towards female leadership in Moscow, Russia. This thesis was based on two study methods, qualitative interviews and observations.

Kvinnlig representation och dess substantiella effekter En studie om svenska kommuners flyktingmottagande utifrån ett könsperspektiv

Municipalities with a higher amount of female representatives has been shown to be more gender equal. Earlier reasearch has also shown that female politicians are more likely than male politicans to represent immigrants and refugees interests. However, the effect of female representation has not been tested on other subordinated groups than women. Swedish municipalities have full autonomy regarding refugee reception and local politicians are responsible for the decision on the amount of refugees that the municipality accept. The variations of female and male politicians in the local assemblies are expected to have different outcomes on the refugee reception, according to females social backgrounds and experiences.

?Transformell, transaktionell och laissez-faire ledarskapsstil : en kvantitativ studie gällande manliga och kvinnliga chefer

The aim of this study was to see if there existed any differences between male and female superiors. The theoretical framework was based on transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leaderships styles. The sample was employees in three companys (n=24). Three hypothesis were formulated: (1) female superiors are more transformational than male, (2) male superiors are more transactional than female and (3) male superiors are more laissez-faire than felmale. The method of measurement was a modified version of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.

LUST ATT LEDA - kvinnligt ledarskap i kommunal äldreomsorgENJOYABLE LEADERSHIP - female leadership in municipal old-age care

This study is about female leadership. The purpose was to gain a better insight to qualities female managers in public sector assume they need to make an enjoyable leadership. We were also interested in finding out what they think is the joy and amusement in the leadership and how they consider responsibility and authority. We used a qualitative method interviewing female leaders at their work. In our analysis of the data we have looked for pattern and key words in a qualitative way.

Manliga folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av att jobba inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

The main purpose of this masters thesis is to investigate how male public librarians experience working in a female-dominated area by interviewing eight male public librarians. We want to find if our informants have experienced, or are experiencing, that the library users react differently to the male librarians, as opposed to the female librarians, with focus on possible prejudices. Besides this we want to investigate if the male librarians have had any reactions from their colleagues based on the fact that they are men working in a female profession. We are using three theories in this thesis. The first theory is based on an article by Christine L.

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