

69 Uppsatser om Fauna - Sida 2 av 5

Skalbaggar som nedbrytare i naturens ekosystem : Ett pedagogiskt material för Evolutionsmuseet

Denna rapport är en del i ett självständigt arbete där en pedagogisk produkt utformats för Evolutionsmuseet i Uppsala och är även en del i projektet ?Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs vid Uppsala universitet?. Produkten kommer att ingå i Evolutionsmuseets utställning Svensk Fauna och behandlar skalbaggar som nedbrytare på markytan i naturen. Produkten består av ett informationsblad skrivet som en berättelse och ett tittskåp. För att undersöka behovet av samt utvärdera vår produkt har vi använt oss av semi-strukturerad intervju och deltagande observation som metod.

Naturvärdesbedömning av Utanåfladen; En inventering av vårlekande fisk, bottenfauna och vegetation

There are several thousands shallow bays along the Swedish east coast. Most of them are disturbed by different human activities, and undisturbed bays can be considered as quite unique. In the sheltered shallow bays water warms up more rapidly than adjacent water favoring the growth of vegetation, which in turns is beneficial to spring spawning fish species like perch and pike. It is nowadays more common that coastal habitats are inventoried to facilitate future preservation and planning. The aim of this study was to investigate the shallow bay Utanåfladen (59° 53`31.38 N 19°00`44.90 E) in the north Stockholm archipelago and evaluate its habitat value.

Två år efter restaurering:Vad har förändrats i bottenfaunan?

The aim of the study was to examine if the benthos in a restored portion of a small lowland stream south of Linkoping differed from two non restored reference areas two years after restoration. The reference areas were one stretch downstream and one upstream stretches of the restored stream. The benthic invertebrates were collected using standardized kick sampling. In order to classify the communities and estimate any differences, three different indices were exercised. In addition rank-abundance curves and checklists were used to get a picture of species composition.

Attityder till återintroduktion av visent i Sverige

The European bison is a species which is no longer present in the wild Fauna of Sweden. Reintroduction has been proposed in several different forums. Reintroduction is an attempt to reestablish a viable population of a species in an area to which it is native. To make such an operation successful in the long run it is essential to know the attitudes of the stakeholders involved. This study has sensed the attitudes towards reintroduction of European bison to Sweden.

Hästavmaskningsmedels påverkan på miljö och välfärd

Healthy, natural pastures is very valuable for biodiversity in the form of both plants and animals. An efficient use of pastures helps to preserve biodiversity, but grazing animals needs to be de-wormed to keep them healthy and to prevent harmful parasites spread on the pasture. The awareness about the environmental impact of the frequent use of deworming agents is low among the public. Some people are unaware that the absorption in horses of anthelmintics is incomplete, which make the circumstances about enviromental effect important to investigate further. The scientific evidence in this area is limited and more studies and trials are needed to deepen the knowledge about the effects of anthelmintics in the environment.

Bentiska evertebraters förekomst i källor på Öland

Abstract The benthic macroinvertebrate Fauna of 22 natural springs on Öland was sampled, by using a time-standarized kick/sweep sampling technique, in the end of September and early October. The aim was to determine the number of species and their abundances in the macroinvertebrate communities in springs and how/why these may change between different springs. Likewise there was a purpose to investigate possible differences between springs considering the proportions of the number of species and the abundances of the five functional feeding groups; shredders, collectors, filter-feeders, scrapers and predators. There was also an aim to investigate if the distances betweeen springs had any influence on similarity between the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the springs. Analysis from the springs collected material showed several interesting patterns in the number of species and their abundances when compared between springs devided into groups depending on their environmental factors such as depth and pH.

Metod för inventering av underhållsbehov för skogsdiken

Large areas have been ditched in Sweden during the past 100 years to improve the forest production. Ditching and also maintenance of old ditches are operations having mainly negative effects on water quality, flora and Fauna and changing characteristics of soil. The purpose of this study was to suggest a method for inventory of the need for ditching maintenance in old forest ditches that takes biodiversity, water protection and forest production into consideration. Inventory methods from five Swedish and Finnish forest companies, agencies and organisations were compared. Their employees were interviewed about their handling with ditches, forest production and nature conservation.

Effekter på virkesproduktion och miljö av igenläggning av skogsdiken : en fallstudie nära Piteälven i Norrbotten

De skogliga våtmarkerna kring mellersta och nedre delen av Piteälven är starkt påverkade av markavvattning i form av skogsdikning. I skogliga våtmarker anrikas ämnen som kol, kväve och olika metaller. Våtmarker är även rika på organiska syror och vätejoner. Om våtmarken dikas kan urlakning av anrikade ämnen ske, detta kan leda till negativa effekter på intilliggan-de mark och vattendrag. WWF och Sveaskog i södra Norrbotten arbetar med en idé om att lägga igen gamla skogsdiken för att gynna våtmarksföredragande flora och Fauna samt för-bättra vattenmiljön kring Piteälven.

Skötselförslag på utvalda nyckelbiotoper i Kalmar och Kronobergs län.

The objective of this study was to contribute with suggestions of nature preservation managements of selected forest objects of high nature values managed by the Swedish state-owned forest company Sveaskog. Many forests with high natural potential are relatively rare today due to modern forestry, where wood production is the main purpose. Sveaskog?s policy is to consider and to priority nature conservation on valuable objects. This assessment includes objects that in the future may develop into nature reserves.

Främjande av biologisk mångfald vid tre våtmarker i Örebro :

Detta examensarbete handlar om hur man med olika skötselåtgärder kan påverka den biologiska mångfalden vid våtmarker. Våtmarkernas värde har tidigare ansetts vara små. Man dränerade och fyllde igen oräkneliga våtmarker i slutet av 1800- talet för att skapa odlingsmark. När våtmarkerna försvann minskade livsbetingelserna för de växter och djuren som levde i dessa miljöer, bland annat p.g.a. ökade näringsutsläpp och föroreningar från stad och jordbruk som försämrade vatten- och livskvalitén. Idag har behovet av våtmarkens betydelse omvärderats.

Micro plastics in the oceans and their effect on the marine fauna

Small pieces of plastic, termed ?micro plastic? in the oceans derive mainly from degradation of big plastics such as beach littering, but also from sources of direct emission from e.g. beauty scrubbers and synthetic sand-blasting. These micro plastics are ingested by marine animals ? mistaking them for plankton ? or via prey.

Gräsmattans "vara eller icke vara" : En undersökning av den traditionella gräsmattans moderna dilemma

The traditional lawn is believed to be facing a dilemma. On one hand, it is valuable for people because of its esthetical and functional values. On the other hand, the lawn is perceived as a monoculture without biological diversity that hinders the domestic landscape?s flora and Fauna. In this graduation-thesis, the private and public lawn?s dilemma of ?to be or not to be?, is examined from these two different perspectives.

Genomgång av kemikalieförteckning som exempel på uppströmsarbete : en identifiering av utfasningsämnen i spillvattnet

Benthic invertebrates play important roles as feeding resources for many organisms in different food webs. Shifts in predation of these organisms can generate cascading effects and potentially lead to the disappearance of one or more species from a site. Cascading effects can bring impacts to organisms who aren?t even directly involved, why studies in this field are important for understanding sudden changes in ecosystems. I examined the predation from fish and waterfowl on benthic invertebrates in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Tåkern in the plains of Östergötland County, southern Sweden.

Ivermektins påverkan på organismer i vatten och sediment

Endektociden ivermektin används i stor omfattning inom veterinärmedicinen. Läkemedlet metaboliseras i låg grad och kommer ut som verksamt ämne i faeces och utövar sina effekter på andra än målorganismerna, bl.a. faeceslevande arter. Eftersom vissa vattenlevande organismer uppvisar en särskild känslighet kommer denna litteraturstudie att fokusera på ivermektins toxicitet på organismer i akvatisk miljö och huruvida dessa kan vara i fara i svenska vatten. Daphnia magna är den art som visat sig känsligast och effekter har setts på nivåer så låga som 0,001 ng/l. Ivermektin verkar vara särskilt toxiskt för cladoceraner, den ordning som D.

Kunskapsläge och attityder till vildsvin (Sus scrofa) och dess förvaltning i Sverige

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is since its recent establishment and increasing density a controversial species in Sweden. But the attitudes towards the wild boar are poorly documented so far. To improve this knowledge, a questionnaire was sent out to chosen people (n=400) connected to the management and/or land use activities. The study got 162 replies (reply frequency 40,5%) and the results show varying attitude trends among organizations and individuals, with some aspects coherent within groups and some not. Farmers and their organization showed the most negative attitudes towards wild boars, which was expected due to the practical and economic problems they suffer from this species. People involved with forestry were more positive to wild boars, probably because the species does not affect forest growth etc severely, and may even promote plant establishment by the rooting.

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